Dr. Carson not so truthful.........

Okay, why don't you post a link supporting your claim? Surely someone could vouch for him that he did the things he claims.....I think he's cookoo!
Hillary is nuttier than a fruitcake as is pilosi and I bet you kiss their asses.



you disagree with her. there is nothing "nutty" about her. saying that because your guy carson is pretty well fried is just silly.

and pelosi is a lot of things. nutty isn't one of them.

try again.

You love rich leftist who game the system. Pelosi and her husband are corny capitalist crooks, and Hillary and Bill Clinton should be in federal prison...Carson is fine and dandy and rated the most honest of any candidate in the race which is why they are attacking him. You need to expand your circle, you've been sheltered too long

typical rightwingnut who attributes what his loony teatards do to dems.

i thought libs are all poor... on welfare...

except when you want to talk about the inteligensia and elite... then suddenly we're rich and gaming the system.

make up your minds. :cuckoo:

The Democratic party, is the party of the rich ..where you been?

Nancy Pelosi's vineyard makes her fourth-richest Californian in Congress


Nancy Pelosi's vineyard makes her fourth-richest Californian in Congress
Pelosi the deranged psycopath.
You are either misleading on purpose or a flat out liar. My bet is both. CNN hit piece couldn't prove it either way. Typical cnn idiocy.

Okay, why don't you post a link supporting your claim? Surely someone could vouch for him that he did the things he claims.....I think he's cookoo!
Hillary is nuttier than a fruitcake as is pilosi and I bet you kiss their asses.



you disagree with her. there is nothing "nutty" about her. saying that because your guy carson is pretty well fried is just silly.

and pelosi is a lot of things. nutty isn't one of them.

try again.
All libtards are nutty. Idiots supporting idiots, liberalism at its best. Pilosi is a lot of things alright, nutty is one of them.

Look at your posts......you're the only one nutty here....flinging slurs, because you can't handle the truth like an adult...a civil adult. That's what nutty people do when they can't defend their position with civil discussion....call names and that is what you're doing, so, you may not realize it but you are nutty....nuttier than a fruitcake, and butt hurt to boot.
Your opinion, you just refuse to see the truth of your candidates being scum.
You are either misleading on purpose or a flat out liar. My bet is both. CNN hit piece couldn't prove it either way. Typical cnn idiocy.

Okay, why don't you post a link supporting your claim? Surely someone could vouch for him that he did the things he claims.....I think he's cookoo!
Hillary is nuttier than a fruitcake as is pilosi and I bet you kiss their asses.



you disagree with her. there is nothing "nutty" about her. saying that because your guy carson is pretty well fried is just silly.

and pelosi is a lot of things. nutty isn't one of them.

try again.

You love rich leftist who game the system. Pelosi and her husband are corny capitalist crooks, and Hillary and Bill Clinton should be in federal prison...Carson is fine and dandy and rated the most honest of any candidate in the race which is why they are attacking him. You need to expand your circle, you've been sheltered too long

typical rightwingnut who attributes what his loony teatards do to dems.

i thought libs are all poor... on welfare...

except when you want to talk about the inteligensia and elite... then suddenly we're rich and gaming the system.

make up your minds. :cuckoo:

They can't cause they're hypocrites. And they aren't happy that their hero "Carson" has been caught with his pants down. I don't think he'll survive this latest blunder....maybe the totally uninformed will continue to support him, but his credibility is going bye-bye.
Okay, why don't you post a link supporting your claim? Surely someone could vouch for him that he did the things he claims.....I think he's cookoo!
Hillary is nuttier than a fruitcake as is pilosi and I bet you kiss their asses.



you disagree with her. there is nothing "nutty" about her. saying that because your guy carson is pretty well fried is just silly.

and pelosi is a lot of things. nutty isn't one of them.

try again.
All libtards are nutty. Idiots supporting idiots, liberalism at its best. Pilosi is a lot of things alright, nutty is one of them.

