DOW breaks the 30K mark! Congratulations President Trump!

Thank you Mr. President for the robust economy enabling me to live my preferred lifestyle at La Casa de B.Kidd forever!
Sorry the Dimm's ripped you off.
Thank you President Trump.
Thanks to your accelerated stock market, I'm likely to be able to retire a year or so earlier now. :yes_text12::beer:

  • DJIA: UP 149%
  • NASDAQ: UP 265%
  • S&P500: UP 167%

  • DJIA: UP 52%
  • NASDAQ: UP 117%
  • S&P500: UP 60%

Dummy, the market had fallen so low, that Obama was the recipient of a market that only had one direction to go.

The stock market was not under a normal economy when Obama became president, so a rebound in the market was enevitable.

The economy was under normal growth when Trump took office, and then the market accelerated at a much higher rate.

In other words, an improvement was much more difficult when you're already under a growth cycle.
Yeah well don't really buy that....Obammy had thousands of call center folks sitting around to enroll people in healthcare welfare that sat with nothing to do. I am sure he called those government funded jobs private sector.
Um, okay. And?
And what? Employers moved to part time jobs because of Obammycare, jobs called private sector that were tax funded, low employment participation.....many differences between now and then.
Part time for economic reasons fell considerably during Obama.
View attachment 421009

Labor force participation rate went up. Barely.
View attachment 421010
Give me a break. How about part time for forcing healthcare welfare down employer's throats???
That’s under part time for economic reasons.

You dumbfuck, that's from 2005-2015. Was Obama president before 2009? Did his presidency end in 2015?

Like I always say, there's no creature slithering the Earth dumber than a conservative.
Yeah well don't really buy that....Obammy had thousands of call center folks sitting around to enroll people in healthcare welfare that sat with nothing to do. I am sure he called those government funded jobs private sector.
Um, okay. And?
And what? Employers moved to part time jobs because of Obammycare, jobs called private sector that were tax funded, low employment participation.....many differences between now and then.
Part time for economic reasons fell considerably during Obama.
View attachment 421009

Labor force participation rate went up. Barely.
View attachment 421010
Give me a break. How about part time for forcing healthcare welfare down employer's throats???
That’s under part time for economic reasons.

I've been telling the Muppets this for years.
For some odd reason, most chose not to believe me. :dunno:

True story.

You been telling muppets what? That Obama was president in 2005?

Yeah well don't really buy that....Obammy had thousands of call center folks sitting around to enroll people in healthcare welfare that sat with nothing to do. I am sure he called those government funded jobs private sector.
Um, okay. And?
And what? Employers moved to part time jobs because of Obammycare, jobs called private sector that were tax funded, low employment participation.....many differences between now and then.
Part time for economic reasons fell considerably during Obama.
View attachment 421009

Labor force participation rate went up. Barely.
View attachment 421010
Give me a break. How about part time for forcing healthcare welfare down employer's throats???
That’s under part time for economic reasons.
And nothing. I already told you how an Obammy job is much different than a real growth job nothing further is needed. Sleepy will shut down the country anyway.
Well, no, you posted an article that lied. Did you really think you could fool anyone with that?
Yeah well don't really buy that....Obammy had thousands of call center folks sitting around to enroll people in healthcare welfare that sat with nothing to do. I am sure he called those government funded jobs private sector.
Um, okay. And?
And what? Employers moved to part time jobs because of Obammycare, jobs called private sector that were tax funded, low employment participation.....many differences between now and then.
Part time for economic reasons fell considerably during Obama.
View attachment 421009

Labor force participation rate went up. Barely.
View attachment 421010
Give me a break. How about part time for forcing healthcare welfare down employer's throats???
That’s under part time for economic reasons.

I've been telling the Muppets this for years.
For some odd reason, most chose not to believe me. :dunno:

True story.

You been telling muppets what? That Obama was president in 2005?


You're a lowly worm troll. Especially when it comes to money matters.
I got mine, thanks to the Donald, and you'll never get yours. :pinkygirly:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE.
Thanks Barack! :)

DOW was at 14500 under BushJr, it took Obama 8 years to increase it 2K to 16500.

