Dr. Laura's "N word" Rant

It is not racist to call a white person a monkey.

It is racist to call a black person a monkey.

The reason this is the case is because of history.
No, it's because black people look and act like monkeys.
Damn, and she is a Dr. !!! Proves education does not make you rational or insightful.

What person likes others talking about them or assessing them based on freckles or red hair. I come up to you and I say, 'how are things short person? How do you see over the steering wheel?' Simple example but extend it to any characteristic, particularly those that involve negatives. Judgement based on the fact Midcan5 is a super person though is much appreciated but completely deserved.

There is a brilliant Seinfeld episode in which they explore this simple summing of the person by religion or occupation. They play the card that it is OK so long as you are a member, but they switch back and forth and in the end the method of judging another gets into truly hateful territory as Jerry finally looks flabbergasted. Maybe humor can touch a depth that conservation has a hard time with.

No one today likes to admit they are racists, there are always reasons for attitudes and actions, and asking someone about racism gets into areas that challenge assumptions most don't like to face.

"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley


You Anti-Dentite!
We live in a country that has a long history of discriminating against and downgrading blacks. If this weren't so, there never would have been a word "******". People who broke into your house in the middle of the night and dragged you out and hung you called you "******"

If blacks choose to use the word as a way of empowering themselves and taking away the sting of the word "******" they are entitled to.

However, if one of the oppressor group chooses to use the word it is disrespectful and degrading.

with your set of rules, racism and divide will never go away. just try it.

So you believe that white people calling black people "*******" brings us closer?

No, what I believe is having the same standard for decency. If the word ****** isn't decent then it isn't decent. and that's just the way it is.
It goes beyond posting style.

Both Steph-Infection and Willow-Creep, are upset that blacks call themselves '******' but they, Willow and Steph, cannot. The inescapable conclusion is that Steph and Willow want to be able to call blacks '******'

this is what they are arguing -- the white right to call blacks '*******' :cuckoo:

Oh Gawd, here comes the spew. so many words and such little sense like usual. and lookie, the words all BIG BIG BIG PRINT. whooohoo
carry on little one.:eusa_whistle:

he's such a fundamentally fucked up fucktard, isn't he? and besides which he just isn't decent. he's a piss poor excuse for protoplasam.
You have the second highest number of posts in this thread just to tell us you don't care about this?

That's another shining example of your posting style.

It goes beyond posting style.

Both Steph-Infection and Willow-Creep, are upset that blacks call themselves '******' but they, Willow and Steph, cannot. The inescapable conclusion is that Steph and Willow want to be able to call blacks '******'

this is what they are arguing -- the white right to call blacks '*******' :cuckoo:

It goes beyond posting style.

Both Steph-Infection and Willow-Creep, are upset that blacks call themselves '******' but they, Willow and Steph, cannot. The inescapable conclusion is that Steph and Willow want to be able to call blacks '******'

this is what they are arguing -- the white right to call blacks '*******' :cuckoo:


But ease ok for Vicente Fox to use "******". He only president of helper monkeys!
And the kind of country where too many people like you are too stupid to figure out why it's wrong for a white person to call a black person a monkey.

Could you please clarify:

Who is it OK to call a monkey?

Lemme Guess.......Republican Presidents?

It is not extremely racially offensive, supported by ample historical context, to call a white guy a monkey.

I should be shocked you don't know that. I'm not shocked at that kind of ignorance anymore. Thanks, internet!!
You objectivity is really impressive.




That makes no sense. If that was your intention, well done.
Dr. Laura has a conservative audience. I'm sure she knows that. And in this thread, look at all the conservatives defending her.

If there was any method to her madness, which is of course debatable, then it was that she knows her conservative audience.

You don't think conservative talk show hosts consciously adjust their rhetoric to play to the audiences they know they have?[/

oh BARF, you all ever get tired of repeating the same ole shit about conservatives.
and from what I see, no one here is DEFENDING Dr. Laure, it's more like no one here GIVES A RATS ASS.

I do believe the Dante is off his meds. he has now taken to talking to HIMSELF.:lol:
You objectivity is really impressive.




That makes no sense. If that was your intention, well done.
Dr. Laura has a conservative audience. I'm sure she knows that. And in this thread, look at all the conservatives defending her.

If there was any method to her madness, which is of course debatable, then it was that she knows her conservative audience.

You don't think conservative talk show hosts consciously adjust their rhetoric to play to the audiences they know they have?[/QUOTE]

oh BARF, you all ever get tired of repeating the same ole shit about conservatives.
and from what I see, no one here is DEFENDING Dr. Laure, it's more like no one here GIVES A RATS ASS.

here is where the shit in this thread starts.

steph-infection is so hot on flame and shit all over everything she gets the quotes all fucked up
Two questions:

1. Who listens to Dr. Laura in the year 2010?

2. Why?

same reason anyone listens to any talk radio show.

Each talk radio show has it's own audience. Dr. Laura obviously knows hers.

You objectivity is really impressive.



That makes no sense. If that was your intention, well done.

Dr. Laura has a conservative audience. I'm sure she knows that. And in this thread, look at all the conservatives defending her.

If there was any method to her madness, which is of course debatable, then it was that she knows her conservative audience.

You don't think conservative talk show hosts consciously adjust their rhetoric to play to the audiences they know they have?
oh BARF, you all ever get tired of repeating the same ole shit about conservatives.
and from what I see, no one here is DEFENDING Dr. Laure, it's more like no one here GIVES A RATS ASS.
You have the second highest number of posts in this thread just to tell us you don't care about this?

That's another shining example of your posting style.
It goes beyond posting style.

Both Steph-Infection and Willow-Creep, are upset that blacks call themselves '******' but they, Willow and Steph, cannot. The inescapable conclusion is that Steph and Willow want to be able to call blacks '******'

this is what they are arguing -- the white right to call blacks '*******' :cuckoo:


It goes beyond posting style.

Both Steph-Infection and Willow-Creep, are upset that blacks call themselves '******' but they, Willow and Steph, cannot. The inescapable conclusion is that Steph and Willow want to be able to call blacks '******'

this is what they are arguing -- the white right to call blacks '*******' :cuckoo:

Oh Gawd, here comes the spew. so many words and such little sense like usual. and lookie, the words all BIG BIG BIG PRINT. whooohoo
carry on little one.:eusa_whistle:

You're misquoting me Stinky.
the hell you say, what a Country when certain GROUPS of people are ALLOWED to say certain things and others aren't. what friggen country do we live AGAIN?

We live in a country that has a long history of discriminating against and downgrading blacks. If this weren't so, there never would have been a word "******". People who broke into your house in the middle of the night and dragged you out and hung you called you "******"

If blacks choose to use the word as a way of empowering themselves and taking away the sting of the word "******" they are entitled to.

However, if one of the oppressor group chooses to use the word it is disrespectful and degrading.

with your set of rules, racism and divide will never go away. just try it.

Ah, see in the Willowtree world, racism will end when it becomes permissible for white people to call blacks *******, and blacks don't complain about it.

And I guess when women stopped being offended at being called *****, then sexism will be over.
I read the transcript and I gotta say.....what the fuck is wrong with people? Dr Laura didn't do anything wrong and the caller getting all self righteous simply because Laura pointed out "******" is used quite often in entertainment is a fucking sad joke. This is manufactured outrage over stoopid shit.
So, do you suppose if, say, Bill Maher called Dr. Laura a stupid **** on his show, that the conservative consensus would have been, hey, no big deal?

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