Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

600k mostly white people died for their freedom. Ever thank them? Their families deserve reparations too......Right?

Well, considering it was the whites who created the environment for them to be enslaved in the first place...

No to reparations. That's a whole can of worms right there.
That falls on the Black Tribal Leaders for enslaving and selling their own people. You don't believe it was done like Roots do you? The fault lies on both sides, not 1.

Note I said it was the whites who created the environment (ie demand) for them to be enslaved. No demand, no need to supply. Simple.
Yes. That worked for the tribal leaders too. They thought that selling their enemies was better than eating them.But the whole story should be told. In Black History at school, do you think the kids are told the truth about the TOTAL slave trade. Not a half assed lipstick on a pig dressing.
Most blacks when he gre up were republicans

other republican blacks:
Jesse Owens ( a guy that didn't boycott like a lefty, he was conservative and went to Germany and won, thus changing the world, a boycott is for pussies who cant hack it)
Jackie Robinson- Broke the baseball color barrier
Alveda King- MLK's niece IS a republican, and a Trump supporter.

There are tons….but republicans don't like socialism nor do they like violent political activism like the democrats do.
Republicans are not violet like the democrats and they don't try and suppress democrats, unlike democrats who always try to suppress republicans and conservatives.
By FDR, most blacks were Democrats

Way before the Dems embraced Civil Rights. Interesting. Almost like it has more to do with government social spending than civil rights.
When FDR created the Fair Employment Practice Committee to address the rampant discrimination against blacks in employment -- why are blacks maligned for supporting that??

When FDR signed the GI Bill...why are blacks maligned for supporting that??

Just pointing out that the timing does not match the normal lib narrative.

Note my completely lack of maligning blacks, you raving loon.
Cool...now tell me what conservatives were there marching along side of King down in Selma

Don't know, don't care. My point stands. Your inability to refute it, hell, to even honestly address it, is noted.

The blacks did indeed go the dems, decades, generations before the dems gave up Jim Crow.
If MLK were alive today...he would know John Lewis...he wouldn't know you and he definitely wouldn't support the policies you CURRENTLY stand for..so fuk what you whining about

If MLK was alive today he would still be a republican.

If Kennedy and Truman were alive today they would be republicans.

He knows nothing.
MLK would be outraged and disgusted by the likes of Lewis who was very instrumental in creating the victim/dependent mentality.
MLK admired John Lewis

Lewis is an American Patriot, just like Dr King was

Uh huh...wore out your stirring stick yet today?
It is well documented how much Dr King admired John Lewis
For a young man in his 20s, Lewis took beatings, arrests, threats on his life........all in the name of Liberty and Freedom
Before he became a beacon of selfishness, corruption and greed.
Whatever Lewis did 50-60 years ago, does not, in any way, obscure the slug he has been for the past 20 years
In 1963, terrorists bombed a predominantly black church in Birmingham Alabama killing four young girls




Rather than respond in eye for an eye justice, black Civil Rights leaders responded with protests, media coverage and public outrage.

The FBI identified four known Klansmen and segregationists: Thomas Edwin Blanton Jr., Herman Frank Cash, Robert Edward Chambliss, and Bobby Frank Cherry as having bombed the church no prosecutions were conducted until 1977, when Robert Chambliss was tried and convicted of the first-degree murder of one of the victims, 11-year-old Carol Denise McNair.
Martin Luther King saved this country
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If MLK was alive today he would still be a republican.

If Kennedy and Truman were alive today they would be republicans.

He knows nothing.
MLK would be outraged and disgusted by the likes of Lewis who was very instrumental in creating the victim/dependent mentality.
MLK admired John Lewis

Lewis is an American Patriot, just like Dr King was

Uh huh...wore out your stirring stick yet today?
It is well documented how much Dr King admired John Lewis
For a young man in his 20s, Lewis took beatings, arrests, threats on his life........all in the name of Liberty and Freedom
He should be commended for that, who doesn't commend him for that?
The problem is he used that to defend a racist party and became an very partisan leftwing guy.

So just like the military industrial complex likes wars
the civil rights movement likes..................take a guess
So it seems that nothing John Lewis accomplished counts because he didn’t become a Republican
All of our social ills on this would be none, if we only picked our own damned cotton.

Part 2 of this post. I'm being sneaky now.

But then again, every black person after Emancipation would never have existed without slavery.

So if you would ask someone who is black or of any mixed ethnicity., If you could wish slavery never happened, but you would never have been born, would you do that?

Would you personally? Think about that.

600k people were killed and around 800k shot to pieces by 1865. So many of us here might have never been born...Right??

I know this logic is way way off the beaten path. But I like to look at complex things from different angles no matter how fuzzy the angle is.
All of our social ills on this would be none, if we only picked our own damned cotton.

Part 2 of this post. I'm being sneaky now.

But then again, every black person after Emancipation would never have existed without slavery.

So if you would ask someone who is black or of any mixed ethnicity., If you could wish slavery never happened, but you would never have been born, would you do that?

Would you personally? Think about that.

600k people were killed and around 800k shot to pieces by 1865. So many of us here might have never been born...Right??

