Dr. Fauci Admits That Covid Vaccines May Actually Make People ‘Worse’: “It Would Not Be The First Time”

Seems so. But doesn't change the statement we've been saying about these vaccines now does it.............I believe the vaccines are LEAKY and we should have used traditional vaccines like India.
The main problem was the lipid concoction has undetermined “stickability”. When they first discovered they could use such a “transport device”, to transport the messenger RNA enveloped in fat, researchers were excited for the “breakthrough discovery” until reports came in about…. whoops…. it was unknown where exactly Spike might wind up in the body- worst case scenario winding up attached to an organ. No thanks to risk factors alone.
The main problem was the lipid concoction with undetermined stickability. When they first discovered they could use such a “transport device”, to transport the messenger RNA enveloped in fat, researchers were excited for the “breakthrough discovery” until reports came in about…. whoops…. it was unknown where exactly it might wind up in the body- worst case scenario winding up attached to an organ. No thanks to risk factors alone.
Yet they knew that in their human trials as it did escape the injection site in trials.
Conservatives are fascists. Here is projection, to deflect from their treasonous coup orchestrated by their loser ex president. Trump lost, get over it.
Leftists started fascism silly, a well known fact. Just like they started slavery and the KKK. You should read more.
Most of the people in hospitals that refuse the vaccine are not on the front lines. They are office personnel, cafeteria workers, maintenance and custodial staff. My neighbor works in the ER of our local hospital. He says every person working in the ER and the patient areas of the hospital are vaccinated. In the clinic, every doctor, PA, and office nurse is vaccinated. The problem they had was in the office staff, custodial staff and cafeteria. Out of a staff of 3500, 45 did not show proof vaccination before the deadline. 28 had submitted request for an exceptions based medical conditions, which are expected to be approved. The remainder were suspended and given 30 days to get vaccinated or be terminated.

From my personal experience, this past week numerous people have been recently tested positive for Covid. I’m assuming that it’s the omicron variant as 3 of these same individuals were exposed, tested positive, and were sick this past summer with presumably Delta. So, what is the advice? Continue to get booster shots that are not effective against this variant even pro-vax medical researchers have said vaccines need to be geared toward this specific variant. The misinformed and under informed US government continues to back the leftover jabs for ALL which couldn’t be any farther from the truth. Those continuing to market their old wares (Pfizer, Moderna via Fauci primarily in the US) are engaging in knowingly disinforming the public… aka lying for personal profit.
You have too choices. You can do nothing and hope you do not get sick or you get vaccination and hope you don't get sick. I for one would do the later, following the advice of the most prestigious organizations of medical scientists such as the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, the American Society for Virology, the American Medical Association, Johns Hopkins University, Mayo Clinic, Kaiser Foundation Research Institute, Harvard University, National Institutes of Health, ect...

According to best available scientific evidence, full vaccination followed by a booster is very effective at preventing serious illness from either the Delta or Omicron variants. And no it is not true that a new vaccine is needed for each new variant. To achieve maximum efficacy a new vaccine for each variant would be ideal but very impractical.

No vaccine can keep you from getting infected but the vaccines can give you a high a degree of protection against becoming seriously ill.
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MaryL Fauci is a variant of Biden. They are both career political hacks who learned early on that you just play the game and survive until you've been there so long you get elevated to the top tier.
You have too choices. You can do nothing and hope you do not get sick or you get vaccination and hope you don't get sick. I for one would do the later, following the advice of the most prestigious organizations of medical scientists such as the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, the American Society for Virology, the American Medical Association, Johns Hopkins University, Mayo Clinic, Kaiser Foundation Research Institute, Harvard University, National Institutes of Health, ect...

According to best available scientific evidence, full vaccination followed by a booster is very effective at preventing serious illness from either the Delta or Omicron variants. And no it is not true that a new vaccine is needed for each new variant. To achieve maximum efficacy a new vaccine for each variant would be ideal but very impractical.

