Don't think we live in a police state?

Just another I hate police anarchist thread....

nothing to see here move on.....
Enjoy the neg rep nazi bitch.
So to make it clear to you facebook youth, who experience whole world through their facebook timelines and some youtube videos, what a police state is;

In a police state when police takes you, you don't know why, you don't know where and you don't know for how long. A country doesn't become a police state just because someone got a cavity search. In a police state, they push you in a 1 by 1 concrete room, make you shit on the floor and make you eat it.

In this country, the whole world broke loose just because a terrorist suspect arab guy got water boarded. This is like a routine to anyone end up in a police station in most countries on this world.

You are just like bunch of sissies complaining how your nail broken when you were trying to pick up the parking ticket on your windshield. Oooohhhhh, police state, beware.

I would like to see you live outside of this country for a month. You would probably be running back crying like a baby...

Lol at facebook youth....I am 28 pal not a youth...I have experience cops being hate is 100% wear a badge and a uniform you are the fucking enemy to me.
Just another I hate police anarchist thread....

nothing to see here move on.....
Enjoy the neg rep nazi bitch.
So to make it clear to you facebook youth, who experience whole world through their facebook timelines and some youtube videos, what a police state is;

In a police state when police takes you, you don't know why, you don't know where and you don't know for how long. A country doesn't become a police state just because someone got a cavity search. In a police state, they push you in a 1 by 1 concrete room, make you shit on the floor and make you eat it.

In this country, the whole world broke loose just because a terrorist suspect arab guy got water boarded. This is like a routine to anyone end up in a police station in most countries on this world.

You are just like bunch of sissies complaining how your nail broken when you were trying to pick up the parking ticket on your windshield. Oooohhhhh, police state, beware.

I would like to see you live outside of this country for a month. You would probably be running back crying like a baby...

Lol at facebook youth....I am 28 pal not a youth...I have experience cops being hate is 100% wear a badge and a uniform you are the fucking enemy to me.

I am not saying you are not justified. You have reason to complain. But you have to be proportionate. Complaining about the police acting unlawfully is different from claiming this is a police state. It is funny to call USA a police state.

Rest of the world would laugh at you when you make this claim.
Just another I hate police anarchist thread....

nothing to see here move on.....
Enjoy the neg rep nazi bitch.
So to make it clear to you facebook youth, who experience whole world through their facebook timelines and some youtube videos, what a police state is;

In a police state when police takes you, you don't know why, you don't know where and you don't know for how long. A country doesn't become a police state just because someone got a cavity search. In a police state, they push you in a 1 by 1 concrete room, make you shit on the floor and make you eat it.

In this country, the whole world broke loose just because a terrorist suspect arab guy got water boarded. This is like a routine to anyone end up in a police station in most countries on this world.

You are just like bunch of sissies complaining how your nail broken when you were trying to pick up the parking ticket on your windshield. Oooohhhhh, police state, beware.

I would like to see you live outside of this country for a month. You would probably be running back crying like a baby...

Lol at facebook youth....I am 28 pal not a youth...I have experience cops being hate is 100% wear a badge and a uniform you are the fucking enemy to me.

At 28 you are a child. You have never been stopped by anything like a Nazi. If the police are your enemy then you belong in prison. Where the rest of society can be assured you are well taken care of.....
We willingly traded certain freedoms for security when president Bush created the Homeland Security agency. Nobody knew that a radical left wing president would turn the agency into a political tool and take over the entire IRS as an arm of the administration. It seems that the media we usually depend on to inform citizens of abuses of power also became an arm of the administration.
Have you ever been to Hitler Germany? But wait, that may not be possible. Have you ever been to any other country in this world that is not considered democratic?

The above question is irrelevant. Visiting another country does not expose one to the subtleties of the average modern police state. They have to get pretty bad to be in your face from the first moment until you leave. North Korea is probably like that, but that is pretty extreme.

As to whether any of us have been to a non-democratic country, that too is irrelevant. What is democratic? The USSR voted for their representatives. You can argue that they were all communist, but all of America's congressmen and senators are capitalist. Many police states allow voting - it is used to control people by letting them vent and feel empowered.

