Dr. Laura's "N word" Rant

So, do you suppose if, say, Bill Maher called Dr. Laura a stupid **** on his show, that the conservative consensus would have been, hey, no big deal?

They already know Maher is an asshole and nothing he says would surprise them.
So, do you suppose if, say, Bill Maher called Dr. Laura a stupid **** on his show, that the conservative consensus would have been, hey, no big deal?

omg, now it's change the subject into what is wasn't to begin with. :eusa_whistle:
Dr. Laura, later:

"I did the wrong thing."

This happens all the time. How great is it when some rightwing nut like Dr. Laura says something repugnant,

and the wingnuts of the world stampede in, en masse, to defend it,

and then before you know it the rightwinger comes back and admits he/she was wrong, thus siding with all those who said it was wrong,

and leaving the stupid wingnuts who stupidly defended her twisting in the wind like a bunch of puppets abandoned by their puppetmaster.

So, do you suppose if, say, Bill Maher called Dr. Laura a stupid **** on his show, that the conservative consensus would have been, hey, no big deal?

omg, now it's change the subject into what is wasn't to begin with. :eusa_whistle:

I thought the subject was certain words that certain people are offended by.

Shouldn't we be able to call you women '*****' in everyday conversation? Wouldn't that make the world a better place? Isn't any woman being offended by being called that name

Dr. Laura, later:

"I did the wrong thing."

This happens all the time. How great is it when some rightwing nut like Dr. Laura says something repugnant,

and the wingnuts of the world stampede in, en masse, to defend it,

and then before you know it the rightwinger comes back and admits he/she was wrong, thus siding with all those who said it was wrong,

and leaving the stupid wingnuts who stupidly defended her twisting in the wind like a bunch of puppets abandoned by their puppetmaster.


well good, now all you lefties can the KNOT out of your panties.
Dr. Laura, later:

"I did the wrong thing."

This happens all the time. How great is it when some rightwing nut like Dr. Laura says something repugnant,

and the wingnuts of the world stampede in, en masse, to defend it,

and then before you know it the rightwinger comes back and admits he/she was wrong, thus siding with all those who said it was wrong,

and leaving the stupid wingnuts who stupidly defended her twisting in the wind like a bunch of puppets abandoned by their puppetmaster.


Do you really think she's sorry? Probably more like the network didn't want to get in hot water with advertisers. think Imus.
So, do you suppose if, say, Bill Maher called Dr. Laura a stupid **** on his show, that the conservative consensus would have been, hey, no big deal?

omg, now it's change the subject into what is wasn't to begin with. :eusa_whistle:

I thought the subject was certain words that certain people are offended by.

Shouldn't we be able to call you women '*****' in everyday conversation? Wouldn't that make the world a better place? Isn't any woman being offended by being called that name


oh brother. nothing stops you all from calling women *****. it's done here all the time.
the only thing I suggest is you better be able to back up when you call that TO A WOMANS FACE.:lol:
Dr. Laura, later:

"I did the wrong thing."

This happens all the time. How great is it when some rightwing nut like Dr. Laura says something repugnant,

and the wingnuts of the world stampede in, en masse, to defend it,

and then before you know it the rightwinger comes back and admits he/she was wrong, thus siding with all those who said it was wrong,

and leaving the stupid wingnuts who stupidly defended her twisting in the wind like a bunch of puppets abandoned by their puppetmaster.


Do you really think she's sorry? Probably more like the network didn't want to get in hot water with advertisers. think Imus.

Yea...she is sorry

Like when she said homosexuals are defective

or when she said that women who's men cheat on them deserve it because they aren't taing care of their men well enough
So, do you suppose if, say, Bill Maher called Dr. Laura a stupid **** on his show, that the conservative consensus would have been, hey, no big deal?

I think there's an important distinction between that example, and what Dr Laura did. She didn't call any black people *******. if she said, 'this ****** lady calling into my show is such a dumbass', then it'd be different. In that context, it's clearly meant as an insult.

