Dr. Carson not so truthful.........

ben is so fried he just pulled in another 3.5 million.

that depends on you wackos being fried
The wackos are Hillary supporters.

Keep fooling yourself on that.......:)
Hillary supporters are the fools.

See, you are already believing it, but you should look in the mirror first.......those that support Ben Carson support a man that lies about accomplishments and rewards. What a fool....being a neurosurgeon should have been enough, that alone would make him remarkable, then he goes and ruins it by making up this shit stories.
Yet retarded Hillary supports support a proven liar and crook. Idiots. Can be proven Hillary is a liar, Carson only hollow accusations.
that depends on you wackos being fried
The wackos are Hillary supporters.

Keep fooling yourself on that.......:)
Hillary supporters are the fools.

See, you are already believing it, but you should look in the mirror first.......those that support Ben Carson support a man that lies about accomplishments and rewards. What a fool....being a neurosurgeon should have been enough, that alone would make him remarkable, then he goes and ruins it by making up this shit stories.
Yet retarded Hillary supports support a proven liar and crook. Idiots. Can be proven Hillary is a liar, Carson only hollow accusations.

Not so. Hillary showed her strength most when being grilled by the Republicans in the Benghazi 9th committee hearing. They were shouting and yelling at her like mad men, yet she remained composed and answered all their questions. No lying has been discovered. The only ones that claim she has lied, are the conservatives - and the only supposed "lie" they can come up with is that she said the Benghazi attack was due to a video....and this she said before they had fully investigated the situation and while other protests in other ME cities were going on.......lame....very lame. And nobody has offered proof that the video didn't play a part, either.

On the other hand, proof of Carson's lies has been shown over and over. He keeps claiming he never said he received a "full scholarship" even though there is a video showing the words coming out of his mouth. Not only is he a liar, he is in denial about it, like you.
The wackos are Hillary supporters.

Keep fooling yourself on that.......:)
Hillary supporters are the fools.

See, you are already believing it, but you should look in the mirror first.......those that support Ben Carson support a man that lies about accomplishments and rewards. What a fool....being a neurosurgeon should have been enough, that alone would make him remarkable, then he goes and ruins it by making up this shit stories.
Yet retarded Hillary supports support a proven liar and crook. Idiots. Can be proven Hillary is a liar, Carson only hollow accusations.

Not so. Hillary showed her strength most when being grilled by the Republicans in the Benghazi 9th committee hearing. They were shouting and yelling at her like mad men, yet she remained composed and answered all their questions. No lying has been discovered. The only ones that claim she has lied, are the conservatives - and the only supposed "lie" they can come up with is that she said the Benghazi attack was due to a video....and this she said before they had fully investigated the situation and while other protests in other ME cities were going on.......lame....very lame. And nobody has offered proof that the video didn't play a part, either.

On the other hand, proof of Carson's lies has been shown over and over. He keeps claiming he never said he received a "full scholarship" even though there is a video showing the words coming out of his mouth. Not only is he a liar, he is in denial about it, like you.
ben is so fried he just pulled in another 3.5 million.

that depends on you wackos being fried
The wackos are Hillary supporters.

Keep fooling yourself on that.......:)
Hillary supporters are the fools.

See, you are already believing it, but you should look in the mirror first.......those that support Ben Carson support a man that lies about accomplishments and rewards. What a fool....being a neurosurgeon should have been enough, that alone would make him remarkable, then he goes and ruins it by making up this shit stories.
Your head is up your ass. Hillary is the liar, not Carson.
ben is so fried he just pulled in another 3.5 million.

that depends on you wackos being fried
The wackos are Hillary supporters.

Keep fooling yourself on that.......:)
Hillary supporters are the fools.

See, you are already believing it, but you should look in the mirror first.......those that support Ben Carson support a man that lies about accomplishments and rewards. What a fool....being a neurosurgeon should have been enough, that alone would make him remarkable, then he goes and ruins it by making up this shit stories.

what did he make up?
Yet another failed racist smear campaign from the left. they cannot stand a black man who isn't under their thumb. This is going to backfire on them. It will push Carson right into the White House.
that depends on you wackos being fried
The wackos are Hillary supporters.

Keep fooling yourself on that.......:)
Hillary supporters are the fools.

See, you are already believing it, but you should look in the mirror first.......those that support Ben Carson support a man that lies about accomplishments and rewards. What a fool....being a neurosurgeon should have been enough, that alone would make him remarkable, then he goes and ruins it by making up this shit stories.

what did he make up?

