Dow close above 14K!


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010

Had the DOW dipped, say a couple of thousand..there'd be tons of threads on this.

But good news?

Naw..not possible.

The other nice thing about it isn't something based on a "bubble". Consumer spending is up. And profits are way up.

The private sector is awash in cash. Has been for almost a decade. And they've been holding back on spending. So much so, that they MUST replace old technology.

Had the DOW dipped, say a couple of thousand..there'd be tons of threads on this.

But good news?

Naw..not possible.


Ummm, disagree!

WHY did the dow close so 'high'?

Is it another bubble?

Why did the unemployment rate go up?

Look behind the curtain.
I dunno we might be building a market bubble again.

You gotta love that more expensive gas that goes with the market boom.
The other nice thing about it isn't something based on a "bubble". Consumer spending is up. And profits are way up.

The private sector is awash in cash. Has been for almost a decade. And they've been holding back on spending. So much so, that they MUST replace old technology.

But I have been hearing that private sector profits are evil?

Is it really all about upgrading technology?

I'm not be a [email protected]'m asking serious questions!
I dunno we might be building a market bubble again.

You gotta love that more expensive gas that goes with the market boom.

I do know that housing starts are up, BUT, there is way too much old inventory on the books.

Combining all of these things, can be very confusing.

Had the DOW dipped, say a couple of thousand..there'd be tons of threads on this.

But good news?

Naw..not possible.


Ummm, disagree!

WHY did the dow close so 'high'?

Is it another bubble?

Why did the unemployment rate go up?

Look behind the curtain.

Well "behind" the curtain are good jobs reports.
The other nice thing about it isn't something based on a "bubble". Consumer spending is up. And profits are way up.

The private sector is awash in cash. Has been for almost a decade. And they've been holding back on spending. So much so, that they MUST replace old technology.

But I have been hearing that private sector profits are evil?

Is it really all about upgrading technology?

I'm not be a [email protected]'m asking serious questions!

Profits aren't evil..but the vast inequities on profit distribution across people in the same company bodes poorly for our Free Market System.

And one of the biggest drivers lately of the economy, is technology. Has been since the industrial revolution.

Hope that helps!

oh the joys of an inflated monetary system

Yeah yeah yeah..paper money is the bedrock of the economy.

Gotta love you folks!

It's the only thing that actually makes sense. The banking system was near systemic collapse...the markets were crashed, DOW was 6600...The Fed then begins pumping what was to become upwards of 2 trillion dollars of new money into bank reserves to clear all the bad assets off their balance sheets...and in 3 short years, the markets are either at or close to breaking their previous highs.

How do you not recognize that the banks have been putting those new reserves into the markets and inflating them? They certainly haven't been lending it all out to everyone. They're taking their almost free money (0.2% fed funds rate) and investing it in the markets.
oh the joys of an inflated monetary system

Yeah yeah yeah..paper money is the bedrock of the economy.

Gotta love you folks!

It's the only thing that actually makes sense. The banking system was near systemic collapse...the markets were crashed, DOW was 6600...The Fed then begins pumping what was to become upwards of 2 trillion dollars of new money into bank reserves to clear all the bad assets off their balance sheets...and in 3 short years, the markets are either at or close to breaking their previous highs.

How do you not recognize that the banks have been putting those new reserves into the markets and inflating them? They certainly haven't been lending it all out to everyone. They're taking their almost free money (0.2% fed funds rate) and investing it in the markets.

No it doesn't.

Go to a desert Island with a briefcase of paper money and no other way to survive. You'd find out your folly very quickly.

At the base, the economy provides us with the means to survive..and in a orderly fashion.

Our "wealth" is based on things we can dig up from the ground, things we can grow in the ground, things we can manufacture and information.

The paper money is a place holder for all of that.

The sooner you folks realize that..the better.

Had the DOW dipped, say a couple of thousand..there'd be tons of threads on this.

But good news?

Naw..not possible.


I agree with the double standard.

Drops in the Dow Industrial Average were only Bush's fault.

Rises are Obama's fault.

Actually, it has little to do with who is president of the USA, or any one deciding factor. If this was the case, then I'd be fantastically wealthy, floating in a pool full of nekkid 20-something swimsuit models and Octopii.

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