Don’t Think Democrats Want to Grab All Guns?

At least Hitler was smart to eliminate most of the Polish he could but alas Stalin did more than Hitler and yet the Polish survived...

I wish Trump would make anti-Polish laws to keep guns out of their hands...

If Slavs were smart, we'd work together to dominate & destroy Western Europeans, particularly Anglo - Saxons AKA English & Germans a headache of Europe & the World.

Although, actually Putin is probably outsmarting the Western Europeans.

The EU is teetering on the edge.

USA on a verge of a potential civil war.

I think Putin's winning, I hope Poland changes sides before it's too late & realizes the West must be destroyed for their sins.

Says the guy born in New York, residing in New York. Your posting history suggests you are in serious need of mental health evaluation and treatment.

Oh but the guy who thinks Poles should be eliminated, while boasting of Hitler exterminating Poles is somehow not mentally ill?

My response was far less brutal than his.

But, you ignore that like an ignoramus.

Typical Western Cvnt, you're basically a race of subservient, cretins.

There is a big difference being trolled and conversing with someone mentally ill...

Sure you assume my comment to be mentally ill but if you dig deeper it is just me trolling you after your comment to get you to spew your hate for non-Slavs and your wish for an all white humanity that is built around the Polish society...

So yeah I wish Trump would be more supportive of anti-gun laws that kept just the Polish from having firearms...

But alas that would be unconstitutional as can be but only one could wish...

You missed the part I stated Stalin done more killing than Hitler but alas you're Polish and a Socialist and support the Democratic regime and will welcome more gun control even if it means you lose your rights along with it..

If you said the same exact thing about Jews, you'd probably be banned from the forum.

Of course its offensive to even suggest that genocide is good.

Its NOT something to joke about.

I know you Western Europeans are really, really dumb, but its not prejudices, and racism which is wrong, its actually genocide.

Hate to break it to you but when you write how dumb you consider Western Europeans are, well you get what you deserve.

You support the murder and genocide of Western Europeans and daily rant on here about Polish superiority, and then whine ( while never bringing the cheeze ) when someone like me return the favor and trolls you for your ignorant comments.

Gun laws that are proposed by leftist like you never solve the underlying issue and all it does is feed our Prison System.

Many on the left that you support want a doctor to say you are mentally competent to own a firearm and they want you to be reevaluated once a year.

Also many on the left want new laws that LEO never follow unless they have a bug up their ass...

Did you know the Orlando Shooter was on watch lists and the Federal Agencies did not share this information with each other or local authorities?

Now it was true that he was lifted off the lists but once he had bought the guns he should have been put back on it and watched.

We already have firearm laws that say you shouldn't murder Polish people ( well all people but seeing you are crying over this I will say Polish people so you can jump for joy, but not that much or Iran might have an Earthquake ), so how many more laws do you need to make you feel safe at night?

As for calling for the Genocide of Polish people, well I grew with my mother Half-Sister which she ( the Aunt not my mother ) was Polish, so you can understand my dislike for the Polish because all of you are big blowhards and usually amount to being nothing in life while marrying a woman that you need a forklift to carry.

Anyhoo, I support the self abortion of all of Humanity and not just one certain part of the world, but we can pray that Poland and all the Polish communities around the world would take my suggestion to heart and self abort but then again have you ever met a truly commonsense smart individual from Poland?

I still say Hitler mistaken the Girl that broke his heart as a Jew and she most likely was either Polish or Serbian...

But alas as I finish this response just note I stole a moment from your life that you will never get back and again the left like you are foolish to believe more gun laws or full confiscation of guns will stop the next mentally ill ( could even be Polish ) nutter from mass murder...

Oh, Stalin killed more Polish than Hitler, and yet you whine about Hitler and Nazi's while doing a Bear Hug to Stalin and Communism...

I don't support outright Genocide on Western Europeans.

But, I'll let you guys continue to destroy yourselves like you are.

If you were a smart race, you wouldn't be killing off your culture with a bunch of 3rd World peoples.
Anybody who can vote for Trump needs a mental evaluation.

Of course these dunderhead Americans think Trump is perfectly normal.

