DREAM Arguments Pull at Heartstrings But Ignore Commonsense


Jun 21, 2010
The passage of the DREAM Act in the House on Wednesday makes me think how quickly we forget to be thankful after Thanksgiving. Instead of being thankful for the education and other opportunities they have already received, potential beneficiaries of the DREAM Act amnesty are asking for more. More education, more jobs, more benefits, and everything else that comes with amnesty and American citizenship.

NumbersUSA | For Lower Immigration Levels - For Lower Immigration Levels
We are going to be under allot of pressure fighting this. it just seems like one unfunded mandate after another, putting us deeper in the hole. They are playing all of the angles.

Groups like The National Council of La Raza and other Hispanic and immigrant advocacy groups know the prospects for comprehensive immigration reform are dim for the time being. So they've turned their attention to a measure that they believe will spark more sympathy from most Americans, bringing with them a coalition of labor groups, the Conference of Catholic Bishops and even Defense Secretary Robert Gates. And come 2012, advocates say, Spanish-language media will be filled with ads slamming lawmakers who voted against the Dream Act.

"Many of us come from families with mixed (immigration) status. We can't vote, but our families and friends can," said Julieta Garibay, 29, one of the original "Dreamers" who has pushed for the Dream Act since it was first introduced in Congress in 2001. "Our allies will remember who voted, and how they voted, and will hold them accountable in 2012."

The Dream Act would provide qualified people up to the age of 29 with a path to citizenship if they attend college or join the military, while mandating decades before they could petition for family. An estimated 2.1 million immigrants could be eligible, though it's likely a far smaller number would meet the bill's requirements.

With Dream Act shelved, immigrants look to 2012
Record numbers go hungry in the US

Government report shows 50m people unable to put food on the table at some point last year

Record numbers go hungry in households in the US | World news | guardian.co.uk

"More than a million children regularly go to bed hungry in the US, according to a government report that shows a startling increase in the number of families struggling to put food on the table. President Barack Obama, who pledged to eradicate childhood hunger, has described as "unsettling" the agriculture department survey, which says 50 million people in the US – one in six of the population – were unable to afford to buy sufficient food to stay healthy at some point last year, in large part because of escalating unemployment or poorly paid jobs. These numbers are a wake-up call … for us to get very serious about food security and hunger, about nutrition and food safety in this country. The numbers to worsen when the survey for this year is released in 2010."
I have an original idea. If we can't sustain who we have here already, maybe the humane thing to do is first close our borders, and then send those home that can't sustain themselves. I wonder why nobody has thought of that before????? ;) :lol:
Record numbers go hungry in the US

Government report shows 50m people unable to put food on the table at some point last year

Record numbers go hungry in households in the US | World news | guardian.co.uk

"More than a million children regularly go to bed hungry in the US, according to a government report that shows a startling increase in the number of families struggling to put food on the table. President Barack Obama, who pledged to eradicate childhood hunger, has described as "unsettling" the agriculture department survey, which says 50 million people in the US – one in six of the population – were unable to afford to buy sufficient food to stay healthy at some point last year, in large part because of escalating unemployment or poorly paid jobs. These numbers are a wake-up call … for us to get very serious about food security and hunger, about nutrition and food safety in this country. The numbers to worsen when the survey for this year is released in 2010."

Maybe it is just too unfair to expect people to make it to the Food Pantries without assistance. Maybe we should Chauffeur them, or better yet have the food delivered directly to them. Maybe we should prepare it for them too, and clean their dishes when they are done.
The food pantries and church freebies are being raided by illegal aliens. There's nothing left after they've over abused them! There have been many a news stories about them emptying them, and leaving nothing for the poor and needy Americans.
The food pantries and church freebies are being raided by illegal aliens. There's nothing left after they've over abused them! There have been many a news stories about them emptying them, and leaving nothing for the poor and needy Americans.

Allot of food goes through our's every week. There is generally little left over, but that is the point.
It's a dream for Hispanics, a nightmare for the rest of us.

gee, it was nice to sacrifice and tout the fairness ofthe American system when times were going good. now that we have a challenge... throw that all to hell. hippocrits, all.
The DREAM Act wasn't going anywhere to begin with, and the Dems knew it before they forced a vote on this issue. They knew there wasn't enough support in Congress to get it passed into law. The only reason they pushed it through was to pander to Hispanic voters.

