DOW down nearly 1000 points


28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise
sounds like you and your leftist comrades are happy about the market hit ! anything to hurt Trump even a deadly virus is fine with you scum.

Why would I be happy to see my IRA tank by over 3% this morning ... you scum?

How much did it increase the last three years?

You don't actually believe he an IRA, do you?

28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise
Maybe some of that virus will hit the liberals who want diseased immigrants here, and take out 45% of the voting base that votes Demoncrap. I could take the hit on my stock portfolio for that action.....

View attachment 308554

Desperation. The last gasp when powerless to an outcome.
Dude, I spent 9 1/2 years in the military to protect this country from Socialist assholes, which during that time I learned all about Nuclear, Chemical and "Biological" warfare. I am ready for it, not like liberal idiots who want the government to protect them. Liberals in government couldn't give a shit about you, for if you are dead, that means 1 less person they have to share the Earth with.

NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
There are many means and methods of depopulation that are being employed today, the 3 primary of which include; unsustainable/exploitative international development, which leads to massive hunger, starvation and famine worldwide (at least 40 million deaths annually), the fomentation of war, hatred and military procurements throughout the nations leading to millions of deaths worldwide, and finally, the creation and spread of infectious diseases leading to global pandemic, plague and pestilence on an unprecedented scale.
It will recover. Stating it's a threat to President Trump 2020 is ridiculous

Of course it will recover, but how long will it take? In one day all 2020 gains were lost and then some. This isn't a short term thing I don't think. Because the supply chain starting in China is severely disrupted. I haul stuff for a living. We're already seeing the pinch as there is simply less freight because companies can't even get their products made or shipped out of China.

28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise
Maybe some of that virus will hit the liberals who want diseased immigrants here, and take out 45% of the voting base that votes Demoncrap. I could take the hit on my stock portfolio for that action.....

View attachment 308554

Desperation. The last gasp when powerless to an outcome.
Dude, I spent 9 1/2 years in the military to protect this country from Socialist assholes, which during that time I learned all about Nuclear, Chemical and "Biological" warfare. I am ready for it, not like liberal idiots who want the government to protect them. Liberals in government couldn't give a shit about you, for if you are dead, that means 1 less person they have to share the Earth with.

NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
There are many means and methods of depopulation that are being employed today, the 3 primary of which include; unsustainable/exploitative international development, which leads to massive hunger, starvation and famine worldwide (at least 40 million deaths annually), the fomentation of war, hatred and military procurements throughout the nations leading to millions of deaths worldwide, and finally, the creation and spread of infectious diseases leading to global pandemic, plague and pestilence on an unprecedented scale.

I actually agree with you. I just don't understand how your constant anger about it is going to make things any better. Or is that not your goal? Not all of us here are extremist wingers. An actual political conversation here would be a welcomed change these days.

28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise
Maybe some of that virus will hit the liberals who want diseased immigrants here, and take out 45% of the voting base that votes Demoncrap. I could take the hit on my stock portfolio for that action.....

View attachment 308554

Desperation. The last gasp when powerless to an outcome.
Dude, I spent 9 1/2 years in the military to protect this country from Socialist assholes, which during that time I learned all about Nuclear, Chemical and "Biological" warfare. I am ready for it, not like liberal idiots who want the government to protect them. Liberals in government couldn't give a shit about you, for if you are dead, that means 1 less person they have to share the Earth with.

NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
There are many means and methods of depopulation that are being employed today, the 3 primary of which include; unsustainable/exploitative international development, which leads to massive hunger, starvation and famine worldwide (at least 40 million deaths annually), the fomentation of war, hatred and military procurements throughout the nations leading to millions of deaths worldwide, and finally, the creation and spread of infectious diseases leading to global pandemic, plague and pestilence on an unprecedented scale.

