Dr Fauci crushes Trump, AGAIN!

Let's say Tiny Tony is an expert in infectious diseases. That's quite a stretch, as the hobbitt has been wrong on almost every single facet of this Kung Flu. But, for the sake of this argument let's say he's worth the $30/hour he makes as a GS-14ish.

What in the wide world of fuck would that runt know about the intelligence associated with the origins of the virus? Yeah maybe it's from a bat, but what are the motivations? Who are the players? How and why did the virus escape and proliferate? Tiny is not invited to intelligence briefings.... he's suppose to project that millions will die and then keep correcting the figure without looking like a total fuckup.

This is about someone trying to stretch his 5'2" frame to 5'5" before the marxist politburo gets tired of him and finds another useful idiot.
Let's say Tiny Tony is an expert in infectious diseases. That's quite a stretch, as the hobbitt has been wrong on almost every single facet of this Kung Flu. But, for the sake of this argument let's say he's worth the $30/hour he makes as a GS-14ish.

What in the wide world of fuck would that runt know about the intelligence associated with the origins of the virus? Yeah maybe it's from a bat, but what are the motivations? Who are the players? How and why did the virus escape and proliferate? Tiny is not invited to intelligence briefings.... he's suppose to project that millions will die and then keep correcting the figure without looking like a total fuckup.

This is about someone trying to stretch his 5'2" frame to 5'5" before the marxist politburo gets tired of him and finds another useful idiot.
I've made this point a few times today, and "HUUUURRRRR DUUURRRRRR DERP!" would have been a more logical response than the ones I got.

The best thing Trump can do about the Coronavirus is keep his mouth shut. He embarrasses himself every time he opens it, especially spewing BS about the virus originating in a Chinese lab. He makes wild statements with zero evidence in support. The sad thing is that Trump will never man up and admit he blew it.
Fauci has zero proof the virus wasn’t manipulated or even just set free intentionally by the Chinese.
That's not how it works. You need to supply proof it WAS. You can't just make shit up out of thin air and then tell someone to prove it didn't happen.

Yes, I know the Evil Lab was near the outbreak center and that they were doing research on bats. MANY gene people have examined the Virus and determine it was not man made. They certainly didn't intentionally set it free on their own people.

Maybe it was accidental, from the lab, or MAYBE it was from the bats being sold in the market. I honestly don't see what good it does to keep pushing this Evil China Dr. No stuff. It's not actually going to get you anywhere.

The best thing Trump can do about the Coronavirus is keep his mouth shut. He embarrasses himself every time he opens it, especially spewing BS about the virus originating in a Chinese lab. He makes wild statements with zero evidence in support. The sad thing is that Trump will never man up and admit he blew it.
Kazillionth ridiculously desperate attempt by CNN to forward the false narrative that Trump and Fauci are contradicting each other.

Fake news.

Don't drink the grape kool-aid.

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