Draining the Swamp: Trump Fires 7 IG’s

My wife works for a little nondescript USDA federal office. Whenever a new president from a different party gets elected, the current higher ups lose their jobs and the president installs his people.

And this is for a little office in Wisconsin. Why Trump didn't do this sooner, I'll never know.


No. Not IG’s.
Barr has finally started to get to the bottom of the swamp and there's a lot of swamp rats that need to go.

Retardo, this has NOTHING to do with Barr and everything to do with Trump despising true, law-abiding oversight that caught him with his pants down multiple times.

Go with that. How'd that work out on Russia, Ukraine, Impeachment, and your soyboyfriend Avenati?
He is just clearing the way for raiding the 2 trillion dollar stimulus money with out getting caught do illegal crap like last time. Remember, if nobody knows you did it, it' all good.
These all up Trumps ass are exactly the reason this country will fail. It's pathetic.
The IG responsible for over-site (designed by congress, approved in both houses and signed by the president) which the white house and several republicans said was not necessary, was in this group of firings. Do you think he will replace with someone who will call attention if the one appointing him wants special consideration for the favor of giving him a job. Look at how many crooks, liars, etc, from his administration have been found guilty by a jury of their peers or just went ahead and pleaded guilty because they knew they were caught. It looks fishy. With this administration, if it looks fishy, you will probably start smelling it shortly. 2 trillion could be a heck of a slush fund with no oversight. I think donnie looks at it like a charity fund. We know how he handles those, don't we?

Did you mean "oversight"?

You do realize the funds are controlled by the federal reserve. Right?
Barr has finally started to get to the bottom of the swamp and there's a lot of swamp rats that need to go.

Retardo, this has NOTHING to do with Barr and everything to do with Trump despising true, law-abiding oversight that caught him with his pants down multiple times.
Trumpistos do not believe in oversight when it comes to their cult leader.

That's rich. You wouldn't happen to know where Hillaryous' missing 30,000 emails are would you?
He is just clearing the way for raiding the 2 trillion dollar stimulus money with out getting caught do illegal crap like last time. Remember, if nobody knows you did it, it' all good.
These all up Trumps ass are exactly the reason this country will fail. It's pathetic.
The IG responsible for over-site (designed by congress, approved in both houses and signed by the president) which the white house and several republicans said was not necessary, was in this group of firings. Do you think he will replace with someone who will call attention if the one appointing him wants special consideration for the favor of giving him a job. Look at how many crooks, liars, etc, from his administration have been found guilty by a jury of their peers or just went ahead and pleaded guilty because they knew they were caught. It looks fishy. With this administration, if it looks fishy, you will probably start smelling it shortly. 2 trillion could be a heck of a slush fund with no oversight. I think donnie looks at it like a charity fund. We know how he handles those, don't we?
It certainly doesn’t sound like draining swamps.

That's how you drain a swamp. You drain the water so you can see the dangerous creatures.
He is just clearing the way for raiding the 2 trillion dollar stimulus money with out getting caught do illegal crap like last time. Remember, if nobody knows you did it, it' all good.
These all up Trumps ass are exactly the reason this country will fail. It's pathetic.
The IG responsible for over-site (designed by congress, approved in both houses and signed by the president) which the white house and several republicans said was not necessary, was in this group of firings. Do you think he will replace with someone who will call attention if the one appointing him wants special consideration for the favor of giving him a job. Look at how many crooks, liars, etc, from his administration have been found guilty by a jury of their peers or just went ahead and pleaded guilty because they knew they were caught. It looks fishy. With this administration, if it looks fishy, you will probably start smelling it shortly. 2 trillion could be a heck of a slush fund with no oversight. I think donnie looks at it like a charity fund. We know how he handles those, don't we?
It certainly doesn’t sound like draining swamps.

