Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

If MLK were alive today...he would know John Lewis...he wouldn't know you and he definitely wouldn't support the policies you CURRENTLY stand for..so fuk what you whining about

If MLK was alive today he would still be a republican.

If Kennedy and Truman were alive today they would be republicans.

Laughable since none of them were or would have considered being a republican.

MLK was a republican. Kennedy and Truman did not think or believe what the dems of today think and believe. Would a dem of today have dropped the bombs on Japan to end the war? Would any dem of today say "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"? No, they would not.
No, he wasn't a republican.....

Can you tell me what republicans during the times of MLK's life were advocating for democratic socialism??

I'll wait....

actually he was. WTF is democratic socialism? its an oxymoron. socialism is never democratic. its dictatorial where a tiny group of super elites control every aspect of everyone else's life under threat of death. WTF do you think the people or Hong Kong are rioting about today? They don't want to give up their successful capitalism and come under the thumb or Chinese socialism. Geez dude, are you really that dumb?

Again, why do you keep avoiding what King said??

why didn't you ask MLK, "what the fuck is democratic socialism"??

We already have democratic socialism you moron...

So are you are OK with the fact that the Union also had slavery during the Civil War? And since you mentioned Grant, did you even know that Grant was a previous slave owner?

No I'm not ok with it, yeah I'm aware of the border states, the difference is I don't judge based on history. Lincoln had to do what he had to do. Like I said, he wasn't trying to force the south to give it up, but then the south did a stupid thing and attacked him, and justice was done. As for Grant, he did have one, and gave him freedom prior to the civil war, he did the right thing.
Why didn't the US free their slaves before invading the South? And NJ was not a border state, they still had slavery after the war was over. Although not many.
What does that have to do with the question. The short answer is the southern economy depended on it.....Why does Apple not just bring jobs back to the US for decent wages???
ery was awful, but many did it before the US and some are still doing it.....why always focus on the US?

Slavery in Africa - Wikipedia

Although outlawed in all countries today, slavery is practiced in secret in many parts of the world.[101] There are an estimated 30 million victims of slavery worldwide
The cotton economy was the strongest in the world. Plantation owners were the equivalent of billionaires
They could have shared some of that wealth with the people who created it

Instead, they were greedy

your knowledge of american history is no better than your knowledge of current politics.

It was certainly wrong, but by the standards of those times slavery was an accepted way of life (it still is in parts of africa and the mid east). Its always a mistake to judge the actions of people in the past using today's standards.
Not to mention the fact that in his last few years, MLK was influenced by money and power.
His paid speeches and writings completely changed. He went from a staunch supporter of Republican ideas, be it self reliance, self responsibility and not relying on the white man (or anyone else) to improve your life - to supporting some of the most hard core Marxist/socialist ideas.
That kind of total about face of ideas does not happen. It doesn't.
The left consistently quote things in his last couple years, and try to use that to represent who he was.
Dude, you're just trolling now.
It is an insult to MLK and all TRUE civil rights fighters to filth up this thread with this piece of garbage.
It wouldn't be hard to quote at least 50 lines from MLK speeches/writings that is categorically the opposite of this crook
If MLK were alive today...he would know John Lewis...he wouldn't know you and he definitely wouldn't support the policies you CURRENTLY stand for..so fuk what you whining about

If MLK was alive today he would still be a republican.

If Kennedy and Truman were alive today they would be republicans.

Laughable since none of them were or would have considered being a republican.

MLK was a republican. Kennedy and Truman did not think or believe what the dems of today think and believe. Would a dem of today have dropped the bombs on Japan to end the war? Would any dem of today say "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"? No, they would not.
and time after time, I have posted quote after quote from MLK.....every time I do, you trumpers can never tell me what about his quote says "I'm a republican" --- MLK was a very extensive writer and orator -- you would think he would just say "I'm a republican, I support low corporate taxes and capital gains..." -- especially when you consider the top marginal tax rate back then was over 70%

So I will ask again...what about this quote says "republican"
View attachment 301074

He supported unions, so what? In his day unions actually did something for their members, today they do nothing but collect dues and send them to the DNC. We have laws on the books today that protect workers from exploitation, we don't need unions
If MLK were alive today...he would know John Lewis...he wouldn't know you and he definitely wouldn't support the policies you CURRENTLY stand for..so fuk what you whining about

If MLK was alive today he would still be a republican.

