Don't you dare tell me the right is patriotic!

80 years in fucking prison for exercising a Constitutionally protected right!

In an Unprecedented Court Escalation, Trump Protesters Could Be Facing Decades in Prison for Inauguration Demonstrations
A frightening crackdown on free speech is underway across the country.

Nearly six months after Donald Trump was sworn into office, more than 200 protesters who gathered in Washington, D.C. to protest his inauguration are facing felony charges that carry sentences of 70 to 80 years.
Conservatives don't love this country, they hate it! They are criminalizing a core American value............dissent.

The article states they are being charged with felony rioting and conspiracy to riot, destruction of property..etc.
Why do you consider that to be a constitutional right? The LEFT does not allow dissent to their message. You've got it completely backwards. They wont allow conservative speakers on a college campus without urging the students to once again riot. Theres nothing about free speech that you guys on the Left truly accept. You just want to burn and break things until you get your way.
80 years in fucking prison for exercising a Constitutionally protected right!

In an Unprecedented Court Escalation, Trump Protesters Could Be Facing Decades in Prison for Inauguration Demonstrations
A frightening crackdown on free speech is underway across the country.

Nearly six months after Donald Trump was sworn into office, more than 200 protesters who gathered in Washington, D.C. to protest his inauguration are facing felony charges that carry sentences of 70 to 80 years.
Conservatives don't love this country, they hate it! They are criminalizing a core American value............dissent.
Wait, were you the one that clobbered someone with a bicycle lock?

But all kidding aside, don't ya think when lefties wear facial masks so they can obviously bypass getting caught while committing physical crimes against others and property, they should maybe go to jail? And regarding your so called freedom of speech rights, I know given your leftist mindset and believing double standards only apply to liberals, this will be difficult if not impossible for you to grasp. But stay with me because I'm going to try to explain in elementary terms that even the most progressive liberal can understand.

Besides inciting riots in the streets to the point of causing physical anarchy, property damage also occurred. Trump was burned in effigy and mock severed bloody heads were displayed showing he'd been beheaded advocating treasonous crimes against the president. All through his first months of his presidency, he's been hounded daily by so called biased liberal media claiming FAKE NEWS even though no "There there" has been found. But regardless the beat goes on from the left trying to stall or stop his presidency which is obstructing his ability to perform his job properly.

So let's recap. The liberals incited riots, created anarchy, called for treasonous acts against the president, caused felony property damage, physically harmed people with objects such as the bicycle lock incident, and last but not least caused obstruction.

Meanwhile conservatives on the right haven't done much of anything except exercise their freedom of speech which they're now currently at risk of losing. FOX news Shawn Hannity is the latest under fire by those on the left who are targeting advertisers of his show in an attempt to get him terminated. And what's that called? Oh yeah, conservative Americans losing their first amendment rights.

By the way because the left has finally gone too far and struck a nerve, a huge movement is currently underway to do the same to the so called journalists (joke) on the left as well to get as many of them terminated as possible too. I, myself am getting involved in that endeavor.
Media Equalizer
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The fact that the OP thinks it's "patriotic" to inflict violence & destruction on innocent people really shows that liberal feces like him are creatures who live underneath rocks with the worms, and that's an insult to worms. EVERYTHING about these demonic liberal brains centers around mindless violence and nothing else. See, this is why I no longer consider liberalfilth human - they gave up their humanity by becoming a force of mindless destruction and their MALICIOUS, fecal brains thinking it's somehow justified.
For the ringleaders who do this shit for a living....yes.
Your so full of shit, I have to raise my pant legs so they won't get dirty.

You're a bunch of Fake Patriots who are destroying this country's values.

Wrong silly boy. We understand that there is a huge gulf between this....



And this....




Which is on the steps to this...



They look remarkably similar don't they?
Rioting, violence, and destruction of property are not Constitutional rights. They never have been, and they never will. You are not fooling anyone when you try to characterize violent, destructive, criminal behavior as “free speech”.
The majority of the people arrested did nothing wrong, but you're too pussy to talk about them.

We all know what you Fake Patriots would be saying if this happened at an Obama inauguration.

You're not a fake anything. You're just a stupid asshole. The pricks that rioted are not patriots, dipshit. They are scum, paid to do it.
80 years in fucking prison for exercising a Constitutionally protected right!

In an Unprecedented Court Escalation, Trump Protesters Could Be Facing Decades in Prison for Inauguration Demonstrations
A frightening crackdown on free speech is underway across the country.

Nearly six months after Donald Trump was sworn into office, more than 200 protesters who gathered in Washington, D.C. to protest his inauguration are facing felony charges that carry sentences of 70 to 80 years.
Conservatives don't love this country, they hate it! They are criminalizing a core American value............dissent.

Fuck you faggot they weren't peaceful protesters they were violent antifa rioters, I'll have your head and theirs by the time this is over you fat fuck.
Rioting, violence, and destruction of property are not Constitutional rights. They never have been, and they never will. You are not fooling anyone when you try to characterize violent, destructive, criminal behavior as “free speech”.
The majority of the people arrested did nothing wrong, but you're too pussy to talk about them.

We all know what you Fake Patriots would be saying if this happened at an Obama inauguration.