No vaccine can keep you from getting infected but the vaccines can give you a high a degree of protection against becoming seriously ill.
If the vaccines can do no better than non-vaccine treatments like Ivermectin, HCQ or monoclonal antibodies why are all these prestigious organizations of medical scientists completely silent on their use? Why would we not be using all the tools in the toolbox to defeat the China plague?
You have too choices. You can do nothing and hope you do not get sick or you get vaccination and hope you don't get sick. I for one would do the later, following the advice of the most prestigious organizations of medical scientists such as the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, the American Society for Virology, the American Medical Association, Johns Hopkins University, Mayo Clinic, Kaiser Foundation Research Institute, Harvard University, National Institutes of Health, ect...

According to best available scientific evidence, full vaccination followed by a booster is very effective at preventing serious illness from either the Delta or Omicron variants. And no it is not true that a new vaccine is needed for each new variant. To achieve maximum efficacy a new vaccine for each variant would be ideal but very impractical.

No vaccine can keep you from getting infected but the vaccines can give you a high a degree of protection against becoming seriously ill.
Our the FDA could stop picking winners and losers and allow the cheap drugs to be used at the first sign of infection and stop this dang nonsense.

They could have pushed for TRADITIONAL VACCINES over Experimental BS. Covaxin is one of those but is it allowed here. NOPE.

It's TAKE THIS OR ELSE..........because they are in the tank for Pharma and they pick the winners and losers of who sells the products.

The losers are the American people and the likes of Fau Chi..........who lied under oath about Gain of Function should be tried for crimes against humanity
eagle1462010 Why does this quote from Animal House come to mind?

Fauci has this weird history, from the AIDS epidemic of the 80's on, of being a voodoo priest quack espousing things he didn't know about. How did Fauci get this persona of trusted physician? That is the crux of the biscuit.
President Trump appointed Fauci.
Most people that pass on fake news do so because they don't care whether it's fake or not. As long as it supports their belief, the authenticity is irrelevant. It's pretty easy to spot most fake news because it doesn't make sense. Fauci after a year of selling the public on the vaccines, says they don't work. Biden reveals that Trump won the election. Obama says Obamacare needs to be overturned. ect, etc.

This is very true. Just to further elaborate on that I actually feel like the lies are some sort of coping mechanism to help them make sense of a scary world. This is why they don't mind posting stories about how the vaccines have killed millions, or everyone will die in 4 years from them and they'll inherit the earth. It's these ridiculous fantasies that get them through the day, every day. To deny covid, to deny the efficacy of the vaccines, to deny we need to wear masks, to deny the 800,000 dead in just the US alone, etc, etc, is to deny that we even have a problem first place. Who wouldn't want to live in that safe fantasy world?
This is very true. Just to further elaborate on that I actually feel like the lies are some sort of coping mechanism to help them make sense of a scary world. This is why they don't mind posting stories about how the vaccines have killed millions, or everyone will die in 4 years from them and they'll inherit the earth. It's these ridiculous fantasies that get them through the day, every day. To deny covid, to deny the efficacy of the vaccines, to deny we need to wear masks, to deny the 800,000 dead in just the US alone, etc, etc, is to deny that we even have a problem first place. Who wouldn't want to live in that safe fantasy world?

Millions have been injured, hundreds of thousands have died due to this injection. Ignoring that reality allows many to assuage their own denials.
You have too choices. You can do nothing and hope you do not get sick or you get vaccination and hope you don't get sick. I for one would do the later, following the advice of the most prestigious organizations of medical scientists such as the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, the American Society for Virology, the American Medical Association, Johns Hopkins University, Mayo Clinic, Kaiser Foundation Research Institute, Harvard University, National Institutes of Health, ect...

According to best available scientific evidence, full vaccination followed by a booster is very effective at preventing serious illness from either the Delta or Omicron variants. And no it is not true that a new vaccine is needed for each new variant. To achieve maximum efficacy a new vaccine for each variant would be ideal but very impractical.

No vaccine can keep you from getting infected but the vaccines can give you a high a degree of protection against becoming seriously ill.

Still, there is no empirical evidence that supports that theory that full vaccination prevents serious illness. Its not there. Its speculation.

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