Dr Hoettl Speaks About The Six Million Jews


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl, after being sworn, declares:

I was a member of the SD from 1938 until the German collapse
except for two interruptions during the years 1939 and
1941-1943. Until 1939 I had charge of the department
"Catholic Church" with the SD in Vienna, subsequently I was
employed in Department VI, Foreign Information Service.

In connection with my activities in Vienna, I made the
acquaintance of Obersturmbanfuehrer Eichmann, whom I met
again in 1943 as a section chief in Department IV of the
Gestapo. There he handled the Department for Jews [Judenreferat].

In August 1944 at the occasion of a visit in my apartment
in Budapest, Eichmann told me that he had to make a report
for Himmler on the number of Jews killed, and that he
estimated the sum-total of the Jews killed as 6 millions.
Of those 4 million had been killed in the extermination
institutions in the East, while the additional 2 millions
were killed by shootings -- mainly by the Einsatzgruppen of
the SIPO and the SD during the campaign in the East.

About 1942 I had a conversation with SS-Brigate commander
Dr. Stahlecker who had been in command of such an
Einsatzgruppe of the SIPO and the SD in the East. He told
me that he had been ordered by Obergruppenfuehrer Heydrich
to take command of such an Einsatzgruppe, whose field of
action was the area of an Army group. He had the order to
exterminate the Jews in that district by shootings.

>From my conversations with Eichmann and Stahlecker and

other members of the SIPO and SD I conclude that the Jews
were killed since the beginnings of the Russian campaign
(1941), at first by the Einsatzgruppen of the SIPO and the
SD and later -- probably since the beginning of 1943 --
in the extermination camps of the East.

The arrest of the Jews and their shipment to the
extermination camps was carried out by a special detachment
[Sonderkommando] under the direction of Eichmann, which
was composed of members of the SIPO -- especially
Gestapo. Heydrich had given the instructions for this to
Eichmann. In the RSHA his chief was the head of the
Gestapo, SS Obergruppenfuehrer Mueller.

[signed] Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of
November 1943.
[signed] Whitney R. Harris
Lieut, U.S. Naval Reserve

[Nizkor note: The date of signing is incorrectly
transcribed. The original German document is dated
"5. November 1945." knm]

Subsequent to the Nuremberg Trials several people have computed the same number using population statistics.
[Nizkor note: The date of signing is incorrectly
transcribed. The original German document is dated
"5. November 1945." knm]
The document is probably forged, and mixed up with a lot of other propaganda and misinformation, but the basic fact remains, that a lot of people died around the Holocaust // Great Depression // World War II, and a lot of them were Jews.

The United States declared war on Germany, Italy, and Japan on December 11, 1941.

The Jews were running a Communist Party "district" straight out of city hall, the "shtetl," and the socialist Germans had work to do, but their babies were being snipped at the hospital downtown.
Naturally, Communists such as Joseph Stalin were on the Jews' side, but there is always a reason for the "hate." Color of skin, ancestry or ethnicity alone is not an adequate explanation for the hate that led to a mass extermination of Jews in Europe.

There is a belief in one Almighty God, who is not the God of cuttings or amputations, but the Lord of Sabaoth, who has no patience for the unnecessary and imprudent works or operations of the Jewish establishment medical doctors who were already committing murder and mayhem.

The Germans didn't have clean hands, either, because they were picking up whores in the district, and consequently beholden to the pimps, prosecutors, and privileged gentlemen of the court.
[Nizkor note: The date of signing is incorrectly
transcribed. The original German document is dated
"5. November 1945." knm]
The document is probably forged, and mixed up with a lot of other propaganda and misinformation, but the basic fact remains, that a lot of people died around the Holocaust // Great Depression // World War II, and a lot of them were Jews.

The United States declared war on Germany, Italy, and Japan on December 11, 1941.

The Jews were running a Communist Party "district" straight out of city hall, the "shtetl," and the socialist Germans had work to do, but their babies were being snipped at the hospital downtown.
Naturally, Communists such as Joseph Stalin were on the Jews' side, but there is always a reason for the "hate." Color of skin, ancestry or ethnicity alone is not an adequate explanation for the hate that led to a mass extermination of Jews in Europe.

There is a belief in one Almighty God, who is not the God of cuttings or amputations, but the Lord of Sabaoth, who has no patience for the unnecessary and imprudent works or operations of the Jewish establishment medical doctors who were already committing murder and mayhem.

The Germans didn't have clean hands, either, because they were picking up whores in the district, and consequently beholden to the pimps, prosecutors, and privileged gentlemen of the court.
Of course, you have no proof it was forged. It was presented as evidence at the Nuremberg Trials and authenticated by witness testimony. If you deny the Holocaust, you are in the company of neo-Nazis and antisemites. Which one are you?
Of course, you have no proof it was forged. It was presented as evidence at the Nuremberg Trials and authenticated by witness testimony.
I am not disputing that a lot of people died in WWII even before the USA joined the fighting, and many of them were in fact Jews -- 6,000,000 -- but clearly something about the dating or signing of the document is forged -- and how many U.S. soldiers were conscripted for that fight? How many died needlessly in the Normandy beach landing?
If you deny the Holocaust, you are in the company of neo-Nazis and antisemites. Which one are you?
Gee whiz. It's about 82 years late to file charges on that, isn't it? Am I supposed to serve prison time now for something my grandfather may or may not have done? On the Allied side of the war at that? People are white and termites are eating their houses. I didn't get to choose my relatives, friends, or neighbors in this life. The gentlemen were picking up whores, and the rest of us had to do what we were ordered, forced, or compelled to do by the pimps of the district. Now the Nazis have confiscated all our gold, and the remainder of our lives is ruined by their gun control and fiat currency policies.
ATF History Timeline | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives straight out of the Treasury Department, now at justice.gov vs justice.com.
Of course, you have no proof it was forged. It was presented as evidence at the Nuremberg Trials and authenticated by witness testimony.
I am not disputing that a lot of people died in WWII even before the USA joined the fighting, and many of them were in fact Jews -- 6,000,000 -- but clearly something about the dating or signing of the document is forged -- and how many U.S. soldiers were conscripted for that fight? How many died needlessly in the Normandy beach landing?
If you deny the Holocaust, you are in the company of neo-Nazis and antisemites. Which one are you?
Gee whiz. It's about 82 years late to file charges on that, isn't it? Am I supposed to serve prison time now for something my grandfather may or may not have done? On the Allied side of the war at that? People are white and termites are eating their houses. I didn't get to choose my relatives, friends, or neighbors in this life. The gentlemen were picking up whores, and the rest of us had to do what we were ordered, forced, or compelled to do by the pimps of the district. Now the Nazis have confiscated all our gold, and the remainder of our lives is ruined by their gun control and fiat currency policies.
ATF History Timeline | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives straight out of the Treasury Department, now at justice.gov vs justice.com.
Denying the Holocaust is not a crime in the USA. It is illegal in some countries in Europe. The European Jews killed were not armed soldiers, but unarmed civilians. That's a big difference.
The European Jews killed were not armed soldiers, but unarmed civilians. That's a big difference.
They were doctors, armed with cruel instruments to mutilate innocent children.
Guns were banned for "civilians" and it was high time to get the fuck off the property, for those who made it out of the country or escaped the Holocaust, and lived to tell about it.

I believe in universal conscription and the right to bear arms, along with all Jews who are true and faithful.
Peaceniks don't get any special favors, protections, or distinctions from armed combatants in my book.
"Existence of our people and a future for white children! Even though the merchants on TV will say that you're a villain, you must not be cowed by their appeals to the six trillion! Existence of our people and a future for white children!"

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