Don't you dare tell me the right is patriotic!

There are a couple of ring leaders who have been doing this for years and are responsible for harming dozens if not hundreds of people and IMO those pricks DO deserve 80 years. It's not a protest to them, it is a way of life. They are violent assholes who use the pain of others to hide their bullshit.
You can't for the life of you bring yourself to protest anything on the right you fucking tool!
The guy on the Portland train was a LEFTY, dumbass!

"On that same day Christian, who shows support for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders on his Facebook page, posted a death threat about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton."

Portland suspect in courtroom rant: ' You call it terrorism. I call it patriotism!'
Leftists don't yell at muslim women on trains, you fucking asshole!

In April, Christian was filmed and photographed doing a Nazi salute while shouting: "Die Muslims!" at an alt-right "free speech" rally.
And leftists don't make Nazi salutes.
Same thing happened under obummer and every other POTUS dude. That is not compelling evidence. Many people have been dragged away, questioned and then released when it was determined they weren't a threat. You are a big time purveyor of FAKE NEWS dude.
I guy with an automatic weapon was allowed to stand and watch an Obama speech.
The Right is patriotic.

I dared.......what are you going to do about it!
Leftists don't yell at muslim women on trains, you fucking asshole!

In April, Christian was filmed and photographed doing a Nazi salute while shouting: "Die Muslims!" at an alt-right "free speech" rally.

And leftists don't make Nazi salutes.

Of course National SOCIALISTS do!

Just because you don't accept THEIR variation of SOCIALISM doesn't mean he's not a lefty. He's one of yours.
If i answer those questions, will it stop the rampant leftist violence that is plaguing our nation?
There is no "rampant leftist violence". There is alt right violence plaguing this nation, that's why I mentioned those groups.

You have to go all the way back to the anti-Vietnam rally's to find the equivalent leftist violence.
What is this, Bizarro world? You cant just make shit up when weve all seen hundreds of videos of democrat violence over the past couple years.
I am forced to agree. 70-80 years is outrageous and it does rise to the level of criminalizing speech. It seems that many Republicans want to use jails to criminalize speech. The punishment has to fit the crime. These people are not patriots. They are no different than the protestors themselves.
I am forced to agree. 70-80 years is outrageous and it does rise to the level of criminalizing speech. It seems that many Republicans want to use jails to criminalize speech. The punishment has to fit the crime. These people are not patriots. They are no different than the protestors themselves.
Was someone arrested for just saying something? Can you please post a link to this outrageous court case?
80 years in fucking prison for exercising a Constitutionally protected right!

In an Unprecedented Court Escalation, Trump Protesters Could Be Facing Decades in Prison for Inauguration Demonstrations
A frightening crackdown on free speech is underway across the country.

Nearly six months after Donald Trump was sworn into office, more than 200 protesters who gathered in Washington, D.C. to protest his inauguration are facing felony charges that carry sentences of 70 to 80 years.
Conservatives don't love this country, they hate it! They are criminalizing a core American value............dissent.
This was not speech or dissent, it was outright lawlessness in an attempt t bring down our constitutional government. I hope they go after Black Lives Matter too. Fuck those black bastards and the Anti-Fa.
I am forced to agree. 70-80 years is outrageous and it does rise to the level of criminalizing speech. It seems that many Republicans want to use jails to criminalize speech. The punishment has to fit the crime. These people are not patriots. They are no different than the protestors themselves.
Was someone arrested for just saying something? Can you please post a link to this outrageous court case?
Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing?

Desiree Fairooz, a member of the protest group Code Pink, was charged with disorderly conduct after laughing during the introduction of Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions.
FACT CHECK: Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing?

New York Candidate for Governor Arrested for Videotaping Police
New York Candidate for Governor Arrested for Videotaping Police | HuffPost

SEE IT: Anti-violence advocate arrested while videotaping Syracuse police frisking handcuffed motorist
SEE IT: Man arrested while filming Syracuse cops


Hate speech prosecution in Montana

The prosecutor’s office in Flathead County, Montana (where Kalispell is located) is arguing that speech that exposes Jews — or other religious, racial, and other groups — “to hatred, contempt, ridicule, degradation, or disgrace” is criminally punishable, unless it consists of true factual statements. As the Montana criminal defamation statute is worded, this means that hatred-inducing opinions are criminally punishable, too. Yes, this is that extraordinarily rare thing: an American prosecution for “hate speech” (State v. Lenio). The First Amendment doesn’t allow that.

Hate speech prosecution in Montana

Same thing happened under obummer and every other POTUS dude. That is not compelling evidence. Many people have been dragged away, questioned and then released when it was determined they weren't a threat. You are a big time purveyor of FAKE NEWS dude.
I guy with an automatic weapon was allowed to stand and watch an Obama speech.

Yeah, it had no ammunition and the Secret Service no doubt had a sniper dedicated to watching him.
I am forced to agree. 70-80 years is outrageous and it does rise to the level of criminalizing speech. It seems that many Republicans want to use jails to criminalize speech. The punishment has to fit the crime. These people are not patriots. They are no different than the protestors themselves.
Was someone arrested for just saying something? Can you please post a link to this outrageous court case?
Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing?

Desiree Fairooz, a member of the protest group Code Pink, was charged with disorderly conduct after laughing during the introduction of Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions.
FACT CHECK: Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing?

New York Candidate for Governor Arrested for Videotaping Police

New York Candidate for Governor Arrested for Videotaping Police | HuffPost

SEE IT: Anti-violence advocate arrested while videotaping Syracuse police frisking handcuffed motorist
SEE IT: Man arrested while filming Syracuse cops


Hate speech prosecution in Montana

The prosecutor’s office in Flathead County, Montana (where Kalispell is located) is arguing that speech that exposes Jews — or other religious, racial, and other groups — “to hatred, contempt, ridicule, degradation, or disgrace” is criminally punishable, unless it consists of true factual statements. As the Montana criminal defamation statute is worded, this means that hatred-inducing opinions are criminally punishable, too. Yes, this is that extraordinarily rare thing: an American prosecution for “hate speech” (State v. Lenio). The First Amendment doesn’t allow that.

Hate speech prosecution in Montana

The filthy mouth jaywalker should have been pistol whipped. This is not a free speech issue, it is against the law what he did.

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