Oh no, he's not an obnoxious, smutty guy, he's not a narcissist pathological liar,
has 3,500 lawsuits against him, ripped off a Veterans charity, the Trump University scam, hired Illegal Immigrants, paid workers less than minimum wage, used Chinese steel on his towers, the Stormy Daniels fiasco, saying he could shoot someone in Times Square & get away with it, or his saying Tiananmen square massacre by the Communist Chinese was a good display of force.

I'd say the last one should be enough to deter Trump supporters, Trump's support of Communists.

But, who knows what Chimpy thoughts flow in your Western European dunderhead minds.

Anybody who openly declares themselves a fascist is the one who needs to be locked up in a mental facility.

Seems to me you have proudly declared you are a fascist.

Because you're indoctrinated & ignorant.

Fascism is a viable option.

Only for the mentally weak and defective who are incapable of thinking for themselves.

I grew up a long time ago. Anybody who declares themselves a supporter of fascism is an infant and should be in a nursery where they can't hurt themselves.

As I said you're ignorant & indoctrinated.

What's infantile is YOU.

FDR achieved the #1 growth in 20th Century USA history
He was basically Fascism lite.

Real Fascists like Franco, Hitler & Mussolini achieved even faster economic growth than FDR

So, actually Fascism has better economic results than your goofy Capitalism.

Fascists have real solutions.

Libertarians being ignorant, infantile dunderheads do not.

You believe its Capitalist freedom to continue hiring Illegals, continue to let Capitalists outsource, push Automation, Facebook censorship, Google Liberal biases, Hollywood smut & Liberalism, push for sex change operations, Porn, Gangster rap etc.

You are truly a very arrogant & ignorant beast.

You are not a fascist but I can smell the Stalinist on you big time...

Marxism is the perfect Utopia except for three thing's:

1. Greed: No matter how much you try to educate the simple minded Albino chimp ( I am using your chimpo analogy ) you can never remove the greed factor.

2. Envy: Jealousy or Envy will play big into the first part causing the Albino Polish Chimp to want more than the French Albino Chimp which will lead to conflict.

3. Sloth: The lazy Albino Polish Chimp will prefer to pass on their work because they feel they deserve more and have no incentive to work harder to earn more while they believe the French Albino Chimp should do all the work...


The reality is you have read so much about Communism and believe that it can work but the only time it has worked is when the government held a gun to it people head ( China, USSR, North Korea and Cuba ) while the citizens were disarmed and could not fight back and even then Commubism failed and turned into something else...

This is why leftist like you support laws banning firearms because knowing the citizens can and will fight back make it impossible to bring in your Orthodox Marxist form of Government...

So you are not a fascist little Trotsky but what you are selling will never be accepted in the States as long as those like me are living...

Go back to Poland and tell your people that they must embrace your way of thinking and see how fast the Polish even tell you how insane you are!

I'm clearly a Fascist, I don't want to eliminate private property, I don't want to get rid of private business, I just want to regulate big business.

Capitalism leads to gluttony, greed, and materialism.
Says the guy born in New York, residing in New York. Your posting history suggests you are in serious need of mental health evaluation and treatment.

Oh but the guy who thinks Poles should be eliminated, while boasting of Hitler exterminating Poles is somehow not mentally ill?

My response was far less brutal than his.

But, you ignore that like an ignoramus.

Typical Western Cvnt, you're basically a race of subservient, cretins.

There is a big difference being trolled and conversing with someone mentally ill...

Sure you assume my comment to be mentally ill but if you dig deeper it is just me trolling you after your comment to get you to spew your hate for non-Slavs and your wish for an all white humanity that is built around the Polish society...

So yeah I wish Trump would be more supportive of anti-gun laws that kept just the Polish from having firearms...

But alas that would be unconstitutional as can be but only one could wish...

You missed the part I stated Stalin done more killing than Hitler but alas you're Polish and a Socialist and support the Democratic regime and will welcome more gun control even if it means you lose your rights along with it..

If you said the same exact thing about Jews, you'd probably be banned from the forum.

Of course its offensive to even suggest that genocide is good.

Its NOT something to joke about.

I know you Western Europeans are really, really dumb, but its not prejudices, and racism which is wrong, its actually genocide.

Hate to break it to you but when you write how dumb you consider Western Europeans are, well you get what you deserve.

