Dr Fauci crushes Trump, AGAIN!

DANG!? Did the Doc just lay down some powerful SPEW! MAGA = Trillions in new Debt and COVID-19 FOREVER Lifestyle NOW!

"If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and what's out there now, [the scientific evidence] is very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated ... Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that [this virus] ."

How do the MAGA Douche DrumpFster explain this latest MAGA Complisihment? Over 68,000 American DEAD.

And now Living in the new MAGA 2016 Lifestyle in American. DOPers own this!

View attachment 332430
not one of those deaths was ever confirmed so you're inaccurate. And it did get released from a lab. it's why the wet market opened back up. you all ain't bright at all.
China Nooz Network....

BTW, Gomer Pyle, tracing the origins of the disease is a job for intel agencies, not a pipsqueak plaything of the UN with a Napolean complex.

View attachment 332408
Intel agencies say Drumpf is a fucking fool too.
Not relevant to the fact that Fauci is talking out his ass, Buckwheat.
Its very relevant. The intel agencies agree with Dr. Fauci, you cave monkey.
Is this the same when they also said there were no WMD's in Iraq? When Repuggers are holding the WH, means Americans will suffer and DIE! Based on spewed lies from the WH.
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The best thing Trump can do about the Coronavirus is keep his mouth shut. He embarrasses himself every time he opens it, especially spewing BS about the virus originating in a Chinese lab. He makes wild statements with zero evidence in support. The sad thing is that Trump will never man up and admit he blew it.
Is this liberals strategy for defending china and diverting attention from chinese culpibilty by engaging in a food fight with trump over an unimportant minor detail?

we know it came from china

Not even know-it-all fauci can deny that

and we know that china deliberately caused it to spread around the world

No. Not even close.
You sure are protect of our #1 enemy

The best thing Trump can do about the Coronavirus is keep his mouth shut. He embarrasses himself every time he opens it, especially spewing BS about the virus originating in a Chinese lab. He makes wild statements with zero evidence in support. The sad thing is that Trump will never man up and admit he blew it.

Fauci is not the last word on these matters. There are other, equally-ranked immunologists around who disagree with him.
The opinion that it is man made is very fringe among the community.

The best thing Trump can do about the Coronavirus is keep his mouth shut. He embarrasses himself every time he opens it, especially spewing BS about the virus originating in a Chinese lab. He makes wild statements with zero evidence in support. The sad thing is that Trump will never man up and admit he blew it.
Is this liberals strategy for defending china and diverting attention from chinese culpibilty by engaging in a food fight with trump over an unimportant minor detail?

we know it came from china

Not even know-it-all fauci can deny that

and we know that china deliberately caused it to spread around the world

No. Not even close.
You sure are protect of our #1 enemy

You sure are a dumb ass to even make that remark. If you really believe it, you might be king of the dumb asses.
The intelligence agencies may eventually produce reports that seem to “back” Trump. The U.S. will keep demanding access to Chinese high security research laboratories, though we would never allow China (or Russia) to observe many of our own.

Under Bush U.S. intelligence agencies were browbeaten to hyping “WMD” even though they knew better and resisted at first. Granted Trump’s Pompeo is not so powerful as was Baby Bush’s Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Bolton with their added neo-liberal warmonger friends among Democrats. Yet today there is a powerful bipartisan movement toward taking a harder line with China, which has all but replaced Islamic “terrorists” as our new “boogie man.” In China too, nationalist anti-American sentiment is rising. It is crucial to slow and reverse the new Cold War with China. That doesn’t mean holding back from criticism when justified, especially when it can also be made use of in advancing democratic opposition in China. But making completely unproven charges must be absolutely avoided. It will only poison the atmosphere and make cooperation in crucial public health areas impossible.

