'Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f____ things up.'

And ignore all this ice,blues??
I could just give you a link to a database of Trump lies but here's just a few within in the last year or so and the link. I don't know if anyone is keeping up with them since he just makes shit up almost every time he speaks. If he needs some facts to support his premises, he creates them as needed. Lately he's got into repeating claims without substantiation over and over, with hope that people will believe it since it comes from he mouth president. Best to believe nothing he says without proof.

Ukraine interfered in the 2016 Election
Biden acted corruptly as vice president to benefit his son
The whistleblower made a "false account"
Article II of the Constitution lets me “do whatever I want”
We're "taxing the hell out of China" with tariffs
The Mueller report "totally exonerated" Trump
Where Hurricane Dorian was expected to hit
Windmills cause cancer
Toilet flushes are up
Mars and the moon


Trump's 10 biggest false claims in 2019 — and one that finally became true
Facing impeachment, Trump unleashed a torrent of baseless claims surrounding his dealings with Ukraine in the final months of the year.

And I can give you 160 media mistakes against Trump.

You'd not care.

Why should I care about your lies against Trump when you don't care about the truths?

Best to believe nothing you say about Trump because you don't give a damn about the truth
yes No truth in putins help in 2016 or now no truth in all the calls all the meetings with no one in the room Trump is a proven honest man Why would he lie his butt off? Whats really sad is people like you believe the shit he throws
Nothing was found in looking, was there?

Get over it.
I'm over it Only thing to do now is vote him out and let him meet the NY AG I still can't get that those senators who are supposed to do the right thing for Americans fail to say a word about this post office scam being pulled by trump Hopefully not so many are around come Jan 20th
The NY AG? The idiot who thinks she’s going to dismantle the NRA? She’s a moron who couldn’t beat a first year law student. Yeah her suing over “lies about climate change” by big companies saw her fail spectacularly. Just like she will here. Post office scam? Oh yeah, the new Dim talking point for the lemmings like you. Continue your lies and denial of the truth.
What truth ? That the lying pos is trying to limit voting ,knowing soon it'll be ass kicking time for him?
Limit voting? So Trump is forcing you lazy libs to stay home? You can’t walk your ass to a voting booth? Your laziness is your problem. Watching you cry a river in November will be sweet.
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX

I watch Fox, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS. Biden primarily talks of more regulations for big corporations. How is that going to return the economy we saw under Trump pre-pandemic? There is also the “forgive student loan” speak. Looks like he took that from a Warren.
Why not make it easier on students paying back loans ? They are a big part of our future and you want to bankrupt them before they start?? Cut the loans in half forget about interest ,,for starters
And what will you do for the lenders who just lost half the money they loaned out and any profit they would make to keep going so they could lend to other students? That's a fast track to stopping all student loans and a lot of students forgetting about going to college. Why do you want to destroy the dreams of a college education for students?
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX
Really, Eddie? What is Biden's "plan" for getting the American economy going again? Raising taxes? No, that will slow it down. A first year Economics student could tell you that! The Green New Deal? That's going to increase costs on American businesses across the board. A first year Economics student can tell you what THAT will do to economic growth! So what is Joe Biden's magic plan, Eddie? I'm dying to know!
Well have you heard the word infra structure leave the moron trumps lips The building back up of Americas bridges ,highways etc etc is well up there in Bidens plans
Please link to his plans, and how to pay for it.
Gladly ,,,right after you link to what trumps plans were and are ,and how to pay for them these past 4 years After trump I'd vote for Mickey Mouse He couldn't be worse
I'm not talking about Trump. You said Biden had policies that were better.

Simply name them. Another attack on Trump simply means you know you are full of shit.
There's so much to attack trump on but one of Bidens top policies is infra structure Much needed.. AND the moron you don't want me to mention has said S*** about it
Why do we need that? Obama promised us that if we just gave him billions of dollars there were all these shovel ready jobs that would fix the infrastructure. You're not saying he lied about that, are you? And if we gave him all that money and he did nothing for the infrastructure, why would we trust his minion to do anything different?
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX
Really, Eddie? What is Biden's "plan" for getting the American economy going again? Raising taxes? No, that will slow it down. A first year Economics student could tell you that! The Green New Deal? That's going to increase costs on American businesses across the board. A first year Economics student can tell you what THAT will do to economic growth! So what is Joe Biden's magic plan, Eddie? I'm dying to know!
Well have you heard the word infra structure leave the moron trumps lips The building back up of Americas bridges ,highways etc etc is well up there in Bidens plans
Please link to his plans, and how to pay for it.
Gladly ,,,right after you link to what trumps plans were and are ,and how to pay for them these past 4 years After trump I'd vote for Mickey Mouse He couldn't be worse
I'm not talking about Trump. You said Biden had policies that were better.