You really wanna go there?
The Dow may have peaked at just over 14K under Bush but was down to under 8,300 on the day Obama was sworn in. And it continued falling to under 6,600 about 2 months later. From there it tripled to 19,800 under Obama.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

New York (CNN Business)Dow 30,000 is a milestone nearly 125 years in the making.
The average began tracking the most powerful corporate stocks in 1896, and it has served as a broad measure of the market's health through 22 presidents, 24 recessions, a Great Depression and two global pandemics. Along the way, it also weathered at least two stock market crashes and innumerable rallies, corrections, bull and bear markets.
The blue chip index took just over 120 years to crack the 20,000 mark for the first time in early 2017, just after President Donald Trump took office. It needed just less than a year after that to reach the 25,000 mark on January 4, 2018.

Pathetic nonsense.

There’s no evidence Trump’s fiscal policies had anything to do with the Dow hitting 30,000.

It’s more likely in response to news that the Biden transition has started and Biden will soon be president.

Oh BS, another topic you slither into you know zilch about
Then connect the dots – what exactly were the fiscal policies put into place by Trump that directly lead to the Dow hitting 30,000; just because Trump takes credit for it doesn’t make it ‘true.’

The market rally is clearly the consequence of transition to amore stable and predictable administration.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE.
Thanks Barack! :)

DOW was at 14500 under BushJr, it took Obama 8 years to increase it 2K to 16500.

You really wanna go there?

Poor Faun. He lacks 3 ingredients to financial success: awareness, poor timing, and picking the wrong horse to be on. Loser!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

New York (CNN Business)Dow 30,000 is a milestone nearly 125 years in the making.
The average began tracking the most powerful corporate stocks in 1896, and it has served as a broad measure of the market's health through 22 presidents, 24 recessions, a Great Depression and two global pandemics. Along the way, it also weathered at least two stock market crashes and innumerable rallies, corrections, bull and bear markets.
The blue chip index took just over 120 years to crack the 20,000 mark for the first time in early 2017, just after President Donald Trump took office. It needed just less than a year after that to reach the 25,000 mark on January 4, 2018.

Pathetic nonsense.

There’s no evidence Trump’s fiscal policies had anything to do with the Dow hitting 30,000.

It’s more likely in response to news that the Biden transition has started and Biden will soon be president.

Oh BS, another topic you slither into you know zilch about
Then connect the dots – what exactly were the fiscal policies put into place by Trump that directly lead to the Dow hitting 30,000; just because Trump takes credit for it doesn’t make it ‘true.’

The market rally is clearly the consequence of transition to amore stable and predictable administration.
Baloney its for the vaccine to combat the leftyflu hoax.
Thank you President Trump.
Thanks to your accelerated stock market, I'm likely to be able to retire a year or so earlier now. :yes_text12::beer:

  • DJIA: UP 149%
  • NASDAQ: UP 265%
  • S&P500: UP 167%

  • DJIA: UP 52%
  • NASDAQ: UP 117%
  • S&P500: UP 60%

Dummy, the market had fallen so low, that Obama was the recipient of a market that only had one direction to go.

The stock market was not under a normal economy when Obama became president, so a rebound in the market was enevitable.

The economy was under normal growth when Trump took office, and then the market accelerated at a much higher rate.

In other words, an improvement was much more difficult when you're already under a growth cycle.
Sell stupid elsewhere...

Yeah well don't really buy that....Obammy had thousands of call center folks sitting around to enroll people in healthcare welfare that sat with nothing to do. I am sure he called those government funded jobs private sector.
Um, okay. And?
And what? Employers moved to part time jobs because of Obammycare, jobs called private sector that were tax funded, low employment participation.....many differences between now and then.
Part time for economic reasons fell considerably during Obama.
View attachment 421009

Labor force participation rate went up. Barely.
View attachment 421010
Give me a break. How about part time for forcing healthcare welfare down employer's throats???
That’s under part time for economic reasons.

I've been telling the Muppets this for years.
For some odd reason, most chose not to believe me. :dunno:

True story.

You been telling muppets what? That Obama was president in 2005?


