Don't monkey up the election!

Which is irrelevant, to the point of the thread, ie the vile race baiting of the Left.

The references is to SOCIALISM, not race. D'uh.

See what I mean? You just correctly noted the reference was to "his lefty opponent of course". Now you're sitting here denying your own words that you just reposted in the quote nest.

Hard to believe, this obsession with "alternative facts". The bubble where what's sitting right on the page isn't sitting right on the page, even though it is.


Wtf are you talking about?

"His lefty opponent" is a reference to his left opponent's, "socialist agenda".

Seriously, wtf are you talking about?

AH I see. So apparently when there's a governor election in Florida --- people don't run. "Agendas" do. So when you say he's referring to "his lefty opponent of course" --- you mean the agenda, not the person. Because when the voters go into the booth they'll see a long list of agenda items, not a name.

Thus when you specifically say "his opponent", you mean specifically "NOT his opponent". Just like "would" means "wouldn't".

Thanks for uh clearing that up.

Good grief, did you actually write this ? ROTFLMBO.

There is an agenda behind every name, not what the person had for super the night before.

Yep.....that is classic Pogo. hehheh
Like I’ve always said progressives are fucked in the head
Holy shit, you can't make this up:

DeSantis warns Floridians not to "monkey this up"

DeSantis' opponent:


What's sad is that you liberals are going to run against DeSantis on THAT instead of on all of the wonderful things that your guy has done as mayor of Tallahassee! Oh, that's right...Gillem is being investigated by the FBI for corruption and his city has the highest crime rates in the entire State! I guess when that's who you're stuck running you're better off not talking about him if at all possible!
Which is irrelevant, to the point of the thread, ie the vile race baiting of the Left.

The references is to SOCIALISM, not race. D'uh.

See what I mean? You just correctly noted the reference was to "his lefty opponent of course". Now you're sitting here denying your own words that you just reposted in the quote nest.

Hard to believe, this obsession with "alternative facts". The bubble where what's sitting right on the page isn't sitting right on the page, even though it is.


Wtf are you talking about?

"His lefty opponent" is a reference to his left opponent's, "socialist agenda".

Seriously, wtf are you talking about?

AH I see. So apparently when there's a governor election in Florida --- people don't run. "Agendas" do. So when you say he's referring to "his lefty opponent of course" --- you mean the agenda, not the person. Because when the voters go into the booth they'll see a long list of agenda items, not a name.

Thanks for uh clearing that up.


"His lefty opponent's agenda", is an obvious reference to his opponent as a PERSON with an AGENDA.

Wait --- now we're back to "opponent" actually meaning "opponent" again?

Was there a magnetic reversal of the poles just now? I can't keep up. Pass the dramamine.
This is the very reason God kicked Satan out of heaven wasn't it ?? Satan thought he had all the answers too, but as we are learning in watching you flailing and wailing here, that you are going down the same road that Satan had learned the hard way upon also it appears....Sometimes things are as simple as 1+1= 2 but then we have someone like a top Demon-crat named Bill Clinton trying to suggest that first we all must understand what the definition of is is. LOL.

People are catching on to the games being played now.
The reality is one cannot discuss reality regarding African-Americans, all that is permissable without being called a waycist is to praise them to high heaven.

Anyhow....this controversy would not exist if people had good reading abilities....if you read the Desantis statement it is plain to see he is referring to socialism in general not to his opponent in particular.

What Desantis actually said......"“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”

Now contrast that with how the fake news has twisted and spun the statement.....thus very few even know what Desantis actually said.

What is the purpose of making such a generic statement anyways?

It has all the credibility of saying 'red cars are faster on the average than brown cars'.

So what?
Reading the second half of the sentence, is hardly jumping though hoops.

ANd it's the agenda of his lefty opponent of course.

Thank you.


Five? Golf much?

For posting the logical conclusion I was leading Bobby Darin to. I guess he ran away again. I'll take your answer as a proxy for his.

You hear a man talk about another person's socialist agenda, and take that to be a racial attack?

That is not sane.

I do not know if Pogo is insane but he certainly has 'cognitive' issues.

