Don't you dare tell me the right is patriotic! really are stupid.......the ones causing all the violence are left wing, not right wing....moron.
Who are the Oath Keepers? Who are the 3-percenters? Who are the Proud Boys? Who was the guy on the Portland train?

WTF are you talking about?

The guy on the Portland train was a LEFTY, dumbass!

"On that same day Christian, who shows support for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders on his Facebook page, posted a death threat about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton."

Portland suspect in courtroom rant: ' You call it terrorism. I call it patriotism!'

Funny how they keep lying about that...
I am forced to agree. 70-80 years is outrageous and it does rise to the level of criminalizing speech. It seems that many Republicans want to use jails to criminalize speech. The punishment has to fit the crime. These people are not patriots. They are no different than the protestors themselves.

Burning businesses and cars along with assaulting people is no "speech."

These violent Brown Shirts were engaged in Kristalnacht, an act of terrorism.
Lawlessness is not protected speech any more than yelling fire in a crowded theatre is. You want violence in our streets? I get pissed off too at times, do you want me burning down your house in the name of protest?

Think dummy!
How would you feel if you were just walking home when someone else was burning down my house, but you got arrested to, because you just happened to be on the same block when the cops showed up?

How would you feel about that?

That has to be the dumbest analogy I've ever heard.
Same thing happened under obummer and every other POTUS dude. That is not compelling evidence. Many people have been dragged away, questioned and then released when it was determined they weren't a threat. You are a big time purveyor of FAKE NEWS dude.
I guy with an automatic weapon was allowed to stand and watch an Obama speech.

Yeah, it had no ammunition and the Secret Service no doubt had a sniper dedicated to watching him.

No ammo? BS

Video from the protest in Phoenix, Arizona, shows the man standing with other protesters, with the rifle slung over his right shoulder.

Phoenix police said authorities monitored about a dozen people carrying weapons while peacefully demonstrating.

"It was a group interested in exercising the right to bear arms," police spokesman Sgt. Andy Hill said.

Arizona law has nothing in the books regulating assault rifles, and only requires permits for carrying concealed weapons. So despite the man's proximity to the president, there were no charges or arrests to be made. Hill said officers explained the law to some people who were upset about the presence of weapons at the protest.
Man carries assault rifle to Obama protest -- and it's legal -
I am forced to agree. 70-80 years is outrageous and it does rise to the level of criminalizing speech. It seems that many Republicans want to use jails to criminalize speech. The punishment has to fit the crime. These people are not patriots. They are no different than the protestors themselves.
Was someone arrested for just saying something? Can you please post a link to this outrageous court case?
Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing?

Desiree Fairooz, a member of the protest group Code Pink, was charged with disorderly conduct after laughing during the introduction of Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions.
FACT CHECK: Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing?

New York Candidate for Governor Arrested for Videotaping Police

New York Candidate for Governor Arrested for Videotaping Police | HuffPost

SEE IT: Anti-violence advocate arrested while videotaping Syracuse police frisking handcuffed motorist
SEE IT: Man arrested while filming Syracuse cops


Hate speech prosecution in Montana

The prosecutor’s office in Flathead County, Montana (where Kalispell is located) is arguing that speech that exposes Jews — or other religious, racial, and other groups — “to hatred, contempt, ridicule, degradation, or disgrace” is criminally punishable, unless it consists of true factual statements. As the Montana criminal defamation statute is worded, this means that hatred-inducing opinions are criminally punishable, too. Yes, this is that extraordinarily rare thing: an American prosecution for “hate speech” (State v. Lenio). The First Amendment doesn’t allow that.

Hate speech prosecution in Montana

The filthy mouth jaywalker should have been pistol whipped. This is not a free speech issue, it is against the law what he did.

Of course you fascists would "believe" that cupcake
Same thing happened under obummer and every other POTUS dude. That is not compelling evidence. Many people have been dragged away, questioned and then released when it was determined they weren't a threat. You are a big time purveyor of FAKE NEWS dude.
I guy with an automatic weapon was allowed to stand and watch an Obama speech.

