Dr. Fauci: Masks are for Show and Make People Feel Better

Like I've said...masks are mental/psychological propaganda

Making other people feel better is important. Germophobia is running wild. If someone sees people without a mask they might "Freak out" (to use the technical term) and seek emergency care for themselves.

Tony Fauci is correct.

We are surrounded by germs

If someone gets freaked out because someone isn't wearing a mask
maybe they shouldn't be out of the house

Like I've said...masks are mental/psychological propaganda

Making other people feel better is important. Germophobia is running wild. If someone sees people without a mask they might "Freak out" (to use the technical term) and seek emergency care for themselves.

Tony Fauci is correct.

It isn't Germophobia if the particular germs really are infecting and killing people, otherwise, why would doctors and nurses need them? I go into store every day or every other day. When I get out of car to go in, I put it on. Yes it make me feel better to see others wearing a mask as it reduces the distance that they expel possible COVID-19 germs in my presence. Until there is a working vaccine or proven course of treatment that works on people my age, masks are a good thing, just like condoms are a good thing if you don't really know what you are getting into and wish to avoid a pregnant situation.
Quoted out of context...

Fauci has continually said that they are learning everyday about this virus... What said today can go out the window tomorrow...

This is how science works..

Actually at the time it wasn't that masks were or weren't effective... Hospitals in the US had a massive short supply and the public competing for them would have cost lives..,.

Like I've said...masks are mental/psychological propaganda

This was from March 8th. We were still learning about this virus.

At that time, N95 masks were in short supply & more useful to healthcare workers. This is the mask he was talking about.

As we learned more, a surgical or cloth mask was shown to be effective reducing the spread by the wearer.

Is there anything you assfucks don't lie about? Don't mislead? Really your buddfy Donnie screwed the pooch on this & everyone knows it.

Like I've said...masks are mental/psychological propaganda

This was from March 8th. We were still learning about this virus.

At that time, N95 masks were in short supply & more useful to healthcare workers. This is the mask he was talking about.

As we learned more, a surgical or cloth mask was shown to be effective reducing the spread by the wearer.

Is there anything you assfucks don't lie about? Don't mislead? Really your buddfy Donnie screwed the pooch on this & everyone knows it.

It is becoming clear that they are now caught in a loop...

Someone says something and picked up by right leaning media source... (French Doctor in a debunked study on Hydroxychloroquine)

This is then quoted by the WH (President, Press Sec, Conway, etc....)

That is then reported and looped back into the WH.

So now they say thinks like Hydroxychloroquine has a loads of people saying good things about it and we can ignore the VA study as 'unscientific'

Next thing they get so caught up they believe there own propaganda and forgot they invented it...

Then someone of Fox remembers
Fauci has changed his opinion more times than Mitt Romney.
The guy is a phony and only interested in making money with a financial stake in the company that makes the drug he recommends.

Wow, This is a revelation...

Have you got evidence?

Fauci didn't 'cash in' on SARS, H1N1, Zika or Ebola....

He was appointed by Reagan and given medal of freedom by Bush for his work against SARS..

So he basically fought and saved many US lives and you are accusing him of bribery...

Have you got evidence?

If not, You are making yourself look like a asshole... The kind of asshole who pisses on US veterans graves...

Could I ask you for how you defended your country...

You might not like what Dr. Fauci is saying, he is a scientist and one the worlds experts on epidemiology, he is world respected and considered a giant in the field. He is the kind of guy who actually makes America Great.
Fauci has changed his opinion more times than Mitt Romney.
The guy is a phony and only interested in making money with a financial stake in the company that makes the drug he recommends.

Wow, This is a revelation...

Have you got evidence?

Fauci didn't 'cash in' on SARS, H1N1, Zika or Ebola....

He was appointed by Reagan and given medal of freedom by Bush for his work against SARS..

So he basically fought and saved many US lives and you are accusing him of bribery...

Have you got evidence?

If not, You are making yourself look like a asshole... The kind of asshole who pisses on US veterans graves...

Could I ask you for how you defended your country...

You might not like what Dr. Fauci is saying, he is a scientist and one the worlds experts on epidemiology, he is world respected and considered a giant in the field. He is the kind of guy who actually makes America Great.

Like I've said...masks are mental/psychological propaganda

Making other people feel better is important. Germophobia is running wild. If someone sees people without a mask they might "Freak out" (to use the technical term) and seek emergency care for themselves.

Tony Fauci is correct.

