DOW down nearly 1000 points

Guess what can happen with Dollar without supplies from China.
Which industry branch can survive longer?


I don't know what you are talking about. Without China, we would be fine.

  • China’s holdings fell by $55 billion from a year earlier to $1.12 trillion.
  • Japan’s holdings fell by $47 billion from a year earlier to $1.04 trillion, having now reduced its stash by 16% since the peak at the end of 2014 ($1.24 trillion).
Who Bought the Gigantic $1.5 Trillion of New US Government Debt Issued over the Past 12 Months?

The reality is, we have been able to borrow money, even while China and Japan have both not only not purchased any of it, but have sold off a hundred billion in debt.

So this goofy fear of "what will we do without China buying our debt?" Is not a problem.

The problem need to be worried about, is borrowing money. Not who is loaning us the money.

We simply need to cut government spending. That's all there is to this discussion.


28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise
sounds like you and your leftist comrades are happy about the market hit ! anything to hurt Trump even a deadly virus is fine with you scum.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought.
Understand this, and you understand why a liberal will allow diseased illegals across our borders to rape and kill our women and children...

Orangelings have no qualms about spreading lies, fear and propaganda.

PolitiFact - Dated photo used to make false claim about migrants, disease
PolitiFact - Are illegal immigrants bringing ‘tremendous’ disease across the border, as Trump says? Unlikely
PolitiFact. have you got to be kidding me? That rag of an organization is so far left, that makes Joe the groper Biden look like a moderate. Come on man, try again, without using such a lying piece of shit rag of a link...
Why don't you give him a site that you approve of that cites credible sources to back up its research.
Running The Data On PolitiFact Shows Bias Against Conservatives

28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise
sounds like you and your leftist comrades are happy about the market hit ! anything to hurt Trump even a deadly virus is fine with you scum.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought.
Understand this, and you understand why a liberal will allow diseased illegals across our borders to rape and kill our women and children...

Orangelings have no qualms about spreading lies, fear and propaganda.

PolitiFact - Dated photo used to make false claim about migrants, disease
PolitiFact - Are illegal immigrants bringing ‘tremendous’ disease across the border, as Trump says? Unlikely
PolitiFact. have you got to be kidding me? That rag of an organization is so far left, that makes Joe the groper Biden look like a moderate. Come on man, try again, without using such a lying piece of shit rag of a link...
Why don't you give him a site that you approve of that cites credible sources to back up its research.
Hello serf...

28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise

Days like this are buying opportunities. I bought another $4,000 worth of stock this morning, adding to my holdings.

28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise
House of cards don't take much to knock down.

28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise

Days like this are buying opportunities. I bought another $4,000 worth of stock this morning, adding to my holdings.
You're probably gonna wish you'd held off for a while.

28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise

Days like this are buying opportunities. I bought another $4,000 worth of stock this morning, adding to my holdings.
You're probably gonna wish you'd held off for a while.

Maybe, maybe not. I don't buy for short term trading. Most of the stocks I trade on my own are for long term holding

28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise

Days like this are buying opportunities. I bought another $4,000 worth of stock this morning, adding to my holdings.
You're probably gonna wish you'd held off for a while.

Maybe, maybe not. I don't buy for short term trading. Most of the stocks I trade on my own are for long term holding
I'm thinking we're still on the way down, though.

28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise

Days like this are buying opportunities. I bought another $4,000 worth of stock this morning, adding to my holdings.
You're probably gonna wish you'd held off for a while.

I'm kinda thinking the same thing. This virus isn't going to go away any time soon, and it could have a continued negative impact on the world markets.

I think you're right......................waiting a bit to see how much farther they are going to fall is the prudent course of action.

28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise
sounds like you and your leftist comrades are happy about the market hit ! anything to hurt Trump even a deadly virus is fine with you scum.

Why would I be happy to see my IRA tank by over 3% this morning ... you scum?

You only lost twenty bucks?

28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise
Maybe some of that virus will hit the liberals who want diseased immigrants here, and take out 45% of the voting base that votes Demoncrap. I could take the hit on my stock portfolio for that action.....

View attachment 308554

Desperation. The last gasp when powerless to an outcome.

28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise

Days like this are buying opportunities. I bought another $4,000 worth of stock this morning, adding to my holdings.
You're probably gonna wish you'd held off for a while.

Maybe, maybe not. I don't buy for short term trading. Most of the stocks I trade on my own are for long term holding
I'm thinking we're still on the way down, though.

One never really knows for sure. This drop is primarily Coronavirus scare. It's like how the market drops 700 points every time Iran sneezes and then a day or two later it comes back up again. Long term I'm confident in the market unless some drastic changes take place.

28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise

Days like this are buying opportunities. I bought another $4,000 worth of stock this morning, adding to my holdings.
You're probably gonna wish you'd held off for a while.

Maybe, maybe not. I don't buy for short term trading. Most of the stocks I trade on my own are for long term holding
I'm thinking we're still on the way down, though.

One never really knows for sure. This drop is primarily Coronavirus scare. It's like how the market drops 700 points every time Iran sneezes and then a day or two later it comes back up again. Long term I'm confident in the market unless some drastic changes take place.

This isn't the same as that.
The virus gaining a foothold in Italy is!
If it spreads into France and Germany with any significance, the market will continue due south.
This isn't the same as that.
The virus gaining a foothold in Italy is!
If it spreads into France and Germany with any significance, the market will continue due south.

The Coronavirus, while a concern that needs to be kept monitored, is more bark than bite. Bear in mind, 100 years ago over 500,000,000 people worldwide caught the Spanish Influenza and it had a 10% death rate. The Coronovirus is a blip on the radar
So, in 2018 it didn't do well (my wife and I lost over $50.000 in that year); was that because of Trump? What makes you believe Trump had everything to do with the rise in the DOW? It has its ups and downs under every president, and the longest recovery began in June 2009 under the stewardship of President Obama.

As you know, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama presided over the slowest recovery since the Great Depression.

President Donald Trump has had a great deal with the great economy we have today. He has cut thousands of unnecessary and restrictive regulations allowing businesses to get to work!
This isn't the same as that.
The virus gaining a foothold in Italy is!
If it spreads into France and Germany with any significance, the market will continue due south.

The Coronavirus, while a concern that needs to be kept monitored, is more bark than bite. Bear in mind, 100 years ago over 500,000,000 people worldwide caught the Spanish Influenza and it had a 10% death rate. The Coronovirus is a blip on the radar

I hope that you are correct.

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