Don't monkey up the election!

How informative that you lump "idiot", "opponent" and "wife" into one group. Something you'd like to share with the class?

You are correct though, in this usage "monkey" would be a verb, as it would in "monkey around". That's not in question. What actually is in question is why he would go out of his way to verbify the word "monkey" instead of the more common, say, "we can't screw this up" or "we can't mess this up". Also common would be "we can't fuck this up" but that's probably not making it to TV. But all of those would be common expressions where "monkey this up" is overtly forced. So the question is why he would choose to specifically verbify monkey, while specifically talking about an opponent who is black.

If this isn't clear have your idiot opponent wife essplain it.

He didn't go out of his was, it's common expression. That's just your hatred for the GOP and your irrational desire to destroy them that makes you say such stupid nonsense.

Oh it is huh.

When's the last time you ever heard it? Or read it?

Yeah exactly. Me too.

Multiple times, and even from your heroes 0bama, Pelosi, Schumer.

Calling bullshit. Right here, right now.

Prove me wrong with links. To any of the above. Hell, to anybody at all.
A robo-call going out to Florida voters:

>> "Well hello there," the call begins as the sounds of drums and monkeys can be heard in the background, according to the New York Times. "I is Andrew Gillum. We Negroes ... done made mud huts while white folk waste a bunch of time making their home out of wood an stone."

The speaker goes on to say he'll pass a law letting African-Americans evade arrest "if the Negro know fo' sho he didn't do nothin.'"

... "There is no room for any racial politics here in Florida - none," [Gov. Rick Scott's] tweet said. "Florida is a melting pot of people from all over the globe, and we are proud of it. No attempts to divide people by race or ethnicity will be tolerated, from anyone. THIS. STOPS. NOW."

And a spokesman for Rep. Ron DeSantis - the GOP gubernatorial candidate criticized for making racially tinged comments about Gillum - called the robo-calls "disgusting." << --- "We Negroes" Robocall an Attempt to Weaponize Race

Did Ron DeSantis' campaign make this up? No. The same article says it names an Idaho white supremacist group as the sponsor.

But did Ron DeSantis light the fuse that set them off....?

Well that's what race-baiting is all about, isn't it.

Ohhhh FUCK - Please NOT Idaho

"I is Andrew Gillum."

:confused-84: :eusa_doh: :confused-84: :eusa_doh: :confused-84:
Yeah sorry.
heheh The real question here is Pogo's coinfusion a result of a cognitive problem or of letting his bias submerge any logic he might have?

I would say his coinfusion comes from a combination of his bias and some innate cognitive problem. He has no idea how stupid that makes him look.

Once again: "What Desantis actually said......"“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state."

I don't appear to be the one with a "cognitive problem" when you keep posting the same quote over and over and over and over and over as if it's not known by everybody AND on video, and the other ass-hat sits there contradicting his own posts.

You are not focusing on what Desantis actually are vainly attempting to muddy the waters....not understanding you are not fooling anyone but yourself.

Once again: "What Desantis actually said......"“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state."

That is what he said. Now for the sake of clarity....try and deal with that. Post you analysis of what he actually said...not what others have claimed he said. Should be simple enough for you.

I did that, eight hundred posts ago. Yet here you are, exactly as described posting the same quote over and over and over and over and over and over.

Simply because you do not get it. Not even to mention you refuse to give your analysis of what Desantis actually said. You want to muddy the waters by talking about irrelevant stuff and what others have said. I asked you plain and simple....give this board your analysis of what Desantis actually said. You refused.

That is very telling.

I started giving my analysis back in post 11, Creamcheese. That's 880 posts ago. The fact that you're oblivious to it is what's "telling" here.

800 posts ago? And you're acting like something in wrong with him for not catching it? LOL!!

Does it not give you pause that you don't WANT to give your analysis?
"His lefty opponent's agenda", is an obvious reference to his opponent as a PERSON with an AGENDA.

Wait --- now we're back to "opponent" actually meaning "opponent" again?

Was there a magnetic reversal of the poles just now? I can't keep up. Pass the dramamine.

