Doorman: Trump had affair with Housekeeper, and has an Illegitimate Child

Ex-Trump World Tower doorman releases 'catch-and-kill' contract about alleged Trump affair - CNNPolitics

More evidence that Trump used the media to silence negative stories that coulda woulda shoulda impacted his campaign. Can we still call his presidency legitimate?

Yes..... nothing he has done is illegal. Still waiting for any crime to be exposed....
Not reporting hush money to quiet a porn star two weeks before a presidential election proves Trump was trying to hide an affair so it wouldn't influence the election. Not reporting that money is a crime. So no, you are wrong. Trump is in legal jeopardy, and what he did is illegal. And he did it twice with porn stars, that we know of.

And on top of that, the Manhattan DA is pursuing criminal charges with the Trump organization; Breaking: Manhattan D.A. looking at charges for Trump Org: NYT

Wrong..... it isn't illegal no matter how you try to make it illegal. Trump did not break the law, and even if you manage to mangle the law, obama simply paid a 380,000 dollar fine after taking illegal 2 million dollars in actual illegal money from foreigners during his campaign
Your broken record defense won't help you. Trump is guilty of these crimes, and when they are pursued on the state level, there is no one to pardon. Not reporting this hush money is a campaign finance violation. Cohen already plead guilty in aiding with that scheme when the money was not reported. So you can forget these desperate attempts of yours that mean nothing. And your Obama side bar is for cowards who have to change the subject.

You don't know what you are talking about...... paying money in an NDA is not a crime. You can't make it a crime by repeating the same lie over and over again. He pled guilty to a crime that wasn't a crime.... on legal advice from lanny davis....a clinton minion. Obama actually committed campaign finance violations in the millions and all he did was pay a fine, you moron.
Ex-Trump World Tower doorman releases 'catch-and-kill' contract about alleged Trump affair - CNNPolitics

More evidence that Trump used the media to silence negative stories that coulda woulda shoulda impacted his campaign. Can we still call his presidency legitimate?

Yes..... nothing he has done is illegal. Still waiting for any crime to be exposed....
Not reporting hush money to quiet a porn star two weeks before a presidential election proves Trump was trying to hide an affair so it wouldn't influence the election. Not reporting that money is a crime. So no, you are wrong. Trump is in legal jeopardy, and what he did is illegal. And he did it twice with porn stars, that we know of.

And on top of that, the Manhattan DA is pursuing criminal charges with the Trump organization; Breaking: Manhattan D.A. looking at charges for Trump Org: NYT

Wrong..... it isn't illegal no matter how you try to make it illegal. Trump did not break the law, and even if you manage to mangle the law, obama simply paid a 380,000 dollar fine after taking illegal 2 million dollars in actual illegal money from foreigners during his campaign
Your broken record defense won't help you. Trump is guilty of these crimes, and when they are pursued on the state level, there is no one to pardon. Not reporting this hush money is a campaign finance violation. Cohen already plead guilty in aiding with that scheme when the money was not reported. So you can forget these desperate attempts of yours that mean nothing. And your Obama side bar is for cowards who have to change the subject.

From the Hill, not a right wing news source...

Did President Trump violate campaign finance laws?

A few things are clear. A candidate is free to contribute to his or her own campaign. It also is not criminal for a candidate to pay hush money to women whose disclosures might endanger his campaign. So if candidate Trump paid hush money to his two accusers, there would be no violation of any campaign or other laws. To be sure, if he did so for the purpose of helping his campaign — as distinguished from helping his marriage — his campaign would have to disclose any such contribution, and failure to do so might be a violation of a campaign law, but the payments themselves would be entirely lawful.

If, on the other hand, Michael Cohen made the payments by himself, without direction from the president, that would constitute an impermissible campaign contribution from a third party. But if Cohen was merely acting as Trump’s lawyer and advancing Trump’s payments, with an expectation of repayment, then it would be hard to find a campaign finance crime other than failure to report by the campaign.
Failure to report all campaign contributions is fairly common in political campaigns. Moreover, the offense is committed not by the candidate but, rather, by the campaign and is generally subject to a fine. Though it is wrong, it certainly is not the kind of high crime and misdemeanor that could serve as the basis for a constitutionally authorized impeachment and removal of a duly elected president.