Simply name them. Another attack on Trump simply means you know you are full of shit.
There's so much to attack trump on but one of Bidens top policies is infra structure Much needed.. AND the moron you don't want me to mention has said S*** about it
Infrastructure. Wow the detail.

Great so for Trump... Immigration. He's also rebuilding infrastructure.

You don't want to talk, Eddie. You just want to bitch.
Ice I have no problem talking to reasonable people ..BUT imho reasonable people supporting Trump is a myth He is wrong on so many fronts it's hard for me to answer reasonably to his supporters
Does he speak reasonably or does he bash and crash anyone not kissing his ass ? Is he the most un presidential man in the WH in your memory?
Why would anyone speak "reasonably" to people that have been doing what the main stream media and the Democrats have been doing since he was nominated? Trump doesn't take their shit. He gives it right back. Quite frankly, I don't have a problem with that.
and we give it right back to him and his supporters Frankly I love calling you all what I do and call trump your president scum , low life POS So hope he keeps it up and acts like an AH instead of a president
You're not used to people standing up to your rants...are you, Eddie? Pointing out that you're full of shit almost all of the time? I'm curious...do you think you've ever changed anyone's mind with your vacuous posts?
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX
Really, Eddie? What is Biden's "plan" for getting the American economy going again? Raising taxes? No, that will slow it down. A first year Economics student could tell you that! The Green New Deal? That's going to increase costs on American businesses across the board. A first year Economics student can tell you what THAT will do to economic growth! So what is Joe Biden's magic plan, Eddie? I'm dying to know!
Well have you heard the word infra structure leave the moron trumps lips The building back up of Americas bridges ,highways etc etc is well up there in Bidens plans
Please link to his plans, and how to pay for it.
Gladly ,,,right after you link to what trumps plans were and are ,and how to pay for them these past 4 years After trump I'd vote for Mickey Mouse He couldn't be worse
I'm not talking about Trump. You said Biden had policies that were better.

Simply name them. Another attack on Trump simply means you know you are full of shit.
There's so much to attack trump on but one of Bidens top policies is infra structure Much needed.. AND the moron you don't want me to mention has said S*** about it
Why do we need that? Obama promised us that if we just gave him billions of dollars there were all these shovel ready jobs that would fix the infrastructure. You're not saying he lied about that, are you? And if we gave him all that money and he did nothing for the infrastructure, why would we trust his minion to do anything different?
"Infrastructure" has become one of the new Holy Grails of the Democratic Party, Hadit! Whenever anyone questions them on what they'll do to stimulate the economy...it's their "go to" response! We'll spend trillions on "Infrastructure"! No explanation of where the money will come to pay for all of this Public Sector spending but hey...it sounds good to the rubes like Eddie!
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX
Really, Eddie? What is Biden's "plan" for getting the American economy going again? Raising taxes? No, that will slow it down. A first year Economics student could tell you that! The Green New Deal? That's going to increase costs on American businesses across the board. A first year Economics student can tell you what THAT will do to economic growth! So what is Joe Biden's magic plan, Eddie? I'm dying to know!
Well have you heard the word infra structure leave the moron trumps lips The building back up of Americas bridges ,highways etc etc is well up there in Bidens plans
Please link to his plans, and how to pay for it.
Gladly ,,,right after you link to what trumps plans were and are ,and how to pay for them these past 4 years After trump I'd vote for Mickey Mouse He couldn't be worse
I'm not talking about Trump. You said Biden had policies that were better.

Simply name them. Another attack on Trump simply means you know you are full of shit.
There's so much to attack trump on but one of Bidens top policies is infra structure Much needed.. AND the moron you don't want me to mention has said S*** about it
Why do we need that? Obama promised us that if we just gave him billions of dollars there were all these shovel ready jobs that would fix the infrastructure. You're not saying he lied about that, are you? And if we gave him all that money and he did nothing for the infrastructure, why would we trust his minion to do anything different?
"Infrastructure" has become one of the new Holy Grails of the Democratic Party, Hadit! Whenever anyone questions them on what they'll do to stimulate the economy...it's their "go to" response! We'll spend trillions on "Infrastructure"! No explanation of where the money will come to pay for all of this Public Sector spending but hey...it sounds good to the rubes like Eddie!
And, of course, we're supposed to forget that they keep promising it and never delivering it.
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX
Really, Eddie? What is Biden's "plan" for getting the American economy going again? Raising taxes? No, that will slow it down. A first year Economics student could tell you that! The Green New Deal? That's going to increase costs on American businesses across the board. A first year Economics student can tell you what THAT will do to economic growth! So what is Joe Biden's magic plan, Eddie? I'm dying to know!
Well have you heard the word infra structure leave the moron trumps lips The building back up of Americas bridges ,highways etc etc is well up there in Bidens plans
Please link to his plans, and how to pay for it.
Gladly ,,,right after you link to what trumps plans were and are ,and how to pay for them these past 4 years After trump I'd vote for Mickey Mouse He couldn't be worse
I'm not talking about Trump. You said Biden had policies that were better.