That's how you drain a swamp. You drain the water so you can see the dangerous creatures.
So...you fire capable well performing people and rep,ace them with partisan cronies...

sounds like restocking to me.
If true, Trump doesn’t want independent IGs. He wants sycophants and cronies. Trump wants the freedom to act just like the shithole dictators he so admires.

If true, Trump doesn’t want independent IGs.

What makes you think Obama appointed IGs are independent?
They weren’t all Obama appointees. Many served under multiple administrations.

What, specifically, did each do wrong to deserve firing?

Or are you just sheep, following your master’s lead?

What, specifically, did each do wrong to deserve firing?

Who said they did anything wrong? Specifically? Who said they had to do something wrong?
Of course the IGs should do something wrong before they are dismissed.An IG is appointed to root out corruptIon and ineptitude. A President only wants them removed to cover his tracks.

Appointed by the President means they serve at the pleasure of the President.
That is certainly true. That does not mean it is healthy for the institutions of this country to have a president appoint cronies to oversight positions or that Congress approve such nominees. Many IGs have served multiple presidents. If Trump is unhappy because they have called out his administration for mismanagement, why does that IG deserve to be terminated. He or she is just performing the jobs they were appointed to do.

That does not mean it is healthy for the institutions of this country to have a president appoint cronies to oversight positions

If true, Trump doesn’t want independent IGs. He wants sycophants and cronies. Trump wants the freedom to act just like the shithole dictators he so admires.

If true, Trump doesn’t want independent IGs.

What makes you think Obama appointed IGs are independent?
They weren’t all Obama appointees. Many served under multiple administrations.

What, specifically, did each do wrong to deserve firing?

Or are you just sheep, following your master’s lead?

What, specifically, did each do wrong to deserve firing?

Who said they did anything wrong? Specifically? Who said they had to do something wrong?
Ok. So they were fired for no reason. That makes no sense.

There doesn't need to be a reason. You know that!
If true, Trump doesn’t want independent IGs. He wants sycophants and cronies. Trump wants the freedom to act just like the shithole dictators he so admires.

If true, Trump doesn’t want independent IGs.

What makes you think Obama appointed IGs are independent?
They weren’t all Obama appointees. Many served under multiple administrations.

What, specifically, did each do wrong to deserve firing?

Or are you just sheep, following your master’s lead?

What, specifically, did each do wrong to deserve firing?

Who said they did anything wrong? Specifically? Who said they had to do something wrong?
Ok. So they were fired for no reason. That makes no sense.

Ok. So they were fired for no reason.

No reason or any reason......

The Inspector General, who is appointed by the President subject to Senate confirmation, reports to the Attorney General and Congress.

That is true. I’ve noticed most presidents tend to keep on IG’s. They are supposed to be non-political and neutral. Given many of those fired served under multiple administrations, I suspect they did a good, apolitical job.
Do you think Trump’s new appointees will be apolitical?

Probably as apolitical as Obama's.

You know this how? Which IG’s acted in a partisan way that did not follow the law?

You know this how?

Feel free to prove me wrong. Or not. Meh.

Which IG’s acted in a partisan way that did not follow the law?

All of them? None of them?
If true, Trump doesn’t want independent IGs. He wants sycophants and cronies. Trump wants the freedom to act just like the shithole dictators he so admires.

If true, Trump doesn’t want independent IGs.

What makes you think Obama appointed IGs are independent?
They weren’t all Obama appointees. Many served under multiple administrations.

What, specifically, did each do wrong to deserve firing?

Or are you just sheep, following your master’s lead?

What, specifically, did each do wrong to deserve firing?

Who said they did anything wrong? Specifically? Who said they had to do something wrong?
Ok. So they were fired for no reason. That makes no sense.

Ok. So they were fired for no reason.

No reason or any reason......

The Inspector General, who is appointed by the President subject to Senate confirmation, reports to the Attorney General and Congress.

That is true. I’ve noticed most presidents tend to keep on IG’s. They are supposed to be non-political and neutral. Given many of those fired served under multiple administrations, I suspect they did a good, apolitical job.
Do you think Trump’s new appointees will be apolitical?