Moreover, prosecutors should be reluctant to rely on the uncorroborated word of a guilty defendant who pleaded guilty to lying and defrauding. Thomas Jefferson once observed that a criminal statute, to be fairly enforceable, must be so clear that it can be understood by the average person who reads it “while running.” Jefferson did not mean while running for office; he meant that a criminal statute should not be subject to varying reasonable interpretations.

Anyone reading the collection of statutes, regulations and rules that govern elections would immediately conclude — even while sitting — that they do not satisfy this Jeffersonian criteria. Reasonable people can disagree about whether these open-ended laws apply to any of the acts and omissions alleged against Trump by Cohen.

An overzealous prosecutor could, of course, stretch the words of the accordion-like statute to target a political enemy, or read it more narrowly to favor a political friend. If the same morass of laws were being applied to a President Hillary Clinton, civil libertarians would be up in arms about their ambiguity and lack of clarity.

As a civil libertarian who voted and campaigned for, and contributed to, Hillary Clinton, I am critical as well of efforts to stretch these laws so as to target a president against whom I voted.

The guilty plea of Michael Cohen coupled with the conviction of Paul Manafort do not make President Trump look good politically. He promised the American people to surround himself with the best advisers, but he surrounded himself with too many people who broke the law, even if he himself was not legally complicit.

But the rule of law demands that we distinguish between political sins and federal felonies. As the record now stands, Donald Trump appears to be guilty of political sins, but not federal felonies or impeachable offenses.
Ex-Trump World Tower doorman releases 'catch-and-kill' contract about alleged Trump affair - CNNPolitics

More evidence that Trump used the media to silence negative stories that coulda woulda shoulda impacted his campaign. Can we still call his presidency legitimate?

Yes..... nothing he has done is illegal. Still waiting for any crime to be exposed....
Not reporting hush money to quiet a porn star two weeks before a presidential election proves Trump was trying to hide an affair so it wouldn't influence the election. Not reporting that money is a crime. So no, you are wrong. Trump is in legal jeopardy, and what he did is illegal. And he did it twice with porn stars, that we know of.

And on top of that, the Manhattan DA is pursuing criminal charges with the Trump organization; Breaking: Manhattan D.A. looking at charges for Trump Org: NYT

Wrong..... it isn't illegal no matter how you try to make it illegal. Trump did not break the law, and even if you manage to mangle the law, obama simply paid a 380,000 dollar fine after taking illegal 2 million dollars in actual illegal money from foreigners during his campaign
Your broken record defense won't help you. Trump is guilty of these crimes, and when they are pursued on the state level, there is no one to pardon. Not reporting this hush money is a campaign finance violation. Cohen already plead guilty in aiding with that scheme when the money was not reported. So you can forget these desperate attempts of yours that mean nothing. And your Obama side bar is for cowards who have to change the subject.

From the Hill, not a right wing news source...

Did President Trump violate campaign finance laws?

A few things are clear. A candidate is free to contribute to his or her own campaign. It also is not criminal for a candidate to pay hush money to women whose disclosures might endanger his campaign. So if candidate Trump paid hush money to his two accusers, there would be no violation of any campaign or other laws. To be sure, if he did so for the purpose of helping his campaign — as distinguished from helping his marriage — his campaign would have to disclose any such contribution, and failure to do so might be a violation of a campaign law, but the payments themselves would be entirely lawful.

If, on the other hand, Michael Cohen made the payments by himself, without direction from the president, that would constitute an impermissible campaign contribution from a third party. But if Cohen was merely acting as Trump’s lawyer and advancing Trump’s payments, with an expectation of repayment, then it would be hard to find a campaign finance crime other than failure to report by the campaign.
Failure to report all campaign contributions is fairly common in political campaigns. Moreover, the offense is committed not by the candidate but, rather, by the campaign and is generally subject to a fine. Though it is wrong, it certainly is not the kind of high crime and misdemeanor that could serve as the basis for a constitutionally authorized impeachment and removal of a duly elected president.

Moreover, prosecutors should be reluctant to rely on the uncorroborated word of a guilty defendant who pleaded guilty to lying and defrauding. Thomas Jefferson once observed that a criminal statute, to be fairly enforceable, must be so clear that it can be understood by the average person who reads it “while running.” Jefferson did not mean while running for office; he meant that a criminal statute should not be subject to varying reasonable interpretations.