If Kennedy and Truman were alive today they would be republicans.

Laughable since none of them were or would have considered being a republican.

MLK was a republican. Kennedy and Truman did not think or believe what the dems of today think and believe. Would a dem of today have dropped the bombs on Japan to end the war? Would any dem of today say "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"? No, they would not.
No, he wasn't a republican.....

Can you tell me what republicans during the times of MLK's life were advocating for democratic socialism??

I'll wait....

mlk was a registered republican - Bing
Again..why do you keep avoiding MLK's actual words and policies??

“I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses … And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”

No, Martin Luther King Jr. was not a Republican — but here’s what he had to say about them
If MLK was alive today he would still be a republican.

If Kennedy and Truman were alive today they would be republicans.

Laughable since none of them were or would have considered being a republican.

MLK was a republican. Kennedy and Truman did not think or believe what the dems of today think and believe. Would a dem of today have dropped the bombs on Japan to end the war? Would any dem of today say "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"? No, they would not.
No, he wasn't a republican.....

Can you tell me what republicans during the times of MLK's life were advocating for democratic socialism??

I'll wait....

actually he was. WTF is democratic socialism? its an oxymoron. socialism is never democratic. its dictatorial where a tiny group of super elites control every aspect of everyone else's life under threat of death. WTF do you think the people or Hong Kong are rioting about today? They don't want to give up their successful capitalism and come under the thumb or Chinese socialism. Geez dude, are you really that dumb?

Again, why do you keep avoiding what King said??

why didn't you ask MLK, "what the fuck is democratic socialism"??

We already have democratic socialism you moron...

View attachment 301075

"distribution of wealth" ? who do you propose that we give the authority to distribute wealth to? The same people who run the VA? the same people who have put our country 20 trillion in debt?
If MLK were alive today...he would know John Lewis...he wouldn't know you and he definitely wouldn't support the policies you CURRENTLY stand for..so fuk what you whining about

If MLK was alive today he would still be a republican.

If Kennedy and Truman were alive today they would be republicans.

Laughable since none of them were or would have considered being a republican.

MLK was a republican. Kennedy and Truman did not think or believe what the dems of today think and believe. Would a dem of today have dropped the bombs on Japan to end the war? Would any dem of today say "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"? No, they would not.
and time after time, I have posted quote after quote from MLK.....every time I do, you trumpers can never tell me what about his quote says "I'm a republican" --- MLK was a very extensive writer and orator -- you would think he would just say "I'm a republican, I support low corporate taxes and capital gains..." -- especially when you consider the top marginal tax rate back then was over 70%

So I will ask again...what about this quote says "republican"
View attachment 301074

He supported unions, so what? In his day unions actually did something for their members, today they do nothing but collect dues and send them to the DNC. We have laws on the books today that protect workers from exploitation, we don't need unions
So in other words.....republicans changed...meaning MLK would even be LESS LIKELY to be what you claim him to be...a republican...

Which he never said he was ...in his OWN WORDS...

Why is it you folks never listen to his words?? Its like you morons are unaware that we had television cameras, audio recordings and books.....books he wrote
If MLK was alive today he would still be a republican.

If Kennedy and Truman were alive today they would be republicans.

Laughable since none of them were or would have considered being a republican.

MLK was a republican. Kennedy and Truman did not think or believe what the dems of today think and believe. Would a dem of today have dropped the bombs on Japan to end the war? Would any dem of today say "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"? No, they would not.
No, he wasn't a republican.....

Can you tell me what republicans during the times of MLK's life were advocating for democratic socialism??

I'll wait....

mlk was a registered republican - Bing
Again..why do you keep avoiding MLK's actual words and policies??

“I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses … And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”

No, Martin Luther King Jr. was not a Republican — but here’s what he had to say about them

mlk was a registered republican - Bing
If MLK was alive today he would still be a republican.

If Kennedy and Truman were alive today they would be republicans.

Laughable since none of them were or would have considered being a republican.