The best thing Trump can do about the Coronavirus is keep his mouth shut. He embarrasses himself every time he opens it, especially spewing BS about the virus originating in a Chinese lab. He makes wild statements with zero evidence in support. The sad thing is that Trump will never man up and admit he blew it.
You know I just cant understand why Trump does not just shut up. Then we could not use his words against him. He can get a crazy message through one of his lackys. Oh well good thing he is a horrible strategist. Or not the fucker is in charge.
you never will. who do you think you are that he should care about you? you ain't voting for him.
Ya, and wheren he opens his stupid fucking mouth less and less will vote for him and the more you support an idiot that tells ya to inject cleaner into your body the less any one gives a shit what you have to say. I will say this if I ever get the funding for the remake of idiocracy you will be my star.
The intelligence agencies may eventually produce reports that seem to “back” Trump. The U.S. will keep demanding access to Chinese high security research laboratories, though we would never allow China (or Russia) to observe many of our own.

Under Bush U.S. intelligence agencies were browbeaten to hyping “WMD” even though they knew better and resisted at first. Granted Trump’s Pompeo is not so powerful as was Baby Bush’s Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Bolton with their added neo-liberal warmonger friends among Democrats. Yet today there is a powerful bipartisan movement toward taking a harder line with China, which has all but replaced Islamic “terrorists” as our new “boogie man.” In China too, nationalist anti-American sentiment is rising. It is crucial to slow and reverse the new Cold War with China. That doesn’t mean holding back from criticism when justified, especially when it can also be made use of in advancing democratic opposition in China. But making completely unproven charges must be absolutely avoided. It will only poison the atmosphere and make cooperation in crucial public health areas impossible.

So, I guess (know) the Great Douche is browbeaten his now. Or better, threaten that Putin will take them out?
Btw: China / US Cold War? That will be short. I feel China only needs to stop sending their made goods here.
And Stop buying our stuff. Cold War over. During the Russia/USA Cold War we were not trading like this below.

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The best thing Trump can do about the Coronavirus is keep his mouth shut. He embarrasses himself every time he opens it, especially spewing BS about the virus originating in a Chinese lab. He makes wild statements with zero evidence in support. The sad thing is that Trump will never man up and admit he blew it.
You know I just cant understand why Trump does not just shut up. Then we could not use his words against him. He can get a crazy message through one of his lackys. Oh well good thing he is a horrible strategist. Or not the fucker is in charge.
you never will. who do you think you are that he should care about you? you ain't voting for him.
Ya, and wheren he opens his stupid fucking mouth less and less will vote for him and the more you support an idiot that tells ya to inject cleaner into your body the less any one gives a shit what you have to say. I will say this if I ever get the funding for the remake of idiocracy you will be my star.
Like last time? Hahaha hahaha keep telling yourself whatever gets you through the day

The best thing Trump can do about the Coronavirus is keep his mouth shut. He embarrasses himself every time he opens it, especially spewing BS about the virus originating in a Chinese lab. He makes wild statements with zero evidence in support. The sad thing is that Trump will never man up and admit he blew it.

The best thing Trump can do about the Coronavirus is keep his mouth shut. He embarrasses himself every time he opens it, especially spewing BS about the virus originating in a Chinese lab. He makes wild statements with zero evidence in support. The sad thing is that Trump will never man up and admit he blew it.
Fauci has zero proof the virus wasn’t manipulated or even just set free intentionally by the Chinese.
That's not how it works. You need to supply proof it WAS. You can't just make shit up out of thin air and then tell someone to prove it didn't happen.

Yes, I know the Evil Lab was near the outbreak center and that they were doing research on bats. MANY gene people have examined the Virus and determine it was not man made. They certainly didn't intentionally set it free on their own people.

Maybe it was accidental, from the lab, or MAYBE it was from the bats being sold in the market. I honestly don't see what good it does to keep pushing this Evil China Dr. No stuff. It's not actually going to get you anywhere.

