Dreamers to Democrats: We're tired of your lies


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Trump offered 1.8M Dreamers full citizenship, what's going on, this was supposed to be the Democrats Wheelhouse.

Now it appears the Dems have upset many of these supporters, who don't believe their lies.

Dreamers to Democrats: We're tired of your lies

The illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children – known as Dreamers – say that they have been failed by Democrats who are more interested in blaming President Trump and Republicans than delivering a congressional measure that would protect the young people from deportation as they await a path to legal residency.

Dreamers are done giving Dems a pass.

“They don’t walk their talk,” said Cata Santiago, a 20-year-old Dreamer who was brought to the U.S. from Mexico when she was just 8 years old. “We’re tired of it. We’re tired of believing them when they say ‘It’s the Republicans.’ They make promises when they’re in an election, and when it’s over they’re done and don’t do anything.”

“I’ve decided to put my faith in my community [of Dreamers] and not in the Democrats,” Santiago told Fox News.
Trump is to blame for anyhing bad that happens to the Dreamers because they were fine until his fat, evil ass decided to hold them hostage.

LOL...so why didn't Barry address immigration when the Democrats controlled the House, Senate and the Oval Office? Riddle me that...
Because he stupidly tried to involve republicans those first 2 years he was in office
Trump is irrelevant. The gop house isn't passing shit for these guys. Pelosi and Schumer have been played like the cheap banjos they are, though.
Trump is to blame for anyhing bad that happens to the Dreamers because they were fine until his fat, evil ass decided to hold them hostage.

LOL...so why didn't Barry address immigration when the Democrats controlled the House, Senate and the Oval Office? Riddle me that...
Because he stupidly tried to involve republicans those first 2 years he was in office

So he could pass the ACA without a single GOP vote...but couldn't pass immigration reform? Do you know how stupid you liberals look when you trot that kind of silly shit out, OldSchool?
Trump is to blame for anyhing bad that happens to the Dreamers because they were fine until his fat, evil ass decided to hold them hostage.

LOL...so why didn't Barry address immigration when the Democrats controlled the House, Senate and the Oval Office? Riddle me that...

Dear Oldstyle apparently the Dems got bought out by LGBT who
used the party to pass their agenda first. They got "right to marriage"
out of that admin, and pushed for the transgender bathroom policies to make a statement.

None of that was done constiuttionally, but it took Obama to get it through.
He couldn't have gotten away with pushing any Black or Latino policies,
but he got the LGBT what they wanted.

They have more money to pay for campaign financing,
and that's why Houston Mayor Annise Parker lobbied
to represent the CA LGBT voters that funded her campaign
over the Houston citizens and church communities who were
defrauded by blocking their petitions and due process until they sued and won.

The Dems have already gotten the Black vote in their pockets
without having to serve them either. The Latino communities
and workers may be more independent of party, unlike the Blacks who aren't organized
and developed to be self-representing without relying on Black party politics.

The media will hardly cover Blacks breaking from Democrats,
or the workers unions. But maybe Latinos have their own
media where they can represent themselves and protect their interests better.

The Latino and workers can break free from party
and have enough support through unions or legal lobbies
without bowing or buying into Dem elitist politics.

The Green vote got hijacked and sold out to Dems.
The Black vote, and women's and antiwar/peace vote.

But the workers and the Latino have ability to organize
their lobbies their business leadership and resources,
and maybe bypass the poltiical blocs that oppress the minority votes on the left.
Trump is to blame for anyhing bad that happens to the Dreamers because they were fine until his fat, evil ass decided to hold them hostage.

LOL...so why didn't Barry address immigration when the Democrats controlled the House, Senate and the Oval Office? Riddle me that...
Because he stupidly tried to involve republicans those first 2 years he was in office

So he could pass the ACA without a single GOP vote...but couldn't pass immigration reform? Do you know how stupid you liberals look when you trot that kind of silly shit out, OldSchool?
He foolishly included hundreds of GOP amendments in the ACA. The next Dem President won’t make that mistake.
Trump is to blame for anyhing bad that happens to the Dreamers because they were fine until his fat, evil ass decided to hold them hostage.

LOL...so why didn't Barry address immigration when the Democrats controlled the House, Senate and the Oval Office? Riddle me that...

Dear Oldstyle apparently the Dems got bought out by LGBT who
used the party to pass their agenda first. They got "right to marriage"
out of that admin, and pushed for the transgender bathroom policies to make a statement.

None of that was done constiuttionally, but it took Obama to get it through.
He couldn't have gotten away with pushing any Black or Latino policies,
but he got the LGBT what they wanted.