MLK was a republican. Kennedy and Truman did not think or believe what the dems of today think and believe. Would a dem of today have dropped the bombs on Japan to end the war? Would any dem of today say "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"? No, they would not.
and time after time, I have posted quote after quote from MLK.....every time I do, you trumpers can never tell me what about his quote says "I'm a republican" --- MLK was a very extensive writer and orator -- you would think he would just say "I'm a republican, I support low corporate taxes and capital gains..." -- especially when you consider the top marginal tax rate back then was over 70%

So I will ask again...what about this quote says "republican"
View attachment 301074

He supported unions, so what? In his day unions actually did something for their members, today they do nothing but collect dues and send them to the DNC. We have laws on the books today that protect workers from exploitation, we don't need unions
So in other words.....republicans changed...meaning MLK would even be LESS LIKELY to be what you claim him to be...a republican...

Which he never said he was ...in his OWN WORDS...

Why is it you folks never listen to his words?? Its like you morons are unaware that we had television cameras, audio recordings and books.....books he wrote

He was a registered republican, post all the crap you like, you cannot change that fact.
Laughable since none of them were or would have considered being a republican.

MLK was a republican. Kennedy and Truman did not think or believe what the dems of today think and believe. Would a dem of today have dropped the bombs on Japan to end the war? Would any dem of today say "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"? No, they would not.
No, he wasn't a republican.....

Can you tell me what republicans during the times of MLK's life were advocating for democratic socialism??

I'll wait....

actually he was. WTF is democratic socialism? its an oxymoron. socialism is never democratic. its dictatorial where a tiny group of super elites control every aspect of everyone else's life under threat of death. WTF do you think the people or Hong Kong are rioting about today? They don't want to give up their successful capitalism and come under the thumb or Chinese socialism. Geez dude, are you really that dumb?

Again, why do you keep avoiding what King said??

why didn't you ask MLK, "what the fuck is democratic socialism"??

We already have democratic socialism you moron...

View attachment 301075

"distribution of wealth" ? who do you propose that we give the authority to distribute wealth to? The same people who run the VA? the same people who have put our country 20 trillion in debt?
the government already has that authority...that is how wealth has been redistributed to the top -- that is why 10% of the people own over half of the wealth......but you dic suckers don't mind that kind of government welfare....which brings me to another King quote

Laughable since none of them were or would have considered being a republican.

MLK was a republican. Kennedy and Truman did not think or believe what the dems of today think and believe. Would a dem of today have dropped the bombs on Japan to end the war? Would any dem of today say "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"? No, they would not.
and time after time, I have posted quote after quote from MLK.....every time I do, you trumpers can never tell me what about his quote says "I'm a republican" --- MLK was a very extensive writer and orator -- you would think he would just say "I'm a republican, I support low corporate taxes and capital gains..." -- especially when you consider the top marginal tax rate back then was over 70%

So I will ask again...what about this quote says "republican"
View attachment 301074

He supported unions, so what? In his day unions actually did something for their members, today they do nothing but collect dues and send them to the DNC. We have laws on the books today that protect workers from exploitation, we don't need unions
So in other words.....republicans changed...meaning MLK would even be LESS LIKELY to be what you claim him to be...a republican...

Which he never said he was ...in his OWN WORDS...

Why is it you folks never listen to his words?? Its like you morons are unaware that we had television cameras, audio recordings and books.....books he wrote

He was a registered republican, post all the crap you like, you cannot change that fact.
Why do you keep avoiding his own words??

I swear you dic suckers are so desperate to try to deflect from the fact that CONSERVATIVES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AGAINST EVERY EMANCIPATION EFFORT BY EVERY HISTORICALLY OPPRESSED GROUP -- that you have to resort to this dumb shit...because you know when it comes to actual policies and a man's own words -- you lose...
Way before the Dems embraced Civil Rights. Interesting. Almost like it has more to do with government social spending than civil rights.
When FDR created the Fair Employment Practice Committee to address the rampant discrimination against blacks in employment -- why are blacks maligned for supporting that??

When FDR signed the GI Bill...why are blacks maligned for supporting that??

Just pointing out that the timing does not match the normal lib narrative.

Note my completely lack of maligning blacks, you raving loon.
Cool...now tell me what conservatives were there marching along side of King down in Selma

Conservatives are smart, we don't march and throw tantrums, we actually get shit done, like laws and stuff
Lots of conservatives supported the Civil Rights laws in the 40s and 50s, even the 64 bill, most were REPUBLICANS

Fact Check: ‘More Republicans Voted for the Civil Rights Act as a Percentage Than Democrats Did’

IT has been this way, in fact the republicans never voted for jim crow laws. The whole premise of you democrats is the big switch lie...which I have destroyed in these forums.....because it's a HUGE lie.
Can you name a Conservative who marched with Civil Rights protesters?