Right now the majority of Americans already support the actions Arizona has taken. Every single poll you look at shows this. We, The People, are sick and tired of the federal government's refusal to enforce illegal immigration laws. We, The People, are fed up with spending billions of dollars each year on a problem that never gets fixed, only worsens, saps our resources, and benefits no one but giant corporations looking to make themselves richer, and illegal citizens themselves. Look bag, if we weren't completely fed up, there wouldn't be 25 states considering anti-illegal-immigration laws similar to Arizona's despite the fact that a federal judge (a Clinton appointee--imagine that!) ruled key parts of the legislation unconstitutional.

And bag, I do feel for these people. I mean, it’s not their fault that drug cartels puppeteer Mexican government and law enforcement officials. It’s not their fault that this corruption is the very reason Mexico’s economy is failing and can’t support its own population. But on the flip side, it is not the United States’ responsibility to absorb the mass exodus that has resulted from Mexico’s inability to deal with its own problems.
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You know........if a child came here with their family illegally, successfully integrated into American society enough to be eligible in all respects to join the military and serve 4 years honorably, why not? Dedication like that is what a true patriot is, because they're actually willing to put their asses on the line for this country.

What could be more patriotic than that?

If they can qualify for college, and it's the same situation? Why not? We could always use more doctors and engineers.
And I agree with you 100% biker. But the Dream Act was only addressing part of the problem. In order for Congress to accomplish anything here, they need to put their big boy (and girl) pants on so a compromise can be reached. They learned the concept of compromising back in Kindergarten, yet these individuals, some of the most powerful people in this country, act like it's is a foreign concept. As such, they can't accomplish a Goddamn thing regarding this issue. They seem more like Down's Syndrome kids than THINKING ADULTS.
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You know........if a child came here with their family illegally, successfully integrated into American society enough to be eligible in all respects to join the military and serve 4 years honorably, why not? Dedication like that is what a true patriot is, because they're actually willing to put their asses on the line for this country.

What could be more patriotic than that?

If they can qualify for college, and it's the same situation? Why not? We could always use more doctors and engineers.

Don't we have a 9.8% unemployment problem? Don't we have American children who could use a hand in getting a college education? Really needy American families who would appreciate some help but maybe make just a tad too much to qualify? You know patriotism and generosity begins with taking care of oneself first. Ya know what I mean? If we don't do what's best for American and preserve her laws and her borders then we will have nothing to offer anybody.
You know........if a child came here with their family illegally, successfully integrated into American society enough to be eligible in all respects to join the military and serve 4 years honorably, why not? Dedication like that is what a true patriot is, because they're actually willing to put their asses on the line for this country.

What could be more patriotic than that?

If they can qualify for college, and it's the same situation? Why not? We could always use more doctors and engineers.

Don't we have a 9.8% unemployment problem? Don't we have American children who could use a hand in getting a college education? Really needy American families who would appreciate some help but maybe make just a tad too much to qualify? You know patriotism and generosity begins with taking care of oneself first. Ya know what I mean? If we don't do what's best for American and preserve her laws and her borders then we will have nothing to offer anybody.

Really? Then why aren't those unemployed people signing up for the US Military in droves? I'll tell you why...........they don't want to serve.

If some illegal who was brought here as a child wants to serve, and can pass the physical and mental exams? I say let 'em.
Most people who oppose the Dream Act have never taken the time to read it. The primary beneficiaries of the act are young adults brought to this country by their parents. They did not choose to come here and break our laws. The Dream Act makes it possible for these kids to become productive members of our society and eventually become citizens. Since the child must have lived in the US 5 consecutive years before enactment of the bill, it does not provide any incentive to enter the country illegally.

To qualifty:

Must have entered the United States before the age of 16 (i.e. 15 and younger)

Must have been present in the United States for at least five (5) consecutive years prior to enactment of the bill

Must have graduated from a United States high school, or have obtained a GED, or have been accepted into an institution of higher education (i.e. college/university)

Must be between the ages of 12 and 35 at the time of application

Must have good moral character

There are then a number of requirements to apply for citizenship. One being either graduation from college or an honorable discharge from the service.