You support the murder and genocide of Western Europeans and daily rant on here about Polish superiority, and then whine ( while never bringing the cheeze ) when someone like me return the favor and trolls you for your ignorant comments.

Gun laws that are proposed by leftist like you never solve the underlying issue and all it does is feed our Prison System.

Many on the left that you support want a doctor to say you are mentally competent to own a firearm and they want you to be reevaluated once a year.

Also many on the left want new laws that LEO never follow unless they have a bug up their ass...

Did you know the Orlando Shooter was on watch lists and the Federal Agencies did not share this information with each other or local authorities?

Now it was true that he was lifted off the lists but once he had bought the guns he should have been put back on it and watched.

We already have firearm laws that say you shouldn't murder Polish people ( well all people but seeing you are crying over this I will say Polish people so you can jump for joy, but not that much or Iran might have an Earthquake ), so how many more laws do you need to make you feel safe at night?

As for calling for the Genocide of Polish people, well I grew with my mother Half-Sister which she ( the Aunt not my mother ) was Polish, so you can understand my dislike for the Polish because all of you are big blowhards and usually amount to being nothing in life while marrying a woman that you need a forklift to carry.

Anyhoo, I support the self abortion of all of Humanity and not just one certain part of the world, but we can pray that Poland and all the Polish communities around the world would take my suggestion to heart and self abort but then again have you ever met a truly commonsense smart individual from Poland?

I still say Hitler mistaken the Girl that broke his heart as a Jew and she most likely was either Polish or Serbian...

But alas as I finish this response just note I stole a moment from your life that you will never get back and again the left like you are foolish to believe more gun laws or full confiscation of guns will stop the next mentally ill ( could even be Polish ) nutter from mass murder...

Oh, Stalin killed more Polish than Hitler, and yet you whine about Hitler and Nazi's while doing a Bear Hug to Stalin and Communism...

I don't support outright Genocide on Western Europeans.

But, I'll let you guys continue to destroy yourselves like you are.

If you were a smart race, you wouldn't be killing off your culture with a bunch of 3rd World peoples.

If we were killing ourselves off with third world people, well we would all become Polish...

Yes, you support the mass genocide of anyone that is not Polish, and you hate Hitler....
Anybody who openly declares themselves a fascist is the one who needs to be locked up in a mental facility.

Seems to me you have proudly declared you are a fascist.

Because you're indoctrinated & ignorant.

Fascism is a viable option.

Only for the mentally weak and defective who are incapable of thinking for themselves.

I grew up a long time ago. Anybody who declares themselves a supporter of fascism is an infant and should be in a nursery where they can't hurt themselves.

As I said you're ignorant & indoctrinated.

What's infantile is YOU.

FDR achieved the #1 growth in 20th Century USA history
He was basically Fascism lite.

Real Fascists like Franco, Hitler & Mussolini achieved even faster economic growth than FDR

So, actually Fascism has better economic results than your goofy Capitalism.

Fascists have real solutions.

Libertarians being ignorant, infantile dunderheads do not.

You believe its Capitalist freedom to continue hiring Illegals, continue to let Capitalists outsource, push Automation, Facebook censorship, Google Liberal biases, Hollywood smut & Liberalism, push for sex change operations, Porn, Gangster rap etc.

You are truly a very arrogant & ignorant beast.

You are not a fascist but I can smell the Stalinist on you big time...

Marxism is the perfect Utopia except for three thing's:

1. Greed: No matter how much you try to educate the simple minded Albino chimp ( I am using your chimpo analogy ) you can never remove the greed factor.

2. Envy: Jealousy or Envy will play big into the first part causing the Albino Polish Chimp to want more than the French Albino Chimp which will lead to conflict.

3. Sloth: The lazy Albino Polish Chimp will prefer to pass on their work because they feel they deserve more and have no incentive to work harder to earn more while they believe the French Albino Chimp should do all the work...


The reality is you have read so much about Communism and believe that it can work but the only time it has worked is when the government held a gun to it people head ( China, USSR, North Korea and Cuba ) while the citizens were disarmed and could not fight back and even then Commubism failed and turned into something else...

This is why leftist like you support laws banning firearms because knowing the citizens can and will fight back make it impossible to bring in your Orthodox Marxist form of Government...

