Down the memory hole: George W. Bush apologize for Koran Shooting.

Using the Koran for target practice... a premeditated act of desecration, meant to desecrate.

Burning the Koran because militants are writing secret messages in it and passing it around... not.

Don't confuse them with context... they thought they had something.




They could have just confiscated the book. There was no need to burn it.

I'm still trying to get my seed orders done (takes some doing) but I want to really look into this.

They were told to burn the desecrated Korans from what I heard at CBC. You have to wrap your brain around this situation.

They found out that the prisoners were sending messages via the Korans. Okey dokey

.Big Bad.

Go crazy here for a minute. I heard on CBC that the commander contacted the local Imams and they said that the desecrated Korans must be burned.

Call me crazy, but anyway you look at this situation if you took Mr. Commander in Grovel out of this moment, the focus should and would be on the prisoners who desecrated the Korans.

What the hell is this idiot doing apologizing for this?
Don't confuse them with context... they thought they had something.




They could have just confiscated the book. There was no need to burn it.

I'm still trying to get my seed orders done (takes some doing) but I want to really look into this.

They were told to burn the desecrated Korans from what I heard at CBC. You have to wrap your brain around this situation.

They found out that the prisoners were sending messages via the Korans. Okey dokey

.Big Bad.

Go crazy here for a minute. I heard on CBC that the commander contacted the local Imams and they said that the desecrated Korans must be burned.

Call me crazy, but anyway you look at this situation if you took Mr. Commander in Grovel out of this moment, the focus should and would be on the prisoners who desecrated the Korans.

What the hell is this idiot doing apologizing for this?

Do you have something to confirm that they contacted anybody regarding what they should do with the books?

According to NATO spokesmen that wasn't done...

A spokesman for the NATO-led force said on Wednesday troops involved in the Koran-burning incident should have known to check with cultural advisers to determine how to dispose of religious material properly.

Some of the material had been removed from a military detention center, a U.S. official said, because of concerns that some of it was extremist in nature and being used to pass messages among prisoners.

Obama apologizes for Koran burning in Afghanistan - Yahoo! News
They could have just confiscated the book. There was no need to burn it.

I'm still trying to get my seed orders done (takes some doing) but I want to really look into this.

They were told to burn the desecrated Korans from what I heard at CBC. You have to wrap your brain around this situation.

They found out that the prisoners were sending messages via the Korans. Okey dokey

.Big Bad.

Go crazy here for a minute. I heard on CBC that the commander contacted the local Imams and they said that the desecrated Korans must be burned.

Call me crazy, but anyway you look at this situation if you took Mr. Commander in Grovel out of this moment, the focus should and would be on the prisoners who desecrated the Korans.

What the hell is this idiot doing apologizing for this?

Do you have something to confirm that they contacted anybody regarding what they should do with the books?

According to NATO spokesmen that wasn't done...

A spokesman for the NATO-led force said on Wednesday troops involved in the Koran-burning incident should have known to check with cultural advisers to determine how to dispose of religious material properly.

Some of the material had been removed from a military detention center, a U.S. official said, because of concerns that some of it was extremist in nature and being used to pass messages among prisoners.

Obama apologizes for Koran burning in Afghanistan - Yahoo! News

The point is Intent... And Obama in his Poor Apology even Acknowlegded that Disrespect was not Intended, but that those Responsibile would be Punished...

Pure Crap.

The Apology is fine, but to say it wasn't Deliberate yet there will be Consequences is Shit.

My Opinion of it.


I'm still trying to get my seed orders done (takes some doing) but I want to really look into this.

They were told to burn the desecrated Korans from what I heard at CBC. You have to wrap your brain around this situation.

They found out that the prisoners were sending messages via the Korans. Okey dokey

.Big Bad.

Go crazy here for a minute. I heard on CBC that the commander contacted the local Imams and they said that the desecrated Korans must be burned.

