Dr Bandy warned five years ago that trump is dangerous

If the DOJ does not stop him....he may not be stopped. He is a danger to our country. And more concerning...his clones...like desantis...are waiting I'm the wings.

Notice that she cannot present any logical rational reasoned argument to explain why she believes that Trump is a threat to our country. All she does is spew hysteric ad hominem attacks and unsupported assertions.
Violence and Threats are calling cards for Fascist like Hitler, Poootin, and trump. I own plenty of guns and plenty ammo. But I am not so deprived to threaten people. MODS....YOU READING THESE THREATS?
You haven't been threatened you evil little deviant, you are the threat, nope you have just been advised of need to depend upon self when you provoke the bear to action, the white hats are not coming to save you weaklings, currently you target the white hats daily and often with your evil hatred, you are on your own killer, and you definitely are not a white hat! :fu:

If the DOJ does not stop him....he may not be stopped. He is a danger to our country. And more concerning...his clones...like desantis...are waiting I'm the wings.
letting a stumbling old senile drug addict like biden near the nuclear codes is fine with you tho
You haven't been threatened you evil little deviant, you are the threat, nope you have just been advised of need to depend upon self when you provoke the bear to action, the white hats are not coming to save you weaklings, currently you target the white hats daily and often with your evil hatred, you are on your own killer, and you definitely are not a white hat! :fu:
Ignored...talk to the wall.
What should happen to a so called "doctor" when he/she diagnosis a person without every having met them in person?

Should they lose their license? Go to prison?

Then how about spewing this BS diagnosis all over the internet? Isn't that against any code of ethics?

So let me get this straight... A shrink can make a totally legitimate diagnosis on the basis of a few short meetings, where the patient is being intentionally guarded.

But can't make one on the basis of hundreds of hours of public speeches and interviews?
So let me get this straight... A shrink can make a totally legitimate diagnosis on the basis of a few short meetings, where the patient is being intentionally guarded.

But can't make one on the basis of hundreds of hours of public speeches and interviews?



Psychology is Pseudo-science on the same level as astrology and climatology.
So let me get this straight... A shrink can make a totally legitimate diagnosis on the basis of a few short meetings, where the patient is being intentionally guarded.

But can't make one on the basis of hundreds of hours of public speeches and interviews?
She said she got more evidence from trump's public statements than she did her own patients. Anyone with a brain can see that trump is a danger to the country. He is a loose cannot who shoots off at the mouth and is totally incompetent to handle classified information. He only cares about himself....not the party....not the country.

If the DOJ does not stop him....he may not be stopped. He is a danger to our country. And more concerning...his clones...like desantis...are waiting I'm the wings.

Another quack who "diagnosed" a person she's never met. Real doctors get stripped of their medical license for doing that.

If the DOJ does not stop him....he may not be stopped. He is a danger to our country. And more concerning...his clones...like desantis...are waiting I'm the wings.
So you admit that it isn't just the bad orange man, it's ANYONE who disagrees with the way DC wants to rule, that about right? When did you people become so stupid that you literally are screaming that a duly elected POTUS is a "danger"? Trump and DeSantis ARE a danger to DC's power. That's why they're doing everything they can to keep him from running again.

They KNOW he will win if he runs and they also KNOW that the Right has made an indepth study of how they stole the election in 2020 and they will be guarding against that this next election. IOW, your masters are scared SPITLESS that Donnie will come back with ZERO RESTRAINTS. It's their WORST NIGHTMARE.
Now he has put our national security in danger. trump is a cancer on our country....and anyone who supports the treasonous POS is also.
Wow, it sounds like America needs YOU to fight the bad orange man...

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