Lying faggot, hang the n!ggee obama and hang the antifa scum, you can join them.
The article states they are being charged with felony rioting and conspiracy to riot, destruction of property..etc.
Why do you consider that to be a constitutional right? The LEFT does not allow dissent to their message. You've got it completely backwards. They wont allow conservative speakers on a college campus without urging the students to once again riot. Theres nothing about free speech that you guys on the Left truly accept. You just want to burn and break things until you get your way.
How many times do you fuckers have to be told the majority of the people arrested committed no crime? And you fuckers deliberately staged that thing at Berkley for the sole purpose of starting a fight. That was no free speech rally, that was a set up so your Oath Keepers, or 3-percenters, or Proud Boys could go to work and create a false flag event that you could bitch about later.

All you are is Fake Patriots.
Wait, were you the one that clobbered someone with a bicycle lock?

But all kidding aside, don't ya think when lefties wear facial masks so they can obviously bypass getting caught while committing physical crimes against others and property, they should maybe go to jail? And regarding your so called freedom of speech rights, I know given your leftist mindset and believing double standards only apply to liberals, this will be difficult if not impossible for you to grasp. But stay with me because I'm going to try to explain in elementary terms that even the most progressive liberal can understand.

Besides inciting riots in the streets to the point of causing physical anarchy, property damage also occurred. Trump was burned in effigy and mock severed bloody heads were displayed showing he'd been beheaded advocating treasonous crimes against the president. All through his first months of his presidency, he's been hounded daily by so called biased liberal media claiming FAKE NEWS even though no "There there" has been found. But regardless the beat goes on from the left trying to stall or stop his presidency which is obstructing his ability to perform his job properly.

So let's recap. The liberals incited riots, created anarchy, called for treasonous acts against the president, caused felony property damage, physically harmed people with objects such as the bicycle lock incident, and last but not least caused obstruction.

Meanwhile conservatives on the right haven't done much of anything except exercise their freedom of speech which they're now currently at risk of losing. FOX news Shawn Hannity is the latest under fire by those on the left who are targeting advertisers of his show in an attempt to get him terminated. And what's that called? Oh yeah, conservative Americans losing their first amendment rights.

By the way because the left has finally gone too far and struck a nerve, a huge movement is currently underway to do the same to the so called journalists (joke) on the left as well to get as many of them terminated as possible too. I, myself am getting involved in that endeavor.
Media Equalizer
Who are the Oath Keepers? Who are the 3-percenters? Who are the Proud Boys? Who was that psycho on the Portland train? Who burned the church in Mississippi and wrote "vote Trump" on the side? Who wants to put more people in prison in the most incarcerated country on the planet?

Who has the balls to answer just one of those questions?
Wrong silly boy. We understand that there is a huge gulf between this....



And this....




Which is on the steps to this...



They look remarkably similar don't they?
And there are over 800 hate crimes committed since Trump took office. Some of them against Jews. When has anyone on the left yelled at Muslim women on a train? When has any left leaning politician pointed to someone in the crowd and have that person physically hauled away like Trump did at his campaign speeches?

And you focus in on one international group that started in response to your groups rampant fascism.
You're not a fake anything. You're just a stupid asshole. The pricks that rioted are not patriots, dipshit. They are scum, paid to do it.
I agree the pricks that rioted are not patriots. I agree they are scum. I don't know if they were paid to do it. Yeah, and I also agree I'm a stupid asshole. But I am definitely no fuckin' fake! And you are definitely no fuckin' angel.
The fact that the OP thinks it's "patriotic" to inflict violence & destruction on innocent people really shows that liberal feces like him are creatures who live underneath rocks with the worms, and that's an insult to worms. EVERYTHING about these demonic liberal brains centers around mindless violence and nothing else. See, this is why I no longer consider liberalfilth human - they gave up their humanity by becoming a force of mindless destruction and their MALICIOUS, fecal brains thinking it's somehow justified.
You're a perfect example of why home schoolers do not help this country by arguing politics.
This thread has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the alt right are Fake Patriots with nothing more than a big mouth. I've stated a dozen times or more that the majority of people arrested were "kettled" and committed no crime. And how did these alt right patriots react in a country that believes a man is innocent until proven guilty? Every single one of these America haters couldn't wait to pile the shit on these people.

Not one person on the right has given these people the benefit of the doubt. Not one person on the right has demonstrated at least one American value. There isn't one person on the right that has taken responsibility for their sides role in the violence. Not only are they Fake Patriots, they are Fake Patriots with no balls.
80 years in fucking prison for exercising a Constitutionally protected right!

In an Unprecedented Court Escalation, Trump Protesters Could Be Facing Decades in Prison for Inauguration Demonstrations
A frightening crackdown on free speech is underway across the country.

Nearly six months after Donald Trump was sworn into office, more than 200 protesters who gathered in Washington, D.C. to protest his inauguration are facing felony charges that carry sentences of 70 to 80 years.
Conservatives don't love this country, they hate it! They are criminalizing a core American value............dissent.
I'm a conservative, and I love my country, so you are a liar. And, don't you dare tell me I'm not patriotic, liar.
The fact that the OP thinks it's "patriotic" to inflict violence & destruction on innocent people really shows that liberal feces like him are creatures who live underneath rocks with the worms, and that's an insult to worms. EVERYTHING about these demonic liberal brains centers around mindless violence and nothing else. See, this is why I no longer consider liberalfilth human - they gave up their humanity by becoming a force opublic schools schiiled.tIL
[QUOTE="Billo_Really, post: 17426620,
I'm a conservative, and I love my country, so you are a liar. And, don't you dare tell me I'm not patriotic, liar.
I'm a liar because you're a conservative?

Is that what you're saying?
No, didn't you say conservatives hate their country? If I'm wrong I will apologize, but I still love my country.

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