So you are not a fascist little Trotsky but what you are selling will never be accepted in the States as long as those like me are living...

Go back to Poland and tell your people that they must embrace your way of thinking and see how fast the Polish even tell you how insane you are!

I'm clearly a Fascist, I don't want to eliminate private property, I don't want to get rid of private business, I just want to regulate big business.

Capitalism leads to gluttony, greed, and materialism.

Is Facism the new word you are trying to hide your Trotsky way of living?

Again, no matter how much you try to sell your version of Marxism the fact remains Greed, Sloth and Envy will destroy your way...
Oh but the guy who thinks Poles should be eliminated, while boasting of Hitler exterminating Poles is somehow not mentally ill?

My response was far less brutal than his.

But, you ignore that like an ignoramus.

Typical Western Cvnt, you're basically a race of subservient, cretins.

There is a big difference being trolled and conversing with someone mentally ill...

Sure you assume my comment to be mentally ill but if you dig deeper it is just me trolling you after your comment to get you to spew your hate for non-Slavs and your wish for an all white humanity that is built around the Polish society...

So yeah I wish Trump would be more supportive of anti-gun laws that kept just the Polish from having firearms...

But alas that would be unconstitutional as can be but only one could wish...

You missed the part I stated Stalin done more killing than Hitler but alas you're Polish and a Socialist and support the Democratic regime and will welcome more gun control even if it means you lose your rights along with it..

If you said the same exact thing about Jews, you'd probably be banned from the forum.

Of course its offensive to even suggest that genocide is good.

Its NOT something to joke about.

I know you Western Europeans are really, really dumb, but its not prejudices, and racism which is wrong, its actually genocide.

Hate to break it to you but when you write how dumb you consider Western Europeans are, well you get what you deserve.

You support the murder and genocide of Western Europeans and daily rant on here about Polish superiority, and then whine ( while never bringing the cheeze ) when someone like me return the favor and trolls you for your ignorant comments.

Gun laws that are proposed by leftist like you never solve the underlying issue and all it does is feed our Prison System.

Many on the left that you support want a doctor to say you are mentally competent to own a firearm and they want you to be reevaluated once a year.

Also many on the left want new laws that LEO never follow unless they have a bug up their ass...

Did you know the Orlando Shooter was on watch lists and the Federal Agencies did not share this information with each other or local authorities?

Now it was true that he was lifted off the lists but once he had bought the guns he should have been put back on it and watched.

We already have firearm laws that say you shouldn't murder Polish people ( well all people but seeing you are crying over this I will say Polish people so you can jump for joy, but not that much or Iran might have an Earthquake ), so how many more laws do you need to make you feel safe at night?

As for calling for the Genocide of Polish people, well I grew with my mother Half-Sister which she ( the Aunt not my mother ) was Polish, so you can understand my dislike for the Polish because all of you are big blowhards and usually amount to being nothing in life while marrying a woman that you need a forklift to carry.

Anyhoo, I support the self abortion of all of Humanity and not just one certain part of the world, but we can pray that Poland and all the Polish communities around the world would take my suggestion to heart and self abort but then again have you ever met a truly commonsense smart individual from Poland?

I still say Hitler mistaken the Girl that broke his heart as a Jew and she most likely was either Polish or Serbian...

But alas as I finish this response just note I stole a moment from your life that you will never get back and again the left like you are foolish to believe more gun laws or full confiscation of guns will stop the next mentally ill ( could even be Polish ) nutter from mass murder...

Oh, Stalin killed more Polish than Hitler, and yet you whine about Hitler and Nazi's while doing a Bear Hug to Stalin and Communism...

I don't support outright Genocide on Western Europeans.

But, I'll let you guys continue to destroy yourselves like you are.

If you were a smart race, you wouldn't be killing off your culture with a bunch of 3rd World peoples.

If we were killing ourselves off with third world people, well we would all become Polish...

Yes, you support the mass genocide of anyone that is not Polish, and you hate Hitler....

You are putting words in my mouth, I never said I support outright genocide on anyone.
Because you're indoctrinated & ignorant.

Fascism is a viable option.

Only for the mentally weak and defective who are incapable of thinking for themselves.