Yeah, it had no ammunition and the Secret Service no doubt had a sniper dedicated to watching him.

No ammo? BS

Video from the protest in Phoenix, Arizona, shows the man standing with other protesters, with the rifle slung over his right shoulder.

Phoenix police said authorities monitored about a dozen people carrying weapons while peacefully demonstrating.

"It was a group interested in exercising the right to bear arms," police spokesman Sgt. Andy Hill said.

Arizona law has nothing in the books regulating assault rifles, and only requires permits for carrying concealed weapons. So despite the man's proximity to the president, there were no charges or arrests to be made. Hill said officers explained the law to some people who were upset about the presence of weapons at the protest.
Man carries assault rifle to Obama protest -- and it's legal -

Yes, you're talking about the black gentleman who MSNBC tried to claim was a white racist through clever editing of the video, that man? His magazines were empty.
You mean the left wing Bernie and Jill Stein supporting dipshit who also happens to be batshit crazy? No, I don't hold Bernie or Stein responsible for the actions of an insane person. You are sounding stupider and stupider with every post. Really, you should just stop.
The guy on the train was a right wing racist emboldened by the Trump Presidency.

Only in your looney tunes dreams. Every post he made was violently leftist.
I am forced to agree. 70-80 years is outrageous and it does rise to the level of criminalizing speech. It seems that many Republicans want to use jails to criminalize speech. The punishment has to fit the crime. These people are not patriots. They are no different than the protestors themselves.
Was someone arrested for just saying something? Can you please post a link to this outrageous court case?
Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing?

Desiree Fairooz, a member of the protest group Code Pink, was charged with disorderly conduct after laughing during the introduction of Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions.
FACT CHECK: Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing?

New York Candidate for Governor Arrested for Videotaping Police

New York Candidate for Governor Arrested for Videotaping Police | HuffPost

SEE IT: Anti-violence advocate arrested while videotaping Syracuse police frisking handcuffed motorist
SEE IT: Man arrested while filming Syracuse cops


Hate speech prosecution in Montana

The prosecutor’s office in Flathead County, Montana (where Kalispell is located) is arguing that speech that exposes Jews — or other religious, racial, and other groups — “to hatred, contempt, ridicule, degradation, or disgrace” is criminally punishable, unless it consists of true factual statements. As the Montana criminal defamation statute is worded, this means that hatred-inducing opinions are criminally punishable, too. Yes, this is that extraordinarily rare thing: an American prosecution for “hate speech” (State v. Lenio). The First Amendment doesn’t allow that.

Hate speech prosecution in Montana

Oh, originally you made it sound like people were being arrested just for talking. Your articles cleared up your lie. Thanks.

Your inability to be patriotic nor honest noted Cupcake :(
Do you have a legitimate source? Alternet is a fucking joke, a leftist hate site that is about at reliable for facts as a Batman comic
Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

Alternet is not a valid source, and they based their idiocy on Al Jazeera.

So I take it you don't have a main stream source to back up your propaganda?

I am forced to agree. 70-80 years is outrageous and it does rise to the level of criminalizing speech. It seems that many Republicans want to use jails to criminalize speech. The punishment has to fit the crime. These people are not patriots. They are no different than the protestors themselves.
Was someone arrested for just saying something? Can you please post a link to this outrageous court case?
Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing?

Desiree Fairooz, a member of the protest group Code Pink, was charged with disorderly conduct after laughing during the introduction of Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions.
FACT CHECK: Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing?