OMG, you're pathetic.

You have been stone cold busted with your race baiting.


I haven't even mentioned "race". Why are you obsessed with "race"? I just want to know how you can disown your own words and pretend you never posted them when I can prove that you did.

Dude. Seriously. You are just embarrassing yourself now.

Not an answer to either, is it.

This thread is about race baiting. It is the topic. We both choose to post in this thread.

So, your little lefty games, where you try to make me the topic to avoid discussing your vile positions on the issues?

Save them for someone who can't see through your shit.

"His lefty opponent's agenda", is an obvious reference to his opponent as a PERSON with an AGENDA.
Wtf are you talking about?

"His lefty opponent" is a reference to his left opponent's, "socialist agenda".

Seriously, wtf are you talking about?

AH I see. So apparently when there's a governor election in Florida --- people don't run. "Agendas" do. So when you say he's referring to "his lefty opponent of course" --- you mean the agenda, not the person. Because when the voters go into the booth they'll see a long list of agenda items, not a name.

Thanks for uh clearing that up.


"His lefty opponent's agenda", is an obvious reference to his opponent as a PERSON with an AGENDA.

Wait --- now we're back to "opponent" actually meaning "opponent" again?

Was there a magnetic reversal of the poles just now? I can't keep up. Pass the dramamine.
This is the very reason God kicked Satan out of heaven wasn't it ?? Satan thought he had all the answers too, but as we are learning in watching you flailing and wailing here, that you are going down the same road that Satan had learned the hard way upon also it appears....Sometimes things are as simple as 1+1= 2 but then we have someone like a top Demon-crat named Bill Clinton trying to suggest that first we all must understand what the definition of is is. LOL.

People are catching on to the games being played now.

I'm not sure Bill Clinton has made any posts here, let alone "Satan".

It's fairly simple. A dishonest poster got caught with the right answer to my query, and when I trapped him there he started squirming to get out. In one post he's saying DeSantis is referring to his opponent, which is correct. In the next breath he's contradicting himself, saying no he was referring to his opponent's agenda. Then he reversed himself again and went back to 'opponent'.

He's making the pretzels. I'm just watching.

You are playing word games to distract from the point.

The poster you are discussing made the mistake of talking to you, like you were a person, instead of a liberal.

And now we are all paying the price.

Five? Golf much?

For posting the logical conclusion I was leading Bobby Darin to. I guess he ran away again. I'll take your answer as a proxy for his.

You hear a man talk about another person's socialist agenda, and take that to be a racial attack?

That is not sane.

I do not know if Pogo is insane but he certainly has 'cognitive' issues.

Once again: "What Desantis actually said......"“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.

It is just shocking that you thing this is not racist. How would they embrace this agenda/ By voting for the black guy?

Nope, by voting for the socialist with a socialist agenda. Quit race baiting.

It is almost like they don't want to defend their socialist agenda.

Geez, I wonder why that would be....

And more so, if they know it is indefensible. What does it say about them, that they still support it.
"His lefty opponent's agenda", is an obvious reference to his opponent as a PERSON with an AGENDA.

Wait --- now we're back to "opponent" actually meaning "opponent" again?

Was there a magnetic reversal of the poles just now? I can't keep up. Pass the dramamine.
This is the very reason God kicked Satan out of heaven wasn't it ?? Satan thought he had all the answers too, but as we are learning in watching you flailing and wailing here, that you are going down the same road that Satan had learned the hard way upon also it appears....Sometimes things are as simple as 1+1= 2 but then we have someone like a top Demon-crat named Bill Clinton trying to suggest that first we all must understand what the definition of is is. LOL.

People are catching on to the games being played now.

I'm not sure Bill Clinton has made any posts here, let alone "Satan".

It's fairly simple. A dishonest poster got caught with the right answer to my query, and when I trapped him there he started squirming to get out. In one post he's saying DeSantis is referring to his opponent, which is correct. In the next breath he's contradicting himself, saying no he was referring to his opponent's agenda. Then he reversed himself again and went back to 'opponent'.

