Doubts About Donald Trump's Own Medical Records Emerge

Fear mongering and personal attack is Trump NUMBER 1 policy. Republicans labeled him a CON MAN.

Nope. Trade is his number one issue. He talks about it all the time.

Republicans nominated him to be our candidate. That portions of the leadership is still crying about not getting their way is a reflection on THEM, not on TRump or his supporters.

Deport the illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, STOP fucking with Russia.

Read my post #368 again and again to wake you up. Don't just look at it.
And tell Putin thug not mess with America.

What about 368#? Tell me in WORDS, cause I look at it and I don't care.

And calling PUtin a thug doesn't explain why we should fight a global thermonuclear war over Estonia or the Ukraine.

You have to care because I'm trying to clear your brain. Aside from that you don't have clue what you are talking about except your propaganda promoting Putin thug. If you didn't care what in the world you're still here.
Putin thug is not a nice guy. He is thug but not stupid to use nuclear arm bc that will be the end of his luxurious life. Tell Putin thug not to mess with America.

I asked you what your point was from post 368.

You response was incoherent partisan blather, as far as I can tell.

Please try again.

The Cold War is over. Let us stop fucking with Russia.

when our intel community thinks putin is using dumb donald as a pawn, that should give you pause. if it were hillary, you and your fellow wingers would be in melt-down mode.

now be a good boy and run along.

here's a cookie.

I like the way you just used an accusation of homosexuality as a personal slur.

If that's what you think then it really went over your head.

Says the libs too dim to realize that he committed an homophobic act and to cowardly to face it when it is brought to his attention.

You COULD thank me for pointing out your faux pas, and promise to try to improve as a person.

But that is beyond liberals.
As you were referring to the Trump campaign, it should be obvious that I was referring to whom the Trump campaign is "debating" with.

ie the Hillary Campaign.

Not you.

And the Hillary campaign is clearly stuck on panic mongering and personal attacks, as I said.

And running away from the issues as fast as they can. As I said.
And the Trump campaign is making unfounded personal attacks on Hillary. What you called, "fear mongering." Which you described as an action resulting from not being able to win on the issues.

Indeed, the polls show that Panic Mongering is more effective than having strong issues.

Raising concerns that Hillary is unhealthy is not a good counter to "Trump is Hitler and going to kill you with nuclear war".

Hillary has already taken the Panic mongering to Eleven.

What can Trump do to Trump that?

History may very well be decided based on the most moronic hatefilled, partisan bullshit of the decade instead of the Contest of Ideas.
Sounds like you're defending the Trump campaign's fear mongering. But as you alluded to, such is the action of those who feel they can't win on the issues.

Defending? Alluded to?

I generally try very hard to keep my points very simple because you dishonest libs like to pretend to misunderstand in order to dodge and run away from real debate.

Trump's issues fueled his campaign though the Primary, and initially the Hillary campaign tried to attack his policies based on their merits and/or demerits.

That failed miserable.

THey have since giving up on that, and gone to full bore panic mongering and personal attacks ie "Trump is Hitler and will get you killed in a nuclear war".

Which is bullshit and tearing this nation apart. Do you need me to explain why?

Trump needs to find a strong response.

Raising doubts about Hillary's health is NOT going to do it. Better a dead president than a Live "Hitler".

It sounds to me like YOU are defending HIllary's panic mongering.
Yes, when you ask, "what can Trump do to Trump that," it sounds like you're defending his fear mongering. Makes you a hypocrite.

You don't seem to be addressing any of my points, that makes you a coward.

And you seem to think that despite that, I should address your points, while accepting your assumptions and biases as a starting point. THat makes you an ass.
HIs understanding of the issues were good enough to craft a platform that not only crushed his Primary Opponents but have caused the Dems to go into Full Bore Panic Mongering Mode in a desperate attempt to avoid addressing Trump's issues.

Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it?
Kill the families of suspected terrorists?
Engage in torture?

Deport the illegals, and bring back manufacturing jobs.

Those were the issues that supercharged his campaign back when people like you were saying he could never win the nomination.

Round up and deport 11 million people.....a plan a child would come up with
Bring back manufacturing jobs......coming from a man who has his Trump products manufactured overseas

1. Actually, it is the LAW. That you consider enforcing the law to be "childish" is a sign on how detached from reality YOU are.

2. One could argue that there is an appearance of hypocrisy in someone who has manufactured overseas running on better Trade Policy for America. Or one could point out the difference between playing by the rules and making the rules.

Regardless, it is a good policy that would greatly benefit the American Working and Middle Classes.