I know this logic is way way off the beaten path. But I like to look at complex things from different angles no matter how fuzzy the angle is.
What a ridiculous theory to defend slavery
He knows nothing.
MLK would be outraged and disgusted by the likes of Lewis who was very instrumental in creating the victim/dependent mentality.
MLK admired John Lewis

Lewis is an American Patriot, just like Dr King was

Uh huh...wore out your stirring stick yet today?
It is well documented how much Dr King admired John Lewis
For a young man in his 20s, Lewis took beatings, arrests, threats on his life........all in the name of Liberty and Freedom
He should be commended for that, who doesn't commend him for that?
The problem is he used that to defend a racist party and became an very partisan leftwing guy.

So just like the military industrial complex likes wars
the civil rights movement likes..................take a guess
So it seems that nothing John Lewis accomplished counts because he didn’t become a Republican

Nope. I could care less what party he is.
I can't stand him because he is a shining beacon of what is plaguing the black race.
MLK only sought out to LIFT the black race, for the past 30 years Lewis has only sought to capitalize on the black race
In November 1960, six year old Ruby Bridges was selected to integrate an all white New Orleans school. Adult protests were so extreme that she needed Federal Agents to escort her to school each day.

Protesters spat on her and threatened to poison her.

Ruby Bridges - Wikipedia



How many adults would allow their children to be spat on without violent retaliation ?

Martin Luther King saved this country
All of our social ills on this would be none, if we only picked our own damned cotton.

Part 2 of this post. I'm being sneaky now.

But then again, every black person after Emancipation would never have existed without slavery.

So if you would ask someone who is black or of any mixed ethnicity., If you could wish slavery never happened, but you would never have been born, would you do that?

Would you personally? Think about that.

600k people were killed and around 800k shot to pieces by 1865. So many of us here might have never been born...Right??

I know this logic is way way off the beaten path. But I like to look at complex things from different angles no matter how fuzzy the angle is.
What a ridiculous theory to defend slavery
No no no no....don't go there. Is there any truth to my statement or is it all false??

My answer, looking at all the pain and suffering, I WOULD sacrifice my own little life to stop all that happened. I really would. Would you??

So lets stop all the racism bullshit nonsense. Schoolkids need to be told the truth. They need to know African slavery, black on black slavery was big back then AND STILL IS TODAY.

They need to know about EVERYONE involved and HOW CORRUPT all men and women are.

Tell them the god damned truth for once.
In November 1960, six year old Ruby Bridges was selected to integrate an all white New Orleans school. Adult protests were so extreme that she needed Federal Agents to escort her to school each day.

Protesters spat on her and threatened to poison her.

Ruby Bridges - Wikipedia



How many adults would allow their children to be spat on without violent retaliation ?

Martin Luther King saved this country
Terrible thing Ralph. I guarantee you all those people voted DEM back then. And don't deny it. don't give the bull that they were really Repubs back then

Should we teach our children that near 30% of lynchings were white people. Should we ever mention that too. Or is it something we hate that much.
Who gives a shit of it was Democrats or Republicans that did these things?
The Democratic Party today has zero responsibility for what people did 4 generations ago. None.
Instead we should celebrate the fact as a country we grew out of that ugly past.
-NOW- if you want to criticize the Democrat party concerning black people in the past 25-30 years - you have a massive arsenal to choose from. Why talk about what happened 60-70 years ago that has no bearing on the condition of black people now?
Norman Rockwell painting of Ruby Bridges that hung in the Obama White House



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On Christmas Day 1956, Terrorists bombed the home of Black Minister Fred Shuttlesworth, destroying the home and damaging the Church next door. Thankfully, nobody inside was hurt


Dec. 25, 1956 | KKK Bombs Alabama Home of Civil Rights Leader Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth

White supremacists would attempt to murder Shuttlesworth four more times in the next seven years. In an attack in 1957, a white mob brutally beat Shuttlesworth with chains and bats and stabbed his wife after the couple attempted to enroll their daughters in an all-white high school.

What if blacks had retaliated by bombing white churches? What would our country be like?
Dr King insisted on peaceful protests

He saved this country from a Civil War
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In 1957, after the Brown vs Board of Education decision, Nashville attempted to integrate its schools. After a six year old attended the first day, terrorists bombed the school rather than allow black students to attend

Hattie Cotton Elementary School - Wikipedia


What would have happened if blacks had retaliated by bombing white schools?

Martin Luther King prevented such retaliation
Cabrini Green housing complex, Democrats considered it to be a model of "Democratic urban living".
Almost immediately problems began, in reality the only interest the city officials had was how much they could pat each other on the back for being so awesome. Virtue signaling is not new.
By the 1970's over 20,000 people were packed in like sardines in less than one square mile.
City officials long abandoned it, never fixed problems, and somehow never thought that 20,000 people with no jobs was going to be a problem.

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Cabrini Green housing complex, Democrats considered it to be a model of "Democratic urban living".
Almost immediately problems began, in reality the only interest the city officials had was how much they could pat each other on the back for being so awesome. Virtue signaling is not new.
By the 1970's over 20,000 people were packed in like sardines in less than one square mile.
City officials long abandoned it, never fixed problems, and somehow never thought that 20,000 people with no jobs was not going to be a problem.

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What did Republicans offer as an alternative?

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