The issue in this thread is whether the US is a police state, not whether other countries are too. All countries have powers and legislation that infringe on personal liberty and freedom. The issue is how often and in what manner infringing powers are used as a part of normal everyday life without due process. I'm a baby boomer. Today's America routinely exercises police powers that in the past were rarely ever used. America today is more militaristic than ever. Police infringe on peoples' liberties more than ever before under the guise of "criminals" or "war" (ie. "on terror"). These are the standard reasons trotted out throughout history – Hitler used them as did Stalin and Mao. The right wing here trots them out in debate regularly.

Is America a police state? Compared to Saudi Arabia, no. Compared to America in the past, yes - IMO.
A police state doesn't have JURIES, hater dupes. Franco's Spain for example...every time we did someting wrong on the road, there were 2 or 3 guys with submachine guns wanting money- and you'd better have it and stfu lol. One pot seed, 6 years, kill a pedestrian, disappear. And we were tourists they LOVED...

Of course a police state can have juries. The test isn't just about what legal structures they have, although that is included in making an assessment. For instance the constitution of the old USSR was more liberal than the US constitution. The British do not even have a written constitution, they have their common law. Same with Australia and New Zealand. Canada has common law that was based on British common law, and since 1982 has a written constitution that over rides their common law. Whether a country is a police state depends on how it actually treats people. All nation states have access to harsh powers to be used in an “emergency”. The power has always been there. Police states are those which override personal liberty and freedoms more regularly. In America today police influence and powers are more invasive than they have ever been. Try being black in some parts of America.
We willingly traded certain freedoms for security when president Bush created the Homeland Security agency. Nobody knew that a radical left wing president would turn the agency into a political tool and take over the entire IRS as an arm of the administration. It seems that the media we usually depend on to inform citizens of abuses of power also became an arm of the administration.

People like you who turn this into a partisan issue aren't helping either. Republicans, Democrats, they are all guilty of this. I have lived in very liberal cities and very conservative towns and the police abuse is no less or worse depending upon political affiliation.
Just because some guys with some fancy boots aren't stopping you at a checkpoint demanding your papers does not mean you do not live in a police state. They don't to do that because they have RFID, satellite, cell phone pings, GPS, CCTV and so on.
Whoever thinks he/she is living in a police state in the USA, obviously have never been in a police state.

So, the answer is; no, you are not living in a police state. In fact you are living in one of the most free states one can live in, at least on this planet.

BULLSHIT! Hitler would be proud of what the US has become that's for damn sure.

Well look at the bright side.

No one is infringeing on your right to come on this forum and make a fool of yourself crying about it like a big fat baby.
Whoever thinks he/she is living in a police state in the USA, obviously have never been in a police state.

So, the answer is; no, you are not living in a police state. In fact you are living in one of the most free states one can live in, at least on this planet.


I agree, to a point. I, too, know what a "police state" looks like. Moscow - 1981 Gdansk - 1982

We are not there yet, however, at the rate we are going in America, it is not far off.

Take a couple of minutes and read. Yes, this was 2011, however, coupled with the ever-increasing stories of abuse by "law enforcement" how can one NOT make the logical assumption that we are headed more and more to a police state every day.
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Yet...they have either infringed or destroyed completely the 2nd,3rd,4th,5th and 10th amendments...The first ain't far behind.Oh actually they have infringed on it as well..with these "free speech zones" I will speak where I want.
Gee, here i am a 60 year old rough tough take no shit retired Sergeant and I have never had a negative problem with the police.

I've been pulled over at check points and got a ticket for a tag that was expired by one day...Officer didn't care that I was out of town and on my way home...Oh well, i should have taken care of it before i left....

I've been pulled over for suspicion of DUI... Played the game straight, answered their questions and moved on.

Got pulled over by border patrol, answered their questions and moved on in less than 3 minutes.

And I've had two officer pull me over for speeding and neither gave me a ticket.

Then there was the one who helped me change a flat tire...

Police state? I think not. Idiots who want to push the limits...yeah they are out there.....
Yet...they have either infringed or destroyed completely the 2nd,3rd,4th,5th and 10th amendments...The first ain't far behind.Oh actually they have infringed on it as well..with these "free speech zones" I will speak where I want.

Now if you just made sense when you spoke..........
Gee, here i am a 60 year old rough tough take no shit retired Sergeant and I have never had a negative problem with the police.

I've been pulled over at check points and got a ticket for a tag that was expired by one day...Officer didn't care that I was out of town and on my way home...Oh well, i should have taken care of it before i left....