The best thing Trump can do about the Coronavirus is keep his mouth shut. He embarrasses himself every time he opens it, especially spewing BS about the virus originating in a Chinese lab. He makes wild statements with zero evidence in support. The sad thing is that Trump will never man up and admit he blew it.
Is this liberals strategy for defending china and diverting attention from chinese culpibilty by engaging in a food fight with trump over an unimportant minor detail?

we know it came from china

Not even know-it-all fauci can deny that

and we know that china deliberately caused it to spread around the world

No. Not even close.
You sure are protect of our #1 enemy

is it just that you have trump more and will stop making excuses for china after he leaves office?

The best thing Trump can do about the Coronavirus is keep his mouth shut. He embarrasses himself every time he opens it, especially spewing BS about the virus originating in a Chinese lab. He makes wild statements with zero evidence in support. The sad thing is that Trump will never man up and admit he blew it.
You know I just cant understand why Trump does not just shut up. Then we could not use his words against him. He can get a crazy message through one of his lackys. Oh well good thing he is a horrible strategist. Or not the fucker is in charge.
you never will. who do you think you are that he should care about you? you ain't voting for him.
Ya, and wheren he opens his stupid fucking mouth less and less will vote for him and the more you support an idiot that tells ya to inject cleaner into your body the less any one gives a shit what you have to say. I will say this if I ever get the funding for the remake of idiocracy you will be my star.
Like last time? Hahaha hahaha keep telling yourself whatever gets you through the day
true blue moron your parents must be proud.

The best thing Trump can do about the Coronavirus is keep his mouth shut. He embarrasses himself every time he opens it, especially spewing BS about the virus originating in a Chinese lab. He makes wild statements with zero evidence in support. The sad thing is that Trump will never man up and admit he blew it.

Fauci is not the last word on these matters. There are other, equally-ranked immunologists around who disagree with him.
The opinion that it is man made is very fringe among the community.

Not man-made. They were fucking around with it, and it got loose.
Tiny Tony "The Fraud" Fauci needs to face charges of illegally funding the Chinese Bio lab and hawking British quack science from Neil Ferguson for the ridiculously wrong prediction models. So Fraudi should face domestic and international terrorism charges.


The best thing Trump can do about the Coronavirus is keep his mouth shut. He embarrasses himself every time he opens it, especially spewing BS about the virus originating in a Chinese lab. He makes wild statements with zero evidence in support. The sad thing is that Trump will never man up and admit he blew it.
THE CRUSHER!!!!!!!!!
The best thing you can do about the Coronavirus is keep your mouth shut. You embarrass yourself every time you open it, especially spewing BS

The best thing Trump can do about the Coronavirus is keep his mouth shut. He embarrasses himself every time he opens it, especially spewing BS about the virus originating in a Chinese lab. He makes wild statements with zero evidence in support. The sad thing is that Trump will never man up and admit he blew it.
The virus is proven to have been in the lab, not sure why Farci keeps saying that the ***** were not studying the bat virus when they were. See when you take a bat virus and put it into a test monkey that dies and some poor ***** slob sells the monkey to a wet market and the disease is now loose no genetic viral engineering is needed. Farci knows this
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The best thing Trump can do about the Coronavirus is keep his mouth shut. He embarrasses himself every time he opens it, especially spewing BS about the virus originating in a Chinese lab. He makes wild statements with zero evidence in support. The sad thing is that Trump will never man up and admit he blew it.

Fauci is not the last word on these matters. There are other, equally-ranked immunologists around who disagree with him.
The opinion that it is man made is very fringe among the community.

Not man-made. They were fucking around with it, and it got loose.

“fucking around” isn’t a very scientific term. this is a naturally occurring virus. Saying otherwise is a fringe conspiracy theory.

The best thing Trump can do about the Coronavirus is keep his mouth shut. He embarrasses himself every time he opens it, especially spewing BS about the virus originating in a Chinese lab. He makes wild statements with zero evidence in support. The sad thing is that Trump will never man up and admit he blew it.

The Great Douche is on the Job! We have the great Ever on the job, per the Great Douche. Only the top 5% matter.

Btw, it Seems the new Great Douche spewings will read like this.


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