Not a damn thing.
Carson VP Trump President.
Take it to the bank.
Carson would split the negro 'block vote'. What there will be of it. Negroes don't trust that Hillary would keep the "free shit" spigot open. They know Trump won't. The result will be a very low negro voter turnout. Because they know the last eight years were a historical one-off. Even with a half negro President nothing got any better in any area of the negroes lives. Things got worse across the board.
The result will be a Trump presidency.
As a matter of fact I can see Trump stand in front of the cameras and say something like: "I have good news for any Black person in the country who wants a better future. I will make the economy great again. This means more jobs for everyone. I mean everyone who wants to get ahead no matter what their skin color is.
Black people were made a lot of promises which were never keep by Obama.
He told a lot of lies to get elected. I don't lie. When I make a promise I keep it. Vote for me and things will start improving for you from day one".
Last edited:
that depends on you wackos being fried
The wackos are Hillary supporters.

Keep fooling yourself on that.......:)
Hillary supporters are the fools.

See, you are already believing it, but you should look in the mirror first.......those that support Ben Carson support a man that lies about accomplishments and rewards. What a fool....being a neurosurgeon should have been enough, that alone would make him remarkable, then he goes and ruins it by making up this shit stories.

what did he make up?

He made up a bullshit story that he had a "full scholarship to West Point" when we don't even know for sure that he even got someone to tell him that "MAYBE" they could help him to get into West Point.......because now it has surfaced that Westmoreland wasn't even in Detroit at the time of Carson's supposed meeting with him........;)

Now explain to me how that is not made up - a "lie"?

Carlisle, Pa. — Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s published account of having dinner with a top commander in the Vietnam War after marching in a Memorial Day parade in 1969 as a high school ROTC cadet in Detroit does not match historical records.

In Carson’s 1990 best-selling autobiography, “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story,” the neurosurgeon tells of being offered a scholarship to West Point as a high school senior sometime after having dinner with the U.S. Army’s chief of staff, Gen. William Westmoreland, on Memorial Day 1969.

But Westmoreland’s personal schedule shows the general was not in Detroit on Memorial Day or during the days preceding and following the holiday. His schedule says he was in and around Washington, D.C., that weekend, according to Army archives The Detroit News reviewed Friday.

Carson’s Westmoreland story doesn’t match records
Not so. Hillary showed her strength most when being grilled by the Republicans in the Benghazi 9th committee hearing.
Sitting on your ass and lying through your teeth is how you define great strength? You're insane.

I know you can't stand the fact that she's tough, and those clowns were reduced to shouting and screaming....because that is what right-wingers do when they can't have their way.....they act like children having a tantrum.

And you and the rest of the conservatives still haven't proven that Hillary lied........having 9 investigative committees based on the "talking points" that were used to describe Benghazi makes you all the laughing stock of the country. Three years and you are still arguing over the fact she said it was over a "video".....and you all haven't proven that the video didn't play a part.
Not so. Hillary showed her strength most when being grilled by the Republicans in the Benghazi 9th committee hearing.
Sitting on your ass and lying through your teeth is how you define great strength? You're insane.

I know you can't stand the fact that she's tough, and those clowns were reduced to shouting and screaming....because that is what right-wingers do when they can't have their way.....they act like children having a tantrum.

And you and the rest of the conservatives still haven't proven that Hillary lied........having 9 investigative committees based on the "talking points" that were used to describe Benghazi makes you all the laughing stock of the country. Three years and you are still arguing over the fact she said it was over a "video".....and you all haven't proven that the video didn't play a part.
I can't stand Hillary, period. She's a lying asshole that will say absolutely anything that she thinks will benefit her. Like most libs. The Benghazi committes made it clear that she lied on numerous fronts. She tells her daughter and someone else they were terrorist attacks and the next day claims it was about a video. To cover for obama's 'we are winning the war on terror right before the election' bullshit. She did indeed get messages from Stevens. Ignored his urgency and requests so she's incompetent as well. Putting everything on a private server so she could manage what was found out was stupid and wrong. How did she get top secret intel? She got none?

Don't blame your idiotic worldview on me.
Not so. Hillary showed her strength most when being grilled by the Republicans in the Benghazi 9th committee hearing.
Sitting on your ass and lying through your teeth is how you define great strength? You're insane.

I know you can't stand the fact that she's tough, and those clowns were reduced to shouting and screaming....because that is what right-wingers do when they can't have their way.....they act like children having a tantrum.

And you and the rest of the conservatives still haven't proven that Hillary lied........having 9 investigative committees based on the "talking points" that were used to describe Benghazi makes you all the laughing stock of the country. Three years and you are still arguing over the fact she said it was over a "video".....and you all haven't proven that the video didn't play a part.