Simply name them. Another attack on Trump simply means you know you are full of shit.
There's so much to attack trump on but one of Bidens top policies is infra structure Much needed.. AND the moron you don't want me to mention has said S*** about it
Why do we need that? Obama promised us that if we just gave him billions of dollars there were all these shovel ready jobs that would fix the infrastructure. You're not saying he lied about that, are you? And if we gave him all that money and he did nothing for the infrastructure, why would we trust his minion to do anything different?
"Infrastructure" has become one of the new Holy Grails of the Democratic Party, Hadit! Whenever anyone questions them on what they'll do to stimulate the economy...it's their "go to" response! We'll spend trillions on "Infrastructure"! No explanation of where the money will come to pay for all of this Public Sector spending but hey...it sounds good to the rubes like Eddie!
And, of course, we're supposed to forget that they keep promising it and never delivering it.
They never have any intention of delivering on it, Hadit! It's an illusion to keep low IQ supporters like Eddie believing that they actually have a plan to grow the economy! What else are they going to say? Yeah, we're gonna raise your taxes and impose a whole bunch of new regulations that will kill job creation for the foreseeable future but we don't really care because it's all about consolidating political power for us! We're also going to legalize millions of illegals that will then be collecting benefits and competing for the few jobs that remain! We don't care if that screws over the average blue collar worker either!
rump didn't mess up anything. Cuomo has killed over 6,600 senior citizens with his direct actions.....you moron....

Nursing home deaths were only 22% of the death totals in NY, compared to 42% for the national average and 60% in PA. You moron.

Trump had the economy booming before china unleashed the Chinese flu you dipshit and if we can keep him in office we will come out of this chinese mess with a recovering economy.

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg, you idiot. The economy was already flailing due to Trump's trade war, you nitwit. We will come out of this better, after Biden takes over. The usual mess. The REpublican fucks up the economy, a Democrat has to come in and fix it. We saw that with FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama and now Biden. You Retard.

Hilary had a double digit lead too...you moron.

Hillary never had this much of a sustained lead.

You are so confident in Biden to turn the economy around yet he has yet to articulate what and how he is going to accomplish that. Sitting around and blaming Trump is not a strategy.
And Trump?? All he can do is bash Biden and Harris He has no plan and didn't when he became president and You're wrong Biden HAS articulated how he wants to make America great again BUT you won't hear how listening to FOX
Really, Eddie? What is Biden's "plan" for getting the American economy going again? Raising taxes? No, that will slow it down. A first year Economics student could tell you that! The Green New Deal? That's going to increase costs on American businesses across the board. A first year Economics student can tell you what THAT will do to economic growth! So what is Joe Biden's magic plan, Eddie? I'm dying to know!
Well have you heard the word infra structure leave the moron trumps lips The building back up of Americas bridges ,highways etc etc is well up there in Bidens plans
Please link to his plans, and how to pay for it.
Gladly ,,,right after you link to what trumps plans were and are ,and how to pay for them these past 4 years After trump I'd vote for Mickey Mouse He couldn't be worse
I'm not talking about Trump. You said Biden had policies that were better.

Simply name them. Another attack on Trump simply means you know you are full of shit.
There's so much to attack trump on but one of Bidens top policies is infra structure Much needed.. AND the moron you don't want me to mention has said S*** about it
Infrastructure. Wow the detail.

Great so for Trump... Immigration. He's also rebuilding infrastructure.