Basic Information about the DREAM Act Legislation | DREAM Act Portal
And I agree with you 100% biker. But the Dream Act was only addressing part of the problem. In order for Congress to accomplish anything here, they need to put their big boy (and girl) pants on so a compromise can be reached. They learned the concept of compromising back in Kindergarten, yet these individuals, some of the most powerful people in this country, act like it's is a foreign concept. As such, they can't accomplish a Goddamn thing regarding this issue. They seem more like Down's Syndrome kids than THINKING ADULTS.
We have reached a point where any compromise is extremely difficult if not impossible. The reason for this, is that all issues have been frame as liberal vs. conservative. No matter how noncontroversial a bill may be, it will be label as liberal or conservative almost guaranteeing a vote by party lines.

What is missing in congress are strong coalitions which cross party lines. This was very common in Congress but seems quite rare today. Crossing party lines and consorting with the enemy can mean loss of a prized committee seat, loss of party support, or even worse, a Republican being labeled a liberal or Democrat being labeled a conservative.

The inability of Democrats and Republicans to accomplish their goals has lead to the idea that the only victory is total victory where the enemy must be totally destroyed, that both houses of Congress and the Presidency must be captured for a number of years. This makes possible the packing of the Supreme Court with sympathetic judges and the passage of constitutional amendments that would forever change the country. Since both sides have some very bad ideas, this would be really bad for the country.
You know........if a child came here with their family illegally, successfully integrated into American society enough to be eligible in all respects to join the military and serve 4 years honorably, why not? Dedication like that is what a true patriot is, because they're actually willing to put their asses on the line for this country.

What could be more patriotic than that?

If they can qualify for college, and it's the same situation? Why not? We could always use more doctors and engineers.

Don't we have a 9.8% unemployment problem? Don't we have American children who could use a hand in getting a college education? Really needy American families who would appreciate some help but maybe make just a tad too much to qualify? You know patriotism and generosity begins with taking care of oneself first. Ya know what I mean? If we don't do what's best for American and preserve her laws and her borders then we will have nothing to offer anybody.

Really? Then why aren't those unemployed people signing up for the US Military in droves? I'll tell you why...........they don't want to serve.

If some illegal who was brought here as a child wants to serve, and can pass the physical and mental exams? I say let 'em.

Here's a hint. They can already do that. We don't need no damn dream act to do that. Got that asswipe?
Don't we have a 9.8% unemployment problem? Don't we have American children who could use a hand in getting a college education? Really needy American families who would appreciate some help but maybe make just a tad too much to qualify? You know patriotism and generosity begins with taking care of oneself first. Ya know what I mean? If we don't do what's best for American and preserve her laws and her borders then we will have nothing to offer anybody.

Really? Then why aren't those unemployed people signing up for the US Military in droves? I'll tell you why...........they don't want to serve.

If some illegal who was brought here as a child wants to serve, and can pass the physical and mental exams? I say let 'em.

Here's a hint. They can already do that. We don't need no damn dream act to do that. Got that asswipe?
No, undocumented immigrants can not serve in the military. Recruits must be U.S. citizens or have proof of permanent residency, such as a green card.

Read more: What Are Qualifications to Join U.S. Military? | eHow.com What Are Qualifications to Join U.S. Military? | eHow.com
Really? Then why aren't those unemployed people signing up for the US Military in droves? I'll tell you why...........they don't want to serve.

If some illegal who was brought here as a child wants to serve, and can pass the physical and mental exams? I say let 'em.

Here's a hint. They can already do that. We don't need no damn dream act to do that. Got that asswipe?
No, undocumented immigrants can not serve in the military. Recruits must be U.S. citizens or have proof of permanent residency, such as a green card.

Read more: What Are Qualifications to Join U.S. Military? | eHow.com What Are Qualifications to Join U.S. Military? | eHow.com

But Latin Americans are removing the need for US Americans to chose the employees they want. Pick a Latino or watch your business get picketed by LA RAZA or burn to the ground "by accident".

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