Don't you dare tell me the right is patriotic!

The ever growing police state, dude.....under the Bushpuppet we had "free speech zones". We have been doing the "totalitarian tip toe" since the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933. Look at what has been done to the Bundy family and the others that were standing up for the Hammond family. Slowly but surely, America is turning into what the U.S.S.R was.
Al Bundy's family?

In all seriousness dude, I agree with you.

But the Bundy bunch stole personal and private property and damaged property that taxpayers have to pay for.

I didn't see where anyone at DC broke laws.

Most frightening is that trump wants to gut the Constitution. He's already gotten started on it and every time the damn cheeto tells us brainless fans that he's going to do something unconstitutional, the dummies applaud like crazy.

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80 years in fucking prison for exercising a Constitutionally protected right!

In an Unprecedented Court Escalation, Trump Protesters Could Be Facing Decades in Prison for Inauguration Demonstrations
A frightening crackdown on free speech is underway across the country.

Nearly six months after Donald Trump was sworn into office, more than 200 protesters who gathered in Washington, D.C. to protest his inauguration are facing felony charges that carry sentences of 70 to 80 years.
Conservatives don't love this country, they hate it! They are criminalizing a core American value............dissent.

/----- Where is your fake outrage when conservatives are booed off stage at colleges?
80 years in fucking prison for exercising a Constitutionally protected right!

In an Unprecedented Court Escalation, Trump Protesters Could Be Facing Decades in Prison for Inauguration Demonstrations
A frightening crackdown on free speech is underway across the country.

Nearly six months after Donald Trump was sworn into office, more than 200 protesters who gathered in Washington, D.C. to protest his inauguration are facing felony charges that carry sentences of 70 to 80 years.
Conservatives don't love this country, they hate it! They are criminalizing a core American value............dissent.

Do you have a legitimate source? Alternet is a fucking joke, a leftist hate site that is about at reliable for facts as a Batman comic
So don't felony riot.....duh
They didn't, you piece of fucking shit!



What a fucking retard you are.

I see Al Jazeera is the source that the gutter hate site Alternet used - you Fascists are so classy.

Look scumbag, you think that your little Kristalnacht outings are all good fun, but I told you Never Again Nazi boi, looks like the judge agrees with me.
Last edited:
The right is patriotic.

Violence is a crime.
They didn't commit violence. They were corralled like cattle.

Oh, we see that Adolf!



80 years in fucking prison for exercising a Constitutionally protected right!

In an Unprecedented Court Escalation, Trump Protesters Could Be Facing Decades in Prison for Inauguration Demonstrations
A frightening crackdown on free speech is underway across the country.

Nearly six months after Donald Trump was sworn into office, more than 200 protesters who gathered in Washington, D.C. to protest his inauguration are facing felony charges that carry sentences of 70 to 80 years.
Conservatives don't love this country, they hate it! They are criminalizing a core American value............dissent.






F U C K Y O U, Y O U F U C K I N G T O O L.

What gives them or anyone else the right to destroy that which is not theirs?

Trump inauguration protest damages parts of downtown Washington

Inauguration protesters vandalize, set fires, try to disrupt Trump’s oath, as police arrest more than 200

Protesters who destroyed property on Inauguration Day were part of well-organized group

217 arrests, 6 officer injuries during inauguration protests

Just how "patriotic" is it to destroy other peoples' property? If that's "patriotism" it's a patriotism we can do without.

The ever growing police state, dude.....under the Bushpuppet we had "free speech zones". We have been doing the "totalitarian tip toe" since the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933. Look at what has been done to the Bundy family and the others that were standing up for the Hammond family. Slowly but surely, America is turning into what the U.S.S.R was.
Al Bundy's family?

In all seriousness dude, I agree with you.

But the Bundy bunch stole personal and private property and damaged property that taxpayers have to pay for.

I didn't see where anyone at DC broke laws.

Most frightening is that trump wants to gut the Constitution. He's already gotten started on it and every time the damn cheeto tells us brainless fans that he's going to do something unconstitutional, the dummies applaud like crazy.

Sent from my iPad using
The ever growing police state, dude.....under the Bushpuppet we had "free speech zones". We have been doing the "totalitarian tip toe" since the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933. Look at what has been done to the Bundy family and the others that were standing up for the Hammond family. Slowly but surely, America is turning into what the U.S.S.R was.
Al Bundy's family?

In all seriousness dude, I agree with you.

But the Bundy bunch stole personal and private property and damaged property that taxpayers have to pay for.

I didn't see where anyone at DC broke laws.

Most frightening is that trump wants to gut the Constitution. He's already gotten started on it and every time the damn cheeto tells us brainless fans that he's going to do something unconstitutional, the dummies applaud like crazy.

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No, the Bundy family had grazing rights and the Gestapo Bureau of Land Management came in and claimed that the land the cows were grazing on were now "Federal land" thus they were to be charged a "grazing fee". Here in lies the rub, the corporate entity that is your beloved "gubermint" only has jurisdiction over the District of Columbia and their territories like Guam, Puerto Rico, etc, etc which is why a sheriff can tell a Fed official to go fuck themselves. They had done to other families what they were doing to the Bundy family which was drive them off with user "fees" or having laws passed like the cows were hurting an endangered species....all bullshit stuff to try and get them to leave so they could buy up their property on the cheap. What happened to the Hammond family is way more horrific and unjust which was why they went to the refuge in Oregon so they could protest.

Here is a post I wrote last year.....