Look at your posts......you're the only one nutty here....flinging slurs, because you can't handle the truth like an adult...a civil adult. That's what nutty people do when they can't defend their position with civil discussion....call names and that is what you're doing, so, you may not realize it but you are nutty....nuttier than a fruitcake, and butt hurt to boot.
Your opinion, you just refuse to see the truth of your candidates being scum.

Not just my opinion....the posts are there to prove it. You're the one that started slinging mud.......just like your clown candidates when they debate...all they can do is sling mud at each other...you don't see the Democratic candidates doing that. I guess that must really burn your butt even more.
Just more BIGOTRY from the left..... When the right did the same about the halfrican, and half wit Obumble, we were castigated as bigots.... I enjoy a good game of Karma!
The lefty news nets never gave Obama anywhere near the scrutiny given to Carson.
What CNN is doing is pushing MORE people to vote for Carson.
You know...you are allowed your own opinion....you are not allowed to alter historical facts.
Hillary is nuttier than a fruitcake as is pilosi and I bet you kiss their asses.



you disagree with her. there is nothing "nutty" about her. saying that because your guy carson is pretty well fried is just silly.

and pelosi is a lot of things. nutty isn't one of them.

try again.
All libtards are nutty. Idiots supporting idiots, liberalism at its best. Pilosi is a lot of things alright, nutty is one of them.

Look at your posts......you're the only one nutty here....flinging slurs, because you can't handle the truth like an adult...a civil adult. That's what nutty people do when they can't defend their position with civil discussion....call names and that is what you're doing, so, you may not realize it but you are nutty....nuttier than a fruitcake, and butt hurt to boot.
Your opinion, you just refuse to see the truth of your candidates being scum.

Not just my opinion....the posts are there to prove it. You're the one that started slinging mud.......just like your clown candidates when they debate...all they can do is sling mud at each other...you don't see the Democratic candidates doing that. I guess that must really burn your butt even more.
candidates are still better than your commie pigs.


you disagree with her. there is nothing "nutty" about her. saying that because your guy carson is pretty well fried is just silly.

and pelosi is a lot of things. nutty isn't one of them.

try again.
All libtards are nutty. Idiots supporting idiots, liberalism at its best. Pilosi is a lot of things alright, nutty is one of them.

Look at your posts......you're the only one nutty here....flinging slurs, because you can't handle the truth like an adult...a civil adult. That's what nutty people do when they can't defend their position with civil discussion....call names and that is what you're doing, so, you may not realize it but you are nutty....nuttier than a fruitcake, and butt hurt to boot.
Your opinion, you just refuse to see the truth of your candidates being scum.

Not just my opinion....the posts are there to prove it. You're the one that started slinging mud.......just like your clown candidates when they debate...all they can do is sling mud at each other...you don't see the Democratic candidates doing that. I guess that must really burn your butt even more.
candidates are still better than your commie pigs.
He is right and you know it.
Why do liberals not care about Hillary lying about Benghazi? Their outrage about Dr Carson is a joke.
If only someone would investigate Hillary about Benghazi.......if only.....

They have, found out she's a bigger liar than Dr. Carson could ever be, broke her signed security secrets agreement, and had at kleast 2 of her underlings plead the 5th amendment rather than testify....KNOWING that the feckless AG, and the obomanation would never prosecute any of them....Oh and then there is this GEM!!!

  • White House says will not release emails between Obama, Clinton
    Reuters on Yahoo News ^ | 10/30/15 | Julia Edwards
    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House will not allow the release of emails exchanged between President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton from when she was secretary of state, a senior administration official said on Friday. The emails may be withheld until after Obama leaves office under the Presidential Records Act, according to the White House, which governs public access to the president's records. The number of emails involved has not been made public. The White House said Obama and Clinton, who is now running as a Democrat to succeed him in office in 2017, exchanged emails "on occasion." A federal...


you disagree with her. there is nothing "nutty" about her. saying that because your guy carson is pretty well fried is just silly.

and pelosi is a lot of things. nutty isn't one of them.

try again.
All libtards are nutty. Idiots supporting idiots, liberalism at its best. Pilosi is a lot of things alright, nutty is one of them.

