Don't like the Upgrade at all

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I disagree, it's become a social networking site like Facebook with likes and dislikes. The content section now is nothing like the subscribed thread we had before. The user CP was one of the best things I liked about this board, and nobody else came close. I understand the demographic they were going after win these changes, the younger Twitter / Facebook / Instagram types, but that category isn't really interested in spending time in a news board type environment. I don't know enough to have a valid opinion of whether this big risk of "out with the old" members and "in with the new" younger crowd is going to work.
Instead of user CP click on "watched threads." If you really want to see the other stuff check out your menu on your icon at the top right.
Changing from the familiar is always annoying. I prefer the old format but time will erase the memory as this one becomes familiar. So far everything is working and overall the experience is like changing to a different car. It's different but the same.
I do like the alerts though. Still....sigh. oy. Ackety.

It's funny what some people like, while others hate, isn't it? The alerts bug the snot out of me. I was typing a response, and ping, up comes this alert, which I clicked on, and POOF, there went my post, and the thread I was looking at. arg....
I actually had the very same thought after 3 minutes. It is too busy. It is a political message board......... Politics is complicated enough. Why mess with our forum like this. I was hoping it would not be so bad....I do not understand this change. Simple is better. The forum will lose it's soul in this.
All the more ads to dazzle you with little girl ;)
There is a dislike button on every post, how is that not an opportunity to be rude? By the way, did you notice that you can dislike as many posts as you want, with no limit? That actually gives people more opportunities to be rude than the old system.

In other words, you just proved that the new system is worse than the old one, all because you didn't take the time to actually look around before offering a defense of it.
It's a "Disagree" button, actually, and I don't think disagreeing is inherently rude. Regardless, the "Disagree" button does not offer an opportunity to send nasty little messages in private, thus removing an opportunity for rudeness.
You were perfectly free not to read the rep PMs.
Which is exactly what I did. I closed the drop down menus on the rep comments so I'd never have to see them. I don't believe I ever agitated for getting rid of rep, but am merely of the opinion that it was a good idea.
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