I can't stand Hillary, period. She's a lying asshole that will say absolutely anything that she thinks will benefit her. Like most libs.
You can't stand her because she doesn't take any crap from the right-wing clowns, and she doesn't mince words. Carson is absolutely lying, yet you all give him a pass....so that seems hypocritical.

The Benghazi committes made it clear that she lied on numerous fronts.
No they failed drastically. She explained in detail why she said what she said at the time. Just like it went over their head because obviously they weren't even listening, but waiting to make their next attack. If they had, I'm sure that the GOP would be filing some charge on her already. She totally owned them, all the news media except Faux, of course, agreed that she put them in their place.

She tells her daughter and someone else they were terrorist attacks and the next day claims it was about a video.
That was what was happening in other areas. And the terrorists who attacked claimed the video had something to do with it. It is not important what the cause of it was....that's what Republicans in Congress are focusing on....that it wasn't the video, and nobody gives a damn whether it was or it wasn't. But you all have nothing else and focus on minutia.

To cover for obama's 'we are winning the war on terror right before the election' bullshit. She did indeed get messages from Stevens. Ignored his urgency and requests so she's incompetent as well. Putting everything on a private server so she could manage what was found out was stupid and wrong. How did she get top secret intel? She got none?

Did Stevens get the message from Republicans in Congress....that they didn't care to increase funding for safety in Benghazi? There was nothing that could be done....the CIA and the Military concur on that....so give it up, you all sound like a broken record.

Bush ignored information that could have prevented 9/11. More than four people were killed....like over 3000....and then he waged war with the wrong country and had another 4000+ killed...so why aren't Republicans making a big deal over that? What's so damn important about Stevens that makes him more valuable than the thousands lost during 9/11, which included children? You all are pathetic.

Don't blame your idiotic worldview on me.
The only ones with idiotic worldview are conservatives, and the ones responsible for so many brainwashed Americans are Limbaugh, Faux News and their commentators, and of course, Republican leaders.
Not so. Hillary showed her strength most when being grilled by the Republicans in the Benghazi 9th committee hearing.
Sitting on your ass and lying through your teeth is how you define great strength? You're insane.

I know you can't stand the fact that she's tough, and those clowns were reduced to shouting and screaming....because that is what right-wingers do when they can't have their way.....they act like children having a tantrum.

And you and the rest of the conservatives still haven't proven that Hillary lied........having 9 investigative committees based on the "talking points" that were used to describe Benghazi makes you all the laughing stock of the country. Three years and you are still arguing over the fact she said it was over a "video".....and you all haven't proven that the video didn't play a part.
Your perception is screwed. Hillary is a two faced lying crook.
You can't stand her because she doesn't take any crap from the right-wing clowns, and she doesn't mince words. Carson is absolutely lying, yet you all give him a pass....so that seems hypocritical.
I can't stand her for the reasons I stated. I know me better than you do. And her obviously.

"I can't stand Hillary, period. She's a lying asshole that will say absolutely anything that she thinks will benefit her. Like most libs."
This negro just goes to prove that even Negro's that people thought as intelligent turn out not to be...Very few Negro's have a iq above 100.

Carson is another stupid negro!!!

IamsoIR responds; Matt, you need to stick to NASA reporting. You are showing yourself more and more as being the irrational being that you are. Making blatant racist and false statements do not become one as enlightened as you would have us believe you are. Knock it off, bigot! And I address you as a conservative not a progressive.
Serial Killer Ted "the shredder" Bundy was a GOP politician prospect

Ted Bundy died in the electric chair at Raiford Prison in Starke, Florida, on January 24, 1989. .... assistant to Ross Davis, Chairman of the Washington State Republican Party. ... seemingly on the cusp of a distinguished legal and political career. .

Reminds me a lot of Ben "the Hammer" Carson.......
Not so. Hillary showed her strength most when being grilled by the Republicans in the Benghazi 9th committee hearing.
Sitting on your ass and lying through your teeth is how you define great strength? You're insane.

I know you can't stand the fact that she's tough, and those clowns were reduced to shouting and screaming....because that is what right-wingers do when they can't have their way.....they act like children having a tantrum.

And you and the rest of the conservatives still haven't proven that Hillary lied........having 9 investigative committees based on the "talking points" that were used to describe Benghazi makes you all the laughing stock of the country. Three years and you are still arguing over the fact she said it was over a "video".....and you all haven't proven that the video didn't play a part.
Your perception is screwed. Hillary is a two faced lying crook.

The liar is Carson, and now there is information that he helped a felon avoid jail time when he has been calling for harsh punishment for others with the same type of crime....what a hypocrite.

Wanted to show just how scared Republicans are of Hillary:


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