Don't think we live in a police state?

Whoever thinks he/she is living in a police state in the USA, obviously have never been in a police state.

So, the answer is; no, you are not living in a police state. In fact you are living in one of the most free states one can live in, at least on this planet.


I agree, to a point. I, too, know what a "police state" looks like. Moscow - 1981 Gdansk - 1982

We are not there yet, however, at the rate we are going in America, it is not far off.

Take a couple of minutes and read. Yes, this was 2011, however, coupled with the ever-increasing stories of abuse by "law enforcement" how can one NOT make the logical assumption that we are headed more and more to a police state every day.

But also note that; those people you put the link up are in a "court" where they may or may not receive some justice.

In moscow however, when they take you, as I said before, you don't know why, where nor for how long, let alone being able to complain to any institution that is available to you.

So I find claiming US being a police state a big exaggeration, considering the world we are living in.

I agree, to a point. I, too, know what a "police state" looks like. Moscow - 1981 Gdansk - 1982

We are not there yet, however, at the rate we are going in America, it is not far off.

Take a couple of minutes and read. Yes, this was 2011, however, coupled with the ever-increasing stories of abuse by "law enforcement" how can one NOT make the logical assumption that we are headed more and more to a police state every day.

But also note that; those people you put the link up are in a "court" where they may or may not receive some justice.

In moscow however, when they take you, as I said before, you don't know why, where nor for how long, let alone being able to complain to any institution that is available to you.

So I find claiming US being a police state a big exaggeration, considering the world we are living in.

Again, I never made the statement that "we live in a police state". I said that at the rate we are going, it's not a stretch to imagine what America might look like in another 20-30-40 years.
Gee, here i am a 60 year old rough tough take no shit retired Sergeant and I have never had a negative problem with the police.

I've been pulled over at check points and got a ticket for a tag that was expired by one day...Officer didn't care that I was out of town and on my way home...Oh well, i should have taken care of it before i left....

I've been pulled over for suspicion of DUI... Played the game straight, answered their questions and moved on.

Got pulled over by border patrol, answered their questions and moved on in less than 3 minutes.

And I've had two officer pull me over for speeding and neither gave me a ticket.

Then there was the one who helped me change a flat tire...

Police state? I think not. Idiots who want to push the limits...yeah they are out there.....

Nor have I - a retired CWO. That isn't the point Sergeant. There USED to be give and take by law enforcement. I have a nephew who is a Detective in Atlanta. HE even says that HE has seen a change in cops.

Today, the police (and again) not every police officer, seem to think that they can do as they please, when they please and to hell with the consequences. This is not right. I understand that they have a tough job. However - as I'm sure you heard in the NCO Academy, BNCOC or PNCOC - either do it right, or get the hell out.

Americans DO have rights - at least at this point - and the police can NOT abuse them.

Owner of Dog Shot by Police Wants Apology | NBC Bay Area

They just don't care any longer.

No one is making any claim that some (a minority) of officers act like idiots and smart asses, even power hungry.... But the guy who wrote the Op firmly believes that all police are bad. His thread is not about a police state but about him hating any and all police officers.....
You know, perhaps this wouldn't be so much of a police state if there weren't so many extremists and nutjobs looking to blow stuff up and kill people.

It's because of those lunatics that the rest of us have to deal with infringement upon our rights. And rightfully so.

But even then, I'd still disagree with you in that this is a police state. You want to experience a real police state?

Go to Cuba or Venezuela and start speaking negatively about the government in public. Or even better, head on out to one of those middle eastern countries and speak out against Mohammed.
Gee, here i am a 60 year old rough tough take no shit retired Sergeant and I have never had a negative problem with the police.

I've been pulled over at check points and got a ticket for a tag that was expired by one day...Officer didn't care that I was out of town and on my way home...Oh well, i should have taken care of it before i left....

I've been pulled over for suspicion of DUI... Played the game straight, answered their questions and moved on.

Got pulled over by border patrol, answered their questions and moved on in less than 3 minutes.

And I've had two officer pull me over for speeding and neither gave me a ticket.

Then there was the one who helped me change a flat tire...

Police state? I think not. Idiots who want to push the limits...yeah they are out there.....

Nor have I - a retired CWO. That isn't the point Sergeant. There USED to be give and take by law enforcement. I have a nephew who is a Detective in Atlanta. HE even says that HE has seen a change in cops.

Today, the police (and again) not every police officer, seem to think that they can do as they please, when they please and to hell with the consequences. This is not right. I understand that they have a tough job. However - as I'm sure you heard in the NCO Academy, BNCOC or PNCOC - either do it right, or get the hell out.

Americans DO have rights - at least at this point - and the police can NOT abuse them.

Owner of Dog Shot by Police Wants Apology | NBC Bay Area

They just don't care any longer.

No one is making any claim that some (a minority) of officers act like idiots and smart asses, even power hungry.... But the guy who wrote the Op firmly believes that all police are bad. His thread is not about a police state but about him hating any and all police officers.....

Agreed. However, read a newspaper. Watch the local news. Watch the national news. Go online. Seems to me that reports like this are increasing in number each day. True, it's a minority (and I will be the first to recognize that). However, as they increase, the "minority becomes larger and larger until it's no longer the "minority".

There seems to be less and less accountability around Police today than there was "yesterday".
Apparently, some people on this board live on a different planet or are just deliberately obtuse.
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A police state doesn't have JURIES, hater dupes. Franco's Spain for example...every time we did someting wrong on the road, there were 2 or 3 guys with submachine guns wanting money- and you'd better have it and stfu lol. One pot seed, 6 years, kill a pedestrian, disappear. And we were tourists they LOVED...

