Dr. Ben Carson is an Idiot Savant

....Obama is just an idiot.

'We have contained ISIS'
- The next day ISIS perpetrates the largest attack on France since WW2

From the site of that attack Obama declares no other country has mass shootings like the US does....

Obama declares again ISIS is contained ... while the guy he asks 'what's going on' , his top general, testifies before Congress about how he is flat out WRONG...

...thank God Obama is living it up in Paris at tax payer expense, saving us all from 'the biggest threat' the world faces today - Global Warming...
Youre the idiot. You werent even smart enough to know the POTUS was speaking specifically about Iraq when he made the quote you took out of context. :laugh:

So ISIS is contained in Iraq?

ISIS is now reportedl in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Algeria, Tunisia, Belgium, France, and even the US...

But you continue to defend the idiot whose failed policies helped create and grow ISIS, has failed to prevent successful terrorist attacks, and have resulted in dead Americans at home and abroad....
In order to contain something it has to be there. Yes ISIS is contained in Iraq. They have not made any gains. You can deflect all you want but it still wont cover for you being ignorant of the facts. :laugh:
....Obama is just an idiot.

'We have contained ISIS'
- The next day ISIS perpetrates the largest attack on France since WW2

From the site of that attack Obama declares no other country has mass shootings like the US does....

Obama declares again ISIS is contained ... while the guy he asks 'what's going on' , his top general, testifies before Congress about how he is flat out WRONG...

...thank God Obama is living it up in Paris at tax payer expense, saving us all from 'the biggest threat' the world faces today - Global Warming...
Youre the idiot. You werent even smart enough to know the POTUS was speaking specifically about Iraq when he made the quote you took out of context. :laugh:

So ISIS is contained in Iraq?

ISIS is now reportedl in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Algeria, Tunisia, Belgium, France, and even the US...

But you continue to defend the idiot whose failed policies helped create and grow ISIS, has failed to prevent successful terrorist attacks, and have resulted in dead Americans at home and abroad....
In order to contain something it has to be there. Yes ISIS is contained in Iraq. They have not made any gains. You can deflect all you want but it still wont cover for you being ignorant of the facts. :laugh:
There's just no other explanation.

Apparently his Dr. credentials check out, and he's a brain surgeon after all. And we always make the brain surgery / rocket science comparison when we mean to imply something is or is not really hard to master.

So, he's a terrific brain surgeon, except for a couple of sponges left behind. Okay... but what about everything else...

Outside of the hospital, outside of that specific arena, he's a blithering idiot. He comes off as borderline retarded when talking about public policy, the constitution, or foreign affairs.

Have you read his book on the constitution? It makes for some very entertaining reading. Like a 9th grader trying to convince the teacher he did his homework.

Anyways, there just no other way to slice it -- there's NO OTHER WORD for what Ben Carson is.

Idiot Savant.

Apparently, the Left's overused Bullshit cries of racism has just been exposed when it comes to not agreeing with a Black man running for the White House.
....Obama is just an idiot.

'We have contained ISIS'
- The next day ISIS perpetrates the largest attack on France since WW2

From the site of that attack Obama declares no other country has mass shootings like the US does....

Obama declares again ISIS is contained ... while the guy he asks 'what's going on' , his top general, testifies before Congress about how he is flat out WRONG...

...thank God Obama is living it up in Paris at tax payer expense, saving us all from 'the biggest threat' the world faces today - Global Warming...
Youre the idiot. You werent even smart enough to know the POTUS was speaking specifically about Iraq when he made the quote you took out of context. :laugh:

So ISIS is contained in Iraq?

ISIS is now reportedl in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Algeria, Tunisia, Belgium, France, and even the US...

But you continue to defend the idiot whose failed policies helped create and grow ISIS, has failed to prevent successful terrorist attacks, and have resulted in dead Americans at home and abroad....
In order to contain something it has to be there. Yes ISIS is contained in Iraq. They have not made any gains. You can deflect all you want but it still wont cover for you being ignorant of the facts. :laugh:

Ummm, AGAIN, ISIS is reportedly now in SYRIA - their home base, Iraq, Afghanistan, Algeria, Tunisia, Qatar, Belgium, France, and even in the US.

ISIS also didn't get Obama's memo that they had been 'contained' before they perpetrated the biggest attack on France since WW2 the day after Ibama proclaimed he had contained them...

