Downwinders - Nuclear Tests Fallout Reached 46 States Plus Canada & Mexico


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May 19, 2013
Think you live in an area of the US that wasn't affected from the nuclear bomb tests in the deserts of New Mexico and Nevada? You might want to forget everything the government told you and dig deeper.

Map of Exposure

Explains why I glow in the dark at night. I always thought it was kind of cool but I guess I should get it check out. Maybe I can get some cash.

The Chinese and Russians people are shit out of luck. Government is not telling them.

They use to do it in the South pacific and then I guess they became overconfident and started testing in the desert

It kind of puts MAGA in prospective

Make America great again, drop a nuke
The U.S. bombed itself repeatedly. The government did it to its own people. Was this the "left" or the "right"?
Think you live in an area of the US that wasn't affected from the nuclear bomb tests in the deserts of New Mexico and Nevada? You might want to forget everything the government told you and dig deeper.

Map of Exposure
View attachment 891288

OOC, what four states did not receive fallout?
you think anyone got any super powers because of this?....
You obviously didn't read any of the links. Typical of most on this forum.

Those that lived in the immediate area of the test sites were not told about what was going to happen. They were guinea pigs for the government to study the immediate effects of the bombs. The "super powers" they were given from it still linger today: death from cancer. They can't just move somewhere else and escape it - it's part of their dna now.

There's a short documentary on Netflix I recommend that talks about it:

Short report on all nuclear tests:
what do you think "professor".....the lasting effects of radiation....that story has been here for decades....
I have not watched it either, but I would have guessed that the central theme was the transport of fallout and the failure of the government to communicate good exposure information to the American public.
It is absolutely unconscionable what was done. To call it a crime is to demean how horrific an atrocity was committed.

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