I grew up a long time ago. Anybody who declares themselves a supporter of fascism is an infant and should be in a nursery where they can't hurt themselves.

As I said you're ignorant & indoctrinated.

What's infantile is YOU.

FDR achieved the #1 growth in 20th Century USA history
He was basically Fascism lite.

Real Fascists like Franco, Hitler & Mussolini achieved even faster economic growth than FDR

So, actually Fascism has better economic results than your goofy Capitalism.

Fascists have real solutions.

Libertarians being ignorant, infantile dunderheads do not.

You believe its Capitalist freedom to continue hiring Illegals, continue to let Capitalists outsource, push Automation, Facebook censorship, Google Liberal biases, Hollywood smut & Liberalism, push for sex change operations, Porn, Gangster rap etc.

You are truly a very arrogant & ignorant beast.

You are not a fascist but I can smell the Stalinist on you big time...

Marxism is the perfect Utopia except for three thing's:

1. Greed: No matter how much you try to educate the simple minded Albino chimp ( I am using your chimpo analogy ) you can never remove the greed factor.

2. Envy: Jealousy or Envy will play big into the first part causing the Albino Polish Chimp to want more than the French Albino Chimp which will lead to conflict.

3. Sloth: The lazy Albino Polish Chimp will prefer to pass on their work because they feel they deserve more and have no incentive to work harder to earn more while they believe the French Albino Chimp should do all the work...


The reality is you have read so much about Communism and believe that it can work but the only time it has worked is when the government held a gun to it people head ( China, USSR, North Korea and Cuba ) while the citizens were disarmed and could not fight back and even then Commubism failed and turned into something else...

This is why leftist like you support laws banning firearms because knowing the citizens can and will fight back make it impossible to bring in your Orthodox Marxist form of Government...

So you are not a fascist little Trotsky but what you are selling will never be accepted in the States as long as those like me are living...

Go back to Poland and tell your people that they must embrace your way of thinking and see how fast the Polish even tell you how insane you are!

I'm clearly a Fascist, I don't want to eliminate private property, I don't want to get rid of private business, I just want to regulate big business.

Capitalism leads to gluttony, greed, and materialism.

Is Facism the new word you are trying to hide your Trotsky way of living?

Again, no matter how much you try to sell your version of Marxism the fact remains Greed, Sloth and Envy will destroy your way...

Fascism still has the masses own private property, and private businesses, just the private businesses are regulated by Councils.

That's what I support.
There is a big difference being trolled and conversing with someone mentally ill...

Sure you assume my comment to be mentally ill but if you dig deeper it is just me trolling you after your comment to get you to spew your hate for non-Slavs and your wish for an all white humanity that is built around the Polish society...

So yeah I wish Trump would be more supportive of anti-gun laws that kept just the Polish from having firearms...

But alas that would be unconstitutional as can be but only one could wish...

You missed the part I stated Stalin done more killing than Hitler but alas you're Polish and a Socialist and support the Democratic regime and will welcome more gun control even if it means you lose your rights along with it..

If you said the same exact thing about Jews, you'd probably be banned from the forum.

Of course its offensive to even suggest that genocide is good.

Its NOT something to joke about.

I know you Western Europeans are really, really dumb, but its not prejudices, and racism which is wrong, its actually genocide.

Hate to break it to you but when you write how dumb you consider Western Europeans are, well you get what you deserve.

You support the murder and genocide of Western Europeans and daily rant on here about Polish superiority, and then whine ( while never bringing the cheeze ) when someone like me return the favor and trolls you for your ignorant comments.

Gun laws that are proposed by leftist like you never solve the underlying issue and all it does is feed our Prison System.

Many on the left that you support want a doctor to say you are mentally competent to own a firearm and they want you to be reevaluated once a year.

Also many on the left want new laws that LEO never follow unless they have a bug up their ass...

Did you know the Orlando Shooter was on watch lists and the Federal Agencies did not share this information with each other or local authorities?

Now it was true that he was lifted off the lists but once he had bought the guns he should have been put back on it and watched.

We already have firearm laws that say you shouldn't murder Polish people ( well all people but seeing you are crying over this I will say Polish people so you can jump for joy, but not that much or Iran might have an Earthquake ), so how many more laws do you need to make you feel safe at night?

