DPR Representation opened in Helsinki - Finland supports non-recognized states


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Just imagine outrage of Deep State: Finland practically recognized Donbas Republic.Guess what happens in the next couple of weeks: a 'free press' company against Finland government, US sanctions or even politica murder.In name of democracy

The chairman of the DPR Representation in Finland, Johan Bäckman, shared his opinion on the great importance of the fact that the DPR Representation had been opened in Finland.

"Right after Finland celebrated its centenary on December 6th 2017, the Donetsk People's Republic opened its official representative center in the Finnish capital on December 9th, 2017. The event was very widely reported in Donetsk, Russian and Ukrainian media. The DPR representative center has official status in Finland since autumn 2016, when it was registered by the Finnish Patent and Registrations administration. Before that, since Summer 2014, Finnish representative was based on power of attorney from Donetsk authorities. Finnish authorities have nothing against the DPR representative, since Finland has a good tradition in supporting representatives of non-recognized states. Earlier for example East Germany (GDR) and Palestine had functioning representatives in Helsinki despite non-recognition. Finland had good tradition in supporting especially non-recognized GDR. Not surprisingly many of those Finns who once supported GDR, now support the DPR. This in fact means majority of Finnish intellectuals, most of whom are at least positively interested. For Finnish authorities the DPR representative office is very comfortable for enstreghtening Finland's international position and supporting the Minsk peace process.

The DPR representation already has organised tourist trips for Finns to Donbass and will continue in 2018. Also, several books have been published in Finnish and seminars and conferences organised, also with Nordic experts.

The main achievement of the center this far is the fact that most Finns know about the Donetsk People's Republic and accept her existence. Also, journalists write more respectively.

The DPR representative office was opened in good atmosphere with Finns from various fields of life and profession and various ages. An address by the DPR Foreign Minister Natalia Nikonorova was read to the audience at the opening. Nikonorova wrote that "opening of the DPR representative center in Finland became an important step towards strenghtening information, cultural and economic ties between DPR and Your State." In answer, over 30 Finnish activists from various spheres undersigned a letter of gratitude for the DPR Foreign Minister Nikonorova and promised to develop Finnish-DPR relations in the fields of culture, education, information, trade, tourism and others.

Employee of the DPR representative office and president of the Finland-Novorossia Friendship Society Ms Jaana-Marika Kurtti raised a toast for all friends of Russia, Novorossia and the Donetsk People's Republic.

The Finnish friends of Donbass were really happy to sing Russian songs together in both Finnish and Russian languages.

During the opening, a video link with Donbass was established with the Finnish director of the information agency "DONi" Janus Putkonen.

At the evening, free debate continued in good spirits."

DPR Representation opened in Helsinki - Finland supports non-recognized states
i write it to you loser from Finland
Statement on the issue of pro-Russian propaganda activity in Finland ...
Dec 8, 2017 - In such circumstances, significant attention should be payed to the activity of Johan Bäckman and his acolytes who support Russia`s military aggression ... Now, on December 9, Mr. Bäckman is planning to host an event in Helsinki to open “representation of the Donetsk People's Republic in Finland”.
i write it to you loser from Finland
Statement on the issue of pro-Russian propaganda activity in Finland ...
Dec 8, 2017 - In such circumstances, significant attention should be payed to the activity of Johan Bäckman and his acolytes who support Russia`s military aggression ... Now, on December 9, Mr. Bäckman is planning to host an event in Helsinki to open “representation of the Donetsk People's Republic in Finland”.


a bad Russian Propaganda again.
Despite the efforts of international community aimed at settlement of the situation in the Eastern Ukraine caused by military aggression of the Russian Federation in Donbas, some Finnish citizens have been spreading harmful ideas by supporting continuous assault on Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

In such circumstances, significant attention should be payed to the activity of Johan Bäckman and his acolytes who support Russia`s military aggression against Ukraine.

Recently, supporters of Mr. Bäckman have decided to arrange so-called “International Expert Conference” to spread the idea of recognition of self-proclaimed “republic” among citizens of Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark.

The “conference” mentions among its topics “NATO as hybrid threat in Nordic countries; Russophobia and NATO propaganda in Western mainstream media; NATO influence operations among Nordic journalists; Information Defence of Donetsk People's Republic (DNR); Recognition of DNR in Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden.”

What is more, Mr. Bäckman’s team has created a fake account (HybridCoE Helsinki Official) of the European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats established in Helsinki earlier this year to undermine the activity of the real Center (Front page - Hybrid CoE).

Now, on December 9, Mr. Bäckman is planning to host an event in Helsinki to open “representation of the Donetsk People’s Republic in Finland”.

I strongly believe that such an event should raise legitimate and serious concern of the Finnish authorities taking into account that public promotion of activities of terrorists, temporary holding control of certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine, clearly contradicts the official policy of Finland and the EU.

I am grateful to Finland for the unwavering support of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. I thank my colleagues - Finnish diplomats for spreading a word of the fake nature of the so-called “DPR representation” in Finland (Представительство «Донецкой народной республики» в Финляндии безосновательно - Представительства Финляндии в России : Актуально).

However, I do believe that we have to, once again, condemn such harmful activities for both Finnish and Ukraine societies to make sure that hatred and propaganda do not spread further.