Once again: "What Desantis actually said......"“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.

It is just shocking that you thing this is not racist. How would they embrace this agenda/ By voting for the black guy?
The reality is one cannot discuss reality regarding African-Americans, all that is permissable without being called a waycist is to praise them to high heaven.

Anyhow....this controversy would not exist if people had good reading abilities....if you read the Desantis statement it is plain to see he is referring to socialism in general not to his opponent in particular.

What Desantis actually said......"“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”

Now contrast that with how the fake news has twisted and spun the statement.....thus very few even know what Desantis actually said.

What is the purpose of making such a generic statement anyways?

It has all the credibility of saying 'red cars are faster on the average than brown cars'.

So what?
To point out the socialist agenda of his opponent. All socialists should be loud and proud.
The reality is one cannot discuss reality regarding African-Americans, all that is permissable without being called a waycist is to praise them to high heaven.

Anyhow....this controversy would not exist if people had good reading abilities....if you read the Desantis statement it is plain to see he is referring to socialism in general not to his opponent in particular.

What Desantis actually said......"“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”

Now contrast that with how the fake news has twisted and spun the statement.....thus very few even know what Desantis actually said.

What is the purpose of making such a generic statement anyways?

It has all the credibility of saying 'red cars are faster on the average than brown cars'.

So what?
To point out the socialist agenda of his opponent. All socialists should be loud and proud.
Thanks but I was referring to the poster, not the goober-natorial professional liar.
The reality is one cannot discuss reality regarding African-Americans, all that is permissable without being called a waycist is to praise them to high heaven.

Anyhow....this controversy would not exist if people had good reading abilities....if you read the Desantis statement it is plain to see he is referring to socialism in general not to his opponent in particular.

What Desantis actually said......"“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”

Now contrast that with how the fake news has twisted and spun the statement.....thus very few even know what Desantis actually said.

What is the purpose of making such a generic statement anyways?

It has all the credibility of saying 'red cars are faster on the average than brown cars'.

So what?
To point out the socialist agenda of his opponent. All socialists should be loud and proud.
Thanks but I was referring to the poster, not the goober-natorial professional liar.
I believe his opponent is a socialist. No lie.
I just wanted to quote that so, that the members & the mod staff here can see just how pathetic you are.

Also, you were banned over at DP. I see you are really fucking this place up too.

So what are you? The DP Hitman, come to get me here?

You look like a pathetic leftist shill to me.

Using third grade strategy only makes you & your tribe look like the brain dead Americans that you are.

By continuing to carry as you do, you cast a shadow of doubt upon all Americans.

I see you actually hate America.

No, I love America. An America where you don't have to walk on eggshells, watching what you say.

You just speak your mind in natural language.

I think it's an awesome concept!

If you loved your nation you would not be a divisive asshole; just like Trump.

Who says I'm divisive? I'm for all Americans coming together and getting it done!

On what grounds do you call me a "divisive asshole"?

Btw! Thanks for comparing me to Trump, I am flattered, cupcake.
How many pussies did you grab today?
See what I mean? You just correctly noted the reference was to "his lefty opponent of course". Now you're sitting here denying your own words that you just reposted in the quote nest.

Hard to believe, this obsession with "alternative facts". The bubble where what's sitting right on the page isn't sitting right on the page, even though it is.


Wtf are you talking about?

"His lefty opponent" is a reference to his left opponent's, "socialist agenda".

Seriously, wtf are you talking about?

AH I see. So apparently when there's a governor election in Florida --- people don't run. "Agendas" do. So when you say he's referring to "his lefty opponent of course" --- you mean the agenda, not the person. Because when the voters go into the booth they'll see a long list of agenda items, not a name.

Thanks for uh clearing that up.


"His lefty opponent's agenda", is an obvious reference to his opponent as a PERSON with an AGENDA.

Wait --- now we're back to "opponent" actually meaning "opponent" again?