You don't want to talk, Eddie. You just want to bitch.
Ice I have no problem talking to reasonable people ..BUT imho reasonable people supporting Trump is a myth He is wrong on so many fronts it's hard for me to answer reasonably to his supporters
Does he speak reasonably or does he bash and crash anyone not kissing his ass ? Is he the most un presidential man in the WH in your memory?
Why would anyone speak "reasonably" to people that have been doing what the main stream media and the Democrats have been doing since he was nominated? Trump doesn't take their shit. He gives it right back. Quite frankly, I don't have a problem with that.
and we give it right back to him and his supporters Frankly I love calling you all what I do and call trump your president scum , low life POS So hope he keeps it up and acts like an AH instead of a president
You're not used to people standing up to your rants...are you, Eddie? Pointing out that you're full of shit almost all of the time? I'm curious...do you think you've ever changed anyone's mind with your vacuous posts?
Change peoples minds ??? Oh no Ah's keep repeating their mistakes I don't want to change peoples minds I just want them to know there are people out there that know you are all AH 's
And ignore all this ice,blues??
I could just give you a link to a database of Trump lies but here's just a few within in the last year or so and the link. I don't know if anyone is keeping up with them since he just makes shit up almost every time he speaks. If he needs some facts to support his premises, he creates them as needed. Lately he's got into repeating claims without substantiation over and over, with hope that people will believe it since it comes from he mouth president. Best to believe nothing he says without proof.

Ukraine interfered in the 2016 Election
Biden acted corruptly as vice president to benefit his son
The whistleblower made a "false account"
Article II of the Constitution lets me “do whatever I want”
We're "taxing the hell out of China" with tariffs
The Mueller report "totally exonerated" Trump
Where Hurricane Dorian was expected to hit
Windmills cause cancer
Toilet flushes are up
Mars and the moon


Trump's 10 biggest false claims in 2019 — and one that finally became true
Facing impeachment, Trump unleashed a torrent of baseless claims surrounding his dealings with Ukraine in the final months of the year.

And I can give you 160 media mistakes against Trump.

You'd not care.

Why should I care about your lies against Trump when you don't care about the truths?

Best to believe nothing you say about Trump because you don't give a damn about the truth
yes No truth in putins help in 2016 or now no truth in all the calls all the meetings with no one in the room Trump is a proven honest man Why would he lie his butt off? Whats really sad is people like you believe the shit he throws
Nothing was found in looking, was there?

Get over it.
I'm over it Only thing to do now is vote him out and let him meet the NY AG I still can't get that those senators who are supposed to do the right thing for Americans fail to say a word about this post office scam being pulled by trump Hopefully not so many are around come Jan 20th
The NY AG? The idiot who thinks she’s going to dismantle the NRA? She’s a moron who couldn’t beat a first year law student. Yeah her suing over “lies about climate change” by big companies saw her fail spectacularly. Just like she will here. Post office scam? Oh yeah, the new Dim talking point for the lemmings like you. Continue your lies and denial of the truth.
What truth ? That the lying pos is trying to limit voting ,knowing soon it'll be ass kicking time for him?
Limit voting? So Trump is forcing you lazy libs to stay home? You can’t walk your ass to a voting booth? Your laziness is your problem. Watching you cry a river in November will be sweet.
Lantern the lines will be huge ,people hate your scum and will stand in line forever to beat you into a bloody mess
And ignore all this ice,blues??
I could just give you a link to a database of Trump lies but here's just a few within in the last year or so and the link. I don't know if anyone is keeping up with them since he just makes shit up almost every time he speaks. If he needs some facts to support his premises, he creates them as needed. Lately he's got into repeating claims without substantiation over and over, with hope that people will believe it since it comes from he mouth president. Best to believe nothing he says without proof.

Ukraine interfered in the 2016 Election
Biden acted corruptly as vice president to benefit his son
The whistleblower made a "false account"
Article II of the Constitution lets me “do whatever I want”
We're "taxing the hell out of China" with tariffs
The Mueller report "totally exonerated" Trump
Where Hurricane Dorian was expected to hit
Windmills cause cancer
Toilet flushes are up
Mars and the moon


Trump's 10 biggest false claims in 2019 — and one that finally became true
Facing impeachment, Trump unleashed a torrent of baseless claims surrounding his dealings with Ukraine in the final months of the year.

And I can give you 160 media mistakes against Trump.

You'd not care.

Why should I care about your lies against Trump when you don't care about the truths?

Best to believe nothing you say about Trump because you don't give a damn about the truth
yes No truth in putins help in 2016 or now no truth in all the calls all the meetings with no one in the room Trump is a proven honest man Why would he lie his butt off? Whats really sad is people like you believe the shit he throws
Nothing was found in looking, was there?