Call me crazy, but anyway you look at this situation if you took Mr. Commander in Grovel out of this moment, the focus should and would be on the prisoners who desecrated the Korans.

What the hell is this idiot doing apologizing for this?

Do you have something to confirm that they contacted anybody regarding what they should do with the books?

According to NATO spokesmen that wasn't done...

A spokesman for the NATO-led force said on Wednesday troops involved in the Koran-burning incident should have known to check with cultural advisers to determine how to dispose of religious material properly.

Some of the material had been removed from a military detention center, a U.S. official said, because of concerns that some of it was extremist in nature and being used to pass messages among prisoners.

Obama apologizes for Koran burning in Afghanistan - Yahoo! News

The point is Intent... And Obama in his Poor Apology even Acknowlegded that Disrespect was not Intended, but that those Responsibile would be Punished...

Pure Crap.

The Apology is fine, but to say it wasn't Deliberate yet there will be Consequences is Shit.

My Opinion of it.



As the NATO spokesmen said, they should have known to check with cultural advisers before doing what they did.

Failing to follow procedure and creating a mess that your superiors have to clean up, regardless of intent, gets you in hot water in the military.

But I understand your point.
Do you have something to confirm that they contacted anybody regarding what they should do with the books?

According to NATO spokesmen that wasn't done...

Obama apologizes for Koran burning in Afghanistan - Yahoo! News

The point is Intent... And Obama in his Poor Apology even Acknowlegded that Disrespect was not Intended, but that those Responsibile would be Punished...

Pure Crap.

The Apology is fine, but to say it wasn't Deliberate yet there will be Consequences is Shit.

My Opinion of it.



As the NATO spokesmen said, they should have known to check with cultural advisers before doing what they did.

Failing to follow procedure and creating a mess that your superiors have to clean up, regardless of intent, gets you in hot water in the military.

But I understand your point.

That's fine... It's not shooting at, shitting on, or flushing (Lie) the Koran...

That's the Distinction.

Intent matters.

It's really not Difficult to Understand.


The point is Intent... And Obama in his Poor Apology even Acknowlegded that Disrespect was not Intended, but that those Responsibile would be Punished...

Pure Crap.

The Apology is fine, but to say it wasn't Deliberate yet there will be Consequences is Shit.

My Opinion of it.



As the NATO spokesmen said, they should have known to check with cultural advisers before doing what they did.

Failing to follow procedure and creating a mess that your superiors have to clean up, regardless of intent, gets you in hot water in the military.

But I understand your point.

That's fine... It's not shooting at, shitting on, or flushing (Lie) the Koran...

That's the Distinction.

Intent matters.

It's really not Difficult to Understand.



Of course it's none of that and I agree the intent is different. However, it was still a failure to follow proper procedure that caused a massive PR problem and possibly got people killed.

Whoever was involved should be held accountable regardless of their intent.

(Reuters) - U.S. President George W. Bush has apologised to Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and promised prosecution of a U.S. soldier accused of using a copy of the Koran for target practice, Iraq said on Tuesday.

Bush apologised in a telephone call on Monday with Maliki, who told him the incident had humiliated and angered Iraq's largely Muslim population, the cabinet said in a statement.

"The American president apologised on behalf of the United States ... promising to present the soldier to the courts," it said.

Bush apologises over Koran shooting | Reuters

The issue here that has not been reported the way it should be is the the prisoners fucking desecrated their own korans .

Ok can we have some mother trucking truth here? The prisoners desecrated the Korans by writing in them.

The soldiers were told they had to burn the desecrated Korans.

Hello? Can we have some truth here?

Woosh..over your head.

Doesn't matter..if you don't get it..I can't really help..maam.
I'm an Iraq War vet :thup:

yeah okay....just a name behind a keyboard claiming i'm president too.:eusa_whistle:

You can doubt me all you want. It's no hair off my ass.