His understanding of the issues is good enough for him to have FAR BETTER proposed policies than Hillary, or any of the other candidates that were.
Typical as I say, not as I do

Trump expects businesses to meet standards he does not meet.

He is full of shit if he thinks he can bring manufacturing back

1. I already addressed your point regarding Trump's history of outsourcing in the post you responded to. By simply repeating your initial point you are engaged in the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion as a form of propaganda, thus your point is invalid and my point stands.

Here is it again, for you to once again fail to address.

One could argue that there is an appearance of hypocrisy in someone who has manufactured overseas running on better Trade Policy for America. Or one could point out the difference between playing by the rules and making the rules.

2. Sure he can. Better Trade policy can discourage outsourcing and imports and encourage domestic manufacturing.

Trump is a liar and a hypocrite. His trade policies are simplistic nonsense that appeals to low information voters. No, we can no longer insist everything be made here......even if you are the Orange Jesus
Trump has personality and intellectual issues that make him unsuitable for the presidency

His health is a side issue but I really would like to see what a psychological assessment reveals

and ultimately, that is what it comes down to.

Trump has a flamboyant and even vulgar public persona.

The rest is you libs panic mongering and personal attacking.
Now you are moving the goal posts.

THe point was that he could not be a good president because he could not get along with people.

You have admitted that he can, as demonstrated by his ex wives.

Thus, as President we can expect that he "could get along with people".

We are in agreement on this specific point.

YOu, of course are welcome to be against him for EVERY OTHER reason.

But not this one. For you have admitted he can do it.

I said that his ex wives can be bought off. that means nothing in the way of the citizens of this country or anybody else. trump does not get along with anybody that he cannot buy off. equating his ex wives to most demographics in this country & leaders of other nations & their peoples is ridiculous.

"Bought off" is your opinion on how he got them to keep liking him, despite their divorces.

The point is that it demonstrates a skill set that RW claimed he did not have.

Quibbling over details and methods does not change that.

You have agreed with me.

Trump can "Get along with other people".

Your "point" about the voters is moving the goal post from "being president" to "getting elected". That you keep trying to change the subject is an admission on your part that you know you have lost this point.

And being experienced in buying people off is certainly a valuable skill in international relations.

It is the opposite of ridiculous.

lol. you are as ridiculous as your claim. you are a very good student of trump's. keep saying the same words over again along with 'believe me' doesn't make your claim any less ridiculous. can't say anything regarding marla... but ivana has a gag order hanging over her head. gee, I wonder why. as for marla... 'nice tits but no brain' is not a very nice compliment her friend made... i'm sure she didn't mind it though. lol........

You are a coward unable to admit that your enemy has even ONE ability.

that's right...sink lower because you know they're right. :cuckoo:

Trump has been running hundreds of large scale business ventures for decades.

Claiming he can't get along with people is moronic bullshit.
Nope. Trade is his number one issue. He talks about it all the time.

Republicans nominated him to be our candidate. That portions of the leadership is still crying about not getting their way is a reflection on THEM, not on TRump or his supporters.

Deport the illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs, STOP fucking with Russia.

Read my post #368 again and again to wake you up. Don't just look at it.
And tell Putin thug not mess with America.

What about 368#? Tell me in WORDS, cause I look at it and I don't care.

And calling PUtin a thug doesn't explain why we should fight a global thermonuclear war over Estonia or the Ukraine.

You have to care because I'm trying to clear your brain. Aside from that you don't have clue what you are talking about except your propaganda promoting Putin thug. If you didn't care what in the world you're still here.
Putin thug is not a nice guy. He is thug but not stupid to use nuclear arm bc that will be the end of his luxurious life. Tell Putin thug not to mess with America.

I asked you what your point was from post 368.

You response was incoherent partisan blather, as far as I can tell.

Please try again.

The Cold War is over. Let us stop fucking with Russia.

when our intel community thinks putin is using dumb donald as a pawn, that should give you pause. if it were hillary, you and your fellow wingers would be in melt-down mode.

now be a good boy and run along.

here's a cookie.


Now the libs love the CIA? The same CIA that told the world that Saddam had WMDs? LOL!!!

The Cold War is over.

I don't want to fight a global thermonuclear war over Estonia or the Ukraine.
Deport the illegals, and bring back manufacturing jobs.

Those were the issues that supercharged his campaign back when people like you were saying he could never win the nomination.

