Don't Ya Just Love It When The Left Tries To Be Intellectual?


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
They complain that many take the Bible literally, then take the Bible literally themselves while trying to prove some nonsensical theory.

Life elsewhere in the universe is no conflict, anymore than is evolution.

Would love to hear them explain "A day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day."

Earth 2.0 Bad News for God Jeff Schweitzer
Yo, don`t wait for that Preacher! The Left Socialist Puppets just throw thorns at you, that`s all they have, no brains! You can see them on the streets of Florida, you feel sorry for them for believing in Judas as a leader of the free world!!!

The Huffpost.Soros has an agenda. There is something we know about our creator. He likes to create, and He is magnificent at it. Why assume that He would stop at earth?
They complain that many take the Bible literally, then take the Bible literally themselves while trying to prove some nonsensical theory.

Life elsewhere in the universe is no conflict, anymore than is evolution.

Would love to hear them explain "A day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day."

Earth 2.0 Bad News for God Jeff Schweitzer

This is the result of the loony leftist's hypocritical demands for more intrusive gov't:
While it is funny when they strive to fake a degree of intellectualism they don't have, it's even funnier when they wax eloquent about SCIENCE.
I agree. I don't like anyone trying to be intellectual. I like everyone succeeding at being intellectual.

Problem is most people care more about looking smart than being smart.

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