Don't you dare tell me the right is patriotic!



What a fucking retard you are.

I see Al Jazeera is the source that the gutter hate site Alternet used - you Fascists are so classy.

Look scumbag, you think that your little Kristalnacht outings are all good fun, but I told you Never Again Nazi boi, looks like the judge agrees with me.
Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.
Yes, I did, and they provided no mechanism to support the claim.
WTF is that supposed to mean?

Here we have a clear case of the President trying to suppress peoples 1st amendment rights and you people say nothing.

You are "Fake Patriots"!

Bullshit dude. Just absolute bullshit. No one is trying to prevent people from gathering to protest whatever the hell they want to. What people are NOT allowed to do is go to a town and destroy other peoples private property which is what these assholes did. You are so completely wrong about this subject that i am having a hard time reconciling you as a thinking human being. Are you sure you're not a robot programmed to be a dumbass?
I would have to see what they did before I could have an opinion. Just seeing a list of generic charges doesn't tell me exactly what each one of them did. I do think it would be smart to crack down on leftist violence by handing out harsh sentences. You guys are WAY out of hand now and you're doing a lot of harm to our nation's culture.
Who are the Oath Keepers? Who are the 3-percenters? Who are the Proud Boys?

You want to talk about violence, answer those questions.
If i answer those questions, will it stop the rampant leftist violence that is plaguing our nation?
Oh, we see that Adolf!



Random pictures are not valid rebuttals.





F U C K Y O U, Y O U F U C K I N G T O O L.

What gives them or anyone else the right to destroy that which is not theirs?

Trump inauguration protest damages parts of downtown Washington

Inauguration protesters vandalize, set fires, try to disrupt Trump’s oath, as police arrest more than 200

Protesters who destroyed property on Inauguration Day were part of well-organized group

217 arrests, 6 officer injuries during inauguration protests

Just how "patriotic" is it to destroy other peoples' property? If that's "patriotism" it's a patriotism we can do without.

217 people did not commit those crimes.
Yes, I did, and they provided no mechanism to support the claim.
WTF is that supposed to mean?

Here we have a clear case of the President trying to suppress peoples 1st amendment rights and you people say nothing.

You are "Fake Patriots"!

No one is trying to prevent people from gathering to protest whatever the hell they want to
You and i are in agreement, but im still going to correct you for accuracy. There is no one on the RIGHT that is trying to stop people from protesting, but democrats most certainly are trying to get rid of the First Amendment.
80 years in fucking prison for exercising a Constitutionally protected right!

In an Unprecedented Court Escalation, Trump Protesters Could Be Facing Decades in Prison for Inauguration Demonstrations
A frightening crackdown on free speech is underway across the country.

Nearly six months after Donald Trump was sworn into office, more than 200 protesters who gathered in Washington, D.C. to protest his inauguration are facing felony charges that carry sentences of 70 to 80 years.
Conservatives don't love this country, they hate it! They are criminalizing a core American value............dissent.

Don't make any mistakes, the hardcore conservatives would salivate at the thought of a totalitarian government run by them. Forcing other people to do what you tell them with the barrel of a gun is their wettest of wet dreams. The Constitution to them is a major nuisance that gets in their way.

A new McCarthyism is taking hold.





F U C K Y O U, Y O U F U C K I N G T O O L.

What gives them or anyone else the right to destroy that which is not theirs?

Trump inauguration protest damages parts of downtown Washington

Inauguration protesters vandalize, set fires, try to disrupt Trump’s oath, as police arrest more than 200

Protesters who destroyed property on Inauguration Day were part of well-organized group

217 arrests, 6 officer injuries during inauguration protests

Just how "patriotic" is it to destroy other peoples' property? If that's "patriotism" it's a patriotism we can do without.

217 people did not commit those crimes.

And the ones who didn't will be found innocent. That's how the legal system is supposed to work.
Bullshit dude. Just absolute bullshit. No one is trying to prevent people from gathering to protest whatever the hell they want to. What people are NOT allowed to do is go to a town and destroy other peoples private property which is what these assholes did. You are so completely wrong about this subject that i am having a hard time reconciling you as a thinking human being. Are you sure you're not a robot programmed to be a dumbass?
The majority of those people committed no crime, yet you refuse to say anything about them.

How about the guy on the Portland train? Wanna say anything about him? Or do you support what he did?
If i answer those questions, will it stop the rampant leftist violence that is plaguing our nation?
There is no "rampant leftist violence". There is alt right violence plaguing this nation, that's why I mentioned those groups.

You have to go all the way back to the anti-Vietnam rally's to find the equivalent leftist violence.
Obviously, the protesters broke laws that were already on the books.

That's why they got charged with a crime.

Quite simple when you think about it. ....... :cool:
80 years? You're okay with that?

We may disagree on a lot of things but I am with you on this. What if these protests funded by the powers that be intentionally encouraged these masked protesters to cause as much mayhem and damage possible in order to pass draconian legislation that would discourage any type of protests in order to air their grievances and let's take it one step further....let's say that you put a peaceful protest together and agent provocateurs infiltrated your ranks and started rioting and because YOU were there protesting thus makes you guilty by association? Some may think that what I am saying is far-fetched? Well, see this video and then tell me I am wrong......

80 years in fucking prison for exercising a Constitutionally protected right!

In an Unprecedented Court Escalation, Trump Protesters Could Be Facing Decades in Prison for Inauguration Demonstrations
A frightening crackdown on free speech is underway across the country.

Nearly six months after Donald Trump was sworn into office, more than 200 protesters who gathered in Washington, D.C. to protest his inauguration are facing felony charges that carry sentences of 70 to 80 years.
Conservatives don't love this country, they hate it! They are criminalizing a core American value............dissent.
Alternet...nuff said. Oh and smashing windows,setting cars on fire and assaulting people are NOT constitutional rights idiot.
If i answer those questions, will it stop the rampant leftist violence that is plaguing our nation?
There is no "rampant leftist violence". There is alt right violence plaguing this nation, that's why I mentioned those groups.

You have to go all the way back to the anti-Vietnam rally's to find the equivalent leftist violence. really are stupid.......the ones causing all the violence are left wing, not right wing....moron.
Bullshit dude. Just absolute bullshit. No one is trying to prevent people from gathering to protest whatever the hell they want to. What people are NOT allowed to do is go to a town and destroy other peoples private property which is what these assholes did. You are so completely wrong about this subject that i am having a hard time reconciling you as a thinking human being. Are you sure you're not a robot programmed to be a dumbass?
The majority of those people committed no crime, yet you refuse to say anything about them.

How about the guy on the Portland train? Wanna say anything about him? Or do you support what he did?

You mean the left wing Bernie and Jill Stein supporting dipshit who also happens to be batshit crazy? No, I don't hold Bernie or Stein responsible for the actions of an insane person. You are sounding stupider and stupider with every post. Really, you should just stop.

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