New York Candidate for Governor Arrested for Videotaping Police

New York Candidate for Governor Arrested for Videotaping Police | HuffPost

SEE IT: Anti-violence advocate arrested while videotaping Syracuse police frisking handcuffed motorist
SEE IT: Man arrested while filming Syracuse cops


Hate speech prosecution in Montana

The prosecutor’s office in Flathead County, Montana (where Kalispell is located) is arguing that speech that exposes Jews — or other religious, racial, and other groups — “to hatred, contempt, ridicule, degradation, or disgrace” is criminally punishable, unless it consists of true factual statements. As the Montana criminal defamation statute is worded, this means that hatred-inducing opinions are criminally punishable, too. Yes, this is that extraordinarily rare thing: an American prosecution for “hate speech” (State v. Lenio). The First Amendment doesn’t allow that.

Hate speech prosecution in Montana

Oh, originally you made it sound like people were being arrested just for talking. Your articles cleared up your lie. Thanks.

Your inability to be patriotic nor honest noted Cupcake :(

You just used "cupcake" two posts in a row with 2 different people. How unimaginative of you. Generic Insults like this aren't effective counter debates.
Same thing happened under obummer and every other POTUS dude. That is not compelling evidence. Many people have been dragged away, questioned and then released when it was determined they weren't a threat. You are a big time purveyor of FAKE NEWS dude.
I guy with an automatic weapon was allowed to stand and watch an Obama speech.

Yeah, it had no ammunition and the Secret Service no doubt had a sniper dedicated to watching him.

No ammo? BS

Video from the protest in Phoenix, Arizona, shows the man standing with other protesters, with the rifle slung over his right shoulder.

Phoenix police said authorities monitored about a dozen people carrying weapons while peacefully demonstrating.

"It was a group interested in exercising the right to bear arms," police spokesman Sgt. Andy Hill said.

Arizona law has nothing in the books regulating assault rifles, and only requires permits for carrying concealed weapons. So despite the man's proximity to the president, there were no charges or arrests to be made. Hill said officers explained the law to some people who were upset about the presence of weapons at the protest.
Man carries assault rifle to Obama protest -- and it's legal -

Yes, you're talking about the black gentleman who MSNBC tried to claim was a white racist through clever editing of the video, that man? His magazines were empty.
Same thing happened under obummer and every other POTUS dude. That is not compelling evidence. Many people have been dragged away, questioned and then released when it was determined they weren't a threat. You are a big time purveyor of FAKE NEWS dude.
I guy with an automatic weapon was allowed to stand and watch an Obama speech.

Yeah, it had no ammunition and the Secret Service no doubt had a sniper dedicated to watching him.

No ammo? BS

Video from the protest in Phoenix, Arizona, shows the man standing with other protesters, with the rifle slung over his right shoulder.

Phoenix police said authorities monitored about a dozen people carrying weapons while peacefully demonstrating.

"It was a group interested in exercising the right to bear arms," police spokesman Sgt. Andy Hill said.

Arizona law has nothing in the books regulating assault rifles, and only requires permits for carrying concealed weapons. So despite the man's proximity to the president, there were no charges or arrests to be made. Hill said officers explained the law to some people who were upset about the presence of weapons at the protest.
Man carries assault rifle to Obama protest -- and it's legal -

Yes, you're talking about the black gentleman who MSNBC tried to claim was a white racist through clever editing of the video, that man? His magazines were empty.

Sure it was Cupcake, I believe you :)
I am forced to agree. 70-80 years is outrageous and it does rise to the level of criminalizing speech. It seems that many Republicans want to use jails to criminalize speech. The punishment has to fit the crime. These people are not patriots. They are no different than the protestors themselves.
Was someone arrested for just saying something? Can you please post a link to this outrageous court case?
Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing?

Desiree Fairooz, a member of the protest group Code Pink, was charged with disorderly conduct after laughing during the introduction of Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions.
FACT CHECK: Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing?