They have more money to pay for campaign financing,
and that's why Houston Mayor Annise Parker lobbied
to represent the CA LGBT voters that funded her campaign
over the Houston citizens and church communities who were
defrauded by blocking their petitions and due process until they sued and won.

The Dems have already gotten the Black vote in their pockets
without having to serve them either. The Latino communities
and workers may be too independent of party, unlike the Blacks who aren't organized
and developed to be self-representing without relying on Black party politics.

The Latino and workers can break free from party
and have enough support through unions or legal lobbies
without bowing or buying into Dem elitist politics.

The Green vote got hijacked and sold out to Dems.
The Black vote, and women's and antiwar/peace vote.

But the workers and the Latino have ability to organize
their lobbies their business leadership and resources,
and maybe bypass the poltiical blocs that oppress the minority votes on the left.

Let's at least try honesty. A maj in the Senate and House have always favored some legal status for these folks, but a minority of gopers in the House will block any bill.
Trump is to blame for anyhing bad that happens to the Dreamers because they were fine until his fat, evil ass decided to hold them hostage.

LOL...so why didn't Barry address immigration when the Democrats controlled the House, Senate and the Oval Office? Riddle me that...

I recall watching mainstream media coverage of complaints of Mexican-Americans just after the Democrats lost control of Congress and how they were frustrated that Obama shot the wad on Obamacare and sold the Dreamers down the river. So this frustration isn't new and could see how they feel the promises are wearing mighty thin.
Trump is to blame for anyhing bad that happens to the Dreamers because they were fine until his fat, evil ass decided to hold them hostage.

LOL...so why didn't Barry address immigration when the Democrats controlled the House, Senate and the Oval Office? Riddle me that...
Because he stupidly tried to involve republicans those first 2 years he was in office

So he could pass the ACA without a single GOP vote...but couldn't pass immigration reform? Do you know how stupid you liberals look when you trot that kind of silly shit out, OldSchool?
He foolishly included hundreds of GOP amendments in the ACA. The next Dem President won’t make that mistake.

You may very well be the most uninformed poster on this board, Old School...and that's saying something!

Once again...would you care to explain why Obama was able to pass the ACA despite not getting a single GOP vote...yet he somehow couldn't do the same thing with immigration reform?
Trump is to blame for anyhing bad that happens to the Dreamers because they were fine until his fat, evil ass decided to hold them hostage.

LOL...so why didn't Barry address immigration when the Democrats controlled the House, Senate and the Oval Office? Riddle me that...
Because he stupidly tried to involve republicans those first 2 years he was in office

When the fuck did that ever stop the EO and chief?
Trump is to blame for anyhing bad that happens to the Dreamers because they were fine until his fat, evil ass decided to hold them hostage.

LOL...so why didn't Barry address immigration when the Democrats controlled the House, Senate and the Oval Office? Riddle me that...
Because he stupidly tried to involve republicans those first 2 years he was in office

So he could pass the ACA without a single GOP vote...but couldn't pass immigration reform? Do you know how stupid you liberals look when you trot that kind of silly shit out, OldSchool?
He foolishly included hundreds of GOP amendments in the ACA. The next Dem President won’t make that mistake.

Yet no republicans voted for it?
Seems legit......
Trump is to blame for anyhing bad that happens to the Dreamers because they were fine until his fat, evil ass decided to hold them hostage.

LOL...so why didn't Barry address immigration when the Democrats controlled the House, Senate and the Oval Office? Riddle me that...

I recall watching mainstream media coverage of complaints of Mexican-Americans just after the Democrats lost control of Congress and how they were frustrated that Obama shot the wad on Obamacare and sold the Dreamers down the river. So this frustration isn't new and could see how they feel the promises are wearing mighty thin.

Meh...the dems have already thrown the rust belt under the bus and are now working on pissing off the middle class and illegals.
Hell,even blacks are starting to see the light.
That leads to the question....who the fuck does the left expect to vote for em?
Trump offered 1.8M Dreamers full citizenship, what's going on, this was supposed to be the Democrats Wheelhouse.

Now it appears the Dems have upset many of these supporters, who don't believe their lies.

Dreamers to Democrats: We're tired of your lies

The illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children – known as Dreamers – say that they have been failed by Democrats who are more interested in blaming President Trump and Republicans than delivering a congressional measure that would protect the young people from deportation as they await a path to legal residency.

Dreamers are done giving Dems a pass.

“They don’t walk their talk,” said Cata Santiago, a 20-year-old Dreamer who was brought to the U.S. from Mexico when she was just 8 years old. “We’re tired of it. We’re tired of believing them when they say ‘It’s the Republicans.’ They make promises when they’re in an election, and when it’s over they’re done and don’t do anything.”

“I’ve decided to put my faith in my community [of Dreamers] and not in the Democrats,” Santiago told Fox News.

