Dr Fauci needs to go

He didn't call the Virus a Hoax but he did call the people who reacted to him underplaying it as a Hoax.

And yes he downplayed it...

Trump can fire Fauci but he making harder for his re-election. Fauci is very trusted and this is a very real fight.

Fauci was appointed by Reagan, awarded a medal by Bush Jr. and trusted by Obama. He is the able general...

If Trump fired him he will suffer badly. it will look like politics in a crisis

Thank you for again 'debunking' the left's 'HOAX' lie.

Dr. Fauci needs to be very cognizant of the fact - while he joins the throng of Monday morning Quarterbacks by declaring more lives could have been spared if the Travel Ban had been imposed sooner - that he himself declared on February28th (29th?) that there was no need for such a drastic measure / for drastic changes yet.

He should also be cognizant of the fact that many of the leading scientists who predicted an infection and mortality rate MUCH higher were wrong, and their projected numbers have had to be lowered.

The Democrats / snowflakes need to remember had the Democrats been in control from the start, the number of infected and number of dead would be much higher based on their own declarations that a Travel Ban was not needed when Trump imposed it.

Thank you, President Trump.
Expecting pussygrabber's followers to understand anything is a tough task, remember he likes the "poorly educated"...
....says the moron who supports the Democrats who - if they had their way - would not have made the tough call to impose a travel ban when the president did so, resulting in a greater number of infected and dead right now....

....and then calls others 'uneducated'.

We should have a countdown for this. He can't last too much longer. Make your guess, what will be Fauci's last day as WH medical talkie?
Good news! President Trump retweeted a comment by a MAGA Congressional candidate who had hashtag Time to #FireFauci!

Let's be honest, at this point only TDS victims consider Tiny Tony Fraudi a credible source for anything.

Yanno, I was watching FOX News just about a half hour ago, and they said that while Trump did retweet about Fauci, he didn't mean to leave the hashtag in, because FOX reporters were bending over backwards to say that Trump isn't going to fire him.

Yeah, I like to catch FOX on occasion, helps to know what the opposition is saying.
Fauci is fast becoming an egomaniac who is in love with the spotlight. Contradicting his own statements to stretch this out to give himself more camera time. Trump would be much better off canning this egomaniac and letting Brix take over.
We should have a countdown for this. He can't last too much longer. Make your guess, what will be Fauci's last day as WH medical talkie?
My guess would be the next time Tony calls out Don for lying. He'd be gone already if Fauci's removal wouldn't be such a transparent act of retribution for all to see. I'm sure the Liar-in-Chief has been advised against it from a PR standpoint.
Dr Fauci needs to go

No smart people allowed into the White House.

How did Fauci get past security ?
Dr Fauci needs to go

No smart people allowed into the White House.

How did Fauci get past security ?

if your IQ exceeds trump's and his entire administration, fired you will be.
Well, this afternoon, I was watching FOX and they said that while Trump did retweet a posting with the hashtag fire Fauci, they say that Trump is keeping him on for the virus.

The White House denied Monday that President Donald Trump is considering firing the nation's top infectious-disease specialist, Anthony Fauci, after Trump retweeted a message Sunday night that included the hashtag "FireFauci" amid a flurry of Twitter activity responding to criticism of the federal response to the coronavirus outbreak.

"This media chatter is ridiculous - President Trump is not firing Dr. Fauci," White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said in a statement. "Dr. Fauci has been and remains a trusted advisor to President Trump."

Trump's Sunday night retweet - which prompted widespread consternation about his relationship with the highly visible member of the White House coronavirus task force - highlighted the views of a former Republican congressional candidate, DeAnna Lorraine. She amassed 1.8% of the vote in an open primary challenge to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., this year.

He is a doctor. Not an economist. Not a business. Not a fortune teller. Not a stock broker. Not a carpenter. Not a preacher. Not a bus driver.
His PERSONAL feelings are irrelevant. In fact what is "normal" for him may have no impact on another person.

Why is Trump allowing him to spew his doom and gloom, woe is me and general negative outlook on this situation.

What the American people need to hear is that we are going to get through this via TEMPORARY hard choices and sacrifices.
What they don't need is the asinine guess work about how we are screwed and can't recover.
We are and have always been a nation of achievers. We've overcome MANY devastating obstacles throughout our history and ALWAYS come out ahead in the long run.

This kind of pessimistic bullshit needs to be nipped in the bud. Americans need hope not fear.
Looks like our national treasure, Dr. Faucci is undeterred despite threats from deplorables. Today Dr. Faucci stated that the fact dj thug's poor handling of this crisis has lead to death of tens of thousands of americans, and millions will be infected.
You are clearly terminally I'll with TDS.
Welcome to ignore troll
"You are clearly terminally I'll with TDS."
terminally "I'll"????? That is a contraction meaning "I will" moron! If you're going to insult someone, at least spell the words correctly, dipshit. But that shows the level of intellect that we're dealing with here.

It shows my phones auto correct function. Nothing more.

I don't use auto correct. I learned how to spell.

He is a doctor. Not an economist. Not a business. Not a fortune teller. Not a stock broker. Not a carpenter. Not a preacher. Not a bus driver.
His PERSONAL feelings are irrelevant. In fact what is "normal" for him may have no impact on another person.

Why is Trump allowing him to spew his doom and gloom, woe is me and general negative outlook on this situation.