Was there a magnetic reversal of the poles just now? I can't keep up. Pass the dramamine.
This is the very reason God kicked Satan out of heaven wasn't it ?? Satan thought he had all the answers too, but as we are learning in watching you flailing and wailing here, that you are going down the same road that Satan had learned the hard way upon also it appears....Sometimes things are as simple as 1+1= 2 but then we have someone like a top Demon-crat named Bill Clinton trying to suggest that first we all must understand what the definition of is is. LOL.

People are catching on to the games being played now.

I'm not sure Bill Clinton has made any posts here, let alone "Satan".

It's fairly simple. A dishonest poster got caught with the right answer to my query, and when I trapped him there he started squirming to get out. In one post he's saying DeSantis is referring to his opponent, which is correct. In the next breath he's contradicting himself, saying no he was referring to his opponent's agenda. Then he reversed himself again and went back to 'opponent'.

He's making the pretzels. I'm just watching.

Five? Golf much?

For posting the logical conclusion I was leading Bobby Darin to. I guess he ran away again. I'll take your answer as a proxy for his.

You hear a man talk about another person's socialist agenda, and take that to be a racial attack?

That is not sane.

I do not know if Pogo is insane but he certainly has 'cognitive' issues.

Once again: "What Desantis actually said......"“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.

It is just shocking that you thing this is not racist. How would they embrace this agenda/ By voting for the black guy?

Nope, by voting for the socialist with a socialist agenda. Quit race baiting.
Wtf are you talking about?

"His lefty opponent" is a reference to his left opponent's, "socialist agenda".

Seriously, wtf are you talking about?

AH I see. So apparently when there's a governor election in Florida --- people don't run. "Agendas" do. So when you say he's referring to "his lefty opponent of course" --- you mean the agenda, not the person. Because when the voters go into the booth they'll see a long list of agenda items, not a name.

Thanks for uh clearing that up.


"His lefty opponent's agenda", is an obvious reference to his opponent as a PERSON with an AGENDA.

Wait --- now we're back to "opponent" actually meaning "opponent" again?

Was there a magnetic reversal of the poles just now? I can't keep up. Pass the dramamine.
This is the very reason God kicked Satan out of heaven wasn't it ?? Satan thought he had all the answers too, but as we are learning in watching you flailing and wailing here, that you are going down the same road that Satan had learned the hard way upon also it appears....Sometimes things are as simple as 1+1= 2 but then we have someone like a top Demon-crat named Bill Clinton trying to suggest that first we all must understand what the definition of is is. LOL.

People are catching on to the games being played now.

I'm not sure Bill Clinton has made any posts here, let alone "Satan".

It's fairly simple. A dishonest poster got caught with the right answer to my query, and when I trapped him there he started squirming to get out. In one post he's saying DeSantis is referring to his opponent, which is correct. In the next breath he's contradicting himself, saying no he was referring to his opponent's agenda. Then he reversed himself again and went back to 'opponent'.

He's making the pretzels. I'm just watching.
An opponent representing an agenda are one in the same.
Don't mess up the election by hiring and/or voting in a socialist who will either push a socialist agenda or allow others to work through his office in order to promote a socialist agenda.

Now place the word "monkey" where the word mess is. Now see how that works ?

Yeah the left pounced on it because the word monkey and a black candidate got to close to one another in the same speak, but without a pattern of behavior showing Desantis as being a prior offender when it comes to such things, then it was all a dreamed up fantasy of the left to use racism somehow as a strategy to win.
AH I see. So apparently when there's a governor election in Florida --- people don't run. "Agendas" do. So when you say he's referring to "his lefty opponent of course" --- you mean the agenda, not the person. Because when the voters go into the booth they'll see a long list of agenda items, not a name.

Thanks for uh clearing that up.


"His lefty opponent's agenda", is an obvious reference to his opponent as a PERSON with an AGENDA.

Wait --- now we're back to "opponent" actually meaning "opponent" again?

Was there a magnetic reversal of the poles just now? I can't keep up. Pass the dramamine.
This is the very reason God kicked Satan out of heaven wasn't it ?? Satan thought he had all the answers too, but as we are learning in watching you flailing and wailing here, that you are going down the same road that Satan had learned the hard way upon also it appears....Sometimes things are as simple as 1+1= 2 but then we have someone like a top Demon-crat named Bill Clinton trying to suggest that first we all must understand what the definition of is is. LOL.