He's making the pretzels. I'm just watching.
An opponent representing an agenda are one in the same.

That's not even English but if you meant to say "an opponent and his agenda are one and the same" --- no, They ain't. One is a person, the other is a philosophy. People are not philosophies nor are philosophies people. One is a life form, a human being; the other is an abstract set of ideals.

Unless otherwise stated, a reference to a political candidate, would be a reference to them as politicians and their political positions and ideology, and agenda.

IF they had been context of discussion of his ethnic background then the discussing whether or not he was referring to race would be, at least, sane.

But instead the context makes it very clear it was a reference to him as a political candidate.

And you libs are a bunch of race baiting assholes.
Wait --- now we're back to "opponent" actually meaning "opponent" again?

Was there a magnetic reversal of the poles just now? I can't keep up. Pass the dramamine.

OMG, you're pathetic.

You have been stone cold busted with your race baiting.


I haven't even mentioned "race". Why are you obsessed with "race"? I just want to know how you can disown your own words and pretend you never posted them when I can prove that you did.

Dude. Seriously. You are just embarrassing yourself now.

Not an answer to either, is it.

This thread is about race baiting. It is the topic. We both choose to post in this thread.

So, your little lefty games, where you try to make me the topic to avoid discussing your vile positions on the issues?

Save them for someone who can't see through your shit.

"His lefty opponent's agenda", is an obvious reference to his opponent as a PERSON with an AGENDA.

This thread is about how a Republican candidate used a racial slur when talking about his black opponent and the pathetic asswipes that defend the use of racial slurs.
OMG, you're pathetic.

You have been stone cold busted with your race baiting.


I haven't even mentioned "race". Why are you obsessed with "race"? I just want to know how you can disown your own words and pretend you never posted them when I can prove that you did.

Dude. Seriously. You are just embarrassing yourself now.

Not an answer to either, is it.

This thread is about race baiting. It is the topic. We both choose to post in this thread.

So, your little lefty games, where you try to make me the topic to avoid discussing your vile positions on the issues?

Save them for someone who can't see through your shit.

"His lefty opponent's agenda", is an obvious reference to his opponent as a PERSON with an AGENDA.

This thread is about how a Republican candidate used a racial slur when talking about his black opponent and the pathetic asswipes that defend the use of racial slurs.

Bull shit. He did not use a racial slur, that is a complete lie. That’s the whole point. It’s because you racist fucks say it is, doesn’t change the facts. You’re desperate and a liar.
I don't appear to be the one with a "cognitive problem" when you keep posting the same quote over and over and over and over and over as if it's not known by everybody AND on video, and the other ass-hat sits there contradicting his own posts.

You are not focusing on what Desantis actually are vainly attempting to muddy the waters....not understanding you are not fooling anyone but yourself.

Once again: "What Desantis actually said......"“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state."

That is what he said. Now for the sake of clarity....try and deal with that. Post you analysis of what he actually said...not what others have claimed he said. Should be simple enough for you.

I did that, eight hundred posts ago. Yet here you are, exactly as described posting the same quote over and over and over and over and over and over.

Simply because you do not get it. Not even to mention you refuse to give your analysis of what Desantis actually said. You want to muddy the waters by talking about irrelevant stuff and what others have said. I asked you plain and simple....give this board your analysis of what Desantis actually said. You refused.

That is very telling.

I started giving my analysis back in post 11, Creamcheese. That's 880 posts ago. The fact that you're oblivious to it is what's "telling" here.
800 posts ago? And you're acting like something in wrong with him for not catching it? LOL!!
Does it not give you pause that you don't WANT to give your analysis?

It ain't my job to go cut and paste dozens of readily-available posts from several days ago --- days when that klown was already HERE. It *IS* however his job to back up his bullshit claim that I haven't done it.

So in other words, fuck him. I'm not here to enable somebody's "let's play stupid" game. That's toddler shit. I don't "owe" him squatterooni, let him get off his ass and go find them.
Wait --- now we're back to "opponent" actually meaning "opponent" again?

Was there a magnetic reversal of the poles just now? I can't keep up. Pass the dramamine.