I've been pulled over for suspicion of DUI... Played the game straight, answered their questions and moved on.

Got pulled over by border patrol, answered their questions and moved on in less than 3 minutes.

And I've had two officer pull me over for speeding and neither gave me a ticket.

Then there was the one who helped me change a flat tire...

Police state? I think not. Idiots who want to push the limits...yeah they are out there.....

It's obvious that you haven't been paying enough attention to current events.
Have you ever been to Hitler Germany? But wait, that may not be possible. Have you ever been to any other country in this world that is not considered democratic?

The above question is irrelevant. Visiting another country does not expose one to the subtleties of the average modern police state. They have to get pretty bad to be in your face from the first moment until you leave. North Korea is probably like that, but that is pretty extreme.

As to whether any of us have been to a non-democratic country, that too is irrelevant. What is democratic? The USSR voted for their representatives. You can argue that they were all communist, but all of America's congressmen and senators are capitalist. Many police states allow voting - it is used to control people by letting them vent and feel empowered.

The issue in this thread is whether the US is a police state, not whether other countries are too. All countries have powers and legislation that infringe on personal liberty and freedom. The issue is how often and in what manner infringing powers are used as a part of normal everyday life without due process. I'm a baby boomer. Today's America routinely exercises police powers that in the past were rarely ever used. America today is more militaristic than ever. Police infringe on peoples' liberties more than ever before under the guise of "criminals" or "war" (ie. "on terror"). These are the standard reasons trotted out throughout history – Hitler used them as did Stalin and Mao. The right wing here trots them out in debate regularly.

Is America a police state? Compared to Saudi Arabia, no. Compared to America in the past, yes - IMO.

IMO, if you can debate in a state if that state is a police state or not, freely, that is not a police state. Maybe you can say it is en-route to be a police state. which I would also find exaggerated for this country, but in a police state you do not have your fundamental democratic rights to be able to even debate about that. You might, but that would not be for your sake.

But we can go with the definition also. The definition of a police state says; a government using rigid control over population. But how rigid, that is not in this definition, because you can not measure rigidness. It is not 3 inch of rigidness, or 5 foot of it. However you can compare it. When you compare it to the past, as you said, it is more rigid. But comparing todays world, the one we live in, it is way below the average. USA is not a lone country, on its own planet. It is a part of a global system and naturally it will be effected by any changes in its environment. This is normal.
Gee, here i am a 60 year old rough tough take no shit retired Sergeant and I have never had a negative problem with the police.

I've been pulled over at check points and got a ticket for a tag that was expired by one day...Officer didn't care that I was out of town and on my way home...Oh well, i should have taken care of it before i left....

I've been pulled over for suspicion of DUI... Played the game straight, answered their questions and moved on.

Got pulled over by border patrol, answered their questions and moved on in less than 3 minutes.

And I've had two officer pull me over for speeding and neither gave me a ticket.

Then there was the one who helped me change a flat tire...

Police state? I think not. Idiots who want to push the limits...yeah they are out there.....

Nor have I - a retired CWO. That isn't the point Sergeant. There USED to be give and take by law enforcement. I have a nephew who is a Detective in Atlanta. HE even says that HE has seen a change in cops.

Today, the police (and again) not every police officer, seem to think that they can do as they please, when they please and to hell with the consequences. This is not right. I understand that they have a tough job. However - as I'm sure you heard in the NCO Academy, BNCOC or PNCOC - either do it right, or get the hell out.

Americans DO have rights - at least at this point - and the police can NOT abuse them.

They just don't care any longer.
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Gee, here i am a 60 year old rough tough take no shit retired Sergeant and I have never had a negative problem with the police.

I've been pulled over at check points and got a ticket for a tag that was expired by one day...Officer didn't care that I was out of town and on my way home...Oh well, i should have taken care of it before i left....

I've been pulled over for suspicion of DUI... Played the game straight, answered their questions and moved on.

Got pulled over by border patrol, answered their questions and moved on in less than 3 minutes.

And I've had two officer pull me over for speeding and neither gave me a ticket.

Then there was the one who helped me change a flat tire...

Police state? I think not. Idiots who want to push the limits...yeah they are out there.....
You mean the idiots who want to use their constitutional rights...gotcha...well its a good thing you are a good little slave now isn't it.

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