Anyone reading the collection of statutes, regulations and rules that govern elections would immediately conclude — even while sitting — that they do not satisfy this Jeffersonian criteria. Reasonable people can disagree about whether these open-ended laws apply to any of the acts and omissions alleged against Trump by Cohen.

An overzealous prosecutor could, of course, stretch the words of the accordion-like statute to target a political enemy, or read it more narrowly to favor a political friend. If the same morass of laws were being applied to a President Hillary Clinton, civil libertarians would be up in arms about their ambiguity and lack of clarity.

As a civil libertarian who voted and campaigned for, and contributed to, Hillary Clinton, I am critical as well of efforts to stretch these laws so as to target a president against whom I voted.

The guilty plea of Michael Cohen coupled with the conviction of Paul Manafort do not make President Trump look good politically. He promised the American people to surround himself with the best advisers, but he surrounded himself with too many people who broke the law, even if he himself was not legally complicit.

But the rule of law demands that we distinguish between political sins and federal felonies. As the record now stands, Donald Trump appears to be guilty of political sins, but not federal felonies or impeachable offenses.
You do not understand the "Knowing and willful standards of the law"; "knowing and willful" standard? On top of that, Trump is on audio, going over ways to make the payments. He knew about it, and it was a conscious scheme to keep the payments hidden. Cohen testified to Trump's guilt. So no, Trump will be held libel for his crimes.; Donald Trump and hush money: On par with jaywalking?

Your link does not cover what I just did.
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Sperminator 2: Another Housekeeper and another Sperminator ... another love child ))

None of this is illegal of course ... but I guess Trump likes to love women ;)
No one is talking about sperm. You are. Trump committed crimes. Breaking: Manhattan D.A. looking at charges for Trump Org: NYT

And his family are part of the criminal activity.

Nope..... the democrats are using "lawfare" to attack Trump the same way they have used it against Ted Stevens, Tom Delay, Sarah palin and others..... There is no reason for them to be looking at Trump Org. except to try to find crimes they have no right to be looking for in the first place.
Do you see he irony of your post. Trump is the most litigious president in history with over 3000 lawsuits to his name, many of them frivolous. So, yeah go ahead and file as many lawsuits as you can because lawsuits is the Donald's MO. He respects them.
Oh Gawd

Dang s0n....its between you and Clayton for the battle of deepest matrix dweller

Matrix dweller? TRUMP FUCKS WOMEN WHO AREN'T HIS WIFE. AMI pays off people who KNOW THIS. AMI paid off this guy!

Screwing makes babies. WTF is so implausible about the plausibilty?

This isn't hard.
CNN has been caught lying about Trump in the past. They're sighting the Enquirer for God sakes.

He can tell his story. He supposedly passed a lie detector test. Believe him or don't. There are NO legal implications for Trump on this ONE.

Well, unless he paid monies OUT OF HIS FOUNDATION for the alleged kid.
This would increase trump's popularity among the true trumpanzee believers. They like their president without any morals. They identify.
Ex-Trump World Tower doorman releases 'catch-and-kill' contract about alleged Trump affair - CNNPolitics

More evidence that Trump used the media to silence negative stories that coulda woulda shoulda impacted his campaign. Can we still call his presidency legitimate?

Yes..... nothing he has done is illegal. Still waiting for any crime to be exposed....
Not reporting hush money to quiet a porn star two weeks before a presidential election proves Trump was trying to hide an affair so it wouldn't influence the election. Not reporting that money is a crime. So no, you are wrong. Trump is in legal jeopardy, and what he did is illegal. And he did it twice with porn stars, that we know of.

And on top of that, the Manhattan DA is pursuing criminal charges with the Trump organization; Breaking: Manhattan D.A. looking at charges for Trump Org: NYT

Wrong..... it isn't illegal no matter how you try to make it illegal. Trump did not break the law, and even if you manage to mangle the law, obama simply paid a 380,000 dollar fine after taking illegal 2 million dollars in actual illegal money from foreigners during his campaign
Your broken record defense won't help you. Trump is guilty of these crimes, and when they are pursued on the state level, there is no one to pardon. Not reporting this hush money is a campaign finance violation. Cohen already plead guilty in aiding with that scheme when the money was not reported. So you can forget these desperate attempts of yours that mean nothing. And your Obama side bar is for cowards who have to change the subject.