....Obama is just an idiot.

'We have contained ISIS'
- The next day ISIS perpetrates the largest attack on France since WW2

From the site of that attack Obama declares no other country has mass shootings like the US does....

Obama declares again ISIS is contained ... while the guy he asks 'what's going on' , his top general, testifies before Congress about how he is flat out WRONG...

...thank God Obama is living it up in Paris at tax payer expense, saving us all from 'the biggest threat' the world faces today - Global Warming...
Youre the idiot. You werent even smart enough to know the POTUS was speaking specifically about Iraq when he made the quote you took out of context. :laugh:

So ISIS is contained in Iraq?

ISIS is now reportedl in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Algeria, Tunisia, Belgium, France, and even the US...

But you continue to defend the idiot whose failed policies helped create and grow ISIS, has failed to prevent successful terrorist attacks, and have resulted in dead Americans at home and abroad....
In order to contain something it has to be there. Yes ISIS is contained in Iraq. They have not made any gains. You can deflect all you want but it still wont cover for you being ignorant of the facts. :laugh:

Ummm, AGAIN, ISIS is reportedly now in SYRIA - their home base, Iraq, Afghanistan, Algeria, Tunisia, Qatar, Belgium, France, and even in the US.

ISIS also didn't get Obama's memo that they had been 'contained' before they perpetrated the biggest attack on France since WW2 the day after Ibama proclaimed he had contained them...

Youre still deflecting. They were already in Iraq. They have been contained in Iraq. What is making this so hard for you to understand? :laugh:
....Obama is just an idiot.

'We have contained ISIS'
- The next day ISIS perpetrates the largest attack on France since WW2

From the site of that attack Obama declares no other country has mass shootings like the US does....

Obama declares again ISIS is contained ... while the guy he asks 'what's going on' , his top general, testifies before Congress about how he is flat out WRONG...

...thank God Obama is living it up in Paris at tax payer expense, saving us all from 'the biggest threat' the world faces today - Global Warming...
Youre the idiot. You werent even smart enough to know the POTUS was speaking specifically about Iraq when he made the quote you took out of context. :laugh:

So ISIS is contained in Iraq?

ISIS is now reportedl in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Algeria, Tunisia, Belgium, France, and even the US...

But you continue to defend the idiot whose failed policies helped create and grow ISIS, has failed to prevent successful terrorist attacks, and have resulted in dead Americans at home and abroad....
In order to contain something it has to be there. Yes ISIS is contained in Iraq. They have not made any gains. You can deflect all you want but it still wont cover for you being ignorant of the facts. :laugh:

Ummm, AGAIN, ISIS is reportedly now in SYRIA - their home base, Iraq, Afghanistan, Algeria, Tunisia, Qatar, Belgium, France, and even in the US.

ISIS also didn't get Obama's memo that they had been 'contained' before they perpetrated the biggest attack on France since WW2 the day after Ibama proclaimed he had contained them...

Youre still deflecting. They were already in Iraq. They have been contained in Iraq. What is making this so hard for you to understand? :laugh:

Can you not read English?

ISIS is in Iraq only because Obama let them grow / flow uncontested from Syria into Iraq.

From there they have reportedly EXPANDED into Afghanistan, into Algeria, into Tunisia, into Belgium, into Paris, and even into the U.S.

Obama's own top general today testified to Congress that 'NO' they are NIT contained, that they have not been sunce 2010!

He did say that he thinks they have been contained 'tactically', but their attacking France proves they are tactically attacking OUTSIDE of Iraq and Syria. The fact that the FBI has testified that they have 1,000 open cases regarding ISOS / ISIS ops in the US that they have not been and are not 'contained'.
Dr. Ben Carson is an Idiot Savant

Huh... so with you standing as an example of a run of the mill idiot... and your claim that Doc Carson is an Idiot Savant...

Hmm... There's you, who has not a single noteworthy thing to which they can point, as a result of the space you've taken. And there's Doc Carson, among the most well respected human beings on earth, with a list of personal and professional accomplishments well beyond your limited attention span to consider.

Which way to go?

Dr. Carson would serve his nation better by keeping at his doctor gig, study up a bit, collect some sweet speaker's fees and try running for governor of Maryland.