I'm sure you haven't seen Tommy T's 214 either.

don't waste my life on this board over triv stuff and no i could careless to look for it
you attack him and i responded and you cried about it.
fir a guy claiming to be a irag vet is questionable with regards to your response to t.
Thanks for Bumping this Quality Example of a Steaming, Heaping Pile of FAIL. :thup:



(Reuters) - U.S. President George W. Bush has apologised to Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and promised prosecution of a U.S. soldier accused of using a copy of the Koran for target practice, Iraq said on Tuesday.

Bush apologised in a telephone call on Monday with Maliki, who told him the incident had humiliated and angered Iraq's largely Muslim population, the cabinet said in a statement.

"The American president apologised on behalf of the United States ... promising to present the soldier to the courts," it said.

Bush apologises over Koran shooting | Reuters


Yup! ~ facts are amazingly (and for some, annoyingly) persistent things, aren't they?

Except in that 1984-LAND where some of us obviously reside.

For those people history started wherever it's convenient for THEM to make their point.
It's like the 5 TRILLION dollars in debt we've accumulated since Obama took office. They CONSTANTLY harp on it. And if you look at where that money went, 4/5ths of it is being eaten up by the commitments George Bush made. Of course, if you ask any conservative NOW, George Bush wasn't a REAL conservative but they let him get away with anything he wanted and didn't make a peep. Now Obama goes on vacation and CONZ birth a bovine.

CONZ are simply the biggest, oozing-est hypocritical pus-buckets possible. They will lie and cheat and step on their mothers necks to achieve their twisted social-darwinian state.
CONZ are simply the biggest, oozing-est hypocritical pus-buckets possible. They will lie and cheat and step on their mothers necks to achieve their twisted social-darwinian state.

Very well stated. Picture Mitch McConnell and a pus bucket. One and the same.
As the NATO spokesmen said, they should have known to check with cultural advisers before doing what they did.

Failing to follow procedure and creating a mess that your superiors have to clean up, regardless of intent, gets you in hot water in the military.

But I understand your point.

That's fine... It's not shooting at, shitting on, or flushing (Lie) the Koran...

That's the Distinction.

Intent matters.

It's really not Difficult to Understand.



Of course it's none of that and I agree the intent is different. However, it was still a failure to follow proper procedure that caused a massive PR problem and possibly got people killed.

Whoever was involved should be held accountable regardless of their intent.
why can't you talk about the rules of engagement in stead of glossing over the problem?our military should be set up as a police state responce and that is what you advocating
Can you not here the resounding GULP, from all the neocon's rattling their sabres.

Many have disowned Bush.

But..we do have to remind them..he belongs to conservatives.

Bush was about a conservative as you,he made many mistakes also,bringing up Bush as an excuse for another mistake is kinda lame.

Not according to the conservative mouthpieces at the time of his administration. But heck you guys change the rules almost on a daily basis.

In any case..Bush apologizing was one of the more rational things he did.
Many have disowned Bush.

But..we do have to remind them..he belongs to conservatives.

Bush was about a conservative as you,he made many mistakes also,bringing up Bush as an excuse for another mistake is kinda lame.

Not according to the conservative mouthpieces at the time of his administration. But heck you guys change the rules almost on a daily basis.

In any case..Bush apologizing was one of the more rational things he did.

Context of both Events matters... And you Know this, Sallow. :thup:



(Reuters) - U.S. President George W. Bush has apologised to Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and promised prosecution of a U.S. soldier accused of using a copy of the Koran for target practice, Iraq said on Tuesday.

Bush apologised in a telephone call on Monday with Maliki, who told him the incident had humiliated and angered Iraq's largely Muslim population, the cabinet said in a statement.

"The American president apologised on behalf of the United States ... promising to present the soldier to the courts," it said.

Bush apologises over Koran shooting | Reuters

Bush made a phone call, Obama sent a three page letter. Would you care to compare the results?

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