You don't know what you are talking about...... paying money in an NDA is not a crime. You can't make it a crime by repeating the same lie over and over again. He pled guilty to a crime that wasn't a crime.... on legal advice from lanny davis....a clinton minion. Obama actually committed campaign finance violations in the millions and all he did was pay a fine, you moron.
You really are clueless, and an idiot;
Trump, in his Wednesday morning tweet, appeared to be referring to a $375,000 fine levied by the Federal Election Commission in early 2013 against Obama's 2008 presidential campaign over a slew of campaign finance violations, including missing filing deadlines for disclosing large donations during the final weeks of the campaign, reporting the wrong dates on certain contributions, and not returning donations that exceeded the campaign contribution maximum quickly enough.

The violations amounted to "a small, technical paperwork error that people who were trying to get it right might make," Epner said. "$375,000 for the FEC is a meaningful fine, but compared to the amounts that were involved it's tiny."
I really don't think anyone cares who Trump screwed at this point. I really don't. One more story just adds to the pile but it doesn't move the needle.
Yup! And Mrs. Cadet Bone Spurs Certainly doesn't mind; just Donald being Donald. Too much money involved for her to make waves! Bigly!
I really don't think anyone cares who Trump screwed at this point. I really don't. One more story just adds to the pile but it doesn't move the needle.
Yup! And Mrs. Cadet Bone Spurs Certainly doesn't mind; just Donald being Donald. Too much money involved for her to make waves! Bigly!
She's in it for the money all the way. She could give two shits about anybody but herself.
Lol! You wish.
Oh what, you got a line for ridiculous accusations all of a sudden? how bout some guy and his seeing eye dog who saw trump and putin getting on a bus together, mueller would salivate at the idea of finding a witness like that...what say you?
I say you are a desperate Trump apologist hombre who's been had. Trump has legal liability on multiple fronts, as we speak. And all you can do is play traitor by attacking the very law enforcement people who protect the rule of law.
Yes..... nothing he has done is illegal. Still waiting for any crime to be exposed....
Not reporting hush money to quiet a porn star two weeks before a presidential election proves Trump was trying to hide an affair so it wouldn't influence the election. Not reporting that money is a crime. So no, you are wrong. Trump is in legal jeopardy, and what he did is illegal. And he did it twice with porn stars, that we know of.

And on top of that, the Manhattan DA is pursuing criminal charges with the Trump organization; Breaking: Manhattan D.A. looking at charges for Trump Org: NYT

Wrong..... it isn't illegal no matter how you try to make it illegal. Trump did not break the law, and even if you manage to mangle the law, obama simply paid a 380,000 dollar fine after taking illegal 2 million dollars in actual illegal money from foreigners during his campaign
Your broken record defense won't help you. Trump is guilty of these crimes, and when they are pursued on the state level, there is no one to pardon. Not reporting this hush money is a campaign finance violation. Cohen already plead guilty in aiding with that scheme when the money was not reported. So you can forget these desperate attempts of yours that mean nothing. And your Obama side bar is for cowards who have to change the subject.

You don't know what you are talking about...... paying money in an NDA is not a crime. You can't make it a crime by repeating the same lie over and over again. He pled guilty to a crime that wasn't a crime.... on legal advice from lanny davis....a clinton minion. Obama actually committed campaign finance violations in the millions and all he did was pay a fine, you moron.
You really are clueless, and an idiot;
Trump, in his Wednesday morning tweet, appeared to be referring to a $375,000 fine levied by the Federal Election Commission in early 2013 against Obama's 2008 presidential campaign over a slew of campaign finance violations, including missing filing deadlines for disclosing large donations during the final weeks of the campaign, reporting the wrong dates on certain contributions, and not returning donations that exceeded the campaign contribution maximum quickly enough.

The violations amounted to "a small, technical paperwork error that people who were trying to get it right might make," Epner said. "$375,000 for the FEC is a meaningful fine, but compared to the amounts that were involved it's tiny."