Well I think he wants to run for president because that's what people urged him to do. And he seems to have a pretty solid base of support at #2 right now in most polls, both state and national. It remains to be seen if he can win the GOP nomination and it also remains to be seen if the GOP can win the presidency. We won't know that until next year and it doesn't take a brain surgeon to understand that.

What you guys need to comprehend is, the voters who decide the GOP nominee are not likely going to pick someone you are creaming your panties over. I mean... that's just not going to happen for you, as much as you may wish for it. I'm sorry... I wish they could please you with a candidate you could all get behind and support but I just don't think they intend to nominate a Socialist.
At least nominate someone who can engender respect. I would nominate Dr. Carson for Surgeon General if I had that privilege. I respect Dr. Carson's medical skills. But I have to hear him say something worthy of the respect Americans pay to the President.

In executive administration, and in policy, I have my doubts.

Here's a candidate who, though I oppose his policies, I could respect as President: Govenor John Kasich of Ohio. I live in Ohio. I have had my state retirement fund raped under Kasich (why I don't know. I'm not a bad guy robbing the state blind. I just want to retire in humble dignity)

He is the popular Govenor of an important swing state. He served in the House and drafted a budget with a surplus. He's young and statesmanlike.

Why on earth would you Conservatives want to hitch your wagon to the untried, the inexperienced, the gaffe prone?
It's just sad to see so many liberals exhibiting such a hateful, closed-minded attitude toward Ben Carson. Carson is ten times the man and the intellect that Al Sharpton is.

Funny. Except the image on the left side is real. Carson had this painting commissioned and it hangs in his home. And the one on the right is photoshopped. That's all you got on Obama...Photoshopped cartoons.

Obama would never have a picture with Jesus.

Mohammad, maybe, but I think you get your head lopped off for that sort of thing.
Oh give it a break. How many times do you see the media trailing Obama into church on Sunday? He's an atheist. He only belong to the church in Chicago for political reasons

Yet that doesn't bother you?
....Obama is just an idiot.

'We have contained ISIS'
- The next day ISIS perpetrates the largest attack on France since WW2

From the site of that attack Obama declares no other country has mass shootings like the US does....

Obama declares again ISIS is contained ... while the guy he asks 'what's going on' , his top general, testifies before Congress about how he is flat out WRONG...

...thank God Obama is living it up in Paris at tax payer expense, saving us all from 'the biggest threat' the world faces today - Global Warming...

Considering we are now targeting them in Iraq instead of just Syria that doesn't sounds like contained. Especially since we find sympathizers all over the us
There's just no other explanation.

Apparently his Dr. credentials check out, and he's a brain surgeon after all. And we always make the brain surgery / rocket science comparison when we mean to imply something is or is not really hard to master.

So, he's a terrific brain surgeon, except for a couple of sponges left behind. Okay... but what about everything else...

Outside of the hospital, outside of that specific arena, he's a blithering idiot. He comes off as borderline retarded when talking about public policy, the constitution, or foreign affairs.

Have you read his book on the constitution? It makes for some very entertaining reading. Like a 9th grader trying to convince the teacher he did his homework.

Anyways, there just no other way to slice it -- there's NO OTHER WORD for what Ben Carson is.

Idiot Savant.

BARRY? why are you projecting community organizer?
Dr. Carson would serve his nation better by keeping at his doctor gig, study up a bit, collect some sweet speaker's fees and try running for governor of Maryland.

Well I think he wants to run for president because that's what people urged him to do. And he seems to have a pretty solid base of support at #2 right now in most polls, both state and national. It remains to be seen if he can win the GOP nomination and it also remains to be seen if the GOP can win the presidency. We won't know that until next year and it doesn't take a brain surgeon to understand that.

What you guys need to comprehend is, the voters who decide the GOP nominee are not likely going to pick someone you are creaming your panties over. I mean... that's just not going to happen for you, as much as you may wish for it. I'm sorry... I wish they could please you with a candidate you could all get behind and support but I just don't think they intend to nominate a Socialist.
At least nominate someone who can engender respect. I would nominate Dr. Carson for Surgeon General if I had that privilege. I respect Dr. Carson's medical skills. But I have to hear him say something worthy of the respect Americans pay to the President.

In executive administration, and in policy, I have my doubts.

