DOW Closing In On 25,000.Who Will Dems/Liberals/Liberal Hosts Give All Credit To?

Again Obama was anti-business, anti-american and definitely Anti-oil.
The difference here is Trump is PRO America! Wants America to be Energy Independent... versus well here is what Obama said:
Americans “want to help with technology and support to develop these oil reserves safely, and when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers,” Mr. Obama said.
Here are 3 years of oil lease sales by the federal government on Federal lands.
Programs: Energy and Minerals: Oil and Gas | BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT

Screen Shot 2018-01-04 at 11.25.31 AM.png
Again Obama was anti-business, anti-american and definitely Anti-oil.
The difference here is Trump is PRO America! Wants America to be Energy Independent... versus well here is what Obama said:
Americans “want to help with technology and support to develop these oil reserves safely, and when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers,” Mr. Obama said.
Drill, Brazil, drill, says the U.S.
Here are 3 years of oil lease sales by the federal government on Federal lands.
Programs: Energy and Minerals: Oil and Gas | BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT

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We already are energy independent. We are so energy independent that we export oil.

So you screech like a barnyard animal that we need to drill, drill, drill for oil...oblivious to the fact that we drill for so much oil that we export it. So since that's the case, we don't need to drill more. How about instead, we stop exporting oil?
how come the left never brings up the day Obama tanked the DOW to 6000ish? hmm? and he gets a nobel peace prize for that? it was all his fault!!!!
Of course it's easy to pick the first year, because the percent change is greatest right after a recession when confidence is returning to the markets. Why not pick the first 6 months?

So here's a perfect example of what Conservatives always do; when confronted with the realities that the numbers don't match their bragging, they try to redefine the parameters of what's being measured or discussed in order to cast themselves in a favorable light. But funny thing is, even doing that you're still fucking wrong.

1/20/09: 7,949.09
7/20/09: 8,848.15
+ 11%

1/20/17: 19,732.40
7/20/17: 21,612.00
+ 10%

Is 11% > or < 10%?

And which is a bigger starting number?
19,732 or 7,949?
The difference in growth from 7,949 to 8,848 is 899 points difference.
While the difference in growth from 19,732 to 21,612 is 1,880 points growth!
Over a 200% difference in growth. When you start increasing a 200% differntial it is a little more difficult.
Plus it helps if you are PRO Business as Trump is versus Obama who well let his words speak for him!
Why does your chart only show since Trump took over?
To illustrate Obama's failure, obviously.

No, it's because you didn't want to show that Trump grew the market by a smaller % than Obama did in his first year.

And Trump also created the fewest jobs since 2012, maybe 2010 depending on December's jobs report.

Of course it's easy to pick the first year, because the percent change is greatest right after a recession when confidence is returning to the markets. Why not pick the first 6 months?

So let's summarize what happened with this thread:
  • I said that Obama grew the market more in his first year than Trump did
  • You whined that it wasn't fair for me to count the year because, apparently, a recession skews growth (?)
  • You whined that we should look at the first six months
  • Even in the first six months, Obama outpaced Trump on market growth
Also Obama had this advantage:
The difference in growth from 7,949 to 8,848 is 899 points difference.
While the difference in growth from 19,732 to 21,612 is 1,880 points growth!

Yeah, and as a percentage, the growth in 2017 was less than the growth in 2009.

So congratulations for proving to everyone you don't know how math works.
Of course it's easy to pick the first year, because the percent change is greatest right after a recession when confidence is returning to the markets. Why not pick the first 6 months?

So here's a perfect example of what Conservatives always do; when confronted with the realities that the numbers don't match their bragging, they try to redefine the parameters of what's being measured or discussed in order to cast themselves in a favorable light. But funny thing is, even doing that you're still fucking wrong.

1/20/09: 7,949.09
7/20/09: 8,848.15
+ 11%

1/20/17: 19,732.40
7/20/17: 21,612.00
+ 10%

Is 11% > or < 10%?

And which is a bigger starting number?
19,732 or 7,949?
The difference in growth from 7,949 to 8,848 is 899 points difference.
While the difference in growth from 19,732 to 21,612 is 1,880 points growth!
Over a 200% difference in growth. When you start increasing a 200% differntial it is a little more difficult.
Plus it helps if you are PRO Business as Trump is versus Obama who well let his words speak for him!
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They don't do math. They can't.
As it took me 7 years to get back the small money I had invested in the market, even knowing that the market would continue to go up with the advent of de regulation & new rules to make the rich riche,. made the choice to cash out, & spend the money on home improvements.. CEO'S & other market managers say the bull market has lasted years some say 7 some 9. that's a really long run.& am to old to recover from a down turn of any duration. if your not young or rich would not pin my hopes for America on how well the stock market is doing.
:2up: This is my prediction. Some point after the DOW surpasses 25,000. We will hear from Joe Biden, and he will speak of the Stimulus, Obama-Care, and a three letter word. J O B S. Yes, thanks to the stimulus, we are having a killer economy producing 500,000 jobs a month!
:iagree: :thewave: :stupid:

Don't mean to burst your orange bubble, there Rexx.....BUT.............(lol)

Trump Ranks Sixth In Stock Market Performance Behind Obama And ...

Bull market in stocks is 103 months old. Trump owns 11 of them - Oct ...

The Obama bull market: A 140% jump in the Dow - Jan. 10, 2017

Of course it's easy to pick the first year, because the percent change is greatest right after a recession when confidence is returning to the markets. Why not pick the first 6 months?

So here's a perfect example of what Conservatives always do; when confronted with the realities that the numbers don't match their bragging, they try to redefine the parameters of what's being measured or discussed in order to cast themselves in a favorable light. But funny thing is, even doing that you're still fucking wrong.

1/20/09: 7,949.09
7/20/09: 8,848.15
+ 11%

1/20/17: 19,732.40
7/20/17: 21,612.00
+ 10%

Is 11% > or < 10%?

And which is a bigger starting number?
19,732 or 7,949?
The difference in growth from 7,949 to 8,848 is 899 points difference.
While the difference in growth from 19,732 to 21,612 is 1,880 points growth!
Over a 200% difference in growth. When you start increasing a 200% differntial it is a little more difficult.
Plus it helps if you are PRO Business as Trump is versus Obama who well let his words speak for him!
View attachment 169571
They don't do math. They can't.

Trump grew the market by a smaller % than Obama did.

Trump created the fewest jobs since 2012.
when Obama won, the DOW didnt budge. unless they had to print up the money. 2009/2010 were especially hard times with 0.0 new jobs and 0.0 growth,,meanwhile the Obama went on plenty of vacations on the tax payers dime
when Obama won, the DOW didnt budge. unless they had to print up the money. 2009/2010 were especially hard times with 0.0 new jobs and 0.0 growth,,meanwhile the Obama went on plenty of vacations on the tax payers dime

The Dow grew more in Obama's first year than it did in Trump's.
we are having a killer economy producing 500,000 jobs a month!
What do you think you are accomplishing by telling massive lies?

We already know you are retarded, you don't need to brag about it.
All I know is my 401k jumped from 180 to 270 the last 6 months. Nuff said.

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