Probably as apolitical as Obama's.

You know this how? Which IG’s acted in a partisan way that did not follow the law?

You know this how?

Feel free to prove me wrong. Or not. Meh.

Which IG’s acted in a partisan way that did not follow the law?

All of them? None of them?

So you can’t answer? You are just a sheep?
If true, Trump doesn’t want independent IGs. He wants sycophants and cronies. Trump wants the freedom to act just like the shithole dictators he so admires.

If true, Trump doesn’t want independent IGs.

What makes you think Obama appointed IGs are independent?
They weren’t all Obama appointees. Many served under multiple administrations.

What, specifically, did each do wrong to deserve firing?

Or are you just sheep, following your master’s lead?

What, specifically, did each do wrong to deserve firing?

Who said they did anything wrong? Specifically? Who said they had to do something wrong?
Ok. So they were fired for no reason. That makes no sense.

Ok. So they were fired for no reason.

No reason or any reason......

The Inspector General, who is appointed by the President subject to Senate confirmation, reports to the Attorney General and Congress.

That is true. I’ve noticed most presidents tend to keep on IG’s. They are supposed to be non-political and neutral. Given many of those fired served under multiple administrations, I suspect they did a good, apolitical job.
Do you think Trump’s new appointees will be apolitical?

Probably as apolitical as Obama's.

You know this how? Which IG’s acted in a partisan way that did not follow the law?

You know this how?

Feel free to prove me wrong. Or not. Meh.

Which IG’s acted in a partisan way that did not follow the law?

All of them? None of them?

So you can’t answer? You are just a sheep?

What are you, 12?

They are political appointees.
They can be fired for no reason at all.
He is just clearing the way for raiding the 2 trillion dollar stimulus money with out getting caught do illegal crap like last time. Remember, if nobody knows you did it, it' all good.
These all up Trumps ass are exactly the reason this country will fail. It's pathetic.
The IG responsible for over-site (designed by congress, approved in both houses and signed by the president) which the white house and several republicans said was not necessary, was in this group of firings. Do you think he will replace with someone who will call attention if the one appointing him wants special consideration for the favor of giving him a job. Look at how many crooks, liars, etc, from his administration have been found guilty by a jury of their peers or just went ahead and pleaded guilty because they knew they were caught. It looks fishy. With this administration, if it looks fishy, you will probably start smelling it shortly. 2 trillion could be a heck of a slush fund with no oversight. I think donnie looks at it like a charity fund. We know how he handles those, don't we?
The pandemic is the perfect cover for silence and corruption. This has been going on since Trump took office. When things start looking fishy it is because of the smell. So many have accepted walking papers for their corrupt work. Some have got away. Only a few have gone down. Huge grift.
He is just clearing the way for raiding the 2 trillion dollar stimulus money with out getting caught do illegal crap like last time. Remember, if nobody knows you did it, it' all good.
These all up Trumps ass are exactly the reason this country will fail. It's pathetic.
The IG responsible for over-site (designed by congress, approved in both houses and signed by the president) which the white house and several republicans said was not necessary, was in this group of firings. Do you think he will replace with someone who will call attention if the one appointing him wants special consideration for the favor of giving him a job. Look at how many crooks, liars, etc, from his administration have been found guilty by a jury of their peers or just went ahead and pleaded guilty because they knew they were caught. It looks fishy. With this administration, if it looks fishy, you will probably start smelling it shortly. 2 trillion could be a heck of a slush fund with no oversight. I think donnie looks at it like a charity fund. We know how he handles those, don't we?
It certainly doesn’t sound like draining swamps.

That's how you drain a swamp. You drain the water so you can see the dangerous creatures.
So...you fire capable well performing people and rep,ace them with partisan cronies...

sounds like restocking to me.

The IG is selected by the President. Tough toenails if you don't like it. Who would you have make the choice? Congress? :abgg2q.jpg:

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