But what happened was she just reflected, accurately, what it's like on HBO. Kat Williams says nigga every fifteen seconds, literally, he replaces it with guys and people.

I think he even refers to white people as niggas. :lol:


One thing i have to say about all this, and it seems pretty obvious, is that just because the word is used on HBO and in hip-hop, doesn't mean all or even most black people use the word gratuitously, or even at all. A friend's dad won't even allow the word in the house, and if it's in music then the headphone have to go on. There's heavy, emotionally-charged, baggage that goes back to Jim Crow and shackles in the country, and even blacks my age are not unanimous about using that word. So the whitey excuse that, 'well, blacks use it so why can't I?' is pretty lame, because many blacks do not use that word.
I listened closely to what went down here. The caller was asking her for advice because she was black and was married to a white guy who's friends threw around that word...

This "DR's" advice was to get a sense of humor (about the "N" word?) and to not interracially marry. There is no defense for any of that.

Look, her saying blacks say it in rap all the time is true...its an old thing that goes back and forth. I am not concentrating on that. Blacks say that to blacks, Asians say things to Asians as well. Same with Italians etc.

She is not a member of any of those groups. She seems to be offended because she cant use a word? Why would she want to anyway? Eh...forget that part, stick on her saying this woman should lighten up because someone said it in front of her or who she can marry. Oh and dont NAACP me? Damn.

Fuck that.
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Dr. Laura, later:

"I did the wrong thing."

This happens all the time. How great is it when some rightwing nut like Dr. Laura says something repugnant,

and the wingnuts of the world stampede in, en masse, to defend it,

and then before you know it the rightwinger comes back and admits he/she was wrong, thus siding with all those who said it was wrong,

and leaving the stupid wingnuts who stupidly defended her twisting in the wind like a bunch of puppets abandoned by their puppetmaster.


Do you really think she's sorry? Probably more like the network didn't want to get in hot water with advertisers. think Imus.

The biggest damn WHINER on this board is the OP.

I'm gonna buy stock in cheese cause of it.:lol:

a bigger whiner than you? :lol:

The biggest damn WHINER on this board is the OP.

I'm gonna buy stock in cheese cause of it.:lol:

a bigger whiner than you? :lol:


awww my friend jilly, you urt me fweelings.:eusa_whistle:
and if you want to talk about whiners, you my dear sure have become once since the Obama became President. you weren't like that during the Bush years here. it's not very becoming on you dear.
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The biggest damn WHINER on this board is the OP.

I'm gonna buy stock in cheese cause of it.:lol:

a bigger whiner than you? :lol:


awww my friend jilly, you urt me fweelings.:eusa_whistle:
and if you want to talk about whiners, you my dear sure have become once since the Obama became President. you weren't like that during the Bush years here. it's not very becoming on you dear.

awwwwwwwwww... poor steffie pooh...perhaps you need one of these:


maybe it will give you a more accurate perception of yourself. :thup:
a bigger whiner than you? :lol:


awww my friend jilly, you urt me fweelings.:eusa_whistle:
and if you want to talk about whiners, you my dear sure have become once since the Obama became President. you weren't like that during the Bush years here. it's not very becoming on you dear.

awwwwwwwwww... poor steffie pooh...perhaps you need one of these:


maybe it will give you a more accurate perception of yourself. :thup:

see what I mean, you've become a little bitter too.
oh well, I guess I can understand why.:lol:
Do I care?

I know you live in a world where someone saying a word you don't like and which is incredibly rude makes them some sort of evil person. But real world people are people. They say stupid things.

You really need to come up with better arguments than yelling racist. People just aren't naive to your tactics anymore.

Are you really that stupid?? Jade seemed like a very nice, intelligent woman. She called that stupid cow for help and look at what she got!!! Saying the N word over and over was bad enough, but then the "doctor" came up with this gem:

"If you're that hypersensitive about color and don't have a sense of humor, don't marry out of your race," the talk show host said.

This is not some woman that just says "stupid things". I can't believe you don't see that.

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