Dr. Laura's "N word" Rant

When my son was younger I used to call him a little monkey, he would laugh.
FULL AUDIO: Dr. Laura Schlessinger's N-word rant | Media Matters for America

Mebbe Dr. Laura is being poisoned by the same guy who gave Tourette's to Robert Gibbs and Keith Halloran?

Is it Talk Like An Idiot Week and nobody told me?
She did nothing wrong. She is far wiser than her caller. She should not have apologized, but I suppose she had to to put it to bed, so to speak. I think the caller probably worked for Media Matters.

If we can't have a discussion like the one Dr Laura was trying to have, and in the way she was trying to have it, honestly, we're doomed as far as "racialism" is concerned.
Mebbe we need to discuss the use of the word, American Horse. I dun think we need to do so whilst trying to address the sorrows of a black chick whose white husband is too sissified to demand she be treated with respect in their home, though.
The monkey-Bush is not racist because it does not conjure up images or phrases in which anyone who looks like Bush was called "sub-human".

I think the Bush monkey picture looks very monkey like and "sub-human, it's funny.
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Mebbe we need to discuss the use of the word, American Horse. I dun think we need to do so whilst trying to address the sorrows of a black chick whose white husband is too sissified to demand she be treated with respect in their home, though.

Maybe those instances of people asking how people like her do or think.... were honest attempts at understanding? Maybe her husband thinks she should get over her sensitivity?

Dr Laura put it in context; what do Jewish people think about .....? - What do Catholics think about ... ? What do secretaries think about...? Aren't people entitlted to being obtuse? And I truly doubt that it's a constant problem, just occasionally, and it eats her up to have to put up with it...ever; the problem is hers, if she can't live in ordinary society.
For the record, no one said the N word in the ladies home, either. Some guests, unaware of the limits of their conduct, asked how people of her enthnicity felt or thought about certain subjects of interest in a conversation they were having with her. They were obtuse. Dr Laura did her best to put it in perspective that would help the lady. The rest of the crap you said about using the N word in your house...you presume too much.
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"The American negro will not truly be free until the word ****** no longer troubles him. Because the striking of chains and the death of Jim Crow does not free the mind." (James Baldwin; speaking at Columbia University, December, 1964.)

To call someone a ****** is offfensive. But to criticize use of the word in an acadamic context is not only dumb it directly conflicts with the First Amendment and serves no purpose other than to patronizingly pander to the Black minority, which the American business community is eagerly willing to do -- thus Dr. Laura's prompt apology.

But Dr. Laura is still a fundamentally phony opportunist.
Nobody has ever said the n word at my house, American Horse. Keeping ugly bigotry outta polite conversation ain't as hard as you seem to think.

For the record, no one said the N word in the lady's home, either. Some guests, unaware of the limits of their conduct, asked how people of her enthnicity felt or thought about certain subjects of interest in a conversation they were having with her. They were obtuse. Dr Laura did her best to put it in perspective that would help the lady. The rest of the crap you said about using the N word in your house...you presume too much.
I had a discussion with a black student once who was dissing the black teachers in my school by saying "They're not "really black" because they "talk like white people" When I told her that statement was racist, her response was "So what?" Racism is alive and well across cultures, and for many kids, its no biggie.

you stupid fucking bitch. your brainwashed hypocritical ass has the gall to criticize another person for thinking for themselves and speaking their mind honestly ? you fucking idiot. you think a person should be ashamed of knowing the truth ? you think you can be proud of bending over for zionist propaganda ? you disgust me. pathetic.

having your eyes open is nothing to be ashamed of. burying your head in the sand is. so she noticed that black people talk a certain way and black teachers do not. by observing this reality she commited a crime ? you think you have the right to *condemn* that and express outrage at the fact that to her it is "no biggie"? WHO gave you that right ?

how insane your lib ass **** has to be to question a person's right to choose physical reality over YOUR ideology ? who the fuck do you think you are that the world must revolve around you and your religious superstitions ? you disapprove ? great now GO FUCK YOURSELF.

what have you done for mankind that anybody should care for your opinion on right and wrong ?

Good grief, make up your mind! Don't be so wishy-washy!
I'm beginning to think Dr. Laura premeditated the whole thing for publicity.

Maybe she ain't so dumb afterall.
So what are all the ******* saying about this?

Oprah wants to mud wrestle dr. Laura. Ain't no skinny honky gonna use that word as long as Oprah has breath in her lungs.

Hey how come there are no black emoticons.
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I'm beginning to think Dr. Laura premeditated the whole thing for publicity.

Maybe she ain't so dumb afterall.

that's entirely plausible, for one thing, the call screening is going to let her know exactly who she's going to be talking to and exactly what they're going to be talking about,

and she starts instigating right from the get-go in that call.

Could have even been a planted caller.
WTF? I'm no fan of chanel's but you're way outta line here. What have you ever done for mankind but be a worthless sack of foulmouthed bigoted shit? Yet you get to spout your worthless opinions all day long.

the difference is when i say something i know i will be attacked for it. she? posted that drivel hoping that we would all be humbled by the purity of her color blindness. THAT is what pissed me off. being blind is a handicap not a virtue.
WTF? I'm no fan of chanel's but you're way outta line here. What have you ever done for mankind but be a worthless sack of foulmouthed bigoted shit? Yet you get to spout your worthless opinions all day long.

the difference is when i say something i know i will be attacked for it. she? posted that drivel hoping that we would all be humbled by the purity of her color blindness. THAT is what pissed me off. being blind is a handicap not a virtue.

You were still way out of line. You want to call somebody out, fine. Happens all the time. But if you piss all over somebody who said nothing to you and then have the guts to tell them they have no right to an opinion while you're running your own mouth you're going to get slammed. And rightly so. Deal with it.
You dun have to be black to find the n word upsetting, manifold.

No, but you have to be sooper hypersensitive to have a tizzy about Dr L pointing out the word ****** gets tossed around by blacks quite often.

My assessment of the caller is she hates being black so she married a white guy to lighten up her self image and what pisses her off is that people remind her she is black by asking "how do blacks do X?"

so her husband must hate being white to be married to a black woman? is that your position?

i think her husband needs to figure out why he's treating his wife that way and allowing others to treat her that way.

If the wife doesn't like white people she shouldn't have married one.

Maybe when her husband's friends come over she should stay in her room.

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