An actual violation and all they got was a fine... you moron. And then you have to explain the millions hilary laundered during her campaign.
Not reporting hush money to quiet a porn star two weeks before a presidential election proves Trump was trying to hide an affair so it wouldn't influence the election. Not reporting that money is a crime. So no, you are wrong. Trump is in legal jeopardy, and what he did is illegal. And he did it twice with porn stars, that we know of.

And on top of that, the Manhattan DA is pursuing criminal charges with the Trump organization; Breaking: Manhattan D.A. looking at charges for Trump Org: NYT

Wrong..... it isn't illegal no matter how you try to make it illegal. Trump did not break the law, and even if you manage to mangle the law, obama simply paid a 380,000 dollar fine after taking illegal 2 million dollars in actual illegal money from foreigners during his campaign
Your broken record defense won't help you. Trump is guilty of these crimes, and when they are pursued on the state level, there is no one to pardon. Not reporting this hush money is a campaign finance violation. Cohen already plead guilty in aiding with that scheme when the money was not reported. So you can forget these desperate attempts of yours that mean nothing. And your Obama side bar is for cowards who have to change the subject.

You don't know what you are talking about...... paying money in an NDA is not a crime. You can't make it a crime by repeating the same lie over and over again. He pled guilty to a crime that wasn't a crime.... on legal advice from lanny davis....a clinton minion. Obama actually committed campaign finance violations in the millions and all he did was pay a fine, you moron.
You really are clueless, and an idiot;
Trump, in his Wednesday morning tweet, appeared to be referring to a $375,000 fine levied by the Federal Election Commission in early 2013 against Obama's 2008 presidential campaign over a slew of campaign finance violations, including missing filing deadlines for disclosing large donations during the final weeks of the campaign, reporting the wrong dates on certain contributions, and not returning donations that exceeded the campaign contribution maximum quickly enough.

The violations amounted to "a small, technical paperwork error that people who were trying to get it right might make," Epner said. "$375,000 for the FEC is a meaningful fine, but compared to the amounts that were involved it's tiny."

An actual violation and all they got was a fine... you moron. And then you have to explain the millions hilary laundered during her campaign.
You do know what a "moron" is right? It's an idiot who surrenders to another subject like Hillary. Wouldn't you know, that would be you.

A "fine for technical paperwork" is different than "knowing and willfully" committing crimes. There you go, being a "moron" again.
Wrong..... it isn't illegal no matter how you try to make it illegal. Trump did not break the law, and even if you manage to mangle the law, obama simply paid a 380,000 dollar fine after taking illegal 2 million dollars in actual illegal money from foreigners during his campaign
Your broken record defense won't help you. Trump is guilty of these crimes, and when they are pursued on the state level, there is no one to pardon. Not reporting this hush money is a campaign finance violation. Cohen already plead guilty in aiding with that scheme when the money was not reported. So you can forget these desperate attempts of yours that mean nothing. And your Obama side bar is for cowards who have to change the subject.

You don't know what you are talking about...... paying money in an NDA is not a crime. You can't make it a crime by repeating the same lie over and over again. He pled guilty to a crime that wasn't a crime.... on legal advice from lanny davis....a clinton minion. Obama actually committed campaign finance violations in the millions and all he did was pay a fine, you moron.
You really are clueless, and an idiot;
Trump, in his Wednesday morning tweet, appeared to be referring to a $375,000 fine levied by the Federal Election Commission in early 2013 against Obama's 2008 presidential campaign over a slew of campaign finance violations, including missing filing deadlines for disclosing large donations during the final weeks of the campaign, reporting the wrong dates on certain contributions, and not returning donations that exceeded the campaign contribution maximum quickly enough.

The violations amounted to "a small, technical paperwork error that people who were trying to get it right might make," Epner said. "$375,000 for the FEC is a meaningful fine, but compared to the amounts that were involved it's tiny."

An actual violation and all they got was a fine... you moron. And then you have to explain the millions hilary laundered during her campaign.
You do know what a "moron" is right? It's an idiot who surrenders to another subject like Hillary. Wouldn't you know, that would be you.

A "fine for technical paperwork" is different than "knowing and willfully" committing crimes. There you go, being a "moron" again.

It wasn't technical papework it was an actual FEC crime...... Trump hasn't even done that you moron.

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