Don't you dare tell me the right is patriotic!

Bullshit dude. Just absolute bullshit. No one is trying to prevent people from gathering to protest whatever the hell they want to. What people are NOT allowed to do is go to a town and destroy other peoples private property which is what these assholes did. You are so completely wrong about this subject that i am having a hard time reconciling you as a thinking human being. Are you sure you're not a robot programmed to be a dumbass?
The majority of those people committed no crime, yet you refuse to say anything about them.

How about the guy on the Portland train? Wanna say anything about him? Or do you support what he did?

We don't know what they did. The police will have evidence to support the charges or they won't. This isn't China where they grind protesters under the treads of tanks. Truly you are a complete loon on this subject.; You are so completely wrong you must be either really stoned or you really are just dumb as a box of rocks.
If i answer those questions, will it stop the rampant leftist violence that is plaguing our nation?
There is no "rampant leftist violence". There is alt right violence plaguing this nation, that's why I mentioned those groups.

You have to go all the way back to the anti-Vietnam rally's to find the equivalent leftist violence.

The leftists violence is directed from the highest levels of the democrat party...we know this because they admitted it...

We may disagree on a lot of things but I am with you on this. What if these protests funded by the powers that be intentionally encouraged these masked protesters to cause as much mayhem and damage possible in order to pass draconian legislation that would discourage any type of protests in order to air their grievances and let's take it one step further....let's say that you put a peaceful protest together and agent provocateurs infiltrated your ranks and started rioting and because YOU were there protesting thus makes you guilty by association? Some may think that what I am saying is far-fetched? Well, see this video and then tell me I am wrong......

I hear what you are saying and that is true. That has happened. And for anyone who disagrees with that, I have 3 words...

...Gulf of Tonkin.
Alternet...nuff said. Oh and smashing windows,setting cars on fire and assaulting people are NOT constitutional rights idiot.
Do they deserve 80 years in prison?

There are a couple of ring leaders who have been doing this for years and are responsible for harming dozens if not hundreds of people and IMO those pricks DO deserve 80 years. It's not a protest to them, it is a way of life. They are violent assholes who use the pain of others to hide their bullshit. really are stupid.......the ones causing all the violence are left wing, not right wing....moron.
Who are the Oath Keepers? Who are the 3-percenters? Who are the Proud Boys? Who was the guy on the Portland train?

WTF are you talking about? really are stupid.......the ones causing all the violence are left wing, not right wing....moron.
Who are the Oath Keepers? Who are the 3-percenters? Who are the Proud Boys? Who was the guy on the Portland train?

WTF are you talking about?

The guy on the Portland train was a LEFTY, dumbass!

"On that same day Christian, who shows support for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders on his Facebook page, posted a death threat about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton."

Portland suspect in courtroom rant: ' You call it terrorism. I call it patriotism!' really are stupid.......the ones causing all the violence are left wing, not right wing....moron.
Who are the Oath Keepers? Who are the 3-percenters? Who are the Proud Boys? Who was the guy on the Portland train?

WTF are you talking about?

the democrat national committee and the hilary campaign paid people to incite foval and bob craemer are the ones who organized it and were caught on video admitting it.......

Did you and rightytighty get drunk tonight...cause you are both acting like typical left wingers.....really stupid and pathetic....
You mean the left wing Bernie and Jill Stein supporting dipshit who also happens to be batshit crazy? No, I don't hold Bernie or Stein responsible for the actions of an insane person. You are sounding stupider and stupider with every post. Really, you should just stop.
The guy on the train was a right wing racist emboldened by the Trump Presidency.
We don't know what they did. The police will have evidence to support the charges or they won't. This isn't China where they grind protesters under the treads of tanks. Truly you are a complete loon on this subject.; You are so completely wrong you must be either really stoned or you really are just dumb as a box of rocks.
This is a country where Trump points to someone in the crowd and they get physically dragged off.
We don't know what they did. The police will have evidence to support the charges or they won't. This isn't China where they grind protesters under the treads of tanks. Truly you are a complete loon on this subject.; You are so completely wrong you must be either really stoned or you really are just dumb as a box of rocks.
This is a country where Trump points to someone in the crowd and they get physically dragged off.

Same thing happened under obummer and every other POTUS dude. That is not compelling evidence. Many people have been dragged away, questioned and then released when it was determined they weren't a threat. You are a big time purveyor of FAKE NEWS dude.
The right is patriotic ...


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