Don't Worry The US Military's AI Will Be "Judeo-Christian", Says 3 Star Pentagon General

Yup. We’ve become Babylon/Gog.

On top of everything else, I saw a "man on the street" interview with two young women insisting that their engagement rings must be "Six figures" and "100K". They were attractive, but not supermodels--but not even that matters. Can you imagine?

And the thing is, that's not a one-off. It's the stew they're living in. They think they DESERVE a 100K RING because, idk, they're alive? They have boobs?

The entitlement.
No, you keep missing the point. Don't worry, you're not alone on that one.

Stann, whatever point you think you have, you can rest assured I will ignore it. You are the poster who thinks you were alive to see Jesus walk the earth, so yeah. Go your way, but I will ignore whatever you think you know about Jesus. Believe that.
The compass of the U.S. involves neoconservatism and neoliberalism.
Imagine if you will (yeah, we’re in Rod Serling territory), an AI model trained on the Bible, a book full of violence and vengeance in which God on several occasions called for genocide, like in Deuteronomy 20:16-17, which says, “But of the cities of these peoples which the Lord your God gives you as an inheritance, you shall let nothing that breathes remain alive, but you shall utterly destroy them,” or this gem from the destruction of Jericho in Joshua 6: “Now the city shall be doomed by the Lord to destruction, it and all who are in it.“
Putting aside how, exactly, the military’s AI will be trained to make “Judeo-Christian” decisions, in publicly making his statement that America is a “Judeo-Christian society” and, thus, somehow morally superior, Lt Gen Moore was not only in clear violation of the truth, but of Air Force Instruction 1-1, Section 2.12, which unambiguously states (emphasis added):

“Moore’s undeniably repugnant, fundamentalist Christian nationalist rhetoric MUST be answered swiftly by DoD to stem the tide of Moore’s vomitus spewing which WILL generate rampant destruction of good order, morale, discipline, and unit cohesion within the ranks of our American armed forces.

Nukes for Jesus.

Christianity, the most violent religion...
When can the military discipline civilians, cock breath?
Well dick ya were talking about an AI casting dems in a lake of fire for not strictly adhering to the Bible. Your retarded ass would be subject to the same rules ya dumb fuck. See ya in the lake under that scenario ya retard.
Attempting to dump "Judeo-Christian" values on an AI ?!? Right, why not live the old days of the bible all over. Not much violence and bloodshed in the bible, is there .
That's life.
Imagine if you will (yeah, we’re in Rod Serling territory), an AI model trained on the Bible, a book full of violence and vengeance in which God on several occasions called for genocide, like in Deuteronomy 20:16-17, which says, “But of the cities of these peoples which the Lord your God gives you as an inheritance, you shall let nothing that breathes remain alive, but you shall utterly destroy them,” or this gem from the destruction of Jericho in Joshua 6: “Now the city shall be doomed by the Lord to destruction, it and all who are in it.“
Putting aside how, exactly, the military’s AI will be trained to make “Judeo-Christian” decisions, in publicly making his statement that America is a “Judeo-Christian society” and, thus, somehow morally superior, Lt Gen Moore was not only in clear violation of the truth, but of Air Force Instruction 1-1, Section 2.12, which unambiguously states (emphasis added):

“Moore’s undeniably repugnant, fundamentalist Christian nationalist rhetoric MUST be answered swiftly by DoD to stem the tide of Moore’s vomitus spewing which WILL generate rampant destruction of good order, morale, discipline, and unit cohesion within the ranks of our American armed forces.

Nukes for Jesus.
Very cool.
Christianity, the most violent religion...
I'm no fan of Christianity, but there's another religion that's 25% of the world's population but over 75% of the world's terrorism.
The only time lefties quote scripture is when they want to make a anti-Christian rant. The chicken shit bigoted lefties would never criticize the Koran.

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