OMG, you're pathetic.

You have been stone cold busted with your race baiting.


I haven't even mentioned "race". Why are you obsessed with "race"? I just want to know how you can disown your own words and pretend you never posted them when I can prove that you did.

Dude. Seriously. You are just embarrassing yourself now.

Not an answer to either, is it.

This thread is about race baiting. It is the topic. We both choose to post in this thread.

So, your little lefty games, where you try to make me the topic to avoid discussing your vile positions on the issues?

Save them for someone who can't see through your shit.

"His lefty opponent's agenda", is an obvious reference to his opponent as a PERSON with an AGENDA.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now we're back to the person again. The original answer and the correct one.

Countdown to full 180 in four.... three... two....
I haven't even mentioned "race". Why are you obsessed with "race"? I just want to know how you can disown your own words and pretend you never posted them when I can prove that you did.

Dude. Seriously. You are just embarrassing yourself now.

Not an answer to either, is it.

This thread is about race baiting. It is the topic. We both choose to post in this thread.

So, your little lefty games, where you try to make me the topic to avoid discussing your vile positions on the issues?

Save them for someone who can't see through your shit.

"His lefty opponent's agenda", is an obvious reference to his opponent as a PERSON with an AGENDA.

This thread is about how a Republican candidate used a racial slur when talking about his black opponent and the pathetic asswipes that defend the use of racial slurs.

Bull shit. He did not use a racial slur, that is a complete lie. That’s the whole point. It’s because you racist fucks say it is, doesn’t change the facts. You’re desperate and a liar.

You know how some website's help site will give you an option to "Ask the Community"?

Why don't we do that. Ready? Too bad, we're going in anyway.

(see delighted bigots cackling inside --- sample from an alternate thread on the same story:)

I have no problem with what the North Koreans called Sambo. After all, isn't this confrontation about free speech?

Yet another:

Another post from a similar story this time from Russia:

And he's not alone either. Just look at me, I've been doing it for years and feel no regrets. The people that are outraged should be ashamed of themselves not being able to accept what Obama really is and where he came from. I'll give you a hint from a lyric in the Gilligan's Island TV show ending theme song...."It's primitive as can be!" Putin's right hand man is correct in his assessment of Obama and his jungle like antics he discusses in the article.

Outrage as Putin’s right-hand man compares Barack Obama to a monkey on nationwide TV

Member Steve McRacist and his O'bamas-as-monkeys avatar? Here's what he said when called on it:

And how would you describe your avatar?
A truthful representation of the protohuman couple, and their actions, that recently lived in the White House.

More? Sure.

Looks like a monkey, smells like a monkey, acts like a monkey.

******* are monkey people
Those are just from this site and it's by no means an exhaustive list.

So play stupid all you like but it would appear the association is one of the racists' handiest go-to verbal truncheons. Your sticking your head in the sand going "la la la" doesn't change that.

Will there be anything else today?
Yes, racists do use monkey as a derogatory term for black people, it’s not debatable. That doesn’t mean DeSantis was referring to Gillum as a monkey.

He, contextually, was talking about the election in regards to electing a socialist. You have to make assumptions, without relevant evidence, in order to accuse him of being a racist.
Bad choice of words and really shows a lack of awareness, I however don't think he meant it to be racist.
Yes, racists do use monkey as a derogatory term for black people, it’s not debatable. That doesn’t mean DeSantis was referring to Gillum as a monkey.

He, contextually, was talking about the election in regards to electing a socialist. You have to make assumptions, without relevant evidence, in order to accuse him of being a racist.

Correct. None of us can know what he meant. Only DeSantis knows that.

But he did go out of his way to invent the term and appeared to do so deliberately. Whether that means he's "a racist" himself, whether it means he's simply alerting his potential base to appeal for the racist vote, or whether he just wanted attention with a plausible deniability, only he knows and he doesn't have to tell us. But it's at least one of those three. And none of those motivations look good.
OMG, you're pathetic.

You have been stone cold busted with your race baiting.


I haven't even mentioned "race". Why are you obsessed with "race"? I just want to know how you can disown your own words and pretend you never posted them when I can prove that you did.