You're a lowly worm troll. Especially when it comes to money matters.
I got mine, thanks to the Donald, and you'll never get yours. :pinkygirly:

Moron, you literally said you've been telling "muppets this for years." "This" being the results of a Princeton study...

... which covered the years 2005-2015 -- 4 years while he wasn't president and only 7 of his presidency. Not to mention most of the jobs described in that study were under Bush.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE.
Thanks Barack! :)

DOW was at 14500 under BushJr, it took Obama 8 years to increase it 2K to 16500.

You really wanna go there?
The Dow may have peaked at just over 14K under Bush but was down to under 8,300 on the day Obama was sworn in. And it continued falling to under 6,600 about 2 months later. From there it tripled to 19,800 under Obama.

19800? Where the fuck did you get that?

The DOW went up 1500 points as soon as it heard Obama was gone and Hillary was right behind him. Obama had NOTHING to do with the DOW after November 8th 2016.
Yeah well don't really buy that....Obammy had thousands of call center folks sitting around to enroll people in healthcare welfare that sat with nothing to do. I am sure he called those government funded jobs private sector.
Um, okay. And?
And what? Employers moved to part time jobs because of Obammycare, jobs called private sector that were tax funded, low employment participation.....many differences between now and then.
Part time for economic reasons fell considerably during Obama.
View attachment 421009

Labor force participation rate went up. Barely.
View attachment 421010
Give me a break. How about part time for forcing healthcare welfare down employer's throats???
That’s under part time for economic reasons.

I've been telling the Muppets this for years.
For some odd reason, most chose not to believe me. :dunno:

True story.

You been telling muppets what? That Obama was president in 2005?


You're a lowly worm troll. Especially when it comes to money matters.
I got mine, thanks to the Donald, and you'll never get yours. :pinkygirly:

Moron, you literally said you've been telling "muppets this for years." "This" being the results of a Princeton study...

... which covered the years 2005-2015 -- 4 years while he wasn't president and only 7 of his presidency. Not to mention most of the jobs described in that study were under Bush.

If his jobs and economy were so fucking good, why is he known as the food stamp president? Because more people went on food stamps under Obama than any other president in HISTORY.

Chew on that apple for a while.

Suck it, bitch.

Under Trump, millions got out of poverty and off of food stamps:

"Democrats say those figures only show Mr. Trump has pushed struggling Americans off public assistance by pressing to restrict eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Medicaid and other programs.

For now, the evidence supports Mr. Trump’s contention that an improving economy is more responsible for falling food stamp rolls than Mr. Trump’s attempts to limit access."

Thank you Mr Trump, you did all you could do given how badly the dems insisted on being whiney little dickless bitches all 4 years.
Last edited:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE.
Thanks Barack! :)

DOW was at 14500 under BushJr, it took Obama 8 years to increase it 2K to 16500.

You really wanna go there?

Poor Faun. He lacks 3 ingredients to financial success: awareness, poor timing, and picking the wrong horse to be on. Loser!

Sorry to dash your hopes and dreams, but my wife's and my own 401K have done very well over the last 11½ years.

You cultists sure do have the most bizarre delusions.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE.
Thanks Barack! :)

DOW was at 14500 under BushJr, it took Obama 8 years to increase it 2K to 16500.

You really wanna go there?
The Dow may have peaked at just over 14K under Bush but was down to under 8,300 on the day Obama was sworn in. And it continued falling to under 6,600 about 2 months later. From there it tripled to 19,800 under Obama.

19800? Where the fuck did you get that?

The DOW went up 1500 points as soon as it heard Obama was gone and Hillary was right behind him. Obama had NOTHING to do with the DOW after November 8th 2016.

This is why Faun's financial future is bleak and he will be forever unable to get HIS.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE.
Thanks Barack! :)

DOW was at 14500 under BushJr, it took Obama 8 years to increase it 2K to 16500.

You really wanna go there?

Poor Faun. He lacks 3 ingredients to financial success: awareness, poor timing, and picking the wrong horse to be on. Loser!

Sorry to dash your hopes and dreams, but my wife's and my own 401K have done very well over the last 11½ years.

You cultists sure do have the most bizarre delusions.

But you still need to contribute and hang onto it and watch it go POOF! :abgg2q.jpg:

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