Round up and deport 11 million people.....a plan a child would come up with
Bring back manufacturing jobs......coming from a man who has his Trump products manufactured overseas

1. Actually, it is the LAW. That you consider enforcing the law to be "childish" is a sign on how detached from reality YOU are.

2. One could argue that there is an appearance of hypocrisy in someone who has manufactured overseas running on better Trade Policy for America. Or one could point out the difference between playing by the rules and making the rules.

Regardless, it is a good policy that would greatly benefit the American Working and Middle Classes.

His understanding of the issues is good enough for him to have FAR BETTER proposed policies than Hillary, or any of the other candidates that were.
Typical as I say, not as I do

Trump expects businesses to meet standards he does not meet.

He is full of shit if he thinks he can bring manufacturing back

1. I already addressed your point regarding Trump's history of outsourcing in the post you responded to. By simply repeating your initial point you are engaged in the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion as a form of propaganda, thus your point is invalid and my point stands.

Here is it again, for you to once again fail to address.

One could argue that there is an appearance of hypocrisy in someone who has manufactured overseas running on better Trade Policy for America. Or one could point out the difference between playing by the rules and making the rules.

2. Sure he can. Better Trade policy can discourage outsourcing and imports and encourage domestic manufacturing.

Trump is a liar and a hypocrite. His trade policies are simplistic nonsense that appeals to low information voters. No, we can no longer insist everything be made here......even if you are the Orange Jesus

We have record trade deficits every fucking year.

You lefties have been complaining about Working Class and Middle Class wage stagnation for generations. The primary cause of that is imports and outsourcing.

Hillary's policies are more of that.

Bringing back manufacturing jobs is not "insisting that everything be made here".

That is a strawman, and thus an admission from you that you cannot defend your position based on it's merits.
I repeat my point that you were unable to challenge.

There is nothing bigoted about any of Trump's proposed polices.

Repeating your smears when you are unable to support them is being a troll.

of course some of his policies are bigoted. from that big beautiful wall (LOLOLOL!!!! is Canada gonna be forced to build one too?) to keeping Muslims from entering the US without vetting their religion... he is a deep rooted racist & those like minded are his biggest supporters. his policies are certainly born out of his ideology & the 'man' cannot be separated from his beliefs...


Looking Back
1973 | Meet Donald Trump
By David W. Dunlap July 30, 2015 2:20 pm
Major Landlord Accused of Antiblack Bias in City

a few years after the first lawsuit brought by the DOJ in which he & his daddy lost, he was sued again for the same type of discrimination.

then there was this little diddy:



btw--- those 5 black kids were completely cleared, suing NYC for millions & won. but did that sway Drumpf at all? of course not. as recent as 2013 he doubled down with his tiny fingers & tweeted:


then of course was his whole birther conspiracy.... no... no racism there!

but the worst yet is hiring breitbart's own Stephan Bannon... top notch racist, anti semite & ALT-RIGHT's hero. oh how they tout that extremist movement on breitbart... but truthful facts can be found here:

Trump hands his campaign to the 'alt-right' movement

you should also check out ALT-RIGHT on facebook.

me? a troll? I always back up my accusations with credible unbiased sources.

you are welcome.
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Allegations that Trump's multiple bouts with syphilis have affected his mental health have never been fully proved.
the 'claim' is that he can't get along with people? only those he can buy.

most aren't for sale. the polls indicate that.

Now you are moving the goal posts.

THe point was that he could not be a good president because he could not get along with people.

You have admitted that he can, as demonstrated by his ex wives.

Thus, as President we can expect that he "could get along with people".

We are in agreement on this specific point.

YOu, of course are welcome to be against him for EVERY OTHER reason.

But not this one. For you have admitted he can do it.

I said that his ex wives can be bought off. that means nothing in the way of the citizens of this country or anybody else. trump does not get along with anybody that he cannot buy off. equating his ex wives to most demographics in this country & leaders of other nations & their peoples is ridiculous.

"Bought off" is your opinion on how he got them to keep liking him, despite their divorces.

The point is that it demonstrates a skill set that RW claimed he did not have.

Quibbling over details and methods does not change that.

You have agreed with me.

Trump can "Get along with other people".

Your "point" about the voters is moving the goal post from "being president" to "getting elected". That you keep trying to change the subject is an admission on your part that you know you have lost this point.

And being experienced in buying people off is certainly a valuable skill in international relations.

It is the opposite of ridiculous.

lol. you are as ridiculous as your claim. you are a very good student of trump's. keep saying the same words over again along with 'believe me' doesn't make your claim any less ridiculous. can't say anything regarding marla... but ivana has a gag order hanging over her head. gee, I wondewhy. as for marla... 'nice tits but no brain' is not a very nice compliment her friend made... i'm sure she didn't mind it though. lol........