This was a North/South issue not a partisan political issue

and of which party were: Strom Thurman, George Wallace, Bull Connor, Lester Maddox, Bill KKK Byrd? they were all dems, sorry if those facts upset you but they are facts.

another fact, there was a huge KKK contingent in Illinois and there were slaves in most of the northern and western states, it was not a north/south issue, it was a states rights issue created by slave owning democrats and ended by a republican named Lincoln.
When FDR created the Fair Employment Practice Committee to address the rampant discrimination against blacks in employment -- why are blacks maligned for supporting that??

When FDR signed the GI Bill...why are blacks maligned for supporting that??

Just pointing out that the timing does not match the normal lib narrative.

Note my completely lack of maligning blacks, you raving loon.
Cool...now tell me what conservatives were there marching along side of King down in Selma

Conservatives are smart, we don't march and throw tantrums, we actually get shit done, like laws and stuff
Lots of conservatives supported the Civil Rights laws in the 40s and 50s, even the 64 bill, most were REPUBLICANS

Fact Check: ‘More Republicans Voted for the Civil Rights Act as a Percentage Than Democrats Did’

IT has been this way, in fact the republicans never voted for jim crow laws. The whole premise of you democrats is the big switch lie...which I have destroyed in these forums.....because it's a HUGE lie.
Can you name a Conservative who marched with Civil Rights protesters?

This was a North/South issue not a partisan political issue

and of which party were: Strom Thurman, George Wallace, Bull Connor, Lester Maddox, Bill KKK Byrd? they were all dems, sorry if those facts upset you but they are facts.

another fact, there was a huge KKK contingent in Illinois and there were slaves in most of the northern and western states, it was not a north/south issue, it was a states rights issue created by slave owning democrats and ended by a republican named Lincoln.
Can you tell me if they were liberal??

Was George Wallace and Bull Connor along side of those liberal hippies from up north -- marching along side of King??

Can you tell me if Strom Thurman was some radical leftist?? and then when he got older, became conservative??

You do understand the reason dic suckers like you say "democrat" and "republican" is because you too dishonest to use the words "conservative" and "liberal" -- because you are too dishonest to admit that conservatives HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AGAINST THE EMANCIPATION EFFORT OF EVERY HISTORICALLY OPPRESSED GROUP -- and it leaves you morons to have to play these words games years after the fact.....because when the true fight was being fought, no conservatives were there marching along side of MLK...

Which is why you can't name one
MLK was a republican. Kennedy and Truman did not think or believe what the dems of today think and believe. Would a dem of today have dropped the bombs on Japan to end the war? Would any dem of today say "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"? No, they would not.
No, he wasn't a republican.....

Can you tell me what republicans during the times of MLK's life were advocating for democratic socialism??

I'll wait....

actually he was. WTF is democratic socialism? its an oxymoron. socialism is never democratic. its dictatorial where a tiny group of super elites control every aspect of everyone else's life under threat of death. WTF do you think the people or Hong Kong are rioting about today? They don't want to give up their successful capitalism and come under the thumb or Chinese socialism. Geez dude, are you really that dumb?

Again, why do you keep avoiding what King said??

why didn't you ask MLK, "what the fuck is democratic socialism"??

We already have democratic socialism you moron...

View attachment 301075

"distribution of wealth" ? who do you propose that we give the authority to distribute wealth to? The same people who run the VA? the same people who have put our country 20 trillion in debt?
the government already has that authority...that is how wealth has been redistributed to the top -- that is why 10% of the people own over half of the wealth......but you dic suckers don't mind that kind of government welfare....which brings me to another King quote

View attachment 301077
We can attempt to return to Pax Americana again. But that means being a sovereign nation with borders. It also means to pay the price for the products we maker even if it is more. It means using our ingenuity to make the product from idea to the consumer in any way. Trade agreements and tariffs must be reinstituted with only percentages of the same foreign product allowed into our nation. Manufacturing would rise immensely with much higher wages then the service economy has provided for many people. Monopolies like cable companies must be forced to let consumers pick their own stations. Breaking up massive conglomorates must be instituted with rules to build within out borders This is a start. .
When FDR created the Fair Employment Practice Committee to address the rampant discrimination against blacks in employment -- why are blacks maligned for supporting that??