I actually agree with you. I just don't understand how your constant anger about it is going to make things any better. Or is that not your goal? Not all of us here are extremist wingers. An actual political conversation here would be a welcomed change these days.
When the idiot OP said that the DOW was tanking because of the President, wasn't that an extremist view? Just like the brown Turd who said he was going to "heal the planet and lower the oceans" which he never did, isnt that a little extreme? All I am doing is pointing out the hypocrisy of the liberals, who all the time get it wrong, never apologize for getting it wrong, and then we on the right(who love and protect our country) are called extremists. You want an actual political conversation, then stop being so fucking "high and righteous".
It will recover. Stating it's a threat to President Trump 2020 is ridiculous

Of course it will recover, but how long will it take? In one day all 2020 gains were lost and then some. This isn't a short term thing I don't think. Because the supply chain starting in China is severely disrupted. I haul stuff for a living. We're already seeing the pinch as there is simply less freight because companies can't even get their products made or shipped out of China.
Right now our main concern is person to person transmission through the air. However, we do not know to what degree it is spread by contact of objects that are handled by people that are infected. Hundreds of billions of dollars in goods being imported from China require extensive handling by workers in China this could be a healthcare and financial risk to the US. In major retail outlets like Walmart and Target, a lot of the products are handled by workers in China before being shipped. The question researchers need to answer is how long does the virus survive outside of a host and how do environmental conditions effect the virus.
When the idiot OP said that the DOW was tanking because of the President, wasn't that an extremist view?

Of course it is.

Just like the brown Turd who said he was going to "heal the planet and lower the oceans" which he never did, isnt that a little extreme?

Not exactly extreme, just more basic bullshit your hear from every single politician looking for votes.

All I am doing is pointing out the hypocrisy of the liberals, who all the time get it wrong, never apologize for getting it wrong, and then we on the right(who love and protect our country) are called extremists.

I have no problem with pointing out liberal hypocrisy. In fact, I enjoy it. :113: Yet, you don't seem to see any hypocrisy from the Republican side. I will tell you I disagree with this point wholeheartedly, but I appreciate your viewpoint nonetheless. As a moderate, I ask you: Are you trying to debate politics, or are you telling me how right you and your political party are about everything? When you can't see any flaws in what your political party is doing, you just might be heading into extremist territory. Can you even understand an inkling of what I'm getting at?

You want an actual political conversation, then stop being so fucking "high and righteous".

If I was so 'high and righteous', would I even be interested in drilling down into exactly what you actually believe? Think about it, dude.

28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise

You can’t pin this one on the blob. Sorry

28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise

You can’t pin this one on the blob. Sorry
When the idiot OP said that the DOW was tanking because of the President, wasn't that an extremist view?

Of course it is.

Just like the brown Turd who said he was going to "heal the planet and lower the oceans" which he never did, isnt that a little extreme?

Not exactly extreme, just more basic bullshit your hear from every single politician looking for votes.

All I am doing is pointing out the hypocrisy of the liberals, who all the time get it wrong, never apologize for getting it wrong, and then we on the right(who love and protect our country) are called extremists.

I have no problem with pointing out liberal hypocrisy. In fact, I enjoy it. :113: Yet, you don't seem to see any hypocrisy from the Republican side. I will tell you I disagree with this point wholeheartedly, but I appreciate your viewpoint nonetheless. As a moderate, I ask you: Are you trying to debate politics, or are you telling me how right you and your political party are about everything? When you can't see any flaws in what your political party is doing, you just might be heading into extremist territory. Can you even understand an inkling of what I'm getting at?

You want an actual political conversation, then stop being so fucking "high and righteous".

If I was so 'high and righteous', would I even be interested in drilling down into exactly what you actually believe? Think about it, dude.

Just like the brown Turd who said he was going to "heal the planet and lower the oceans" which he never did, isnt that a little extreme?[/QUOTE]

Not exactly extreme, just more basic bullshit your hear from every single politician looking for votes.

Because every politician stands on a stage prepped to look like a roman coliseum celebrating the oncoming transformation of America by "the one we have been waiting for" - healing the planet and changing sea levels.
Trump's trade wars. What kind of fucking idiot tries to drive their customers into a recession.

Trump is a fucking idiot & those that vote for him are morons.
Trump's trade wars. What kind of fucking idiot tries to drive their customers into a recession.

Trump is a fucking idiot & those that vote for him are morons.
wow, still no clue to what you talk about.

28,056.91 −935.50 (3.23%)

Coronavirus Threat To U.S. Economy, Trump 2020
Nearly overnight, conventional wisdom about the 2020 outlook — solid growth for the U.S. economy, no Fed interest-rate moves, and President Trump's reelection — has gone out the window.

Dow Jones Dives As Coronavirus Upends Outlook For Fed, 2020 Election, U.S. Economy

Yeah, great idea President Poopstain. :rolleyes:

Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise

You can’t pin this one on the blob. Sorry
The blob was speaking from extreme ignorance. It’s the only language his supporters understand

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