Dude. Seriously. You are just embarrassing yourself now.

Not an answer to either, is it.

This thread is about race baiting. It is the topic. We both choose to post in this thread.

So, your little lefty games, where you try to make me the topic to avoid discussing your vile positions on the issues?

Save them for someone who can't see through your shit.

"His lefty opponent's agenda", is an obvious reference to his opponent as a PERSON with an AGENDA.

This thread is about how a Republican candidate used a racial slur when talking about his black opponent and the pathetic asswipes that defend the use of racial slurs.

This thread is about a bunch of race baiters lying about what a Republican said.

I sorry. I meant to say, VILE RACEBAITERS.
You are not focusing on what Desantis actually are vainly attempting to muddy the waters....not understanding you are not fooling anyone but yourself.

Once again: "What Desantis actually said......"“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state."

That is what he said. Now for the sake of clarity....try and deal with that. Post you analysis of what he actually said...not what others have claimed he said. Should be simple enough for you.

I did that, eight hundred posts ago. Yet here you are, exactly as described posting the same quote over and over and over and over and over and over.

Simply because you do not get it. Not even to mention you refuse to give your analysis of what Desantis actually said. You want to muddy the waters by talking about irrelevant stuff and what others have said. I asked you plain and simple....give this board your analysis of what Desantis actually said. You refused.

That is very telling.

I started giving my analysis back in post 11, Creamcheese. That's 880 posts ago. The fact that you're oblivious to it is what's "telling" here.
800 posts ago? And you're acting like something in wrong with him for not catching it? LOL!!
Does it not give you pause that you don't WANT to give your analysis?

It ain't my job to go cut and paste dozens of readily-available posts from several days ago --- days when that klown was already HERE. It *IS* however his job to back up his bullshit claim that I haven't done it.

So in other words, fuck him. I'm not here to enable somebody's "letta's play stupid" game. That's toddler shit. I don't "owe" him squatterooni, let him get off his ass and go find them.

Like you are unable to repeat your opinion on what he actually said, except by cutting and pasting.


You are playing evasive and silly games.

You lose.
OMG, you're pathetic.

You have been stone cold busted with your race baiting.


I haven't even mentioned "race". Why are you obsessed with "race"? I just want to know how you can disown your own words and pretend you never posted them when I can prove that you did.

Dude. Seriously. You are just embarrassing yourself now.

Not an answer to either, is it.

This thread is about race baiting. It is the topic. We both choose to post in this thread.

So, your little lefty games, where you try to make me the topic to avoid discussing your vile positions on the issues?

Save them for someone who can't see through your shit.

"His lefty opponent's agenda", is an obvious reference to his opponent as a PERSON with an AGENDA.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now we're back to the person again. The original answer and the correct one.

Countdown to full 180 in four.... three... two....

What point, do you think you are making?
I haven't even mentioned "race". Why are you obsessed with "race"? I just want to know how you can disown your own words and pretend you never posted them when I can prove that you did.

Dude. Seriously. You are just embarrassing yourself now.

Not an answer to either, is it.

This thread is about race baiting. It is the topic. We both choose to post in this thread.

So, your little lefty games, where you try to make me the topic to avoid discussing your vile positions on the issues?

Save them for someone who can't see through your shit.

"His lefty opponent's agenda", is an obvious reference to his opponent as a PERSON with an AGENDA.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now we're back to the person again. The original answer and the correct one.

Countdown to full 180 in four.... three... two....

What point, do you think you are making?

He has no point....he realizes is on the losing end of the argument and his only defense is to try and muddy the waters. As in he is willing to talk about anything except for what DeSantis actually said.

"What Desantis actually said......

Desantis..........."The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state."

There it is plain and simple...not complicated, not legalese...just plain simple language that anyone with even an average intelligence should be able to grasp....yet Pogo is unable to.

He claims he did in post 11 but if you check post 11 which I did and which I posted......he did not.

The only honorable thing for him to do at this point is to admit that he is a race baiter and beg for forgiveness.
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