When FDR signed the GI Bill...why are blacks maligned for supporting that??

Just pointing out that the timing does not match the normal lib narrative.

Note my completely lack of maligning blacks, you raving loon.
Cool...now tell me what conservatives were there marching along side of King down in Selma

Conservatives are smart, we don't march and throw tantrums, we actually get shit done, like laws and stuff
Lots of conservatives supported the Civil Rights laws in the 40s and 50s, even the 64 bill, most were REPUBLICANS

Fact Check: ‘More Republicans Voted for the Civil Rights Act as a Percentage Than Democrats Did’

IT has been this way, in fact the republicans never voted for jim crow laws. The whole premise of you democrats is the big switch lie...which I have destroyed in these forums.....because it's a HUGE lie.
Can you name a Conservative who marched with Civil Rights protesters?

This was a North/South issue not a partisan political issue

and of which party were: Strom Thurman, George Wallace, Bull Connor, Lester Maddox, Bill KKK Byrd? they were all dems, sorry if those facts upset you but they are facts.

another fact, there was a huge KKK contingent in Illinois and there were slaves in most of the northern and western states, it was not a north/south issue, it was a states rights issue created by slave owning democrats and ended by a republican named Lincoln.
State's rights is a funny thing...

When those "democrats" were using states rights to defend the oppression of black people in their states...it was people like "the liberals" who fought against that oppression...

But I see you closet racists always love to use states rights as a justification for the Civil War and slavery...

Which is why its you closet racists who are always butt hurt when your confederate porn statues are taken down....and which is also why you closet racists have a hard time walking the line between touting Lincoln when you are trying to prove how "not racist" you are while at the same time attacking Lincoln when you are trying to prove how "pure" the motivations of those states rights Confederates are...

By the way...the KKK...they were created by butt hurt confederates trying to defend their states rights from those Reconstruction Republicans......
No, he wasn't a republican.....

Can you tell me what republicans during the times of MLK's life were advocating for democratic socialism??

I'll wait....

actually he was. WTF is democratic socialism? its an oxymoron. socialism is never democratic. its dictatorial where a tiny group of super elites control every aspect of everyone else's life under threat of death. WTF do you think the people or Hong Kong are rioting about today? They don't want to give up their successful capitalism and come under the thumb or Chinese socialism. Geez dude, are you really that dumb?

Again, why do you keep avoiding what King said??

why didn't you ask MLK, "what the fuck is democratic socialism"??

We already have democratic socialism you moron...

View attachment 301075

"distribution of wealth" ? who do you propose that we give the authority to distribute wealth to? The same people who run the VA? the same people who have put our country 20 trillion in debt?
the government already has that authority...that is how wealth has been redistributed to the top -- that is why 10% of the people own over half of the wealth......but you dic suckers don't mind that kind of government welfare....which brings me to another King quote

View attachment 301077
We can attempt to return to Pax Americana again. But that means being a sovereign nation with borders. It also means to pay the price for the products we maker even if it is more. It means using our ingenuity to make the product from idea to the consumer in any way. Trade agreements and tariffs must be reinstituted with only percentages of the same foreign product allowed into our nation. Manufacturing would rise immensely with much higher wages then the service economy has provided for many people. Monopolies like cable companies must be forced to let consumers pick their own stations. Breaking up massive conglomorates must be instituted with rules to build within out borders This is a start. .
and what has Trump or any other republican presidential candidate said or done about breaking up monopolies in the past 40 years?

Only person I know who talks about it is for the same policies that commie MLK was for...Bernie Sanders.....even Elizabeth Warren has done and said more in this regard than any republican....which tells me republicans who claim they are against monopolies are full of shit

maybe that is why when I post MLK quotes, these closet racists get so triggered....
I grew up in the 60's and saw most of the Civil Rights movement. Like most Americans, I was outraged at the assasination of Dr King. When we talked about giving him a national holiday ten years later, I looked at it as a form of appeasement for outraged blacks.....a way of giving them their own holiday to quiet them down.

In reading about the Civil Rights movement in subsequent years, I realized what a great American Dr King was. Black Americans came back after WWII to find that despite fighting and dying in defense of their country, they were still treated like lesser Americans. They found they were not allowed to mingle with whites, were not welcome in much of the country they had fought for. Blacks were considered to be dirty, diseased and sub human. Some whites were outraged at the thought of eating with blacks, using the same restrooms, riding on public transportation with them.