What the American people need to hear is that we are going to get through this via TEMPORARY hard choices and sacrifices.
What they don't need is the asinine guess work about how we are screwed and can't recover.
We are and have always been a nation of achievers. We've overcome MANY devastating obstacles throughout our history and ALWAYS come out ahead in the long run.

This kind of pessimistic bullshit needs to be nipped in the bud. Americans need hope not fear.
Looks like our national treasure, Dr. Faucci is undeterred despite threats from deplorables. Today Dr. Faucci stated that the fact dj thug's poor handling of this crisis has lead to death of tens of thousands of americans, and millions will be infected.
You are clearly terminally I'll with TDS.
Welcome to ignore troll
"You are clearly terminally I'll with TDS."
terminally "I'll"????? That is a contraction meaning "I will" moron! If you're going to insult someone, at least spell the words correctly, dipshit. But that shows the level of intellect that we're dealing with here.

It shows my phones auto correct function. Nothing more.

I don't use auto correct. I learned how to spell.
It's automatic ya moron. And besides that on the note 10+ I can't even see the fucking reply box as I'm typing so even if I make a mistake it isn't visible.

Now, do you have anything of substance to offer besides your dumbass schoolgirl teachers pet routine? Or is semantics over spelling the best your feeble mind can come up with?

Lightweight pussy

He is a doctor. Not an economist. Not a business. Not a fortune teller. Not a stock broker. Not a carpenter. Not a preacher. Not a bus driver.
His PERSONAL feelings are irrelevant. In fact what is "normal" for him may have no impact on another person.

Why is Trump allowing him to spew his doom and gloom, woe is me and general negative outlook on this situation.

What the American people need to hear is that we are going to get through this via TEMPORARY hard choices and sacrifices.
What they don't need is the asinine guess work about how we are screwed and can't recover.
We are and have always been a nation of achievers. We've overcome MANY devastating obstacles throughout our history and ALWAYS come out ahead in the long run.

This kind of pessimistic bullshit needs to be nipped in the bud. Americans need hope not fear.
Looks like our national treasure, Dr. Faucci is undeterred despite threats from deplorables. Today Dr. Faucci stated that the fact dj thug's poor handling of this crisis has lead to death of tens of thousands of americans, and millions will be infected.
You are clearly terminally I'll with TDS.
Welcome to ignore troll
"You are clearly terminally I'll with TDS."
terminally "I'll"????? That is a contraction meaning "I will" moron! If you're going to insult someone, at least spell the words correctly, dipshit. But that shows the level of intellect that we're dealing with here.

It shows my phones auto correct function. Nothing more.

I don't use auto correct. I learned how to spell.
It's automatic ya moron. And besides that on the note 10+ I can't even see the fucking reply box as I'm typing so even if I make a mistake it isn't visible.

Now, do you have anything of substance to offer besides your dumbass schoolgirl teachers pet routine? Or is semantics over spelling the best your feeble mind can come up with?

Lightweight pussy
Yeah, well, shithead, I can call you names, too, and I have a better reason. I learned how to spell, and I learned the difference between a noun and a contraction. As far as substance goes, I'll listen to Dr. Fauci and ignore idiots like you.
Expecting pussygrabber's followers to understand anything is a tough task, remember he likes the "poorly educated"...
....says the moron who supports the Democrats who - if they had their way - would not have made the tough call to impose a travel ban when the president did so, resulting in a greater number of infected and dead right now....

....and then calls others 'uneducated'.

Oh, you mean Trump's China Travel Ban that allowed 40,000 people into the U.S. from China? That Travel Ban?
"Social distancing" and "flattening the curve" are Orwellian buzzwords, total bullshit!
OK, so what is your concept of a communicable disease? Are they caused by germs and viruses, which can be spread through physical contact or breathings from someone else's lungs? Or maybe diseases are caused by evil spirits? Or what?
Social distancing has evolved into

“You vill obey ze orders”

it pads the egos of public officials but ultimately does not defeat the chinese disease

because its still out there waiting for America to come out of hiding

which we will have to do eventually
You're correct that many more people will probably get Covid-19 before this is over. But try to understand this, OK? By social distancing, we're delaying WHEN people contract the disease. That gives hospitals time to build more beds, get more protective equipment, manufacture more ventilators, etc. Because if everybody gets sick at once, they'll have to ration ventilators, and your mother or grandmother might die because there weren't any available. Is that simple enough for you?
Social distancing cant hurt

but shutting down the economy has gone on long enough

Do you overtake the responsibility for this decision? Do you agree someone has the right to bring you in jail, if this decision is wrong and people have to die because of it?
Are we talking about Germany or America?


what you do there is up to you

and what America does is none of your business

"You" are not America - "you" are the USA. And from my point of view your current government is an enemy of the western world, what means an enemy of America too.

Take your soldiers home. Stop every investment all over the planet - except in the USA. Build a wall around your country and make a big roof over the psychiatric hospital USA, so your green house gases and all other problems, which kill the future - for example abortions or your weapon fetishism and your love for wars and death - are not able to leave your country, then I could perhaps not care about your extremistic Nazi idiocies, if god allows me to do so, what I doubt about, because 40% of all US-Americans have also a German ancestor - and the most of them - like Donald Trump for example - have a lot of wrong ideas about Germany and Germans - which is since Adolf Hitler and his darwinism (=racism) the most unknown country of the world.

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