Here's a candidate who, though I oppose his policies, I could respect as President: Govenor John Kasich of Ohio. I live in Ohio. I have had my state retirement fund raped under Kasich (why I don't know. I'm not a bad guy robbing the state blind. I just want to retire in humble dignity)

He is the popular Govenor of an important swing state. He served in the House and drafted a budget with a surplus. He's young and statesmanlike.

Why on earth would you Conservatives want to hitch your wagon to the untried, the inexperienced, the gaffe prone?

I beg your pardon, I find Dr. Carson to be very well-reasoned and respectable. Kasich is a moron. He doesn't have a clue what conservative philosophy is, much less the ability to articulate it. He's an Ohio version of Mitt Romney in my opinion.. plus he hasn't polled out of the single digits.

I guess I'm not like you. I hear Carson saying all kinds of things that make sense to me as a conservative. I'm not looking for someone to win a beauty pageant or star in a movie about politicians. I wouldn't matter to me if he had one eye in the middle of his head, to be honest. How he looks means absolutely nothing to me.

I'm still a Ted Cruz supporter and that's who I plan to vote for at this time and who I hope to win the nomination. If he doesn't, I could vote for Carson or Trump either one, without hesitation. Liberals and Democrats aren't going to change my mind... Sorry... just not going to happen.
I'm not so sure liberals would support a guy who talked about hitting his mother with a hammer and trying to stab a friend. Or pyramids full of grain.
I'm not so sure liberals would support a guy who talked about hitting his mother with a hammer and trying to stab a friend. Or pyramids full of grain.
Why not?

They voted...twice...for a guy who was friends with a domestic terrorist that bombed his own country and killed cops, who armed Mexican Drug cartels who killed over 500 people with those weapons, and who took the country to war on his own to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 take over their own country....

Comparatively, Carson is a SAINT...
I'm not so sure liberals would support a guy who talked about hitting his mother with a hammer and trying to stab a friend. Or pyramids full of grain.

Yeah. We know you guys require your candidates to kill the unborn before you support then
There's just no other explanation.

Apparently his Dr. credentials check out, and he's a brain surgeon after all. And we always make the brain surgery / rocket science comparison when we mean to imply something is or is not really hard to master.

So, he's a terrific brain surgeon, except for a couple of sponges left behind. Okay... but what about everything else...

Outside of the hospital, outside of that specific arena, he's a blithering idiot. He comes off as borderline retarded when talking about public policy, the constitution, or foreign affairs.

Have you read his book on the constitution? It makes for some very entertaining reading. Like a 9th grader trying to convince the teacher he did his homework.

Anyways, there just no other way to slice it -- there's NO OTHER WORD for what Ben Carson is.

Idiot Savant.

Racist Dem sock account sez wha?

Funny. Except the image on the left side is real. Carson had this painting commissioned and it hangs in his home. And the one on the right is photoshopped. That's all you got on Obama...Photoshopped cartoons.

Obama would never have a picture with Jesus.

Mohammad, maybe, but I think you get your head lopped off for that sort of thing.
Obama knows the world is older than 6000 years. Ben Carson doesn't. He is a freakin 7th Day whack job.

Funny. Except the image on the left side is real. Carson had this painting commissioned and it hangs in his home. And the one on the right is photoshopped. That's all you got on Obama...Photoshopped cartoons.

Obama would never have a picture with Jesus.

Mohammad, maybe, but I think you get your head lopped off for that sort of thing.
Oh give it a break. How many times do you see the media trailing Obama into church on Sunday? He's an atheist. He only belong to the church in Chicago for political reasons

Funny. Except the image on the left side is real. Carson had this painting commissioned and it hangs in his home. And the one on the right is photoshopped. That's all you got on Obama...Photoshopped cartoons.

Obama would never have a picture with Jesus.

Mohammad, maybe, but I think you get your head lopped off for that sort of thing.
Oh give it a break. How many times do you see the media trailing Obama into church on Sunday? He's an atheist. He only belong to the church in Chicago for political reasons

He attended the church with the best connections. Besides, Obama denounced Wright if you will remember correctly.
Besides, Obama denounced Wright if you will remember correctly.

After sitting in his congregation for 20 years. And only when it became politically expedient. I suspect Bill Clinton probably gave up intern blow jobs after Monica as well.

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