Don't you dare tell me the right is patriotic!

Fuck you faggot they weren't peaceful protesters they were violent antifa rioters, I'll have your head and theirs by the time this is over you fat fuck.
And to think, for almost 30 webpages, I was constantly told your side was the non-violent one!

We exercise our right to self defense against the jack booted fascist antifa thugs, get fucked, come see us in the streets pussy.
This thread has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the alt right are Fake Patriots with nothing more than a big mouth. I've stated a dozen times or more that the majority of people arrested were "kettled" and committed no crime. And how did these alt right patriots react in a country that believes a man is innocent until proven guilty? Every single one of these America haters couldn't wait to pile the shit on these people.

Not one person on the right has given these people the benefit of the doubt. Not one person on the right has demonstrated at least one American value. There isn't one person on the right that has taken responsibility for their sides role in the violence. Not only are they Fake Patriots, they are Fake Patriots with no balls.

The violent rioters will rot in prison and I'll smash their skulls in the streets.
The article states they are being charged with felony rioting and conspiracy to riot, destruction of property..etc.
Why do you consider that to be a constitutional right? The LEFT does not allow dissent to their message. You've got it completely backwards. They wont allow conservative speakers on a college campus without urging the students to once again riot. Theres nothing about free speech that you guys on the Left truly accept. You just want to burn and break things until you get your way.
How many times do you fuckers have to be told the majority of the people arrested committed no crime? And you fuckers deliberately staged that thing at Berkley for the sole purpose of starting a fight. That was no free speech rally, that was a set up so your Oath Keepers, or 3-percenters, or Proud Boys could go to work and create a false flag event that you could bitch about later.

All you are is Fake Patriots.

I didnt stage anything In Berkley, I don't know what the fuck your talking about. Sure, there were no riots, no burning, no destruction of property, no one assaulted. That was all just made up stuff. Because YOU say so.
Which is why you need to keep telling us.
I didnt stage anything In Berkley, I don't know what the fuck your talking about. Sure, there were no riots, no burning, no destruction of property, no one assaulted. That was all just made up stuff. Because YOU say so.
Which is why you need to keep telling us.
Man, you're all over the place. You think you could just stick to one point at a time?
Fuck you faggot they weren't peaceful protesters they were violent antifa rioters, I'll have your head and theirs by the time this is over you fat fuck.
And to think, for almost 30 webpages, I was constantly told your side was the non-violent one!

We exercise our right to self defense against the jack booted fascist antifa thugs, get fucked, come see us in the streets pussy.
You far and alt right simply are not man enough and woman enough to meet yourselves in the mirror much less real men and real women in the streets. Grow up.
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Fuck you faggot they weren't peaceful protesters they were violent antifa rioters, I'll have your head and theirs by the time this is over you fat fuck.
And to think, for almost 30 webpages, I was constantly told your side was the non-violent one!

We exercise our right to self defense against the jack booted fascist antifa thugs, get fucked, come see us in the streets pussy.
You far and alt right simply are not man enough and woman enough to meet yourselves in the mirror much less real men and real women in the streets. Grow up.

Your a fake ..jakey we all know it..

All you post is from the under ground demofags ..
A phycological war now between you and the Conservatives we are starting to hate you with a passion..

You don't produce shit
Like I've been saying all along, conservatives hate Americans. They hate this country so much, they want to purge out everyone who doesn't think like them. We've seen this before. 80 years ago in Weimar, Germany.

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