You are a coward unable to admit that your enemy has even ONE ability.

enemy? YOU? you are giving yourself WAY too much credit. :itsok:


  • upload_2016-8-20_8-23-5.png
    256 bytes · Views: 26
I said that his ex wives can be bought off. that means nothing in the way of the citizens of this country or anybody else. trump does not get along with anybody that he cannot buy off. equating his ex wives to most demographics in this country & leaders of other nations & their peoples is ridiculous.

"Bought off" is your opinion on how he got them to keep liking him, despite their divorces.

The point is that it demonstrates a skill set that RW claimed he did not have.

Quibbling over details and methods does not change that.

You have agreed with me.

Trump can "Get along with other people".

Your "point" about the voters is moving the goal post from "being president" to "getting elected". That you keep trying to change the subject is an admission on your part that you know you have lost this point.

And being experienced in buying people off is certainly a valuable skill in international relations.

It is the opposite of ridiculous.

lol. you are as ridiculous as your claim. you are a very good student of trump's. keep saying the same words over again along with 'believe me' doesn't make your claim any less ridiculous. can't say anything regarding marla... but ivana has a gag order hanging over her head. gee, I wonder why. as for marla... 'nice tits but no brain' is not a very nice compliment her friend made... i'm sure she didn't mind it though. lol........

You are a coward unable to admit that your enemy has even ONE ability.

that's right...sink lower because you know they're right. :cuckoo:

Trump has been running hundreds of large scale business ventures for decades.

Claiming he can't get along with people is moronic bullshit.

world affairs & politics cannot be run like a personal business. Drumpf cannot just 'fire' people at will nor can he ignore the Constitution. Other nations are sovereign entities that he will not be able to boss around.
Trump has personality and intellectual issues that make him unsuitable for the presidency

His health is a side issue but I really would like to see what a psychological assessment reveals

and ultimately, that is what it comes down to.

Trump has a flamboyant and even vulgar public persona.

The rest is you libs panic mongering and personal attacking.
It goes beyond flamboyant and vulgar

Trump has a severe personality disorder that makes him unsuitable to be president

Trump has a short fuse and cannot take criticism. He speaks without thinking and needs to be constantly corrected.
Round up and deport 11 million people.....a plan a child would come up with
Bring back manufacturing jobs......coming from a man who has his Trump products manufactured overseas

1. Actually, it is the LAW. That you consider enforcing the law to be "childish" is a sign on how detached from reality YOU are.

2. One could argue that there is an appearance of hypocrisy in someone who has manufactured overseas running on better Trade Policy for America. Or one could point out the difference between playing by the rules and making the rules.

Regardless, it is a good policy that would greatly benefit the American Working and Middle Classes.

His understanding of the issues is good enough for him to have FAR BETTER proposed policies than Hillary, or any of the other candidates that were.
Typical as I say, not as I do

Trump expects businesses to meet standards he does not meet.

He is full of shit if he thinks he can bring manufacturing back

1. I already addressed your point regarding Trump's history of outsourcing in the post you responded to. By simply repeating your initial point you are engaged in the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion as a form of propaganda, thus your point is invalid and my point stands.

Here is it again, for you to once again fail to address.

One could argue that there is an appearance of hypocrisy in someone who has manufactured overseas running on better Trade Policy for America. Or one could point out the difference between playing by the rules and making the rules.

2. Sure he can. Better Trade policy can discourage outsourcing and imports and encourage domestic manufacturing.

Trump is a liar and a hypocrite. His trade policies are simplistic nonsense that appeals to low information voters. No, we can no longer insist everything be made here......even if you are the Orange Jesus

We have record trade deficits every fucking year.

You lefties have been complaining about Working Class and Middle Class wage stagnation for generations. The primary cause of that is imports and outsourcing.

Hillary's policies are more of that.

Bringing back manufacturing jobs is not "insisting that everything be made here".

That is a strawman, and thus an admission from you that you cannot defend your position based on it's merits.
Trump is blowing sunshine up their ass. He can no more bring back manufacturing jobs than be a good husband
1. Actually, it is the LAW. That you consider enforcing the law to be "childish" is a sign on how detached from reality YOU are.

2. One could argue that there is an appearance of hypocrisy in someone who has manufactured overseas running on better Trade Policy for America. Or one could point out the difference between playing by the rules and making the rules.