People are catching on to the games being played now.

I'm not sure Bill Clinton has made any posts here, let alone "Satan".

It's fairly simple. A dishonest poster got caught with the right answer to my query, and when I trapped him there he started squirming to get out. In one post he's saying DeSantis is referring to his opponent, which is correct. In the next breath he's contradicting himself, saying no he was referring to his opponent's agenda. Then he reversed himself again and went back to 'opponent'.

He's making the pretzels. I'm just watching.
An opponent representing an agenda are one in the same.

That's not even English but if you meant to say "an opponent and his agenda are one and the same" --- no, They ain't. One is a person, the other is a philosophy. People are not philosophies nor are philosophies people. One is a life form, a human being; the other is an abstract set of ideals.
Don't mess up the election by hiring and/or voting in a socialist who will either push a socialist agenda or allow others to work through his office in order to promote a socialist agenda.

Now place the word "monkey" where the word mess is. Now see how that works ?

Exactly. He could have said that. "We can't mess this up". "We can't screw this up". Whatever common phrase would convey the same thing, point made, move on, what's for lunch.

But no. He chose to invent a whole new phrase, using the word "monkey". Clearly that construction was calculated.
Any of you left wing morons know the difference between a verb and a noun? Apparently not. A verb describes an action, like drive, walk, repair, destroy, and yes in this case "monkey. A noun describes a person, place, or thing. Like Democrat, idiot, car, phone, opponent, wife, etc. When you say "Be sure not to monkey this up" "monkey is a verb, it cannot describe anyone. Got it? I doubt it.

From the Department of Redundancy Department: "Left Wing morons"

How informative that you lump "idiot", "opponent" and "wife" into one group. Something you'd like to share with the class?

You are correct though, in this usage "monkey" would be a verb, as it would in "monkey around". That's not in question. What actually is in question is why he would go out of his way to verbify the word "monkey" instead of the more common, say, "we can't screw this up" or "we can't mess this up". Also common would be "we can't fuck this up" but that's probably not making it to TV. But all of those would be common expressions where "monkey this up" is overtly forced. So the question is why he would choose to specifically verbify monkey, while specifically talking about an opponent who is black.

If this isn't clear have your idiot opponent wife essplain it.

He didn't go out of his was, it's common expression. That's just your hatred for the GOP and your irrational desire to destroy them that makes you say such stupid nonsense.

Oh it is huh.

When's the last time you ever heard it? Or read it?

Yeah exactly. Me too.

Multiple times, and even from your heroes 0bama, Pelosi, Schumer.

Calling bullshit. Right here, right now.

Prove me wrong with links. To any of the above. Hell, to anybody at all.
A robo-call going out to Florida voters:

>> "Well hello there," the call begins as the sounds of drums and monkeys can be heard in the background, according to the New York Times. "I is Andrew Gillum. We Negroes ... done made mud huts while white folk waste a bunch of time making their home out of wood an stone."

The speaker goes on to say he'll pass a law letting African-Americans evade arrest "if the Negro know fo' sho he didn't do nothin.'"

... "There is no room for any racial politics here in Florida - none," [Gov. Rick Scott's] tweet said. "Florida is a melting pot of people from all over the globe, and we are proud of it. No attempts to divide people by race or ethnicity will be tolerated, from anyone. THIS. STOPS. NOW."

And a spokesman for Rep. Ron DeSantis - the GOP gubernatorial candidate criticized for making racially tinged comments about Gillum - called the robo-calls "disgusting." << --- "We Negroes" Robocall an Attempt to Weaponize Race

Did Ron DeSantis' campaign make this up? No. The same article says it names an Idaho white supremacist group as the sponsor.

But did Ron DeSantis light the fuse that set them off....?

Well that's what race-baiting is all about, isn't it.

Ohhhh FUCK - Please NOT Idaho

"I is Andrew Gillum."

:confused-84: :eusa_doh: :confused-84: :eusa_doh: :confused-84:

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