As black Americans began to protest their treatment in their own country they were met with harsh resistance from both white militants and governments who swore to support inequal treatment. Blacks were denied the right to vote, to freely associate, rights to a fair trial. Those who resisted were met with terrorist attacks. Lynchings, bombings, arrest and assasination of their leaders.

Most of us faced with such horrific treatment in our own homeland would fight violence with violence. How would you react if someone spat on your child for trying to go to school?

When the courts did not protect blacks, armed conflict would seem a reasonable response. Dr King knew violence would only result in more violence against you. He modeled the Civil Rights movement around Gandhis peaceful resistance theories. By using cameras to document the treatment of peaceful protestors he saved this country from an armed violent protest that would have destroyed this country.

America returned from WWII as an economic and military superpower. But a country that does not treat its citizens with respect is not a moral superpower. By changing the way we treat our citizens, Dr King, more importantly, saved our soul. By forcing us to look in a mirror and see who we really are, he enabled us to become a truly great country.

On this Martin Luther King day I hope everyone can reflect on what a great American he was and how much better off we all are

A lot of people don't realize that MLK was a hardcore conservative, who faced a lot of opposition from Ultraliberal black separatists like Stokely Carmichael and H. Rap Brown back in the day. A registered Republican, the liberal JFK and LBJ administrations tapped his phones, much like the Obama administration tapped Trump's phones. MLK was denied his 2nd Amendment rights, even though he applied for a carry license.

Imagine if MLK had been armed in Memphis in 1968. When Mr. Ray fired at him, and MLK ducked and returned fire, history would have been changed forever.

The worse thing about MLK is how the libs have tried to hijack his legacy and claim he was one of them. Nothing could be further from the truth, there is no proof that Dr. King was anything but Normative.
I grew up in the 60's and saw most of the Civil Rights movement. Like most Americans, I was outraged at the assasination of Dr King. When we talked about giving him a national holiday ten years later, I looked at it as a form of appeasement for outraged blacks.....a way of giving them their own holiday to quiet them down.

In reading about the Civil Rights movement in subsequent years, I realized what a great American Dr King was. Black Americans came back after WWII to find that despite fighting and dying in defense of their country, they were still treated like lesser Americans. They found they were not allowed to mingle with whites, were not welcome in much of the country they had fought for. Blacks were considered to be dirty, diseased and sub human. Some whites were outraged at the thought of eating with blacks, using the same restrooms, riding on public transportation with them.

As black Americans began to protest their treatment in their own country they were met with harsh resistance from both white militants and governments who swore to support inequal treatment. Blacks were denied the right to vote, to freely associate, rights to a fair trial. Those who resisted were met with terrorist attacks. Lynchings, bombings, arrest and assasination of their leaders.

Most of us faced with such horrific treatment in our own homeland would fight violence with violence. How would you react if someone spat on your child for trying to go to school?

When the courts did not protect blacks, armed conflict would seem a reasonable response. Dr King knew violence would only result in more violence against you. He modeled the Civil Rights movement around Gandhis peaceful resistance theories. By using cameras to document the treatment of peaceful protestors he saved this country from an armed violent protest that would have destroyed this country.

America returned from WWII as an economic and military superpower. But a country that does not treat its citizens with respect is not a moral superpower. By changing the way we treat our citizens, Dr King, more importantly, saved our soul. By forcing us to look in a mirror and see who we really are, he enabled us to become a truly great country.

On this Martin Luther King day I hope everyone can reflect on what a great American he was and how much better off we all are

A lot of people don't realize that MLK was a hardcore conservative, who faced a lot of opposition from Ultraliberal black separatists like Stokely Carmichael and H. Rap Brown back in the day. A registered Republican, the liberal JFK and LBJ administrations tapped his phones, much like the Obama administration tapped Trump's phones. MLK was denied his 2nd Amendment rights, even though he applied for a carry license.

Imagine if MLK had been armed in Memphis in 1968. When Mr. Ray fired at him, and MLK ducked and returned fire, history would have been changed forever.

The worse thing about MLK is how the libs have tried to hijack his legacy and claim he was one of them. Nothing could be further from the truth, there is no proof that Dr. King was anything but Normative.
Another dumb ass who has no idea who MLK was...

Please give me a single "hardcore conservative" MLK quote...

I'll wait....

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