Get over it.
I'm over it Only thing to do now is vote him out and let him meet the NY AG I still can't get that those senators who are supposed to do the right thing for Americans fail to say a word about this post office scam being pulled by trump Hopefully not so many are around come Jan 20th
The NY AG? The idiot who thinks she’s going to dismantle the NRA? She’s a moron who couldn’t beat a first year law student. Yeah her suing over “lies about climate change” by big companies saw her fail spectacularly. Just like she will here. Post office scam? Oh yeah, the new Dim talking point for the lemmings like you. Continue your lies and denial of the truth.
What truth ? That the lying pos is trying to limit voting ,knowing soon it'll be ass kicking time for him?
Limit voting? So Trump is forcing you lazy libs to stay home? You can’t walk your ass to a voting booth? Your laziness is your problem. Watching you cry a river in November will be sweet.

Liberals think poor minorities will sit on their couches and not vote. Liberals know their base better than anyone.
And ignore all this ice,blues??
I could just give you a link to a database of Trump lies but here's just a few within in the last year or so and the link. I don't know if anyone is keeping up with them since he just makes shit up almost every time he speaks. If he needs some facts to support his premises, he creates them as needed. Lately he's got into repeating claims without substantiation over and over, with hope that people will believe it since it comes from he mouth president. Best to believe nothing he says without proof.

Ukraine interfered in the 2016 Election
Biden acted corruptly as vice president to benefit his son
The whistleblower made a "false account"
Article II of the Constitution lets me “do whatever I want”
We're "taxing the hell out of China" with tariffs
The Mueller report "totally exonerated" Trump
Where Hurricane Dorian was expected to hit
Windmills cause cancer
Toilet flushes are up
Mars and the moon


Trump's 10 biggest false claims in 2019 — and one that finally became true
Facing impeachment, Trump unleashed a torrent of baseless claims surrounding his dealings with Ukraine in the final months of the year.

And I can give you 160 media mistakes against Trump.

You'd not care.

Why should I care about your lies against Trump when you don't care about the truths?

Best to believe nothing you say about Trump because you don't give a damn about the truth
yes No truth in putins help in 2016 or now no truth in all the calls all the meetings with no one in the room Trump is a proven honest man Why would he lie his butt off? Whats really sad is people like you believe the shit he throws
Nothing was found in looking, was there?

Get over it.
I'm over it Only thing to do now is vote him out and let him meet the NY AG I still can't get that those senators who are supposed to do the right thing for Americans fail to say a word about this post office scam being pulled by trump Hopefully not so many are around come Jan 20th
The NY AG? The idiot who thinks she’s going to dismantle the NRA? She’s a moron who couldn’t beat a first year law student. Yeah her suing over “lies about climate change” by big companies saw her fail spectacularly. Just like she will here. Post office scam? Oh yeah, the new Dim talking point for the lemmings like you. Continue your lies and denial of the truth.
What truth ? That the lying pos is trying to limit voting ,knowing soon it'll be ass kicking time for him?
Limit voting? So Trump is forcing you lazy libs to stay home? You can’t walk your ass to a voting booth? Your laziness is your problem. Watching you cry a river in November will be sweet.
Lantern the lines will be huge ,people hate your scum and will stand in line forever to beat you into a bloody mess
More tough talk from a libtard pussy. You do realize Kamala has less than 50% support among the black voters you need? Beat me? Come try it pussy. Of course if you assholes resort to violence to stop Trump supporters from voting, you’ll get your asses kicked as usual.
...said his boss, Barry Obama.

'nuff said.

"Joe Biden has proven not to be a leader, which is something that was predicted by another non-leader…it was just one year ago, on August 14, 2020, Politico reported a dire warning from former President Barack Obama: Obama warned America
“I think the turnout tonight demonstrates the high regard in which the vice president is held in the extended Obama family,” Rouse told the crowd of about 50 people. “And I think that that message is not out as far as it should be.”
Yet searing, anonymously sourced quotes from Obama kept appearing through the race. One Democrat who spoke to Obama recalled the former president warned, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.” Speaking of his own waning understanding of today’s Democratic electorate, especially in Iowa, Obama told one 2020 candidate: “And you know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden.”
"Biden blames Trump for the disaster, but Biden ignored the pull-out plan developed by the Trump/Pompeo team. Per Pompeo, the U.S. negotiated an agreement with the Taliban that at every step of the American withdrawal, there were benchmarks the Taliban had to follow, “If they did not live up to that piece of paper, to the words that they had put on the ground, we weren’t going to allow them to just walk away from any deal that they struck. We were going to go crush them,” Biden just skipped out".
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