It isn't Germophobia if the particular germs really are infecting and killing people, otherwise, why would doctors and nurses need them? I go into store every day or every other day. When I get out of car to go in, I put it on. Yes it make me feel better to see others wearing a mask as it reduces the distance that they expel possible COVID-19 germs in my presence. Until there is a working vaccine or proven course of treatment that works on people my age, masks are a good thing, just like condoms are a good thing if you don't really know what you are getting into and wish to avoid a pregnant situation.

Do you throw that trash on the ground when you leave for the poor employees to pick up after you?

I see that all the time from you government worshippers
We are surrounded by germs

If someone gets freaked out because someone isn't wearing a mask
maybe they shouldn't be out of the house
Amen to this. The only person that can really keep themselves safe is themselves.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. How many people so far have been successful at keeping a mask on themselves while they are in bed asleep?
Fauci has changed his opinion more times than Mitt Romney.
The guy is a phony and only interested in making money with a financial stake in the company that makes the drug he recommends.

Wow, This is a revelation...

Have you got evidence?

Fauci didn't 'cash in' on SARS, H1N1, Zika or Ebola....

He was appointed by Reagan and given medal of freedom by Bush for his work against SARS..

So he basically fought and saved many US lives and you are accusing him of bribery...

Have you got evidence?

If not, You are making yourself look like a asshole... The kind of asshole who pisses on US veterans graves...

Could I ask you for how you defended your country...

You might not like what Dr. Fauci is saying, he is a scientist and one the worlds experts on epidemiology, he is world respected and considered a giant in the field. He is the kind of guy who actually makes America Great.
Cowboy Ted died here
Fauci has changed his opinion more times than Mitt Romney.
The guy is a phony and only interested in making money with a financial stake in the company that makes the drug he recommends.

Wow, This is a revelation...

Have you got evidence?

Fauci didn't 'cash in' on SARS, H1N1, Zika or Ebola....

He was appointed by Reagan and given medal of freedom by Bush for his work against SARS..

So he basically fought and saved many US lives and you are accusing him of bribery...

Have you got evidence?

If not, You are making yourself look like a asshole... The kind of asshole who pisses on US veterans graves...

Could I ask you for how you defended your country...

You might not like what Dr. Fauci is saying, he is a scientist and one the worlds experts on epidemiology, he is world respected and considered a giant in the field. He is the kind of guy who actually makes America Great.

So a Anti-Vaccine guy is against vaccines...

When you say Dr. Fauci, you actually mean the NIAID invested in R&D as a baseline for vaccines which is commercialised by those Pharma Companies. This is taxpayers money not Dr. Fauci...

This is very smart way of developing and paying for underlying research in to epidemeology...

This article headline is just a smear... Why is there not a headline that says 'Fuck Veterans'... Dr. Fauci has saved many US lives and you are insulting him because you can't handle what he is saying.. Dr. Fauci deserves better respect than these smears...
Fauci has changed his opinion more times than Mitt Romney.
The guy is a phony and only interested in making money with a financial stake in the company that makes the drug he recommends.

Wow, This is a revelation...

Have you got evidence?

Fauci didn't 'cash in' on SARS, H1N1, Zika or Ebola....

He was appointed by Reagan and given medal of freedom by Bush for his work against SARS..

So he basically fought and saved many US lives and you are accusing him of bribery...

Have you got evidence?

If not, You are making yourself look like a asshole... The kind of asshole who pisses on US veterans graves...

Could I ask you for how you defended your country...

You might not like what Dr. Fauci is saying, he is a scientist and one the worlds experts on epidemiology, he is world respected and considered a giant in the field. He is the kind of guy who actually makes America Great.
Cowboy Ted died here

Answered and shown to be an embarrassing smear of a true American hero and medal of freedom recipient from a GOP President..

People are embarrassing themselves smearing such a person (there is no evidence)...
We are surrounded by germs

If someone gets freaked out because someone isn't wearing a mask
maybe they shouldn't be out of the house
Amen to this. The only person that can really keep themselves safe is themselves.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. How many people so far have been successful at keeping a mask on themselves while they are in bed asleep?

I wear a mask (N95) and gloves and plenty of hand sanitiser when I go shopping... Shopping is the place of highest risk for me to get the virus, my wife is in at very high group and I have elderly parents, I have been doing it very early. I do it to protect my family, I will not be a tough guy and say I can beat it... I can be perfectly safe and still pass it on to my loved ones...

By the way I a close friend who is in his late 30s who has just come off 14 days on a ventilator due to COVID... He has a young family (3 kids) and he said to me he was ready to meet his maker... He felt he was going to die alone not meeting his family before he died... Toughest guy I know was in tears, he is now attending a councillor for PTSD casue he doesn't want to bring that shit home with him.
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