Dow Is Tanking ?

I lost 50,000 from my 401K under George W. Bush. Under President Obama, my 401K came back..and I made a tidy profit from my own personal portfolio which I used to renovate the Co-op in Manhattan I now rent out.

You can keep George W. Bush's economy. It was to expensive for me.
Chucky Schumer said today the debt is under control and now they wanna work on jobs.

Not again.

There goes a million more jobs moving to China.
I lost 50,000 from my 401K under George W. Bush. Under President Obama, my 401K came back..and I made a tidy profit from my own personal portfolio which I used to renovate the Co-op in Manhattan I now rent out.

You can keep George W. Bush's economy. It was to expensive for me.

That is complete crapola.

I am one of those anal retentive "check on my account daily" people who enjoyed a strong 401K under Bush - with profits - as well as an exceptional home value (upwards, always). Every day when I checked - up and healthy !

I am not even going to go into how much I LOST in my 401K under "Assclown's" first 18 months, so take your fantasy of "he's doing a better job than Bush" and shove it.

He isn't. Anyone with a fucking calculator can show you.

BTW - what's a co-op ? A chicken coop ?

Where I come from we call it a home, with acreage. And if you're lucky - it's got a pond to fish in.
I thought we on an upswing - you know, LEADERSHIP

God, do I miss George W. Bush

Hell, at this point, I'd take Carter - and I lived through that freaking mess..........

Economic Fears Slam Wall Street, Stocks Plunge -
Gee, last week the CON$ were telling us that there would be no stock market crash because the markets had already priced in the debt ceiling deal. Now the CON$ are cheering their being wrong again, since their being wrong hurts this great country.
I lost 50,000 from my 401K under George W. Bush. Under President Obama, my 401K came back..and I made a tidy profit from my own personal portfolio which I used to renovate the Co-op in Manhattan I now rent out.

You can keep George W. Bush's economy. It was to expensive for me.

That is complete crapola.

I am one of those anal retentive "check on my account daily" people who enjoyed a strong 401K under Bush - with profits - as well as an exceptional home value (upwards, always). Every day when I checked - up and healthy !

I am not even going to go into how much I LOST in my 401K under "Assclown's" first 18 months, so take your fantasy of "he's doing a better job than Bush" and shove it.

He isn't. Anyone with a fucking calculator can show you.

BTW - what's a co-op ? A chicken coop ?

Where I come from we call it a home, with acreage. And if you're lucky - it's got a pond to fish in.


That's the reality pal.

And I am willing to wager my dinky little manhattan chicken coop has a bit more value then your home with a fishin' pond.
I thought we on an upswing - you know, LEADERSHIP

God, do I miss George W. Bush

Hell, at this point, I'd take Carter - and I lived through that freaking mess..........

Economic Fears Slam Wall Street, Stocks Plunge -
The Democrats never said the stock market would go up if the raised the debt ceiling....did they?

The DOW is tanking because the economy sucks. Blaming that squarely on Obama is just GOP's much more complicated than that.

I listened to Rush this morning, now Fox is on it too. Conservative media is just ticked because they really were hoping that they could keep anything from getting done.
I lost 50,000 from my 401K under George W. Bush. Under President Obama, my 401K came back..and I made a tidy profit from my own personal portfolio which I used to renovate the Co-op in Manhattan I now rent out.

You can keep George W. Bush's economy. It was to expensive for me.

That is complete crapola.

I am one of those anal retentive "check on my account daily" people who enjoyed a strong 401K under Bush - with profits - as well as an exceptional home value (upwards, always). Every day when I checked - up and healthy !

I am not even going to go into how much I LOST in my 401K under "Assclown's" first 18 months, so take your fantasy of "he's doing a better job than Bush" and shove it.

He isn't. Anyone with a fucking calculator can show you.

BTW - what's a co-op ? A chicken coop ?

Where I come from we call it a home, with acreage. And if you're lucky - it's got a pond to fish in.


That's the reality pal.

And I am willing to wager my dinky little manhattan chicken coop has a bit more value then your home with a fishin' pond.

Doubtful - but, go for it.
I lost 50,000 from my 401K under George W. Bush. Under President Obama, my 401K came back..and I made a tidy profit from my own personal portfolio which I used to renovate the Co-op in Manhattan I now rent out.

You can keep George W. Bush's economy. It was to expensive for me.

That is complete crapola.

I am one of those anal retentive "check on my account daily" people who enjoyed a strong 401K under Bush - with profits - as well as an exceptional home value (upwards, always). Every day when I checked - up and healthy !

I am not even going to go into how much I LOST in my 401K under "Assclown's" first 18 months, so take your fantasy of "he's doing a better job than Bush" and shove it.

He isn't. Anyone with a fucking calculator can show you.

BTW - what's a co-op ? A chicken coop ?

Where I come from we call it a home, with acreage. And if you're lucky - it's got a pond to fish in.
Gee, the stock market nearly doubled under Obama and you lost money on the growing market! Obviously you were one of the America haters who bet against this great country and shorted the market!!! You America haters who bet against this great country DESERVED to lose money!!! :fu:
I thought we on an upswing - you know, LEADERSHIP

God, do I miss George W. Bush

Hell, at this point, I'd take Carter - and I lived through that freaking mess..........

Economic Fears Slam Wall Street, Stocks Plunge -
Gee, last week the CON$ were telling us that there would be no stock market crash because the markets had already priced in the debt ceiling deal. Now the CON$ are cheering their being wrong again, since their being wrong hurts this great country.

Who's cheering, asswipe.

I have investments.

This is NOT good news.

Perhaps when you graduate from "living paycheck to paycheck" someday (if) you'll understand.

