Dow slides more than 150 points after hotter-than-expected inflation report

Very good post, Foxyre. But most of the blame for the roller coaster part belongs to Republicans in the House. The market wants stability, not uncertainty whether Republicans are going to default on our debt, or pass a spending bill or fund our military or shut down government.

And I say baloney. It is very likely that Republicans have the House that has kept the market as stable as it has been. For damn sure no Biden policies give anybody much confidence.
Yet the dems act like passing fewer laws is a bad thing.
Most especially passing fewer laws that take away more and more of our choices, options, opportunities, liberties and/or drain more and more of our resources for ill advised, worthless, wasteful, ineffective spending.
The Dow has been a wild roller coaster ever since Biden took office. One day my meager investments will be down several hundred dollars and another day they're back up. But even with so many big retreats over the past three years the Dow has been able to climb roughly 7400 points in the last three years. (In Trump's first 3 years it climbed 8400 points but both numbers are good.)

People will keep gambling on the market until interest rates get high enough that interest looks like a better deal than the market does to the conservative investors. That happened during the Carter Administration with double digit interest rates. The market barely budged or retreated most of that time.
Indeed, the Dow had never reached 1000 yet. That didn't happen until the Reagan admin roughly forty years ago.
Very good post, Foxyre. But most of the blame for the roller coaster part belongs to Republicans in the House. The market wants stability, not uncertainty whether Republicans are going to default on our debt, or pass a spending bill or fund our military or shut down government.
Your views, uninformed by Economics and data, put you in the shameful position you find yourself.

Less than a month ago Biden said the same stupid thing you are saying AND HE WAS CAUGHT

'The obvious fact the Biden White House missed is that while inflation might be slowing, it’s still positive, which means prices are still increasing — and at a clip much faster than the Federal Reserve’s target of 2%. That companies would cut prices amid a general rise in consumer prices defies economic sense."
The Dow report doesnt really help the average to poor person here in the U.S. they are more affected
by the increasing cost of everything which is basically a big tax on everyones wages. Its the larger story.
In that case, what do you think is the purpose of the OP?
Your views, uninformed by Economics and data, put you in the shameful position you find yourself.

Less than a month ago Biden said the same stupid thing you are saying AND HE WAS CAUGHT

'The obvious fact the Biden White House missed is that while inflation might be slowing, it’s still positive, which means prices are still increasing — and at a clip much faster than the Federal Reserve’s target of 2%. That companies would cut prices amid a general rise in consumer prices defies economic sense."
Yes those providing the products and services that we pay for are all affected by labor costs, healthcare costs, costs of infrastructure, maintenance, utilities, taxes, fees, insurance, supplies, raw materials, etc. They cannot make a profit by dropping their prices while still paying everybody else's high prices.

And it's pretty much a given that most people are in business not out of any sense of benevolence but to support themselves in a manner they find satisfactory. Nobody can afford to run a business at a loss forever. So prices remain high and continue to escalate.
My favorite spin has been it is just up in housing and food and not everything. Might as well just say people have less to spend on anything else other than their housing and food.
My favorite spin has been it is just up in housing and food and not everything. Might as well just say people have less to spend on anything else other than their housing and food.
If anything is left, they are spending it in their fuel tanks to get to one of their two jobs.
The other thing is that when the Dems brag how they brought inflation down to 3%, they are ignoring that prices are STILL increasing on the already horribly inflated prices that people can’t absorb as it is.

Historically speaking the FED will almost always run interferecne for the incumbentadministration . Largely because that's who appointed them.

Any temporary actions taken by the Fed during an election year are often to create an illuson of relief in mainstream programming under the incumbent administration and should be taken with a giant truckload of salt.
Usually the market corrects by the end of the day.
I used to use the stock market as a barometer of tough times ahead. And it may be true. However, we have what was called the plunge protection team and other money injection mechanisms to keep that from happening. However somewhere something not nice happens as this continues. A slow decline is what we are experiencing with government at all levels taking a slow percentage increase in our lives. This has affected us in different ways. Manufacturing has taken a massive hit. Production is a foundation of a modern industrial/high tech nation. So, more and more we live off of other nations now. Strengthening them as we weaken. We have the elites who control the finances of most of the world who have the ability to put a salve on the markets. Debts do swish around though. Holes open up somewhere in the world and it must be dealt with. Ukraine must be one of the ever constants. where dirty money is part of everyday existence as it exchanges hands and those on the take have near emptied the cupboard. It seems as a country we do not take care of ourselves as we used to. We used to be a Creditor nation building power through real foundation. Now we are a Debtor nation, and it is growing. Decline eventually comes from it. The younger generations are more and more learning that painful fact now.
Production is a foundation of a modern industrial/high tech nation.
Indeed, the value of the dollar is based on GDP. Lower production means lower value of the dollar--accompanied by a treasury that is printing money like it was for the game of Monopoly--the dollar is toast.
Indeed, the value of the dollar is based on GDP. Lower production means lower value of the dollar--accompanied by a treasury that is printing money like it was for the game of Monopoly--the dollar is toast.
Lower wealth for a growing number of Americans actually makes the production look better. Like a sleight of hand card trick.
The other thing is that when the Dems brag how they brought inflation down to 3%, they are ignoring that prices are STILL increasing on the already horribly inflated prices that people can’t absorb as it is.

Maybe Trump shouldn't have signed off on all that debt and free money that directly lead to this.

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