I would have never believed that this could happen here in America. I will start with the Hammond family that led to the arrest of the protesters and the death of Lavoy Finicum. The Hammonds have/had a 10,000 acre ranch that has been in the family for many, many years. They once had neighbors that had surrounding ranches and they all looked out for each other.... but then the Bureau of Land Management was formed with the explicit intent to run people off of their land and make ranching so unprofitable that they would sell their land to the BLM or bankrupt them that would then enable the BLM to claim it as "federal gubermint" property. The Hammonds (much like the Bundys in Nevada) were "hold outs" and would not sell their land. The BLM had the Hammond ranch boxed in their 10,000 acre ranch was surrounded by land claimed as "federal" by the BLM. What city dwellers do not understand is that from time to time (to clear away brush) a "controlled burn" has to be done because brush (which is nothing but dead and dried wood) can act like a match that can cause fires that can take out thousands of acres. One of those fires got out of hand when the wind shifted direction. The Hammonds took care of it and no BLM intervention was necessary. It burned 139 acres most oif which was brush. They had permission for the controlled burn.Five years later after getting permission for a controlled burn, one acre of federal "gubermint" land caught fire and AGAIN they put it out. This time they were charged with a crime and serve jail time along with a 400,000 dollar fine for actually improving the value of the land the BLM claimed as theirs that Hammond brush fire had caused.

Controlled burns by the very same BLM have gotten so out off control that THOUSANDS of acres were burned down along with homes and no one was held responsible and the BLM ended up taking possession of the land that they were complicit in burning to the ground. The Hammonds went about trying to pay the fine and had paid 250,000 dollars towards the 400,000 dollar fine (after serving jail time) when the BLM approached them about selling...AGAIN, the Hammonds refused. So they went to a circuit court of appeals and claimed that the Hammonds got off light and should have served a minimum of 5 years due the 1996 domestic"terrorism" law that was passed after the OKC bombing (false flag, btw), after having already been sentence by a judge for a bullshit charge to begin with AFTER having served the sentences and AFTER having paid 250,000 dollars towards a fine that was total bullshit to begin with? The BLM and federal "gubermint" wanted another pound of flesh but more importantly, they wanted to force the Hammonds to have to sell their land to the BLM because under the sentencing guidelines, the BLM has first right of refusal in order to buy it...of course it will be with our tax dollars borrowed from a foreign owned central bank.

THAT is why the Bundys and other patriots went to stand up for these people....this is the part of the story you have not been told and these same circumstances has happened to other farmers and ranchers. Those whose stories you do not know of simply took what they could get and meekly went away but those like the Bundy family and the Hammonds tried to stand tall. When the Oathkeepers led by Ammon Bundy came to Oregon right after the Hammonds had to report to federal prison, the Hammonds HAD to claim that they did not wish for the Oathkeepers to defend them because they were told that the federal "gubermint" could send them to a prison that would assure that they never made it out see? This is how your "gubermint" rolls".

Lavoy Finicum and some of the occupiers of the Wildlife refuge were ambushed after they were on their way to a meeting with a city council. Finicum was murdered in cold blood...shot in the back and totally unarmed. Then the FBI fired into the vehicle that Lavoy Finicum was in.........this is how your corporate, foreign owned federal "gubermint" treats Americans....are you as pissed as I am? I hope you are because I will never bow, I will never submit nor will I ever be subservient to this corporate entity that lamely attempts to pass itself off as a legitimate governmental body.That is why I give the federal gubermint the big :fu:every chance I get and expose it as best I can.

Here is what these sacks of shit do and they even BRAG about it....two WWII veterans were cheated and manipulated to sell to the BLM......proud, are ya? This kinda shit goes on all the time and has been for years.

I would have to see what they did before I could have an opinion. Just seeing a list of generic charges doesn't tell me exactly what each one of them did. I do think it would be smart to crack down on leftist violence by handing out harsh sentences. You guys are WAY out of hand now and you're doing a lot of harm to our nation's culture.
Who are the Oath Keepers? Who are the 3-percenters? Who are the Proud Boys?

You want to talk about violence, answer those questions.
80 years in fucking prison for exercising a Constitutionally protected right!

In an Unprecedented Court Escalation, Trump Protesters Could Be Facing Decades in Prison for Inauguration Demonstrations
A frightening crackdown on free speech is underway across the country.

Nearly six months after Donald Trump was sworn into office, more than 200 protesters who gathered in Washington, D.C. to protest his inauguration are facing felony charges that carry sentences of 70 to 80 years.
Conservatives don't love this country, they hate it! They are criminalizing a core American value............dissent.
'bout damn time.

Don't confuse RIOTING with Free Speech and you won't be doing time.
Dont commit multiple felonies and you wont have a problem.
Who are the Oath Keepers? Who are the 3-percenters? Who are the Proud Boys? Who was the guy on the Portland train?

You people say nothing about them.

You are "Fake Patriots!"

You loons keep up your shennanigans and you'll find out what a patriot is. People are sick of your shit and acting like petulant children
What silly shit! Who exactly has been charged with exercising a constitutional right? A crime is a crime protester or not. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
The majority of the 200 people were "kettled" and did nothing wrong, Fake Patriot.
/---- The Right is patriotic. So there.
Here's the difference...

...Obama allows a guy with an automatic weapon to stand "undisturbed" while he gives a speech, whereas you fuckers "kettle" 200 people and charge them with a crime that could send them to prison for 80 years.

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