Andrii Olefirov
Ambassador of Ukraine to Finland
Just imagine outrage of Deep State: Finland practically recognized Donbas Republic.Guess what happens in the next couple of weeks: a 'free press' company against Finland government, US sanctions or even politica murder.In name of democracy

The chairman of the DPR Representation in Finland, Johan Bäckman, shared his opinion on the great importance of the fact that the DPR Representation had been opened in Finland.

"Right after Finland celebrated its centenary on December 6th 2017, the Donetsk People's Republic opened its official representative center in the Finnish capital on December 9th, 2017. The event was very widely reported in Donetsk, Russian and Ukrainian media. The DPR representative center has official status in Finland since autumn 2016, when it was registered by the Finnish Patent and Registrations administration. Before that, since Summer 2014, Finnish representative was based on power of attorney from Donetsk authorities. Finnish authorities have nothing against the DPR representative, since Finland has a good tradition in supporting representatives of non-recognized states. Earlier for example East Germany (GDR) and Palestine had functioning representatives in Helsinki despite non-recognition. Finland had good tradition in supporting especially non-recognized GDR. Not surprisingly many of those Finns who once supported GDR, now support the DPR. This in fact means majority of Finnish intellectuals, most of whom are at least positively interested. For Finnish authorities the DPR representative office is very comfortable for enstreghtening Finland's international position and supporting the Minsk peace process.

The DPR representation already has organised tourist trips for Finns to Donbass and will continue in 2018. Also, several books have been published in Finnish and seminars and conferences organised, also with Nordic experts.

The main achievement of the center this far is the fact that most Finns know about the Donetsk People's Republic and accept her existence. Also, journalists write more respectively.

The DPR representative office was opened in good atmosphere with Finns from various fields of life and profession and various ages. An address by the DPR Foreign Minister Natalia Nikonorova was read to the audience at the opening. Nikonorova wrote that "opening of the DPR representative center in Finland became an important step towards strenghtening information, cultural and economic ties between DPR and Your State." In answer, over 30 Finnish activists from various spheres undersigned a letter of gratitude for the DPR Foreign Minister Nikonorova and promised to develop Finnish-DPR relations in the fields of culture, education, information, trade, tourism and others.

Employee of the DPR representative office and president of the Finland-Novorossia Friendship Society Ms Jaana-Marika Kurtti raised a toast for all friends of Russia, Novorossia and the Donetsk People's Republic.

The Finnish friends of Donbass were really happy to sing Russian songs together in both Finnish and Russian languages.

During the opening, a video link with Donbass was established with the Finnish director of the information agency "DONi" Janus Putkonen.

At the evening, free debate continued in good spirits."

DPR Representation opened in Helsinki - Finland supports non-recognized states
I haven't heard about that yet, but if that's true, it's great and Finland will get my respect.
Just imagine outrage of Deep State: Finland practically recognized Donbas Republic.Guess what happens in the next couple of weeks: a 'free press' company against Finland government, US sanctions or even politica murder.In name of democracy

The chairman of the DPR Representation in Finland, Johan Bäckman, shared his opinion on the great importance of the fact that the DPR Representation had been opened in Finland.

"Right after Finland celebrated its centenary on December 6th 2017, the Donetsk People's Republic opened its official representative center in the Finnish capital on December 9th, 2017. The event was very widely reported in Donetsk, Russian and Ukrainian media. The DPR representative center has official status in Finland since autumn 2016, when it was registered by the Finnish Patent and Registrations administration. Before that, since Summer 2014, Finnish representative was based on power of attorney from Donetsk authorities. Finnish authorities have nothing against the DPR representative, since Finland has a good tradition in supporting representatives of non-recognized states. Earlier for example East Germany (GDR) and Palestine had functioning representatives in Helsinki despite non-recognition. Finland had good tradition in supporting especially non-recognized GDR. Not surprisingly many of those Finns who once supported GDR, now support the DPR. This in fact means majority of Finnish intellectuals, most of whom are at least positively interested. For Finnish authorities the DPR representative office is very comfortable for enstreghtening Finland's international position and supporting the Minsk peace process.

The DPR representation already has organised tourist trips for Finns to Donbass and will continue in 2018. Also, several books have been published in Finnish and seminars and conferences organised, also with Nordic experts.

The main achievement of the center this far is the fact that most Finns know about the Donetsk People's Republic and accept her existence. Also, journalists write more respectively.

The DPR representative office was opened in good atmosphere with Finns from various fields of life and profession and various ages. An address by the DPR Foreign Minister Natalia Nikonorova was read to the audience at the opening. Nikonorova wrote that "opening of the DPR representative center in Finland became an important step towards strenghtening information, cultural and economic ties between DPR and Your State." In answer, over 30 Finnish activists from various spheres undersigned a letter of gratitude for the DPR Foreign Minister Nikonorova and promised to develop Finnish-DPR relations in the fields of culture, education, information, trade, tourism and others.

Employee of the DPR representative office and president of the Finland-Novorossia Friendship Society Ms Jaana-Marika Kurtti raised a toast for all friends of Russia, Novorossia and the Donetsk People's Republic.

The Finnish friends of Donbass were really happy to sing Russian songs together in both Finnish and Russian languages.

During the opening, a video link with Donbass was established with the Finnish director of the information agency "DONi" Janus Putkonen.

At the evening, free debate continued in good spirits."

DPR Representation opened in Helsinki - Finland supports non-recognized states
I haven't heard about that yet, but if that's true, it's great and Finland will get my respect.

Yep, Finland was always with Russians.

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