Look at your posts......you're the only one nutty here....flinging slurs, because you can't handle the truth like an adult...a civil adult. That's what nutty people do when they can't defend their position with civil discussion....call names and that is what you're doing, so, you may not realize it but you are nutty....nuttier than a fruitcake, and butt hurt to boot.
Your opinion, you just refuse to see the truth of your candidates being scum.

Not just my opinion....the posts are there to prove it. You're the one that started slinging mud.......just like your clown candidates when they debate...all they can do is sling mud at each other...you don't see the Democratic candidates doing that. I guess that must really burn your butt even more.
candidates are still better than your commie pigs.

Judging from your posts and your comments, you're not qualified to make such a judgment....but keep supporting Dr. Carson.....right up to the end....which should be soon.
All libtards are nutty. Idiots supporting idiots, liberalism at its best. Pilosi is a lot of things alright, nutty is one of them.

Look at your posts......you're the only one nutty here....flinging slurs, because you can't handle the truth like an adult...a civil adult. That's what nutty people do when they can't defend their position with civil discussion....call names and that is what you're doing, so, you may not realize it but you are nutty....nuttier than a fruitcake, and butt hurt to boot.
Your opinion, you just refuse to see the truth of your candidates being scum.

Not just my opinion....the posts are there to prove it. You're the one that started slinging mud.......just like your clown candidates when they debate...all they can do is sling mud at each other...you don't see the Democratic candidates doing that. I guess that must really burn your butt even more.
candidates are still better than your commie pigs.

Judging from your posts and your comments, you're not qualified to make such a judgment....but keep supporting Dr. Carson.....right up to the end....which should be soon.

Fucking idiot!

Didn't people predict the end of Carson, Trump and Christey a while ago (as in it should have already happened).

Funny how Trump (whom I don't support) is making fools out of many.
[leftwing spewbots]...Must....deflect....attention....away....from...hiLIARy's email server...and lies....must...deflect...Danger Danger Danger...must deflect....[/leftwing spewbots]

Yeah.....we make up this shit! Bwahahaha....nobody could make this shit up. Besides, Carson's campaign already admitted it......now they're trying to back peddle.....as if it is going to help him. I now the Rushbots will continue to support this bubblehead, who must have given himself a lobotomy trying to clean his ears, but his credibility is gone, bye-bye....there's no recouping from his fantasy past.
I guess he knows he's not very interesting so he tried to create some drama about himself to appear like the kind of guy everyone likes......."was bad but improved himself to the point of becoming a doctor".....!

Hmmmm....I knew there was something fishy about him.

No one who knew him as a youth can verify his story of being a violent kid who found God and was redeemed

In preparation for an interview with Ben Carson on “New Day” Friday, CNN investigated claims the retired neurosurgeon made about his upbringing in his 1990 autobiography “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story,” but was unable to find corroboration for the incidents of violence that are at the core of his story of transformation from an angry young man into the calm, collected GOP hopeful he is today.


Ben Carson just can’t quit lying: CNN can’t corroborate any of the key stories from his autobiography - Salon.com

Dr. peanut butter mouth, is trying to garner street creds...one can only assume from the way he speaks, the biggest hustle in his youth was trying to out smart a girl scout into given up her cookies. He's no more a tough guy than Trump is a politician...both are two phonies that need to find a real hobby, like convincing dumb conservative motherfuckers to give them their money!!

Problems Mounting For Ben Carson Campaign As Hometown Newspaper Exposes New Lie

In an effort to defend Dr. Ben Carson, conservatives believe that CNN and Politico are liars. Oops, we need to add the Wall Street Journal and the Detroit…

You libtards are out now using racist slams on Carson purely because he has a big lead of your liar Hillary, and it wont work. Everyone can see that you fuck heads are nothing more than racist, hateful ideologues who will say and do anything to promote your party and ideology.,

So go fuck yourself, Nazi.
Yeah.....we make up this shit! Bwahahaha....nobody could make this shit up. Besides, Carson's campaign already admitted it......now they're trying to back peddle....
Politico has already revised their slander against Carson without an apology.

This is working to Carsons favor and you libtards are too stupid to grasp what is happening, lol.

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