Of course they do and have judges and juries in Progressive Marxist countries. Russia and China have trials for those they have arrested only after they have been interrogated (tortured). The juries there are already told and ordered on what they have to say in regard to whether the person is guilty or innocent.

Look at what's happening to George Zimmerman. The police originally did not want to arrest or prosecute him. Al Sharpton almost called for the man's lynching. This trial is all about racism. Obama and his self avowed Marxists are 'Fundamentally Transforming America into the mirror image of their Marxist image. You ain't seen nothing yet.
Nor have I - a retired CWO. That isn't the point Sergeant. There USED to be give and take by law enforcement. I have a nephew who is a Detective in Atlanta. HE even says that HE has seen a change in cops.

Today, the police (and again) not every police officer, seem to think that they can do as they please, when they please and to hell with the consequences. This is not right. I understand that they have a tough job. However - as I'm sure you heard in the NCO Academy, BNCOC or PNCOC - either do it right, or get the hell out.

Americans DO have rights - at least at this point - and the police can NOT abuse them.

Owner of Dog Shot by Police Wants Apology | NBC Bay Area

They just don't care any longer.

No one is making any claim that some (a minority) of officers act like idiots and smart asses, even power hungry.... But the guy who wrote the Op firmly believes that all police are bad. His thread is not about a police state but about him hating any and all police officers.....

Agreed. However, read a newspaper. Watch the local news. Watch the national news. Go online. Seems to me that reports like this are increasing in number each day. True, it's a minority (and I will be the first to recognize that). However, as they increase, the "minority becomes larger and larger until it's no longer the "minority".

There seems to be less and less accountability around Police today than there was "yesterday".

Mass communications is increasing each day too... I would wonder how many Police are fired every year and how many are doing time....
I agree, to a point. I, too, know what a "police state" looks like. Moscow - 1981 Gdansk - 1982

We are not there yet, however, at the rate we are going in America, it is not far off.

Take a couple of minutes and read. Yes, this was 2011, however, coupled with the ever-increasing stories of abuse by "law enforcement" how can one NOT make the logical assumption that we are headed more and more to a police state every day.

But also note that; those people you put the link up are in a "court" where they may or may not receive some justice.

In moscow however, when they take you, as I said before, you don't know why, where nor for how long, let alone being able to complain to any institution that is available to you.

So I find claiming US being a police state a big exaggeration, considering the world we are living in.

Again, I never made the statement that "we live in a police state". I said that at the rate we are going, it's not a stretch to imagine what America might look like in another 20-30-40 years.

I think it would be a stretch to imagine US becoming a police state. When you look at those countries who became one, there was a reason for them to be one, all along from the beginning.

You have laws prevent your presidents to be elected for a 3rd time. What is he going to do with a police state that he will not be able to use after his 2nd term. You even have laws to prevent your presidents to do their jobs :)

It would be very very difficult to turn this country in to a police state, even if any of your presidents wanted to.

A very common attribute of any police state, family bonding. If the police chief is not your close blood relative, you should think twice to turn your nation into a police state. So a police state is not suitable for US society to begin with. They could not have been able to stop you people nag about it on the forums and facebook in the first place :)
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LMAO...the hell they aren't. I have yet in my 28 years on this earth met 1 cop I wouldn't mind shaking hands with much less being friends with..they are all assholes,thugs,criminals,rapists,murderers and just fucking little tyrants little pricks who were bullied in school who became cops because it makes them feel big and bad with that piece of shit badge on their chest...

28 years, and ass raped for 5 or so. Its why it has such a hard on for cops.
As a survival skill, I have 1 rule when it comes to police and that is to assume they're bent cops until proven otherwise. That does not mean do stupid crap to stir them up, rather, be on guard, play it cool and know your rights. Oh, and a camera is a must. I use one disguised as a pen.
This guy was an idiot. The entire situation could have been avoided by rolling down his window in the first place. He didn't want the police to check his license and let him through. His intent was to stir up shit from the beginning. He even had his camera ready for the inevitable shitstorm. Need proof we don't live in a police state? This idiot walked away with his teeth intact.
You live in a turn key police state, meaning in a heartbeat they'll go hard tyranny on you. What you live under now is soft tyranny. They have the infrastructure to do so and wouldn't necessarily have to involve the military.

But this guy wasn't an idiot at all actually. He is making a point. He planned this. He is just showing you how some cops don't follow the rules any longer. The fact that he knew what would happen only underscores the fact that they're getting out of control.
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Whoever thinks he/she is living in a police state in the USA, obviously have never been in a police state.

So, the answer is; no, you are not living in a police state. In fact you are living in one of the most free states one can live in, at least on this planet.

Whoever thinks he/she is living in a free state in the USA, obviously have never been in a free state.

So, the answer is; YES, you are living in a police state. In fact you are living in one of the most tyrannical states one can live in, at least in this galaxy

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This guy was an idiot. The entire situation could have been avoided by rolling down his window in the first place. He didn't want the police to check his license and let him through. His intent was to stir up shit from the beginning. He even had his camera ready for the inevitable shitstorm. Need proof we don't live in a police state? This idiot walked away with his teeth intact.

It's his window...he can do whatever he wants.
Whoever thinks he/she is living in a police state in the USA, obviously have never been in a police state.

So, the answer is; no, you are not living in a police state. In fact you are living in one of the most free states one can live in, at least on this planet.

Whoever thinks he/she is living in a free state in the USA, obviously have never been in a free state.

So, the answer is; YES, you are living in a police state. In fact you are living in one of the most tyrannical states one can live in, at least on this galaxy


Haha, that was funny.

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