I don't know why Dreamers would blame Democrats for a DACA bill. If people are blaming Democrats they have their heads shoved up a dark spot.

Trump was warned not to terminate DACA that Obama initiated by Paul Ryan and other congressional leaders. Because Paul Ryan knew that there are many Republicans in the house that would never sign off on any immigration bill. Trump terminated DACA to use it as political football.
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and other Republican leaders in Congress on Friday urged President Trump not to terminate an Obama-era program that has allowed nearly 800,000 undocumented immigrants to live and work in the country without fear of deportation. Ryan said in a radio interview that it was up to Congress to determine the fate of the immigrants enrolled in Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which offers two-year work permits to those who have been in the country illegally since they were children, a group known as “dreamers.”

Trump promised Dreamers a bill--Chuck Schumer & Nancy Pelosi held speeches on the floor--went back and forth with Trump and Republicans wouldn't budge. Every time they would get close--Trump would change his mind. He's just throwing a bone to his Reich wing base, who never wanted a DACA bill. They believe that every non citizen be deported, regardless of their circumstances.
Analysis | Trump's DACA flip-flops are remarkable — even for him

DACA is not Democrats fault, they are the minority in both houses, and can't stop Republicans from what they want to do--which is NOTHING.


90% of Americans want a DACA bill, but you're not going to get it with Republicans owning the White House, the Senate & the House. You'll have to wait until Democrats take over both houses this coming November during the midterm election cycle. If Democrats own both houses, Trump won't be able to stop a DACA bill.
Poll: Nearly 9 in 10 want DACA recipients to stay in US
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Trump offered 1.8M Dreamers full citizenship, what's going on, this was supposed to be the Democrats Wheelhouse.

Now it appears the Dems have upset many of these supporters, who don't believe their lies.

Dreamers to Democrats: We're tired of your lies

The illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children – known as Dreamers – say that they have been failed by Democrats who are more interested in blaming President Trump and Republicans than delivering a congressional measure that would protect the young people from deportation as they await a path to legal residency.

Dreamers are done giving Dems a pass.

“They don’t walk their talk,” said Cata Santiago, a 20-year-old Dreamer who was brought to the U.S. from Mexico when she was just 8 years old. “We’re tired of it. We’re tired of believing them when they say ‘It’s the Republicans.’ They make promises when they’re in an election, and when it’s over they’re done and don’t do anything.”

“I’ve decided to put my faith in my community [of Dreamers] and not in the Democrats,” Santiago told Fox News.

Welcome to partisan politics.

Winning is more important than running the country.

Republicans do it, Democrats do it, and you people keep voting in the same pieces of shit time and time and time again.

And you support the system that allows it to happen too. Great.
Trump is to blame for anyhing bad that happens to the Dreamers because they were fine until his fat, evil ass decided to hold them hostage.

LOL...so why didn't Barry address immigration when the Democrats controlled the House, Senate and the Oval Office? Riddle me that...

Dear Oldstyle apparently the Dems got bought out by LGBT who
used the party to pass their agenda first. They got "right to marriage"
out of that admin, and pushed for the transgender bathroom policies to make a statement.

None of that was done constiuttionally, but it took Obama to get it through.
He couldn't have gotten away with pushing any Black or Latino policies,
but he got the LGBT what they wanted.

They have more money to pay for campaign financing,
and that's why Houston Mayor Annise Parker lobbied
to represent the CA LGBT voters that funded her campaign
over the Houston citizens and church communities who were
defrauded by blocking their petitions and due process until they sued and won.

The Dems have already gotten the Black vote in their pockets
without having to serve them either. The Latino communities
and workers may be too independent of party, unlike the Blacks who aren't organized
and developed to be self-representing without relying on Black party politics.

The Latino and workers can break free from party
and have enough support through unions or legal lobbies
without bowing or buying into Dem elitist politics.

The Green vote got hijacked and sold out to Dems.
The Black vote, and women's and antiwar/peace vote.

But the workers and the Latino have ability to organize
their lobbies their business leadership and resources,
and maybe bypass the poltiical blocs that oppress the minority votes on the left.

Let's at least try honesty. A maj in the Senate and House have always favored some legal status for these folks, but a minority of gopers in the House will block any bill.

LOL, the leftist blames the "GOP" while talking about honesty.

That is not true. The Republicans want a bill with DACA and the wall and would vote for it.

The problem is the Democrats demand chain migration with that.

Americans agree that a Mexican who was brought here as a child and grew up here should be allowed to stay. They aren't the criminal.

In your "try honest," campaign, try being honest. Democrats want the criminals who brought them here to be allowed to stay as well. And bring the rest of their family. That's the problem

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