New York Candidate for Governor Arrested for Videotaping Police

New York Candidate for Governor Arrested for Videotaping Police | HuffPost

SEE IT: Anti-violence advocate arrested while videotaping Syracuse police frisking handcuffed motorist
SEE IT: Man arrested while filming Syracuse cops


Hate speech prosecution in Montana

The prosecutor’s office in Flathead County, Montana (where Kalispell is located) is arguing that speech that exposes Jews — or other religious, racial, and other groups — “to hatred, contempt, ridicule, degradation, or disgrace” is criminally punishable, unless it consists of true factual statements. As the Montana criminal defamation statute is worded, this means that hatred-inducing opinions are criminally punishable, too. Yes, this is that extraordinarily rare thing: an American prosecution for “hate speech” (State v. Lenio). The First Amendment doesn’t allow that.

Hate speech prosecution in Montana

Oh, originally you made it sound like people were being arrested just for talking. Your articles cleared up your lie. Thanks.

Your inability to be patriotic nor honest noted Cupcake :(

You just used "cupcake" two posts in a row with 2 different people. How unimaginative of you. Generic Insults like this aren't effective counter debates.

Wow Cupcake, didn't know you snowflakes could count to 2. Congrats.
Was someone arrested for just saying something? Can you please post a link to this outrageous court case?
Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing?

Desiree Fairooz, a member of the protest group Code Pink, was charged with disorderly conduct after laughing during the introduction of Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions.
FACT CHECK: Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing?

New York Candidate for Governor Arrested for Videotaping Police

New York Candidate for Governor Arrested for Videotaping Police | HuffPost

SEE IT: Anti-violence advocate arrested while videotaping Syracuse police frisking handcuffed motorist
SEE IT: Man arrested while filming Syracuse cops


Hate speech prosecution in Montana

The prosecutor’s office in Flathead County, Montana (where Kalispell is located) is arguing that speech that exposes Jews — or other religious, racial, and other groups — “to hatred, contempt, ridicule, degradation, or disgrace” is criminally punishable, unless it consists of true factual statements. As the Montana criminal defamation statute is worded, this means that hatred-inducing opinions are criminally punishable, too. Yes, this is that extraordinarily rare thing: an American prosecution for “hate speech” (State v. Lenio). The First Amendment doesn’t allow that.

Hate speech prosecution in Montana

Oh, originally you made it sound like people were being arrested just for talking. Your articles cleared up your lie. Thanks.

Your inability to be patriotic nor honest noted Cupcake :(

You just used "cupcake" two posts in a row with 2 different people. How unimaginative of you. Generic Insults like this aren't effective counter debates.

Wow Cupcake, didn't know you snowflakes could count to 2. Congrats.

Jesus, you used cupcake" 4 posts in a row now. How embarrassing! Now you'll act like it wasn't a big deal and you'll use it a bunch to try to save face. :laugh:
80 years in fucking prison for exercising a Constitutionally protected right!

In an Unprecedented Court Escalation, Trump Protesters Could Be Facing Decades in Prison for Inauguration Demonstrations
A frightening crackdown on free speech is underway across the country.

Nearly six months after Donald Trump was sworn into office, more than 200 protesters who gathered in Washington, D.C. to protest his inauguration are facing felony charges that carry sentences of 70 to 80 years.
Conservatives don't love this country, they hate it! They are criminalizing a core American value............dissent.

Rioting, violence, and destruction of property are not Constitutional rights. They never have been, and they never will. You are not fooling anyone when you try to characterize violent, destructive, criminal behavior as “free speech”.
Only in your looney tunes dreams. Every post he made was violently leftist.
The guy is a right wing, white supremacist. He yelled racial slurs at two Muslim women and called African-Americans ****** at right wing rallys. Liberals don't do that dude.

You're such a fucking pussy, you can't even be honest with yourself.
Rioting, violence, and destruction of property are not Constitutional rights. They never have been, and they never will. You are not fooling anyone when you try to characterize violent, destructive, criminal behavior as “free speech”.
The majority of the people arrested did nothing wrong, but you're too pussy to talk about them.

We all know what you Fake Patriots would be saying if this happened at an Obama inauguration.

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