Don't you dare tell me the right is patriotic!

You want to know what I hate..................

Dumb ass Liberals who think they can silence us through threats and violence...............such as your protester friends.....

Politicians who use the IRS as a Weapon against those who don't agree with them.........

Assholes who shout in my face simply because I don't agree with them...........

and when a fight breaks out the same ASSHOLE who started it blaming others..........

Your side is a Freaking Joke.
Show me one of those 200 people threatened a conservative.
Are they repeat offenders? If so yep! I save give each of them 25 years at least. :)
No they weren't. Many were doctors, lawyers and members of the press that were "kettled".
Even better :) Leftist doctors who stick their nose in your life asking about guns in your home which is none of their business and lawyers...there is no sleazier group,well wait...the media..I hope ALL of those get prison!

Private Reiben was right. He spoke out and the Captain didn't listen. As a result, they lost their medic.

Now I can see why you won't speak out on this issue.
You want to know what I hate..................

Dumb ass Liberals who think they can silence us through threats and violence...............such as your protester friends.....

Politicians who use the IRS as a Weapon against those who don't agree with them.........

Assholes who shout in my face simply because I don't agree with them...........

and when a fight breaks out the same ASSHOLE who started it blaming others..........

Your side is a Freaking Joke.
Show me one of those 200 people threatened a conservative.
Ask for proof of the ones charged and he demands proof from you while showing no evidence or facts when asked.

Even better :) Leftist doctors who stick their nose in your life asking about guns in your home which is none of their business and lawyers...there is no sleazier group,well wait...the media..I hope ALL of those get prison!
You're not even a citizen, so who gives a fuck what you think.
Who got sentenced to 80 years?
I swear to God, not one person on the right in this entire thread has had the balls or the love of country to condemn this clear act of 1st amendment suppression. You fuckers just say you support the Constitution, but you definitely don't demonstrate it.
This time try reading slowly...

Who got sentenced to 80 years?

Private Reiben was right. He spoke out and the Captain didn't listen. As a result, they lost their medic.

Now I can see why you won't speak out on this issue.
The Military isn't a Democracy dumbass..........His orders were to take out a enemy machine gun nest that had already killed American paratroopers...............So maybe he should have just shut the hell up and followed orders to kill the enemy.

And over 7000 men died on the beaches that day..............the object of War........kill the enemy.......which they did.
80 years in fucking prison for exercising a Constitutionally protected right!

In an Unprecedented Court Escalation, Trump Protesters Could Be Facing Decades in Prison for Inauguration Demonstrations
A frightening crackdown on free speech is underway across the country.

Nearly six months after Donald Trump was sworn into office, more than 200 protesters who gathered in Washington, D.C. to protest his inauguration are facing felony charges that carry sentences of 70 to 80 years.
Conservatives don't love this country, they hate it! They are criminalizing a core American value............dissent.
Apparently the source is Al Jazzera.....and these people were, according to the article, arrested by the DC Metro Police Department, not the FBI or anyone under the control of the Republican Party. This is liberals attacking liberals. This happened during the who was in control of the DC Police during the Inauguration? The Washington Establishment.

Yet another example of Democrats causing problems and blaming it on Old White Men.
Ask for proof of the ones charged and he demands proof from you while showing no evidence or facts when asked.

You inferred they threatened you with violence. I merely asked for proof of that.
I didn't say that...............I said it in general and unless you live under a rock you know damned well protest across this country have done so.............
I am forced to agree. 70-80 years is outrageous and it does rise to the level of criminalizing speech. It seems that many Republicans want to use jails to criminalize speech. The punishment has to fit the crime. These people are not patriots. They are no different than the protestors themselves.
Was someone arrested for just saying something? Can you please post a link to this outrageous court case?
Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing?

Desiree Fairooz, a member of the protest group Code Pink, was charged with disorderly conduct after laughing during the introduction of Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions.
FACT CHECK: Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing?

New York Candidate for Governor Arrested for Videotaping Police

New York Candidate for Governor Arrested for Videotaping Police | HuffPost

SEE IT: Anti-violence advocate arrested while videotaping Syracuse police frisking handcuffed motorist
SEE IT: Man arrested while filming Syracuse cops


Hate speech prosecution in Montana

The prosecutor’s office in Flathead County, Montana (where Kalispell is located) is arguing that speech that exposes Jews — or other religious, racial, and other groups — “to hatred, contempt, ridicule, degradation, or disgrace” is criminally punishable, unless it consists of true factual statements. As the Montana criminal defamation statute is worded, this means that hatred-inducing opinions are criminally punishable, too. Yes, this is that extraordinarily rare thing: an American prosecution for “hate speech” (State v. Lenio). The First Amendment doesn’t allow that.

Hate speech prosecution in Montana

Oh, originally you made it sound like people were being arrested just for talking. Your articles cleared up your lie. Thanks.
[Who are the Oath Keepers? Who are the 3-percenters? Who are the Proud Boys?

You want to talk about violence, answer those questions.

First, you show us where any of these groups have engaged in violence?

I get that those who are loyal to the United States Constitution are enemies of you Fascist democrats, after all you are at war to end the Constitution. But before we can conclude they are similar to you jackbooted Brown Shirts, you need to show that they have engaged in violence the way you Nazi thugs do on a daily basis.
/---- The Right is patriotic. So there.
Here's the difference...

...Obama allows a guy with an automatic weapon to stand "undisturbed" while he gives a speech, whereas you fuckers "kettle" 200 people and charge them with a crime that could send them to prison for 80 years.

Have you ever told the truth, Brown Shirt?
Do you have a legitimate source? Alternet is a fucking joke, a leftist hate site that is about at reliable for facts as a Batman comic
Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

Alternet is not a valid source, and they based their idiocy on Al Jazeera.

So I take it you don't have a main stream source to back up your propaganda?


What a fucking retard you are.

I see Al Jazeera is the source that the gutter hate site Alternet used - you Fascists are so classy.

Look scumbag, you think that your little Kristalnacht outings are all good fun, but I told you Never Again Nazi boi, looks like the judge agrees with me.
Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

Kristalnacht is not a valid political statement - Nazi boi.

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