Dr. Laura's "N word" Rant

See there is a problem with censorship. People will not be silenced. All you liberal hypocrites do is add fuel to the fire. You talk about people rights yet you are the first to tread on them. And before you go getting all bent out of shape Jakey, I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about real liberals, not trolls only attempting to start an argument and get under someones skin. You force your will on people where you can. a perfect example here. You dictate to people what they can and can't do. But they are going to do it anyway. And worse they will do it in groups of their own thinking. No longer is there logical discussion, give and take. Ideas from both sides. They get together and fire each other up. Plot, scheme, stoke hatred. And that's when trouble starts. But liberals walk around patting themselves on the back. Looke, we did a good thing. We forced them to conform. Meanwhile some black is of being dragged from the back of a pick up truck by a bunch of irate individuals who have been told what they can't do. This country was founded on revolt. Revolting from being told what to do. Libs only make the problems worse. on top of it, they keep stoking the flames of racism, they never let it die. they take things that aren even racist and label them as such. Dr Laura isn't going away. She will return in a venue where she won't be censored. And people will flock to her. Before this happened, who really even knew who she was? Now everybody does. And people are going to want to listen. you can cavort in your sanitized world, thinking you've rid the world of racism because you had them kicked from your site. But they will only go to places like this Niggermania | ****** Jokes, Facts, and Racist Humor and hundreds of others. You can't stop it by forcing it. you can't stop it by beating it to death. all you do is keep the controversy alive.

over 60% of America voted a black man into office. And for the less than 40% who didn't, race wasn't their motive. Politics was. Racism only exists because you won't let it die. And it never will as long as you weak minded, easily offended scum of the earth keep making everything that ruffles your fragile feathers a major issue. You are the ones who don't get it.

There is a difference between asking to be addressed respectfully and dictating speech.
<snip the bullshit>

No one is censoring. You have every right to say the words you wish. You do not have the legal right to escape from your stupidity if you do. Say them at work, you get fired. Say them in the military, you get punished. Say them in public, and decent folks will have nothing to do with you.

You want to do what you want to do without consequences.

You are a fool.
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<snip the bullshit>

No one is censoring. You have every right to say the words you wish. You do not have the legal right to escape from your stupidity if you do. Say them at work, you get fired. Say them in the military, you get punished. Say them in public, and decent folks will have nothing to do with you.

You want to do what you want to do without consequences.

You are a fool.

Note that when I took Spoon and Iggy to task by just using logic, they shut their yaps real quick and diverted to any other nonsense than what the real issue is about here.

Bigots and racists are not about facts or logic, they're just about voicing their bilge and NOT being challenged. They are fools.
<snip the bullshit>

No one is censoring. You have every right to say the words you wish. You do not have the legal right to escape from your stupidity if you do. Say them at work, you get fired. Say them in the military, you get punished. Say them in public, and decent folks will have nothing to do with you.

You want to do what you want to do without consequences.

You are a fool. If you have a wife she would have to be a whore

Sorry Starkey, you are a known troll. Your tactics don't work on me. Come back when you lear to play the game with the bigboys. You don't have a clue.
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<snip the bullshit>

No one is censoring. You have every right to say the words you wish. You do not have the legal right to escape from your stupidity if you do. Say them at work, you get fired. Say them in the military, you get punished. Say them in public, and decent folks will have nothing to do with you.

You want to do what you want to do without consequences.

You are a fool.

Note that when I took Spoon and Iggy to task by just using logic, they shut their yaps real quick and diverted to any other nonsense than what the real issue is about here.

Bigots and racists are not about facts or logic, they're just about voicing their bilge and NOT being challenged. They are fools.
LOL, stroke yourself a little more.
Spoonie, you are a loony.

Kiddo, you are simply in the minor leagues here.
I don't like seeing any of the words here, but I do feel there is a difference in just saying the word, and calling someone that word.
So, are people actually called racial slurs here....or just the words being typed into a sentence?

People are called slurs here. There are some really ugly anti-gay ones that get used on a regular basis.

Why do you let slurs offend you?

I'm human. If something hurts, I say ouch.
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Spoony, see that is what I mean. You simply can't hang with those lame comments. Try again.
Spoony, see that is what I mean. You simply can't hang with those lame comments. Try again.

Jake, over 10,000 posts in only a year? Do you even have a life? You need to get yourself laid instead of playing the part of an established middle American liberal. Get yourself some proactiv and find a date for your Jr Prom.

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