Don't like the Upgrade at all

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This isn't a bug...this is like replacing your old car and discovering that your wife brought home a neon-pink Yugo with lime green polka dots, bright-orange seats, and lavender shag carpet.

I hate to break it to you, but the manufacturer of your old car sold out to Renault, and they started building the new models with square tires and concrete windshields.
Speaking of still toodling around in your spanky new truck, House?
So they want money. Who doesn't? CK said they had to patch alla time. Leaks in the hull, so to speak. What if hackers could get to all your pms or personal info? See what I mean?

I hate change too. I really really do. Hubby wanted to buy me a new digital camera and I said if he did, I would pee in his shoe. NO NEW GADGETRY. I hate it. But...I either deal with it or leave. And I ain't leavin'.

Then just admit it's about money. Why the bullshit. This isn't about new. This is about sucking....hard. Why is a 1/3 rd of my screen taken up with bullshit?
So they want money. Who doesn't? CK said they had to patch alla time. Leaks in the hull, so to speak. What if hackers could get to all your pms or personal info? See what I mean?

I hate change too. I really really do. Hubby wanted to buy me a new digital camera and I said if he did, I would pee in his shoe. NO NEW GADGETRY. I hate it. But...I either deal with it or leave. And I ain't leavin'.


So you're gonna pee in a shoe?
Did all that (and rebooted my PC), and it's still slow.

That's my go-to suggestion for conversions of all flavors of forum software. Works 75% of the time, and seems to clear up on its own shortly after those steps 20% of the time.

Hope you're not one of the 5% that has critical errors that causes a sudden and uninterruptible low-level format of your hard drive.

(Disclaimer: The low-level format thing is a joke, I am NOT serious about that)
All I got to say is, I'm done for the night posting here. The damn thing seriously hurts my eyes. I'm not kidding. It's hurting my eyes so much, it's starting to bring on a migraine. No thanks! I don't need that!

This is a "user improvement?" BS! It's a money making improvement!
Install f.lux on your computer for nighttime browsing. Makes the computer much easier on your eyes in general.
It's different, but it's hardly "unreadable" or any other nonsense. It's simply a different style that will take some getting used to. No more reputation alone makes it a vast improvement, in my opinion.

The bright white background will, quite literally, make it unreadable for some people. On top of that, it is impossible to read nested quotes to determine exactly what people are replying to without going back and rereading each post individually.

In other words, not all change is good. Recognizing that is the first step to actually being able to make an argument in favor of change that actually accomplishes something positive.
I'm using Google Chrome and everything works great, you should try that.

Because Google Chrome somehow makes everything workl?


I spent 30 minutes turning off stupid alerts and unfollowing people earlier today simply because I hate the term "Follower." That would not change if I used Chrome.

As for the shit working, that is the entire fucking problem with this site, way to many flashy things for idiotic kids with the attention span of a goldfish. If anyone can recommend a browser that breaks those features I will switch in an instant, but there is absolutely no reason to switch browsers to make things work.
The less opportunity for people to be rude to one another the better.

There is a dislike button on every post, how is that not an opportunity to be rude? By the way, did you notice that you can dislike as many posts as you want, with no limit? That actually gives people more opportunities to be rude than the old system.

In other words, you just proved that the new system is worse than the old one, all because you didn't take the time to actually look around before offering a defense of it.
There is a dislike button on every post, how is that not an opportunity to be rude? By the way, did you notice that you can dislike as many posts as you want, with no limit? That actually gives people more opportunities to be rude than the old system.

In other words, you just proved that the new system is worse than the old one, all because you didn't take the time to actually look around before offering a defense of it.

This board does not have a Dislike button.

If you think it does, point it out and I'll buy you Supporter status for a year.
There is a dislike button on every post, how is that not an opportunity to be rude? By the way, did you notice that you can dislike as many posts as you want, with no limit? That actually gives people more opportunities to be rude than the old system.

In other words, you just proved that the new system is worse than the old one, all because you didn't take the time to actually look around before offering a defense of it.

"Disliking" something is not rudeness (and it's disagree, not dislike, still not rudeness).

Rudeness is more like your last sentence.
Took me about 15min to get used to this new board software. I like the new one better already.
Top ten reasons to like the new board.​
  1. Supports ordered lists​
  2. Full bb code support​
  3. Support for drafts​
  4. Supports file uploads​
  5. Supports centering/justifying text​
  6. Supports tables​
  7. Supports spoilers​
look at this cool stuff
Centered text
Right justified​

The following text is spoiler text to read it hit the button

This bb code rocks

So, you like it because it does everything the old system did if you knew how to use it.

You're the second poster I've read in the last few minutes opine that people got nastier in neg PMs than on the open board. That's just not my experience. Or if it is I don't remember it -- what I remember is connecting with posters of other POVs, getting to know them better, and getting a chance to offer them an occasional credit where due. I see that an an opportunity that's now lost.

Mine either. People did organize a few neg rep routs of people they didn't like, but everyone who paid attestation could see it, and anyone who didn't like it was free to counter it with pos reps, which add up a lot quicker, with fewer restrictions, than the negs.
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