As for calling for the Genocide of Polish people, well I grew with my mother Half-Sister which she ( the Aunt not my mother ) was Polish, so you can understand my dislike for the Polish because all of you are big blowhards and usually amount to being nothing in life while marrying a woman that you need a forklift to carry.

Anyhoo, I support the self abortion of all of Humanity and not just one certain part of the world, but we can pray that Poland and all the Polish communities around the world would take my suggestion to heart and self abort but then again have you ever met a truly commonsense smart individual from Poland?

I still say Hitler mistaken the Girl that broke his heart as a Jew and she most likely was either Polish or Serbian...

But alas as I finish this response just note I stole a moment from your life that you will never get back and again the left like you are foolish to believe more gun laws or full confiscation of guns will stop the next mentally ill ( could even be Polish ) nutter from mass murder...

Oh, Stalin killed more Polish than Hitler, and yet you whine about Hitler and Nazi's while doing a Bear Hug to Stalin and Communism...

I don't support outright Genocide on Western Europeans.

But, I'll let you guys continue to destroy yourselves like you are.

If you were a smart race, you wouldn't be killing off your culture with a bunch of 3rd World peoples.

If we were killing ourselves off with third world people, well we would all become Polish...

Yes, you support the mass genocide of anyone that is not Polish, and you hate Hitler....

You are putting words in my mouth, I never said I support outright genocide on anyone.

You know deep down you do...

Your hatred for the West is well noted and you would love to pull a Stalin on the West and treat the West like your personal Ukraine!
Only for the mentally weak and defective who are incapable of thinking for themselves.

I grew up a long time ago. Anybody who declares themselves a supporter of fascism is an infant and should be in a nursery where they can't hurt themselves.

As I said you're ignorant & indoctrinated.

What's infantile is YOU.

FDR achieved the #1 growth in 20th Century USA history
He was basically Fascism lite.

Real Fascists like Franco, Hitler & Mussolini achieved even faster economic growth than FDR

So, actually Fascism has better economic results than your goofy Capitalism.

Fascists have real solutions.

Libertarians being ignorant, infantile dunderheads do not.

You believe its Capitalist freedom to continue hiring Illegals, continue to let Capitalists outsource, push Automation, Facebook censorship, Google Liberal biases, Hollywood smut & Liberalism, push for sex change operations, Porn, Gangster rap etc.

You are truly a very arrogant & ignorant beast.

You are not a fascist but I can smell the Stalinist on you big time...

Marxism is the perfect Utopia except for three thing's:

1. Greed: No matter how much you try to educate the simple minded Albino chimp ( I am using your chimpo analogy ) you can never remove the greed factor.

2. Envy: Jealousy or Envy will play big into the first part causing the Albino Polish Chimp to want more than the French Albino Chimp which will lead to conflict.

3. Sloth: The lazy Albino Polish Chimp will prefer to pass on their work because they feel they deserve more and have no incentive to work harder to earn more while they believe the French Albino Chimp should do all the work...


The reality is you have read so much about Communism and believe that it can work but the only time it has worked is when the government held a gun to it people head ( China, USSR, North Korea and Cuba ) while the citizens were disarmed and could not fight back and even then Commubism failed and turned into something else...

This is why leftist like you support laws banning firearms because knowing the citizens can and will fight back make it impossible to bring in your Orthodox Marxist form of Government...

So you are not a fascist little Trotsky but what you are selling will never be accepted in the States as long as those like me are living...

Go back to Poland and tell your people that they must embrace your way of thinking and see how fast the Polish even tell you how insane you are!

I'm clearly a Fascist, I don't want to eliminate private property, I don't want to get rid of private business, I just want to regulate big business.

Capitalism leads to gluttony, greed, and materialism.

Is Facism the new word you are trying to hide your Trotsky way of living?

Again, no matter how much you try to sell your version of Marxism the fact remains Greed, Sloth and Envy will destroy your way...

Fascism still has the masses own private property, and private businesses, just the private businesses are regulated by Councils.

That's what I support.

Sure you do until a Marxist rises strong enough and then you will scream " I am Marxist! " ...

As pointed out you are insane but so am I...


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