Life isn't work a minimum wage job, come home, play a video game, smoke a joint, masterbate and post on a message board - like you do daily.

Some day, hopefully, you'll grow up.
That is complete crapola.

I am one of those anal retentive "check on my account daily" people who enjoyed a strong 401K under Bush - with profits - as well as an exceptional home value (upwards, always). Every day when I checked - up and healthy !

I am not even going to go into how much I LOST in my 401K under "Assclown's" first 18 months, so take your fantasy of "he's doing a better job than Bush" and shove it.

He isn't. Anyone with a fucking calculator can show you.

BTW - what's a co-op ? A chicken coop ?

Where I come from we call it a home, with acreage. And if you're lucky - it's got a pond to fish in.


That's the reality pal.

And I am willing to wager my dinky little manhattan chicken coop has a bit more value then your home with a fishin' pond.

Doubtful - but, go for it.

Last assessed at 400K..but there are repairs going on to the facade of the building. If I wait a year or so..I can probably get 450K for it.
I thought we on an upswing - you know, LEADERSHIP

God, do I miss George W. Bush

Hell, at this point, I'd take Carter - and I lived through that freaking mess..........

Economic Fears Slam Wall Street, Stocks Plunge -
The Democrats never said the stock market would go up if the raised the debt ceiling....did they?

The DOW is tanking because the economy sucks. Blaming that squarely on Obama is just GOP's much more complicated than that.

I listened to Rush this morning, now Fox is on it too. Conservative media is just ticked because they really were hoping that they could keep anything from getting done.


Its still around 12,000. And THATS with all the bad news.
I lost 50,000 from my 401K under George W. Bush. Under President Obama, my 401K came back..and I made a tidy profit from my own personal portfolio which I used to renovate the Co-op in Manhattan I now rent out.

You can keep George W. Bush's economy. It was to expensive for me.

Techniically, you've "made" nothing on your 401K...

That money is untouchable until you retire, so it's all just a valuation at this point...

The value of my 401k has gone up under both Booooooosh and your 0ssiah... Perhaps you got bad investment advice for it to tank 50K...
I lost 50,000 from my 401K under George W. Bush. Under President Obama, my 401K came back...
That is complete crapola. I am one of those anal retentive "check on my account daily" people who enjoyed a strong 401K under Bush...
--as did most Americans.

Obama's own bean counters (FRB Z1: Data Download - Download) admit that between Bush's election and Obama's election, total private investments increased over $28T. Since then they've lost $8T. Bush gained us $7T per year and Obama's lost us $3T per year. Bush is better.
The market does not like uncertainty so it has been a bit skittish in the last week, and now everyone is absorbing the details of the big plan and trying to factor in how it will effect growth in certain sectors... Also, summer months are typical low volume sessions that can be easily jerked around to affect sentiment.

“This debate has left a cloud of uncertainty over the market in terms of what it means. The good news is we’re not going to default, the bad news is we don’t know what is coming out of Washington. There’s a loss of confidence and a rethinking of the profit outlook going out a few years,” said Nick Kalivas, equities and fixed-income analyst at MF Global.

U.S. stocks slide as uncertainty mounts - Market Snapshot - MarketWatch

Helping foster such fears, the Commerce Department reported consumers trimmed their spending in June for the first time in almost two years

Read more about June data on consumer spending, prices and personal incomes.

U.S. consumer spending, prices fall in June - Economic Report - MarketWatch

That's the reality pal.

And I am willing to wager my dinky little manhattan chicken coop has a bit more value then your home with a fishin' pond.

Doubtful - but, go for it.

Last assessed at 400K..but there are repairs going on to the facade of the building. If I wait a year or so..I can probably get 450K for it.

Well, you're in the ballpark, but still $60K off - so good luck
I lost 50,000 from my 401K under George W. Bush. Under President Obama, my 401K came back..and I made a tidy profit from my own personal portfolio which I used to renovate the Co-op in Manhattan I now rent out.

You can keep George W. Bush's economy. It was to expensive for me.

Techniically, you've "made" nothing on your 401K...

That money is untouchable until you retire, so it's all just a valuation at this point...

The value of my 401k has gone up under both Booooooosh and your 0ssiah... Perhaps you got bad investment advice for it to tank 50K...


The money is very real.

And you can withdraw it before retirement. Not a good move..but it's possible.

And the drops occurred when the shit hit the fan..twice.
The financial markets looked at the deal and gave it three rousing bronx cheers.

-----from the link in the OP
The debt deal "does not put the U.S. on a sustainable fiscal path," economists at Barclays Capital wrote in a note to clients, adding "weakness in U.S. growth has the potential to offset most of the savings claimed by the debt reduction package."
Every major sector fell sharply on the day, leaving few shelters in the equities markets. Conglomerates like General Electric (GE: 17.21, -0.76, -4.23%) and United Technologies (UTX: 78.93, -3.41, -4.14%) struggled the most on the day.
In a continued flight to safe assets, gold soared to yet another nominal record high. The precious metal settled higher by $22.80, or 1.4%, to $1,645 a troy ounce.
The euro zone debt crisis also worried traders on Tuesday after BNP Paribas, Europe's biggest lender by assets, took a roughly $757 billion writedown on its Greek sovereign debt. Greece, which has an enormous public debt burden, is in need of a rescue package from euro zone authorities and has seen its credit rating being sliced into junk territory and just slightly above default.
There were also concerns that the sovereign debt crisis would spillover into larger, more prominent economies, like Spain and Italy, according to Peter Boockvar, managing director at Miller Tabak + Co

Read more: Sputtering Economy Sends Dow Plunging 266 Points -

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