Regardless, it is a good policy that would greatly benefit the American Working and Middle Classes.

His understanding of the issues is good enough for him to have FAR BETTER proposed policies than Hillary, or any of the other candidates that were.
Typical as I say, not as I do

Trump expects businesses to meet standards he does not meet.

He is full of shit if he thinks he can bring manufacturing back

1. I already addressed your point regarding Trump's history of outsourcing in the post you responded to. By simply repeating your initial point you are engaged in the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion as a form of propaganda, thus your point is invalid and my point stands.

Here is it again, for you to once again fail to address.

One could argue that there is an appearance of hypocrisy in someone who has manufactured overseas running on better Trade Policy for America. Or one could point out the difference between playing by the rules and making the rules.

2. Sure he can. Better Trade policy can discourage outsourcing and imports and encourage domestic manufacturing.

Trump is a liar and a hypocrite. His trade policies are simplistic nonsense that appeals to low information voters. No, we can no longer insist everything be made here......even if you are the Orange Jesus

We have record trade deficits every fucking year.

You lefties have been complaining about Working Class and Middle Class wage stagnation for generations. The primary cause of that is imports and outsourcing.

Hillary's policies are more of that.

Bringing back manufacturing jobs is not "insisting that everything be made here".

That is a strawman, and thus an admission from you that you cannot defend your position based on it's merits.
Trump is blowing sunshine up their ass. He can no more bring back manufacturing jobs than be a good husband

and why would they think someone who sends his jobs overseas is going to do anything for them on the issue of jobs.

that's just delusional.
Typical as I say, not as I do

Trump expects businesses to meet standards he does not meet.

He is full of shit if he thinks he can bring manufacturing back

1. I already addressed your point regarding Trump's history of outsourcing in the post you responded to. By simply repeating your initial point you are engaged in the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion as a form of propaganda, thus your point is invalid and my point stands.

Here is it again, for you to once again fail to address.

One could argue that there is an appearance of hypocrisy in someone who has manufactured overseas running on better Trade Policy for America. Or one could point out the difference between playing by the rules and making the rules.

2. Sure he can. Better Trade policy can discourage outsourcing and imports and encourage domestic manufacturing.

Trump is a liar and a hypocrite. His trade policies are simplistic nonsense that appeals to low information voters. No, we can no longer insist everything be made here......even if you are the Orange Jesus

We have record trade deficits every fucking year.

You lefties have been complaining about Working Class and Middle Class wage stagnation for generations. The primary cause of that is imports and outsourcing.

Hillary's policies are more of that.

Bringing back manufacturing jobs is not "insisting that everything be made here".

That is a strawman, and thus an admission from you that you cannot defend your position based on it's merits.
Trump is blowing sunshine up their ass. He can no more bring back manufacturing jobs than be a good husband

and why would they think someone who sends his jobs overseas is going to do anything for them on the issue of jobs.

that's just delusional.
This is a promise from the man who brought you Trump University

Trump has personality and intellectual issues that make him unsuitable for the presidency

His health is a side issue but I really would like to see what a psychological assessment reveals

and ultimately, that is what it comes down to.

Trump has a flamboyant and even vulgar public persona.

The rest is you libs panic mongering and personal attacking.

trump is a vile bigoted fascist who is temperamentally unfit for office.

that isn't panic. it's a statement of fact. the fact that he gets crushed in every demographic except for uneducated white males should give you pause.
Another concern about Trump is his unexplainable belief in bizarre conspiracy theories

It reflects on his lack of critical thinking skills. He is one of those morons who thinks if it is on the interweb, it must be true

Ted Cruz's father killed JFK
Dancing Muslims in NJ
Vaccinations cause autism
Scalia was murdered
Hillary killed Vince Foster

Trump as President?

The Media Turns Against Trump By Listing His Conspiracy Theories
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A President is given tons of information from numerous sources. He is expected to be able to determine which information he trusts and which is doubtful.
A wrong decision based on bad information can be catastrophic

Are we going to trust the instincts of a man who believes Obama was born in Kenya and Ted Cruz's father killed JFK?
Another concern about Trump is his unexplainable belief in bizarre conspiracy theories

It reflects on his lack of critical thinking skills. He is one of those morons who thinks if it is on the interweb, it must be true

Ted Cruz's father killed JFK
Dancing Muslims in NJ
Vaccinations cause autism
Scalia was murdered
Hillary killed Vince Foster

Trump as President?

The Media Turns Against Trump By Listing His Conspiracy Theories

yup...he and brietbart....a perfect match. but only for the donald worshippers.

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