Don't Worry The US Military's AI Will Be "Judeo-Christian", Says 3 Star Pentagon General

Yes, I'm terrified. I have high anxiety.

We're talking about AI and the military.......
Lol, you are talking about a judeo Christian AI. You also talk about it throwing the woke in the lake 🔥 fire. So I ask again. Have you ever ate shell fish or pork? Are you afraid to answer?
Lol, you are talking about a judeo Christian AI. You also talk about it throwing the woke in the lake 🔥 fire. So I ask again. Have you ever ate shell fish or pork? Are you afraid to answer?
Friend, you just have to read a little farther in the book to get your answer...

...and [Jesus] called the people to him and said to them, “Hear and understand: it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.”

Matthew 15:10-11
Lol, you are talking about a judeo Christian AI. You also talk about it throwing the woke in the lake 🔥 fire. So I ask again. Have you ever ate shell fish or pork? Are you afraid to answer?
Judeo-Christian AI for the military Dude.....posse comitatus protects me eating ribs and shell fish.
Judeo-Christian AI for the military Dude.....posse comitatus protects me eating ribs and shell fish.
Lol, how does the power of the country protect you from AI trained and programed to toss those who veer from biblical teaching in the fire there retard? It does not. If strict adherence to biblical standards is what the AI will enforce you will be right in the fire with every one you know dumbass.
He said something dumb. He's Air Force, cut him some slack; Ye who've never said something dumb.
Lol, you are talking about a judeo Christian AI. You also talk about it throwing the woke in the lake 🔥 fire. So I ask again. Have you ever ate shell fish or pork? Are you afraid to answer?
Yes, most of the woke will end up in the lake of fire. But so will most people. But Satan is a deceiver, the trans movement.
“History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes.”

Thomas Jefferson — in letter to Alexander von Humboldt, December 6, 1813

Of course your spin on all that is complete bullshit. Jefferson was a Christian, and was especially fond of the Evangelicals of the Second Great Awakening, who voted for him and put him the Presidency almost to a man. He was a big fan of the Baptist sect, where the establishment clause originated. You degenerates and sexual fetishists can't abide that though.

Oh yeah, and Jefferson also handed Catholic missionaries a Federal subsidy for their missionary efforts, and ttended church services held in Federal buildings, the Treasury and the Congressional building during his Presidency. You probably never heard of that, being just a parrot who only cites fake 'scholarship' that you think helps legitimize faggotry and kiddie rape.
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Lol, how does the power of the country protect you from AI trained and programed to toss those who veer from biblical teaching in the fire there retard? It does not. If strict adherence to biblical standards is what the AI will enforce you will be right in the fire with every one you know dumbass.
Do you actually think the left would kowtow to Judeo Christain values?

Jokes on me a seat........................ :biggrin:
That Deuteronomy line was about destroying one particular kingdom because it was so vile and disgusting in its practices that God did not want them influencing the Jews. Otherwise they were commanded to make peace with their neighbors.

It is an example that God does not tolerate the most vile sinners, like child killers and rapists.
Great the flat earth version of AI.
The OP ignores the amenities he enjoys as a result of the judeo/Christian philosophy upon which this country was founded.
He’s either an abject moron or a nefarious psychopath. Nothing in between.
Yeah kinda the same way you are the fact you belive in magic bullets thst stop in mid air and change directions. :rofl: Takes one abject moron to know another one.not defending the op here the fact that is correct he is a moron same as you. :biggrin:
It wasn't the Jewish religion that forced Galileo to renounce a round earth was it.
Totally silly premise. The inquisition did not represent the whole religion of Catholicism. Galileo himself was a devout Catholic who once considered priesthood. Not to mention the inquisition on his idea found that his idea was a possibility, just not fact. The biggest objections raised for Galileo’s theories weren‘t that the Earth was round, but the idea that it had to be rotating at hundreds of miles an hour. They did not understand ideas of inertia.

The fact of the matter is Galileo and Copernicus were both Catholics and they developed the Heliocentric model.

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